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B Biology (Temperature and Potato experiment)

Scientific Question:

The aim is to investigate the effect of increasing the temperature of raw potato pieces from (20, 25, 30,
35, 40) degrees Celsius on the activity of the enzyme catalse.

This will be investigated by getting five identical test tubes and place a slice of raw potato from the same
potato. Each slice must have the surface area of 5cm3 which will be calculated using the formula of
Length x Width x Height. Then 20 ML of hydrogen peroxide will be poured in each test tube, it will be
measured using a 50ML graduated cylinder. Then, using a hot water bath, place the first test tube in the
20 Degree heated water bath and measure the temperature of the testube using a thermometer and
take it out when it reaches 20 degrees, then count the bubbles the potato produce and write it down.
Do this for each test tube and its designated temperatures and repeat the experiment three times and
calculate the mean average time to get more reliable results

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