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Imam Uddin Mahmud-BCS General Education

Imam Uddin Mahmud-BCS General Education

01. A Bangladeshi living in Canada is a/an: [CU (D) 10-11, SESIP এর থানা একাডেমিক সু পারভাইজার-১৫]
a. Foreigner b. Alien c. Expatriate d. Patriot Ans: c
02. One who resides in a country of which he is not a citizen. [সসাশ্যাল ইসলািী বযাাংক-১০]
a. Alien b. Native c. Foreigner d. Prodigal Ans: a
03. One who hates mankind is- [IU (B) 15-16]
a. A philanthropist b. A pantheist c. An atheist d. A misanthropist Ans: d
04. One who studies heavenly bodies is called. [JU (A4) 13-14]
a. Astrologer b. Astronomer c. Palmist d. Vintner Ans: b
05. A philanthropist is someone who- [DU (A) 13-14]
a. Is extremely intelligent
b. Is rich and helps the poor and the needy
c. Studies philology
d. Understands the secret of life Ans: b
06. Misanthropist means- [25th BCS, িাধ্যমিক সহকারী মশ্ক্ষক-০৮, HSTU (D) 13-14]
a. One who flirts with ladies
b. One who believe that God is in everything
c. A hater of mankind
d. A person of narrow views Ans: c
07. What is the single word for ‘A hater of mankind’? [RU 08-09, (A3-odd roll) 12-13]
a. Hatred b. Enemy c. Misanthrope d. None of these Ans: c
08. ‘A hater of women’ means- [IU 05-06, RU 09-10]
a. Iconoclast b. Aviary c. Vintner d. misogynist Ans: d
09. The word ‘Somnambulist’ means- [মপএসমসর সহকারী পমরচালক-০৬, দু দডকর উপ-সহকারী পমরচালক-২০]
a. A sleep walker b. A daydreamer c. An optimist d. A night dreamer Ans: a
10. A ‘Philatelist’ is one who collects- [CU (G) 08-09]
a. Pictures b. Stamps c. Coins d. Stones Ans: b
11. A cartographer is a person who draws- [RU 08-09, 10-11, (F1) 11-12, CU (A1) 14-15]
a. Graphs b. Carts c. Maps d. Cartoons Ans: c
12. A person who knows many languages is called- [CU (D) 11-12]
a. A multi-lingual b. Bilingual c. Polyglot d. Monolingual Ans: c
Imam Uddin Mahmud-BCS General Education

13. One who compiles dictionary- [Shahjalal Islami Bank-11]

a. Calligrapher b. Editor c. Compiler d. Lexicographer Ans: d
14. A person in charge of museum is a- [Exim Bank-11, মবমভন্ন িন্ত্রণালডের উপসহকারী প্রডকৌশ্লী-১৬]
a. Librarian b. Janitor c. Palmist d. Curator Ans: d
15. One who is at home in all countries is- [NSTU (C) 16-17]
a. Metropolitan b. International c. Cosmopolitan d. Universal Ans: c
16. One whose attitude is: ‘eat, drink, and be merry’. [IFIC Bank-10, RAKUB SO-11, 41st BCS]
a. Epicuren b. Cynic c. Materialistic d. Stoic Ans: a
17. An atheist is a person who- [সহকারী িাধ্যমিক সহকারী মশ্ক্ষক-১১]
a. Believes in God b. Hates God c. Loves God d. Does not believe in God Ans: d
th th
18. A ‘pilgrim’ is a person who undertakes a journey to a – [16 BCS, 26 BCS, RU 08-09, ATEO-15,
BRUR (F) 13-14, উপডজলা িমহলা মবষেক কিমকর্মা-১৬]
a. Holy place b. New country c. Mosque d. Bazaar Ans: a
19. A person who treats mental illness is called- [১৪র্ি প্রভাষক মনবন্ধন-১৭]
a. A psychiatrist b. A psychologist c. A therapist d. A psychoanalyst Ans: a
20. A doctor who treats skin diseases: [BSMRSTU (E) 17-18]
a. Ophthalmologist b. Dermatologist c. Pediatrician d. Cardiologists Ans: b
21. The word ‘omnivorous’ means: [37th BCS]
a. Eating all types of food
b. Eating only fruits
c. Eating only meat
d. Eating grass and plants Ans: a
22. A person who writes about his own life writes- [26th BCS, 27th BCS, TEXTILE 12-13, Medical 14-
15, COU (B) 13-14, (A) 14-15]
a. A dairy b. A biography c. A chronicle d. An autobiography Ans: d
23. A speech full of too many words is- [14th BCS, 38th BCS, KU (S) 10-11, IU (B) 17-18, পমরসাংখ্যান
বুযডরার োটা এমি অপাডরটর-২০]
a. An unimportant speech
b. A big speech
c. Maiden speech
Imam Uddin Mahmud-BCS General Education

d. A verbose speech Ans: d

24. What does ‘regicide’ mean? [RU (A2) 17-18]
a. Killing someone of a royal family
b. The act of killing of a king or queen
c. Destroying a kingdom
d. Mass killing Ans: b
25. Homicide is the murder of a- [BU (গ) 14-15]
a. King b. Father c. Child d. Man Ans: d
26. Single word for ‘the man who is not married’ is- [সাডকমল এেজুডটন্ট-১০]
a. Spinster b. Virgin c. Bachelor d. Non-married Ans: c
27. Which of the words means ‘A cure for all diseases’ [RU (ভাষা মবভাগ) 10-11]
a. Exorcism b. Incantation c. Panacea d. Antibiotic Ans: c
28. A sound which cannot be heard- [Pubali Bank (Junior Officer, Cash)-08]
a. Audible b. Inaudible c. Obsolete d. Whisper Ans: b
29. Cosmology is related to the- [RU 08-09]
a. Origin of cosmetics
b. Study of surgery
c. Development of costumes
d. Evolution of the universe Ans: d
30. Study of language is- [JnU (B) 11-12]
a. Philosophy b. Philology c. Theology d. Anthropology Ans: b
31. ‘Government by the few for many’ in one word is- [RU 07-08]
a. Oligarchy b. Democracy c. Socialism d. Capitalism Ans: a
32. Dogs bark, what do horses do? [জার্ীে রাজস্ব সবাডেমর পমরদশ্মক-১০, সরকারী িাধ্যমিক সহকারী মশ্ক্ষক-১৯]
a. Hum b. Neigh c. Hiss d. Croak Ans: b
33. The baby fish is called- [RU (সলাকপ্রশ্াসন) 09-10]
a. Fry b. Chick c. Kit d. Kid Ans: a
34. A fantasy is- [16th BCS, সহকারী পমরচালক (পাসডপাটম অমিস)-০০, প্রাথমিক মশ্ক্ষা অমধ্দপ্তডর মপমটআই ইন্সট্রাক্টর-
a. A funny film
Imam Uddin Mahmud-BCS General Education

b. A history record
c. An imaginary story
d. A real-life event
35. ‘Razzmatazz’ means- [17th BCS, 24th BCS, BRUR (BBA) 13-14, JKKNIU (বযবসাে মশ্ক্ষা) 12-13, (ঘ) 16-
a. A musical instrument
b. A well-planned programmer
c. A noisy activity
d. A musical drama Ans: c
36. Ruminant means- [22nd BCS, RU (E2) 17-18]
a. Cud-chewing animal b. Soup c. Gossip d. Noise-maker Ans: a
37. Blue chips are- [17th BCS, DU/RU 05-06, ইসলািী বযাাংক সহকারী অমিসার-০৮]
a. Industrial shares considered to be a safe investment
b. Industrial shares considered to be a risky investment
c. Securities issued by the government
d. Flat plastic counters used as many tokens Ans: a
38. The ‘gypsies’ are people who- [21st BCS, সহকারী পমরচালক (িাদক ও কারা র্ত্ত্বাবধ্ােক)-০৬]
a. Came originally from Egypt to England
b. Have a settled way of life
c. Are always on the move
d. Steal children to train them in their way of life Ans: c
39. Thesaurus means- [IU (B) 04-05]
a. A large animal
b. A dictionary of idioms
c. A dictionary of quotations
d. A dictionary of words arranged in group that have similar meaning Ans: d
40. Versatile is related to- [RU 09-10]
a. Single b. Many c. Few d. Narrow Ans: b
41. A phobia is- [IU (B) 05-06]
a. A psychologist b. A symbol c. A fear d. A psychic treatment Ans: c
Imam Uddin Mahmud-BCS General Education

42. ‘Megalomania’ is a kind of condition in which a person has an exaggerated view of her or his
own- [DU (D) 09-10]
a. Family b. Power c. Mental illness d. Blue blood Ans: b
43. Choose the meaning of ‘durable’- [IU 10-11]
a. Capable of lasting b. Unsustainable c. Incapable of lasting d. Incompatible Ans: a
44. ‘Scourge’ means- [CU 06-07]
a. Person or thing that causes suffering
b. Blessing
c. Contribution
d. Aftermath Ans: a
45. A person who works seriously and with care- [CU (E) 11-12]
a. Is conscious b. Is conscientious c. Has conscience d. Has consciousness Ans: b
46. Belief or opinion contrary to what is generally accepted. [United Commercial Bank-10]
a. Unbelief b. Superstition c. Heresy d. Nonconformity Ans: c
47. To do away with a rule- [Social Islami Bank-10]
a. Cancel b. Repeal c. Obliterate d. Abrogate Ans: d
48. A name adopted by an author in his writings- [IFIC Bank-12]
a. Pseudonym b. Nickname c. Title d. Nomenclature Ans: a
49. The word ‘Blue-Book’ means- [CU (E) 13-14, BRUR (E) 16-17, RU (H2) 17-18]
a. Literary work b. Government Publication c. Records of court d. Copy of Judgement Ans: b
50. Be the embodiment of perfect example of- [Jamuna Bank-14]
a. Idol b. Characterize c. Personify d. Signify Ans: c
51. To doctor an animal means- [42nd BCS]
a. To treat it b. To sterilize it c. To poison it d. To cure it Ans: b
52. What is the meaning of ‘musk’? [42nd BCS]
a. A form of drama b. Face cover c. A substance used in making perfume d. A disguise Ans: c
53. ‘Geriatric’ is the branch of medicine concerned with the diseases and care of-[39th BCS]
a. Newly-weds b. Old women c. Newborn babies d. Old people Ans: d
54. A person who believes that laws and government are not necessary is known as- [39th BCS]
a. A militant b. An anarchist c. A terrorist d. An extremist Ans: b
Imam Uddin Mahmud-BCS General Education

55. ‘Infallible’ is a person- [JKKNIU (ঘ) 15-16]

a. Who cannot make a mistake
b. Who does not get tired
c. Who believes in paying debts
d. None of the above Ans: a
56. A bibliophile is a person who- [RU (A) 18-19]
a. Love the Holy Bible b. Studies a lot c. Collects old books d. Loves or collects books Ans: d
57. A man whose wife has died is called a- [40th BCS]
a. Widow b. Widower c. Spinster d. Bachelor Ans: b
58. An extra message added at the end of a letter after it is signed is called- [40th BCS]
a. Corrigendum b. Postscript c. NB d. RSVP Ans: b
59. One who walks on foot. [বাাংলাডদশ্ োক মবভাগ পমরদশ্মক-১৬]
a. Traveler b. Pedestrian c. Rider d. Omnipotent Ans: b
60. One who sacrifices his life for a noble cause- [জনর্া বযাাংক মল.-১৭, পল্লী সঞ্চে বযাাংক-১৮]
a. Revolutionary b. Martyr c. Patriot d. Soldier Ans: b
61. One who is the hater of women is a/an- [মপএসমস কর্তমক ১০মট পডদর মনডোগ পরীক্ষা-১৫]
a. Somnambulist b. Imposter c. Misogynist d. Pilgrim Ans: c
62. A patriot is- [সহকারী অমিসার (কিমসাংস্থান বযাাংক)-০১]
a. Who loves his country
b. Who loves his family
c. Who loves his comrades
d. Who loves his children Ans: a
63. One working in the same place is a- [সাব-সরমজস্ট্রার-০১]
a. Friend b. Colleague c. Leader d. Contemporary Ans: b
64. A person pretending to be somebody he is not- [Trust Bank-11, Bank Asia (Training Officer)-16]
a. Magician b. Rogue c. Liar d. Imposter Ans: d
65. One who collects postage stamps- [Bangladesh Bank (Officer)-15, Rajsahi Agricultural Bank (Senior
a. Lexicographer b. Philatelist c. Vendor d. Stamp collector Ans: b
66. A person who writes plays is called a- [NU (Arts)-10-11, BSMRUST (E) 12-13, Sonali Bank-14]
Imam Uddin Mahmud-BCS General Education

a. Play-write b. Playwright c. Play writer d. Player Ans: b

67. A person who studies the atmosphere, weather and weather forecasting is known as- [Bangladesh
Bank (A.D.)-10]
a. Sinologist b. Radiologist c. Meteorologist d. Hydrologist Ans: c
68. A person who helps you break the law- [Premier Bank-12]
a. Spy b. Collaborator c. Ally d. Accomplice Ans: d
69. He was very fond of his wife, so his friends called him- [কামরগরী মশ্ক্ষা অমধ্দপ্তডরর ইন্সট্রাক্টর-০৫]
a. Hen-pecked b. Unmanly c. Effeminate d. Social Ans: a
70. A person who regard the whole world as his country- [Shajalal Islami Bank-11]
a. Cosmopolitan b. Nationalist c. Patriot d. Metropolitan Ans: a
71. ‘Omniscient’ is-[NU (িানমবক) 04-05, PSC এর সহকারী পমরচালক-০৬]
a. One who knows everything
b. One who has total power
c. One who is present everywhere
d. One who eats all types of food Ans: a
72. Animals that can live on land and water are- [পমরসাংখ্যান কিমকর্মা-১৭]
a. Insectivorous b. Dinosaurs c. Amphibians d. Reptiles Ans: c
73. The history of a man written by others- [আল-আরািা ইসলািী বযাাংক-১৩]
a. Biography b. History c. Manuscript d. Autobiography Ans: a
74. A book containing information on all subjects- [পূ বালী বযাাংক (জুমনের অমিসার)-০৮]
a. Dictionary b. Appendix c. Informatics d. Encyclopedia Ans: d
75. A man who has not remarried after his wife’s death is called- [িযাধ্মিক সহঃ প্রধ্ান মশ্ক্ষক-০৩]
a. Widow b. Wifeless c. Divorced d. Widower Ans: d
76. An office or post with no work but high pay- [আল-আরািা ইসলািী বযাাংক-১১]
a. Honorary b. Sinecure c. Gratis d. Ex-officio Ans: b
77. Indicate the word that expresses ‘cannot be resisted?’ [Bangladesh Bank (A.D.)-10]
a. Incredible b. Invisible c. Inaudible d. Irresistible Ans: d
78. Ornithology is the study of- [বাাংলাডদশ্ কতমষ বযাাংক-১১]
a. Bones b. Birds c. Smells d. Ecology Ans: b
79. ‘Meteorology’ is the science of- [Social Islamic Bank (Prob. Off)-11, Pubali Bank-12]
Imam Uddin Mahmud-BCS General Education

a. Weather b. Meteors c. Metals d. Earthquakes Ans: a

80. Phonetics is concerned with- [প্রভাষক মনবন্ধন (কডলজ/সিপর্মাে)-১৪]
a. Pronunciation b. Word building c. Sentence making d. Passage Ans: a
81. A place that provides refuge- [জনর্া বযাাংক (AEO, সটলার)-১৫]
a. Asylum b. Sanatorium c. Shelter d. Orphanage Ans: a
82. The owl- [সিাজডসবা অমধ্দপ্তডরর উপসহকারী পমরচালক-০৫, RU (ভূ ডগাল) 06-07]
a. Bleats b. Howls c. Hoots d, Murmurs Ans: c
83. A baby cat is called- [RU (গণডর্াগাডর্াগ) 06-07]
a. Catty b. Kitten c. Cat child d. Tiny cat Ans: b
84. A record of the order is which a series of events happened is- [BSMRSTU (G) 16-17]
a. Cosmology b. Chronology c. Typography d. Chronicity Ans: b
85. ‘Ring Master’ is a person in charge of- [সহকারী আবহাওোমবদ-০৭, JnU (C) 14-15]
a. A bus counter
b. A circus performance
c. A cinema hall
d. A dramatic performance Ans: b
86. The meaning of the word ‘Blashphemy’ is- [IU (C) 13-14]
a. Invious utterance
b. Impious utterance
c. Imperfect action
d. Envious utterance Ans: b
87. The word ‘Plurality’ means- [15th BCS, IU (B) 10-11]
a. Plural number
b. Men and women
c. The holding of more than one office at a time
d. Chaos and confusion Ans: c
88. Time after twilight and before night…. [30 BCS, বাাংলাডদশ্ সিমরন একাডেমি ১৫-১৬]
a. Evening b. Dawn c. Dusk d. Eclipse Ans: c
89. Protocol means- [BU (B) 12-13]
a. The first ambassador to a country
Imam Uddin Mahmud-BCS General Education

b. The first draft of a diplomatic document

c. A list of precedence
d. An agreement between two countries Ans: d
90. ………… chart the movement of stars and planets. [BU (B) 11-12]
a. Astronauts b. Magicians c. Wizards d. Astronomers Ans: d
91. A versatile person ………. Many things well. [িাধ্যমিক প্রধ্ান মশ্ক্ষক-০৩]
a. May do b. Will do c. Always does d. Has done Ans: c
92. Relating to/pertaining to money or involving money is- [CU (E) 10-11]
a. Pecuniary b. Moneyed c. Capitalistic d. Currency Ans: a
93. A person who rules without consulting other-[সহকারী প্রধ্ান পমরদশ্মক (শ্রি ও কিমসাংস্থান)-০৯]
a. Democrat b. Bureaucrat c. Autocrat d. Fanatic Ans: c
94. Fear of being enclosed in a small closed space. [Pubali Bank-14]
a. Agoraphobia b. Claustrophobia c. Xenophobia d. Paranoia Ans: b
95. The word, ‘Etiquette’ means: [CU 04-05]
a. Religious tolerance
b. Good outlook
c. Fashionable behavior
d. Formal rules for polite behavior in society Ans: d
96. ‘Plagiarism’ is: [Bangladesh Bank (AD)-11]
a. The art of writing
b. The science of human thoughts and reading minds
c. Stealing someone else’s ideas and passing them off as one’s own
d. The art of politics
Ans: c
97. What is the meaning of the word ‘putsch’? [সহকারী জজ মনডোগ]
a. Baby bear b. Sweet biscuit c. Spoiled food d. A political overthrow Ans: d
98. The plants and vegetation of a region- [Bangladesh Bank (Officer)-15]
a. Fauna b. Flora c. Landscape d. Climate Ans: b
99. A ‘Dictum’ refers to a- [COU 09-10]
a. Well known statement
Imam Uddin Mahmud-BCS General Education

b. A false statement
c. A negative statement
d. A true statement Ans: d
100. Rain sounds is called- [বাাংলাডদশ্ পল্লী মবদু যর্ােন সবাডেমর সহকারী সমচব/সহকারী পমরচালক (প্রশ্াসন)-১৬]
a. Jingle b. Ticks c. Rustle d. Patters Ans: d
101. An erratic person is- [IU 10-11]
a. A kind person b. An honest man c. An unreliable person d. A relational person Ans: c
102. The word decade means- [সিাজডসবা অমিসার (সিাজকলযাণ িন্ত্রণালে)-১০]
a. Rotten objects
b. Decaying old age
c. A group of ten people
d. A period of ten years Ans: d
103. A person whose age is in the sixties is called a/an- [RU (A) 15-16]
a. Octogenarian b. Eightish c. 80-year-old d. Sexagenarian Ans: d
104. Fatal means- [IU 09-10]
a. That which ends in happiness
b. That which ends in sorrow
c. That which ends in death
d. That which ends in Ans: c
105. A knowledgeable person with reasoning power-[Trust Bank-11]
a. Expert b. Intellectual c. Snob d. Literate Ans: b
106. A person who is appointed by two parties to solve a dispute- [Commerce Bank-08]
a. Judge b. Arbitrator c. Advocate d. Barrister Ans: b
107. A heavy unnatural slumber- [Shahjalal Islami Bank-10]
a. Nap b. Insomnia c. Coma d. Stupor Ans: d
108. The piece of string in the center of a candle- [Dhaka Bank-11, Trust Bank-12]
a. Yoke b. Wick c. Vane d. Tenor Ans: b
109. Something that lasts only for a while- [Dhaka Bank-11]
a. Perpetual b. Vivid c. Venal d. Transient Ans: d
110. Anything written in a letter after it is signed. [United Commercial Bank-10]
Imam Uddin Mahmud-BCS General Education

a. Posterity b. Post diction c. Postscript d. Corrigendum Ans: c

111. An inclination to do kind or charitable acts- [National Bank-10]
a. Deference b. Besmirah c. Honorary d. Benevolence Ans: d
112. An act of mass destruction and loss of life- [Sonali Bank-10]
a. Oregeon b. Cannibal c. Holocaust d. Homicide Ans: c
113. An imaginary state of society is called- [Social Islami Bank-11]
a. Socialism b. Communism c. Utopia d. Europia Ans: c
114. Having superior intellectual interests and taste- [Exim Bank-11, Trust Bank-12]
a. Elite b. Highbrow c. Sophisticated d. Fastidious Ans: b
115. A person with a long experience of any occupation. [Pubali Bank-14]
a. Veteran b. Genius c. Seasoned d. Ambidextrous Ans: a
116. One who is not easily pleased by anything- [Trust Bank-11]
a. Maiden b. Mediaeval c. Precarious d. Fastidious Ans: d
117. Tending to move away from the center or axis: [RU (H) 13-14]
a. Centrifugal b. Centripetal c. Axiomatic d. Awry Ans: a
118. A cliché is a- [Sub-register-16]
a. A witty statement
b. A worn-out statement
c. A false evidence
d. Irish humor Ans: b
119. A process involving too much official formality- [Al-arfa Islami Bank-11, CU (A1) 14-15]
a. Nepotism b. Diplomacy c. Red-tapism d. Bureaucracy Ans: c
120. An unexpected piece of good fortune. [Pubali Bank-14]
a. Turnstile b. Windfall c. Philanthropy d. Benevolence Ans: b
121. Habitually silent or talk less. [Jamuna Bank-14]
a. Taciturn b. Servile c. Synoptic d. Quiet Ans: a
122. One looking only to the dark side of things- [প্রবাসী কলযাণ বযাাংক অমিসার-১৪]
a. Optimist b. Pessimist c. Theist d. Atheist Ans: b
123. An organ of body cut off by surgery. [পূ বালী বযাাংক মল. সহ. অমিসার-১৯]
a. Imitation b. Amputation c. Adaptation d. Impartial Ans: b
Imam Uddin Mahmud-BCS General Education

124. A tank in which fish are kept is called an- [Pubali Bank Ltd. Junior Officer-19]
a. Aquacade b. Aquarium c. Aquatint d. Aqua tone Ans: b
125. ‘Deciduous’ trees are trees that- [Bangladesh Bank (Officer)-18]
a. Lose the leaves annually
b. Are extremely big
c. Have small leaves
d. Have fleshy leaves Ans: a
126. Who is a netizen? [RU (A1) 19-20]
a. One who uses the internet
b. A bad citizen
c. One who is not a citizen of a country
d. A citizen of Nottingham Ans: a
127. The doctor who treats kidney patients is called a/an- [োক অমধ্দপ্তডরর এমিডিটর-১৮]
a. Pathologists b. Neurologists c. Nephrologist d. Cardiologist Ans: c
128. He is such a Samaritan. It means- [Sonali Bank (Senior Officer)-18]
a. He is very cleaver
b. He is a fool
c. He is a helpful person
d. He is a bad man Ans: c
129. Who is a misogynist? A man who- [RU (A1) 18-19]
a. Hates women
b. Hates children
c. Is afraid of women
d. Adores women Ans: a
130. The term ‘a profiteer’ means- [Agrani Bank Ltd. Senior Officer-17]
a. A person who is lucky enough to make easy profit
b. A person who makes excessive profits by charging inflated rate
c. A product or business that earns huge profit
d. A person who is very sure of making profits Ans: b
131. A cock crews but a crow- [১২র্ি মবডজএস (সহকারী জজ)-১৮]
Imam Uddin Mahmud-BCS General Education

a. Coos b. Caws c. Lows d. Bleats Ans: b

132. A person who leaves his or her country to settle in another country- [Dhaka Bank-11]
a. Emigrant b. Immigrant c. Foreigner d. Traveler Ans: a
133. A person who studies ancient things and relics is- [IU (B) 14-15]
a. A researcher b. A pelican c. A linguist d. An archaeologist Ans: d
134. A person who sells flowers- [রাজশ্াহী কতমষ উন্নেন বযাাংক (সকাষাধ্যক্ষ)-১৫]
a. Flowerist b. Florist c. Gardener d. Hawker Ans: b
135. ‘Philogyny’ implies the meaning- [IU (C) 15-16]
a. One who loves women
b. The study of women
c. One who hates women
d. Theory of feminism Ans: a
136. A person who eats human flesh is a- [IU (B) 06-07, RU (A) 18-19]
a. A person of charity
b. A person of wide views
c. An expert
d. A man of wisdom Ans: a
137. One who tries to do good to mankind is a- [IU (C) 14-15, NSTU (C) 14-15]
a. Misogynist b. Misanthropist c. Cosmopolitan d. Philanthropist Ans: d
138. One who hates mankind is a/an- [Bangladesh Bank (Officer)-15]
a. Misanthrope b. Sadist c. Philanthropist d. Atheist Ans: a
139. A misogynist hates- [JnU (D) 07-08, BSMRSTU (C) 14-15]
a. Women b. People c. Men d. Liars Ans: a
140. ‘One who breaks images’ is called- [RU (A3-Odd roll) 12-13, BRUR (D) 16-17]
a. Imposter b. Iconoclast c. Cannibal d. Aviary Ans: b
141. A person who insists on something is- [CU (E) 14-15, JUST (D) 14-15]
a. Disciplinarian b. Stickler c. Instantaneous d. Boaster Ans: b
142. A person who knows many foreign languages- [Trust Bank-11]
a. Linguist b. Grammarian c. Polyglot d. Bilingual Ans: a
143. The word ‘lexicography’ relates to- [JnU (A) 12-13]
Imam Uddin Mahmud-BCS General Education

a. Geography b. Psychology c. Dictionary d. Biology Ans: c

144. A strict vegetarian- [JnU (B) 09-10, DU (A) 17-18]
a. Rarely eats animal products
b. Sometimes eats eggs
c. Never eats any animal products
d. Never eats protein Ans: c
145. A partner in crime is: [CU (E-Law) 06-07, (D) 18-19]
a. An accomplice b. A patricide c. An atheist d. A parricide Ans: a
146. One who believes that all things and events in life are predetermined- [IFIC Bank-12]
a. Egoist b. Puritan c. Tyrant d. Fatalist Ans: d
147. One who pretends illness to escape duty. [IFIC Bank-10]
a. Truant b. Malingerer c. Hypocrite d. Concubine Ans: b
148. One who rarely speaks the truth. [Shahjalal Islami Bank-11]
a. Scoundrel b. Liar c. Crook d. Hypocrite Ans: b
149. Person who is indifferent to both pleasure and pain. [Shahjalal Islami Bank-11, Bank Asia-
a. Saint b. Ascetic c. Stoic d. Hermit Ans: c
150. A religious discourse- [BSMRSTU (D) 17-18]
a. Preach b. Stanza c. Sanatorium d. Sermon Ans: d
151. He believes in one God. He is a- [Islami Bank (Assistant Training Officer)-17]
a. Theist b. Theologist c. Pantheist d. Monotheist Ans: d
152. A cardiologist treats patients with ……….. problems. [CU (D) 07-08]
a. Heart b. Kidney c. Urine d. Stomach Ans: a
153. A doctor who studies and treats disease of the nerve is- [মসমনের িাি নাসম-১৭(বামর্লকতর্)]
a. A Pediatrician b. An Oncologist c. A Nephrologists d. A Neurologist Ans: d
154. Which one means ‘Unlimited power’? [IU (G) 17-18]
a. Omnipresent b. Omniscient c. Omnipotent d. Omnibus Ans: c
155. One who eats everything is called- [Janata Bank (AEO)-15, Pubali Bank Ltd. (TAJO)-19]
a. Omniscient b. Omnipresent c. Omnipotent d. Omnivorous Ans: d
156. A vegetarian animal is called- [JnU (B) 17-18]
Imam Uddin Mahmud-BCS General Education

a. A herbivore b. A carnivore c. A vegetarian d. Omnivore Ans: a

157. Words inscribed on a tomb is an- [Bangladesh Bank (Officer, Casher)-11]
a. Epitome b. Epithet c. Epitaph d. Episode Ans: c
158. Writing about one’s own life is- [RU 04-05, 06-07]
a. A diary b. A biography c. A life story d. An autobiography Ans: d
159. A ledger is- [JnU (D) 08-09]
a. Book
b. Book of accounts showing debits and credits
c. Book of accounts
d. Book only for business Ans: b
160. The word ‘bibliography’ is concerned with- [RU 07-08]
a. Book b. Biography c. Internet d. Biology Ans: a
161. The murder of the king is called a- [Janata Bank Ltd. (Executive Officer)-17]
a. Homicide b. Matricide c. Patricide d. Regicide Ans: d
162. Patricide is- [DU (A) 06-07]
a. The crime of denying one’s own hand
b. The crime of killing of one’s own father
c. The crime of loving one’s own country
d. An insect killer Ans: b
163. The word ‘Monogamy’ relates to- [IU (H-Law) 13-14]
a. Marriage b. Divorce c. Dower d. Maintenance Ans: a
164. The practice of keeping one wife or husband is called: [RU (Folklore) 08-09]
a. Monogamy b. Polygamy c. Polyandry d. Paramour Ans: a
165. A place for keeping bees is- [দু দডকর সহকারী পমরচালক-২০]
a. Apiary b. Nest c. Den d. Aerie Ans: a
166. A place for keeping aero planes is called- [BSMRSTU (G) 16-17]
a. Hangar b. Terminal c. Harbor d. Stable Ans: a
167. A place to keep grains- [সিাজডসবা অমধ্দপ্তডর ইন্সট্রাক্টর-০৫]
a. Store room b. Storage c. Granary d. Pantry Ans: c
168. The lying place of the wild beasts is called- [RU 04-05]
Imam Uddin Mahmud-BCS General Education

a. Igloo b. Burrow c. Aviary d. Den Ans: d

169. Work for which no regular salary is paid- [Pubali Bank (Junior Officer, Cash)-08]
a. Honorable b. Honorary c. Temporary d. Ad-hoc Ans: b
170. Panacea means- [Medical 95-96, COU (B) 15-16]
a. Fresh b. Gland c. Cure all d. Widespread disease Ans: c
171. Incapable of being elected- [পল্লী উন্নেন কিমকর্মা-১৩]
a. Worthless b. Defaulter c. Rejected d. Punishment Ans: c
172. Decision that cannot be taken back- [Bangladesh Commerce Bank-08, Standard Bank-09]
a. Irrevocable b. Rigid c. Order d. Brief Ans: a
173. That cannot be corrected or improved- [Pubali Bank (Junior Officer)-09]
a. Incredible b. Inevitable c. Incorrigible d. Inauspicious Ans: c
174. The hand writing that you cannot read is- [CU (C-1) 10-11]
a. Messy b. Dark c. Illegible d. Spotted Ans: c
175. ‘Theology’ is a term related to- [IU (G) 16-17]
a. Study of education
b. Study of vote
c. Study of religion
d. Study of politics Ans: c
176. Philology is the- Shahjalal Islami Bank-07]
a. Study of bones
b. Study of muscles
c. Study of languages
d. Study of architecture Ans: c
177. The study of mankind- [Standard Bank Assistant Officer-09]
a. Elocution b. Physiology c. Anatomy d. Anthropology Ans: d
178. Cosmology deals with: [Standard Bank-09]
a. Creation of the universe
b. Origin of life
c. Cell information
d. Origin of plants Ans: a
Imam Uddin Mahmud-BCS General Education

179. ‘Oncology’ relates to- [DU (A) 13-14, JnU (C) 14-15]
a. Law b. Medicine c. Ecology d. Environment Ans: b
180. Ornithology is the study of- [Bangladesh Agricultural Bank-11]
a. Bones b. Birds c. Smells d. Ecology Ans: b
181. The science of heredity is- [CU (A) 13-14]
a. Pathology b. Genetics c. Haematogenic d. Orthopedics Ans: b
182. Ecology is a word mostly used in the field of- [Uttara Bank-08]
a. Politics b. Business c. Environment d. Theology Ans: c
183. Syntax means- [11th BCS, JKKNIU (D) 16-17]
a. Manner of speech
b. Sentence building
c. Supplementary tax
d. Synchroming act Ans: b
184. A government by one man is: [CU (E) 07-08]
a. Oligarchy b. Autocracy c. Plutocracy d. Aristocracy Ans: b
185. A state where all religions are respected is in nature: [RU (B-Law) 14-15]
a. Democracy b. Secular c. Holy state d. Socialist Ans: b
186. A statesman practices the art of- [RU 08-09]
a. Bureaucracy b. Plutocracy c. Theocracy d. Diplomacy Ans: d
187. A general pardon granted by the government to political offenders. [Janata Bank-15]
a. Pardon b. Excuse c. Honesty d. Amnesty Ans: d
188. The word ‘Homogeneous’ means- [16th BCS, RU (D) 13-14, CU (A1) 14-15]
a. Of the same kind
b. Of the same place
c. Of the same race
d. Of the same density Ans: a
189. ‘Itinerary’ means- [JKKNIU (D) 16-17]
a. Plan of journey
b. List of items to be discussed in a meeting
c. List of events a fixed time
Imam Uddin Mahmud-BCS General Education

d. Record of events occurred in a day Ans: a

190. ‘Ring Master’ is a person in charge of- [JnU (C) 14-15]
a. A bus counter
b. A circus performance
c. A cinema hall
d. A dramatic performance Ans: b
191. If a person cannot stop taking drugs, he or she is- [33rd BCS]
a. Attached to them
b. Committed to them
c. Addicted to them
d. Devoted to them Ans: c
192. The word officialese means- [33rd BCS]
a. Plural number of official
b. Language used in offices
c. Plural number of office
d. Vague expression Ans: b
193. ‘Plebiscite’ is a term related to- [15th BCS, RU 07-08, 09-10, 12-13, IU (B) 13-14]
a. Medicine b. Politics c. Law d. Technology Ans: b
194. Many islands make up- [14 BCS, RU 05-06, BRUR (B) 14-15]
a. An isles b. An archipelago c. A peninsula d. A continent Ans: b
195. Something which is obnoxious means that it is- [16 BCS, RU (E) 16-17]
a. Very dangerous b. Very pleasant c. Very ugly d. Very unpleasant Ans: d
196. ‘Fortitude’ means- [BRUR (A) 13-14]
a. One who is very good at dealing fruits
b. The quality of courage in adverse circumstance
c. The quality of walking on ropes
d. The quality of believing in fate Ans: b
197. A piece of music played or sung by one person- [Pubali Bank (Junior Officer)-09]
a. Mono b. Lone c. Solo d. Melodious Ans: c
198. The word which means two people singing together is- [IU (B) 12-13]
Imam Uddin Mahmud-BCS General Education

a. A duet b. A duo c. A twosome d. A due Ans: a

199. The word ‘electorate’ means- [28th BCS, CU (E) 09-10, Agrani Bank-13]
a. Election office b. A body of voters c. Many elections d. Candidates Ans: b
200. The people who carry a coffin at a funeral are called- [28th BCS]
a. Undertakers b. Supporters c. Pallbearers d. Mourners Ans: c

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