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English Diagnostic Exam


Grammar Skills

1. Select the correct personal pronoun.

Helena gave speech about the health environment project in the
morning meeting .
a. him
b. her
c. they

2. Read the sentence:

aaron said, "i'm studying french, so i will be able to talk to my relatives from

Which words need to be capitalized?

a. Aaron, I'm, French, I, France
b. Aaron, I, France
c. Aaron, I'm, I, France
d. Aaron, I'm, France, French

3. Which of the following sentences is correct?

a. "Does the music start at 4:00 or 4:30?" inquired Ms. Clark.
b. Does the music start at 4:00 or 4:30" inquired Ms. Clark?
c. "Does the music start at 400 or 430?" inquired Ms. Clark.
d. "Does the music start at 4:00 or 4:30"? inquired Ms. Clark.

4. Which sentence below shows correct subject and predicate agreement?

a. Lizards and snakes live in Florida.
b. Lizards and snakes lives in Florida.
c. Mary sing like a bird.
d. The cheerleaders walks in the parades.
5. What does the suffix "ing" mean?
a. past tense
b. action or process
c. present
d. future

6. What does the suffix "est" mean?

a. past tense
b. action or process
c. to compare
d. having a lot of something

7. The boy ran into the house.

The simple subject of the sentence is ___
The simple predicate of the sentence is ___

8. Identify the capitalized word in the sentence.

The HELPFUL teacher concerned herself with students' abilities.
a. adjective
b. adverb
c. verb

9. Which sentence is complex?

a. Before scientists invented telescopes, the moon was a mystery.
b. The viewer looked into the special machine.
c. Trained bears were the star of the film.
d. People in earlier days wrote letters or sent telegrams.

10. Complete the sentence with the correct possessive noun.

The classes are next door to each other.
a. boys's
b. boy's
c. boys
d. boys'
11. The plant seed was thirsty so I gave it lopapolop.
Using context clues, what do you think the nonsense word "lopapolop"
means in this sentence?
a. lemonade
b. food
c. water
d. a toy

12. What does "mis" mean in the words misplace and misread?
a. opposite
b. not
c. wrong or incorrect

13. Marisol plays the harp. She is not very good.

a. Marisol plays the harp, but she is not very good.
b. Marisol is not very good at playing the harp.
c. When she plays the harp, Marisol is not very good.
d. Although she is not very good, Marisol plays the harp

Reading Skills

In the years before the American Civil War, there was a federal law that allowed
slave owners to reclaim their escaped slaves. Anthony Burns was born a slave in
Virginia. He escaped to Boston in 1854. He lived and worked there for a few
months before his former owner appeared and had him arrested. The trial of
Anthony Burns triggered angry mobs in Boston, a city where most people were
against slavery. He was forced to go back to Virginia with his master, but he later
gained his freedom.

16. Why was Anthony Burns arrested?

a. He was born a slave.
b. The angry mobs in Boston were against him.
c. His owner was allowed by law to reclaim him.
d. He was living and working in Boston.
The art of making perfumes was important in Asia. That was where English and
French soldiers found the sweet scents in the 1200s. They returned to England
and France with the perfumes. Some soldiers even wore perfume into war. They
thought it brought them good luck. In the 1500s, perfume was very popular in
Europe. In France, Queen Catherine de Medici told her chemist to produce a
fragrance for each flower in France. This was the start of a big business there.
Even Napoleon had a perfumer. In the next centuries, many famous perfume
companies were established.

17. When did the perfume industry begin in France?

a. at the time Catherine de Medici was queen
b. before the soldiers used it
c. at the same time that it was important in Asia
d. in the next century

18. Jake's mother tells him to take an umbrella with him when he is leaving for
school. However, Jake does not think it is necessary.

What can you infer about the weather?

a. It is raining.
b. It is going to rain.
c. It is snowing.

19. The narrator's position in relation to the story being told is called:
a. author's purpose
b. point of view
c. story element

20. Justin grabbed the leash and quickly put it around Tooli's neck. He stormed out
the door with Tooli coming right behind. He said, "Hurry up, Tooli. You're always so
slow." Justin kept his head down and walked quickly down the road, not speaking
to anyone that he saw.

What was true about Justin?

a. He was very worried that someone might see him.
b. He was angry that he had to walk the dog.
c. He was feeling sick and wanted to lie down.
d. He was very excited and wanted to hurry
22. The plot of a story can best be described as:
a. the main people or animals in a story.
b. the events that occur in a story.
c. where the story takes place.
d. who wrote the story.

23. What type of figurative language is being used in the following sentence?
It's going to take a thousand years to finish all this homework.
a. simile
b. metaphor
c. idiom
d. hyperbole

24. Students at school have been sick all winter long. Many students have missed
over a week of school due to the viruses passing from student to student. A few
students, though, have not gotten sick at all. They have had perfect attendance.
When asked why they had not gotten sick, the students explained that they
cleaned their hands regularly with hand sanitizer.

What is the CAUSE of the students not getting sick?

a. They missed no school.
b. They missed many days of school.
c. They used hand sanitizer.
d. They ate breakfast everyday.

25. Identify the type of figurative language being used: The shortstop was as quick
as a cat to the ball.
a. simile
b. metaphor
c. personification
d. idiom

26. Is it a fact or an opinion?: Calculators can sometimes help you in math.

a. Fact
b. Opinion

27. A(n) is a push or a pull.

a. acceleration
b. force
c. motion
d. velocity

28. Molecules in this phase of matter are tightly packed together.

a. Solids
b. Liquids
c. Gases

29. Melting is when a substance changes from a

a. solid to a liquid (i.e. from ice to water).
b. liquid to a solid (e.g. water to ice).

30. Electricity is the flow of .

a. electrons
b. protons
c. neutrons

31. Which change in state is illustrated?

a. melting
b. freezing
c. evaporation
d. condensation
32. The table shows the steps of the scientific method in the wrong order.

Scientific Method
Step Description
A Form hypothesis
B Analyze data
C Perform experiment
D Communicate results
E Ask question

Which sequence shows the steps of the scientific method in the correct order?
a. A, C, E, D, B
b. E, A, C, B, D
c. A, E, D, C, B
d. E, C, A, B, D
e. C, B, A, D, E

33. States of matter are the

a. temperature at which a liquid boils and becomes a gas.
b. law that states that for a fixed amount of gas at a constant temperature, the
volume of the gas increases as its pressure decreases and the volume of
the gas decreases as its pressure increases.
c. term used to describe a physical or chemical change in which energy is
given of.
d. physical forms in which a substance can exist; includes solid, liquid, gas,
and plasma

34. A substance that changes color when exposed to acid or base solutions is
called a(n) .
a. salt
b. indicator
c. molecule
d. ion
35. The force resulting from the pull of Earth on an object is .
a. mass
b. gravity
c. weight
d. acceleration

36. Kinetic energy is the energy of .

a. time
b. motion
c. distance
d. matter

37. A disturbance that travels through a medium, transporting energy from one
location to another location, is .
a. a sound
b. a wave
c. light
d. frequency

38. Particles of matter have because they are constantly moving.

a. volume
b. density
c. kinetic energy
d. heat

Math Skills

39. Every day at school, Clare and Natalie record the amount of water left in a bowl
until all of the water has evaporated. When they are finished, they want to clearly
represent their data about water and evaporation time to the class. Which of these
would best represent their data?
a. A circle graph
b. A line graph
c. A bar graph
d. A realistic drawing
40. Bracelets are on sale for 3 for $15. How much do 5 bracelets cost?
a. $5
b. $20
c. $25
d. $30

41. Find the product. 23×153=

a. 3,519
b. 415
c. 2,494
d. 176

42. Which is the next ordered pair in the pattern? (10, 5), (8, 4), (6, 3)
a. (2, 4)
b. (2, 5)
c. (4, 2)
d. (5, 2)

43. Put these numbers in order from least to greatest.

A. 8.75
B. 8.00
C. 8.44
D. 8.04

a. A, C, D, B
b. A, B, D, C
c. B, D, C, A
d. D, B, C, A

44. Solve the next equation 214 ÷ 2:

b. 109
c. 107
d. 102
45. Multiply. Round answer to nearest hundred.

a. 4.67
b. 8.77
c. 13.78
d. 16.80

46. Christopher rode his bike 3.15 miles on Friday and then 4.2 miles on Saturday.
How many more miles did Christopher bike on Saturday than on Friday?
a. 1.50
b. 1.15
c. 1.05
d. 7.35

47. 2/3 – 4/ 9 =
a. 2/9
b. 1/3
c. 2/6
d. 4/9

48. All of the sides of this triangle are equal. What kind of a triangle is this?
a. scalene
b. isosceles
c. equilateral
d. right triangle

49. Write five million, two hundred seventy-five thousand, three hundred twelve in
standard form. ___________
50. Which one is NOT a name for this figure?

a. polygon
b. quadrilateral
c. parallelogram
d. trapezoid

51. Solve. (9 × 3 ÷ 9) + 9 + 9= ___________

52. What value of t makes this equation true? 4 x 9 = 3 x t

a. t = 6
b. t = 9
c. t = 12
d. t = 4

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