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Nixaly Mendez

Essay Thesis: In this key scene of “Wandering Gliders”, the reader learn that Eve leaves Manu with one
of the twins and comes to a self realization after the pregnancy.

1. “Eve kept her head turned toward the window, her gaze avoiding both Manu and the poster.”
While waiting in the hospital room, Manu senses a kind of tension that is unusual for Eve.

2. “But she had changed.” Manu is coming to realization that after this pregnancy Eve has changed
physically and emotionally toward him.

3. “‘Why wont you love it like this, the way it actually is?’” Even though Eve seems to be talking
about the wasp, internally Eve is symbolizing herself and how she thinks Manu treats her.

4. “When the nurse offered Eve the other, she closed her eyes and shook her head… Instead,
Manu reached for her twin…” At this moment, Manu knew his wife was different. For the fact
that she would never neglect or be scared of anything, considering her job. Therefor is her baby
was truly dead, or not responsive Eve shouldn’t have an issue holding the baby.

5. “At twenty, she would leave for good, … and he would wonder then whether he alone had ever
been enough for her.” At this point in the story Manu is already thinking about how to raise his
baby alone since his wife had basically claimed only one of twins.

6. “In the house, eve had left behind only the fossils…” After the entire pregnancy Eve’s perception
of the world and her family, alters to a point where she has to physically remove herself from
the picture.

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