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Politécnico Manuela Mullix Fermín

Área de ingles

Evaluación diagnostica 4to grado del nivel secundario .

Maestras Liliana Altagracia F.

Nombre ______________________________ curso ____________________________

1) Traduce las siguientes palabras al español






2) Identifica en cuál tiempo gramatical esta esta oración: Laura is cooking in her house.

a) presente simple, b) pasado simple, c) Presente continuo.

3) Escribe los siguientes verbos en pasado simple.






4) escribe 3 oraciones en presente simple.

5) ¿Cómo se forma el presente continuo en inglés?

6) Traduce las siguientes oraciones.

a) María está en la escuela.
b) Ellos están comiendo en el aula de clase.
c) She es enfermera
d) Yo cocino todos los días.
e) Está lloviendo

7) Encierra en círculos las expresiones que conoces.

By the way, anyway, pardon me, I think, In my opinion, I believe , Good job!,
Congratulations!, Excuse me, That sounds nice!

8) Subraya los verbos en pasado de este párrafo.

Pedro was in the zoo yesterday, he stopped in front the reception end he asked where is the
bathroom . someone told him, the bathroom is next to the second station, en he answered

9) Escribe tres oraciones en pasado simple en inglés.

10) Escribe los siguientes pronombres interrogativos en inglés.




¿Por qué?



11) Encierra las preposiciones de lugar que conoces y escribe de bajo su traducción.

Between, in front of, next to, across, behind, down, on , in , around the,

Lee el texto y luego selecciona la repuestas correcta

I live in a house near the mountains. I have two brothers and one sister, and I was born last.
My father teaches mathematics, and my mother is a nurse at a big hospital. My brothers are
very smart and work hard in school. My sister is a nervous girl, but she is very kind. My
grandmother also lives with us. She came from Italy when I was two years old. She has grown
old, but she is still very strong. She cooks the best food!
My family is very important to me. We do lots of things together. My brothers and I like to go
on long walks in the mountains. My sister likes to cook with my grandmother. On the
weekends we all play board games together. We laugh and always have a good time. I love my
family very much.

12) My mother is a...

a) nurse b) writer c) doctor d) waitress

13) My house is near the...

a) Mountains b) Monastery c) city d) Italy

14) How old was I when my grandmother came?

a) Three years old b) Two years old c) Just born d) Ten years old

15) On the weekends, we...

a) Clean the house b) b Go to a movie c) Cook pasta d) Play board games together

16) My sister is kind, but also...

a) Nervous b) Strong c) Quiet d) Mean

complete con el verbo correcto.

17) Mario is _________ (sleep) all day.

18) they are __________(talk) on the phone.

19 she _______ (work) yesterday

20 I _________ (study) last year in that school.

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