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Record yourself with a video camera if possible.

Make sure it’s not too long, maybe around a

minute. Go back and listen or watch, and write down phrases that worked well to use again. If there
was anything you stumbled over or left out, write down some possible phrases you could used. The
next day, do the same exercise. It’s important that you don’t just write a paragraph and memorize it,
but simply practice free-talking with some key phrases. The more you practice before the interview,
the more comfortable you’ll feel answering the questions during the interview.

1. Tell me a little bit about yourself.

- Focus on education and work history (let’s them know what areas you have a lot of
experience in, or what your interests are when answering this question)
 I studied at University of Transport Technology and graduated in 2022 with a degree in
Information Technology.
 I’v been working at Sailfish, Inc. for more 1 year as a front end developer. Because of my
time at Sailfish, I have a lot of experience in develop website & web application.


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