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Professional Education

Directions: Choose the best answer from the choices given.

1. A student knows that the examination week is approaching, but instead of studying, he
chose to spend his time playing computer games. On the examination day itself, he opted to
pray for miracles rather than studying. Which attitude towards religion is displayed?
A. Religion as fake C. Religion as authentic
B. Religion as magic D. Religion as real

2. _______ is/are used as medium/media of instructions in schools during the Spanish era.
A. The vernacular C. Spanish
B. English D. Spanish and the vernacular

3. The use of the integrated approach in both secondary and primary level subjects is a result
of the implementation of the ___________
A. Program for Decentralized Education C. Basic Education Curriculum
B. School-based management D. Schools first initiative

4. What government program allows students who are not accommodated in community public
schools to enroll in a private school at the government’s expense?
A. Government Assistance Program C. Educational Service Contract System
B. Study now Pay later D. National Scholarship Program

5. __________ was the 1980’s foremost educational issue.

A. Bilingual Education B. Values Education C. Accountability D. Mainstreaming

6. The government’s educational program on __________ made the Philippines Education

Placement Test accessible for adults and out-of-school-youth.
A. Equitable access B. Quality C. Quality and relevance D. Relevance

7. College students are required to take a constitution course for them to ________.
A. Develop students into responsible and thinking students.
B. Acquaint students with the historical development of the Philippine Constitution.
C. Make students experts in terms of Philippine Constitution.
D. Prepare the students for law making.

8. __________ supports equitable access but on the other hand, quality might be
A. Open admission C. Deregulated tuition fee hike
B. School accreditation D. Selective retention

9. Educational institutions’ efforts of developing work skills inside the school are aimed at
A. Developing moral character C. Inculcating love of country
B. Teaching the duties of citizenship D. Developing vocational efficiency

10. In Piaget’s concrete operational stage, a teacher should provide __________.

A. Activities for hypothesis formulation
B. Learning activities that involve problems of classification and order
C. Activities for evaluation purposes
D. Stimulating environment with ample objects to play with

11. Interpersonal intelligence is best shown by a student who ___________.

A. Works on his/her own
B. Keeps interest to himself/herself
C. Seeks out a classmate for help when problems occurs
D. Spends time mediating

12. A student is finding it hard to read. When the guidance counselor traced the child’s history, the
counselor was able to find out that the student came from a dysfunctional family, aside from
that, the child was abused and neglected. What could have caused the student’s reading
A. Emotional factors C. Neurological factors
B. Poor teaching D. Immaturity
13. A child was punished for cheating in an examination. For sure the child wont cheat again in
short span of time, but this does not guarantee that he child won’t ever cheat ever again.
Based on Thorndike’s theory on punishment and learning, this shows that ___________.
A. Punishment strengthens a response
B. Punishment removes response
C. Punishment doesn’t remove a response
D. Punishment weakens a response
14. Laughing at a two-year-old child who uttered a bad word is not a proper thing to do because in
this stage of the child’s life, the child is ___________.
A. Considering views of others C. Socializing
B. Distinguishing sex differences D. Distinguishing right from wrong
15. “Men are built not born.” This quotation by John Watson states that __________.
A. The ineffectiveness of training on a person’s development
B. The effect of environmental stimulation on a person’s development
C. The absence of genetic influence on a person’s development
D. The effect of heredity

16. A child who is cold towards the people around him might have failed to attain what basic goal
based on Erikson’s theory on psychological development?
A. Autonomy B. Trust C. Initiative D. Mistrust

17. A boy is closer to his mother and a girl is close to her father. These instances are under
A. Oedipal Complex B. Latent Stage C. Phallic Stage D. Pre-genital stage

18. ___________ are rights that cannot be renounced because they needed for a person to fulfill
his/her primordial obligations.
A. Perfect rights B. Alienable rights C. Acquired rights D. Inalienable rights

19. A grade 1 pupil likes to play with his friends, but gets angry when defeated. Piaget’s theory
states that this pupil is under what developmental stage?
A. Concrete operation B. Sensor motor C. Formal operation D. Pre-operation
20. Which describes Philippine education during the Spanish regime?
A. Establishment of a normal school C. Vernaculars as medium of instruction
B. Separation of church and state D. Emphasis on religious instruction
21. Some Filipino teachers are sent abroad to study. We call them ____________.
A. Insulares B. Pensionados C. Peninsulares D. Reformists
22. Jose Rizal said that national redemption can be achieved by ____________.
A. Gaining economic recovery
B. Stabilizing political situation
C. Opening our doors to foreign influence
D. Upgrading the quality of the Filipinos through education
23. A foreigner who is studying here in the Philippines was turned-of by the Filipinos’ lack of
punctuality and poor word choice.
A. Ethnocentrism B. Colonial mentality C. Xenocentrism D. Culture shock
24. If you are a wise voter, you would vote ____________.
A. A candidate who has the making of a public servant
B. A neighbor who is closest to you in times of need
C. A candidate who helped you giving cash
D. A godfather who gave your father a job

25. A pregnant, unmarried woman is aborted her baby to avoid disgrace. Is she morally justified to
do that?
A. No, the unborn child cannot be made to suffer the consequences of the sins of his/her
B. Yes, it can save her and the child from disgrace when he grows up.
C. No, abortion is immoral
D. Yes, it is better to prevent the child from coming into the world who will suffer very much
due to the absence of a father

26. Teacher Angel, aside from being a competent teacher, is also a community leader in their
place. Which of the following should Teacher Angel not do as a teacher?
A. Develop projects that will benefit the community
B. Participate actively in the activities
C. Beseech donations from philanthropists in the community
D. Make herself detached to everyone in the community so that her decisions will have no
influence of community politics

27. Ms. Cruz is a sociology Professor for almost a decade. In her class she asked this question
“What type of learning environment should a teacher implement in a high pluralistic society?” If
you are her student, what should be your answer?
A. Safe, Secure, and Gender sensitive C. Safe and Gender-Biased
B. Safe, Secure and Gender-Biased D. Secure and Gender-Biased

28. It is the responsibility of the teacher to promote the cultural and educational heritage of the
nation. As such, it is his/her obligation also to convey all of these to the students. In this case,
which among the following will make the teacher accomplish this obligation?
A. Use innovations in his teaching C. Study the life of the Filipino heroes
B. Implement interactive teaching strategies D. Continue professional education

29. In some culture, women never experienced to be in school. School is no longer necessary for
them since their essence is to serve their families and perform domestic responsibilities. Is this
A. Yes, women are domestic partners
B. No, there is gender equality in education
C. It depends on what kind of culture that a woman is accustomed to
D. No, women are skillful just like men

30. If a teacher states that “Specialization is knowing more and more about less and less, hence it
is better to be a generalist.” What kind of philosophy does this teacher espoused?
A. Existentialism B. Progressivism C. Essentialism D. Positivism

31. “Man by nature is good” according to Confucius, Rousseau and Mencius. This characteristic of
man makes him easier to be __________.
A. Motivated B. Taught C. Rewarded D. Respected

32. Which among the following pillars of learning aimed for the holistic development and complete
fulfillment of man?
A. Learning to Do C. Learning to Be
B. Learning to Live Together D. Learning to Know

33. For a teacher to be more competent, he/she is required to specialize in certain area. This
specialization is in accordance to this pillar of learning?
A. Learning to Know C. Learning to Do
B. Learning to Be D. Learning to Live Together

34. What pillar of learning is concern on the material development rather than of human
A. Learning to Live Together C. Learning to Know
B. Learning to Be D. Learning to Do

35. Which among the following situations violate the principle of respect?
A. Teacher Helen tells her students that what Teacher Joann taught is wrong
B. Teacher Joann, upon learning what Teacher Helen did, asked the students not to attend
her class
C. Teacher Janis is giving special favor to students to please the students so that she can get
a remarkable result in the evaluation

i. A and B
ii. A and C
iii. B and C
iv. A, B and C

36. A student who performs on a behavior as a result of the reinforcement provided to that
particular behavior is a manifestation of this philosophy.
A. Naturalism B. Rationalism C. Behaviorism D. Constructivism

37. Which among the following are the basic assumptions of behaviorists?
A. All behaviors are shaped by environmental events
B. Man is free and his behavior can never be shaped by environment
C. The mind of a new born child is “Tabula Rasa”
i. A only
ii. B only
iii. C only
iv. A, B, and C only

38. For teacher Kristine to promote fairness among her students of diverse gender, family
background and culture, she should ensure a learning environment that is
A. Inclusive
B. Gender-Sensitive
C. Exclusive
i. A and B
ii. A and C
iii. B and C
iv. A, B, and C

39. Teacher Cris is Reading Teacher. She keeps on advising her class to “read between the lines.
What does she mean on this?
A. Skip not even a single paragraph in reading C. Look for the main thought of what is reading
B. Ascertain what is meant by what is stated D. Relate to life what is read

40. Which among the following should be developed in curriculum to counteract the growing
number of shooting incidents in schools abroad?
A. Inclusion of socio-emotional teaching
B. Stress the idea to compete on oneself rather that with others
C. Emphasize cooperative learning rather than of competition to others
D. All of the above

41. The failure in the test of independence among Filipino students maybe attributed to
A. Lack of skills C. High Degree of dependence to authority
B. Strong Family ties D. High Degree of Independence
42. Teacher Jon knows of the illegal gambling that his neighbor is operating. However, he chooses
to be quiet about it for the fear of getting involved in any investigation that may lead top this.
Which among the following principle of morality does Teacher Jon fail to comply?
A. Chooses what is good and avoid what is evilC. The end justifies the mean
B. Chooses the lesser evil D. The end does not justify the mean
43. Teacher Tisha has a death threat over her head. She was asked to pass an undeserving
student. In line with the philosophy of utilitarianism, what should Teacher Tisha do?
A. Pass the student. Her life is far important than that of the passing of the undeserving
B. Pass the student. She is a good teacher and does not deserve to receive a death threat
only because of an undeserving student.
C. Pass not the student and live to her principle that reward may not be here but in the next life.
D. Pass not the student. She does not like someone to always give her a death threat in order
to pass.
44. Philippines’ Elementary Curriculum emphasizes on the development of the skills in writing,
counting and reading. This manifests the great consideration given to this philosophy.
A. Idealism B. Naturalism C. Progressivism D. Essentialism

45. Which of the following describes what Progressivism is?

A. Education-learning takes place only when students are inside the classroom
B. Education-learning takes only for a period of time for it ends when students earn a degree
C. Education-learning takes place according to the desire of the students
D. Education-learning takes place continuously and contributes to the development of the

46. A school principal emphasizes the importance of Humanities in the curriculum. To which
educational philosophy does he adhere?
A. Existentialism B. Essentialism C. Perennialism D. Positivism

47. If a student believes in this passage “One cannot see perfection but I long for it” then, the
student can be regarded as?
A. Empiricist B. Idealist C. Naturalist D. Humanist

48. Which of the following should be the guiding principle of a Rationalist Teacher?
A. I must teach the students thing that have great impact to culture so that he can be assured
of great future.
B. I must teach students of things that will be needed to survive this challenging world.
C. I must teach students of things that will develop his mental powers to conceive great ideas.
D. I must teach students of things that will make him love himself and attain the fullness of life.

49. Teacher Suzanne believes that “truth exists in objective order and independent of the knower”
She is considered ___________.
A. Idealist B. Realist C. Pragmatist D. Essentialist

50. If a teacher would say honesty is still an important value even if no one values it, the teacher
can be regarded then as ____________.
A. Realist B. Empiricist C. Idealist D. Positivist

51. As a school administrator, you are interested top develop quality development program for your
teaching staff. What should be your primary consideration?
A. Prescribed by experts C. Can be used by teachers to renew license
B. Availability of funding D. Responsive to identified teachers’ needs

52. Teacher is also a community leader, which among the following should a teacher avoid?
A. Make efforts to help alleviate the social conditions of the community
B. Be aloof so that she can maintain objectivity
C. Help in finding potential sponsors
D. Be an active member of the community

53. Teacher is also considered as “trustee of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation
and is under obligation to transmit to learners such heritage.” The teacher should therefore
A. Use modern technology in teaching
B. Use advance learning dynamics
C. Continue higher educational pursuits like MA or PhD.
D. Conduct a lesson on the life of Filipino heroes

54. DepEd suggested that to manage effectively the school, stand-alone schools in some remote
areas should be placed under one lead school. The strongest factor in consideration regarding
this proposal is:
A. Historical B. Psychological C. Geographical D. Social

55. Among the following, which best describe the implication of EFA schools?
A. Making educational reform in exclusive schools C. Practice of inclusive education
B. Offering ALS D. Emphasizing formal education system

56. Then environment is greatly abused which is why schools are teaching sustainable
development. Which is the best practice among the following?
A. Focus the curriculum on environment
B. Integrate sustainable development
C. Sustainable development is not within the grasp of students
D. Promote environmental drive in the school

57. “Women should not study since they will be marrying soon.” If a father tells his daughter this,
can we consider his premise morally right?
A. Depends on the family’s social status C. No, women can perform just like men
B. Yes, women are mean for the home D. No, there is gender equality in education

58. Teacher Joy would like to show how volcanoes erupt. Which of the following materials
available is most fir?
A. Model B. Mock-up C. Replica D. Realia

59. Teacher should use REALIA when

A. Available B. Feasible C. Affordable D. Plausible

60. Teacher Roel would like to discuss about the earth and therefore brought with him a globe
when he started his lesson. How would you classify Teacher Roel’s device?
A. Chart B. Replica C. Model D. D. Realia

61. Teacher Jenny would like to ask more higher-order questions, she has to ask more
__________ questions.
A. Fact B. Close C. Convergent D. Divergent

62. Ripple effect can also be seen in misdemeanor. The teacher should therefore:
A. Reinforce positive behavior C. Be consistent in classroom management
B. Immediately respond to misbehavior D. Count 1 to 10 before she gets angry

63. Based on Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience, which among the following is nearest from the
real thing?
A. Watching demo C. Hearing and listening
B. Attending exhibit D. Viewing images

64. When Jacob Kounin said that teacher should have “with-it-ness” he meant that teacher should:
A. Be available to students’ consultation
B. Be aware of what is happening in the classroom
C. Be loving and caring
D. Be giving attention to the more slow ones

65. To show referent power of the teacher, Teacher Arnel:

A. Tells the student the importance of grade
B. Gives his students a feeling of trust and acceptance
C. Makes the students feel he knows what he is talking about
D. Reminds his students about his authority over them

66. To maintain orderly transition between activities, teachers should:

A. Make students socialize between activities C. Assign fewer time per activity
B. Make the materials readily available D. Wait for those who are slow

67. Routine activities should be established by a teacher:

A. As soon as the students are inside the room C. Everyday before the start of lesson
B. On the first day of school D. Every homeroom day

68. Teacher Knoi uses low-profile classroom control technique. What does this imply?
A. His discipline is reactionary
B. He studies behavior of students silently
C. He covertly observe misdemeanor
D. He manages misbehavior without disruption lesson.

69. Among the following criterion, which should be the priority when choosing device?
A. Novelty B. Cost C. Attractiveness D. Appropriateness
70. If teacher would like to focus on attitudinal change, the teacher’s best option is:
A. Field trip B. Exhibit C. Role play D. Simulation
71. Howard Gardner’s MI theory encourages the teachers to:
A. Think in multidisciplinary way
B. Focus on the IQ of students
C. Consider various intelligences when creating lesson
D. Present the lesson methodically

72. Operant conditioning can be applied to classroom by:

A. Connecting facts and concepts C. Using reinforcement
B. Fostering conducive learning environment D. Using manipulative devices

73. To teach the importance of sustainable development, the teacher divided the class into six
groups and asks them to discuss the topic within six minutes. What technique did the teacher
A. Symposium B. Simulation C. Role playing D. Philips 66

74. To nurture students’ creativity, which activity should Teacher Emman avoid?
A. Ask open ended question C. Ask closed ended question
B. Ask divergent question D. Be open to “out of the box” idea

75. Based on Freud’s theory, which operates when a person is in the height of anger?
A. Ego B. Superego C. Id and Ego D. D. Id

76. What kind of test must a teacher use is she wants to test the students’ ability to organize
A. Multiple-choice type C. Essay
B. Short answer D. Technical problem type

77. Study this group of test which was administered with the following results, and then answer the
Subject Mean SD Carl Vincent’s Score
Mathematics 80 7.5 95
Science 49 3.0 60
Filipino 95 12.0 90

In which subject(s) did Carl Vincent performed best in relation to the performance of the group?
A. Mathematics C. Filipino
B. Science D. Mathematics and Filipino

78. In which subject did Carl Vincent performed poorly in relation to the performance of the group?
A. Mathematics C. Filipino
B. Science D. Mathematics and Filipino

79. In which group of scores less scattered?

A. Mathematics C. Filipino
B. Science D. Mathematics and Filipino

80. In which group of scores most widespread?

A. Mathematics C. Filipino
B. Science D. Mathematics and Filipino
81. Adrian Vinci obtained a score of 95 in Chemistry multiple choice tests. What does this imply?
A. He has a rating of 95
B. He answered 95 items in the test correctly
C. He answered 95% of the test item correctly
D. His performance is 5% better than the group

82. In his second item analysis, Teacher Luis found out that more from the lower group got the test
item #10 correctly. This means that the test item ____________.
A. Has a negative discriminating power
B. Has a lower validity
C. Has a positive discriminating power
D. Has a high reliability

83. NSAT and NEAT results are interpreted against a set of mastery level. This means that NSAT
and NEAT fall under _____________.
A. Intelligence test C. Criterion-referenced test
B. Aptitude test D. Norm-referenced test

84. This is the first step in planning an achievement test.

A. Select the type of test items to use
B. Decide on then length of the test
C. Define the instructional objective
D. Build a table of specification

85. Standard deviation: Variability, Mean: _____________.

A. Discrimination C. Correlation
B. Level of difficulty D. Central tendency

86. Which is implied by a positive skewed score distribution?

A. The mean, the median and mode are equal
B. Most of the scores are high
C. The mode is high
D. Most of the scores are low

87. Median is the 50th percentile as Q3 is to

A. 45th percentile C. 75th percentile
B. 70 percentile
D. 25th percentile

88. Which is true about normal distribution?

A. The mean, the median and mode are equal
B. Most of the scores are high
C. The mode is high
D. Most of the scores are low

89. Most of the students who took the examination got scores above the mean. What is the
graphical representation of the score distribution?
A. Normal curve C. Positively skewed
B. Mesokurtic D. Negatively skewed

90. Which statement best describes a negatively skewed score distribution?

A. Most examinees got scores above the mean.
B. The value of median and mode are equal.
C. The value of mode corresponds to a low score.
D. The value of median is higher than the value of mode.

91. In a normal distribution curve a T-score of 70 is ______________.

A. Two SDs below the mean C. one SD below the mean
B. Two SDs above the mean D. one SD above the mean

92. Table below is a result of a tryout test in Science. An item analysis conducted for non-
attractiveness and non-plausibility of distracters. The letter marked with asterisk is the correct
Item no. A B* C D Omit
Upper 27% 4 11 3 2 0
Lower 27% 9 5 4 3 0

Based on the given table, which is the most effective distracter?

A. Option B C. Option C
B. Option A D. Option D

93. Mean is to measure of central tendency as ___________ is to measure of variability.

A. Quartile deviation C. Correlation
B. Quartile D. Skewness

94. The distribution of a class with academically poor students is most likely
A. Normally distributed C. Skewed to the right
B. Skewed to the left D. Leptokurtic

95. Which is correct about MEDIAN?

A. It is a measure of variability
B. It is the most stable measure of central tendency
C. It is the 50th percentile
D. It is significantly affected by extreme scores

96. Skewed score distribution means:

A. The scores are normally distributed.
B. The mean and the median are equal
C. The mode, the mean and the median are equal
D. The mode, the mean and the median are not equal

97. The computed value for r for Math and Science is 0.96. What does this imply?
A. Math and science scores are inversely related
B. The higher the scores in Math the higher scores in Science
C. The lower the scores in Science the lower the scores in Math
D. The higher the scores in Science the lower the score is Math

98. In conduct of item analysis, Teacher Paul found out that a significantly greater number from
the upper group of the class got test item #5 correctly. This means that the test item
A. Has a negative discriminating power
B. Is valid
C. Is easy
D. Has a positive discriminating power

99. Ron-Nick obtained a NEAT percentile rank of 95. This means that
A. The have zero reference point
B. The have scales of equal units
C. They indicate an individual’s relative standing in a group
D. They indicate specific points in the normal curve

100. Carl Vince obtained a NEAT percentile rank of 92. This means that
A. He got a score of 92
B. He answered 92 items correctly
C. He surpassed in performance 92% of his fellow examinees
D. He surpassed in performance 8% of his fellow examinees
1. B 35. IV 69. D
2. C 36. C 70. C
3. C 37. A 71. C
4. A 38. IV 72. C
5. A 39. B 73. D
6. A 40. D 74. C
7. A 41. C 75. D
8. A 42. A 76. C
9. D 43. D 77. B
10. B 44. D 78. C
11. C 45. D 79. B
12. A 46. C 80. C
13. D 47. B 81. B
14. D 48. C 82. A
15. B 49. B 83. C
16. B 50. C 84. C
17. C 51. D 85. D
18. D 52. B 86. D
19. D 53. D 87. C
20. D 54. C 88. A
21. B 55. C 89. D
22. D 56. B 90. A
23. D 57. D 91. B
24. A 58. B 92. B
25. C 59. B 93. A
26. D 60. C 94. C
27. A 61. D 95. C
28. C 62. A 96. D
29. B 63. A 97. B
30. C 64. B 98. D
31. B 65. B 99. C
32. C 66. B 100. C
33. A 67. B
34. D 68. D

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