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Definition of the type of sexuality

Types of Romantic Orientations

1. Aromantic (Aro)
Aromantic is a term used to describe someone who does not experience romantic
attraction or does not prioritize romantic relationships in their life. This means that an
aromantic person may not feel the desire or need to pursue romantic relationships, or may
experience only very limited or fleeting romantic attraction.
It's important to note that aromanticism is a distinct identity from asexuality, which refers
to a lack of sexual attraction. A person can be aromantic, asexual, or both, but the two are not
necessarily linked. Some aromantic people may still experience sexual attraction, while others
may not.
It's also important to remember that aromanticism is a valid and legitimate orientation, and
that people who identify as aromantic should be respected and supported in their identity. Like
any other aspect of identity, aromanticism is a normal and natural variation in human
experience, and it is not a disorder or a problem to be fixed.
2. Biromantic
Biromantic is a term used to describe someone who experiences romantic attraction to
both man and woman. It is important to note that biromanticism is different from bisexuality,
The difference between the Biromantic and bisexual is biromantic is romantically
attracted to both man and woman and bisexual is romantic and sexual attracted to both man
and woman

Biromantic individuals may experience romantic attraction to people of different genders

in different ways or to the same degree. For example, a biromantic person may feel attracted
to men and women equally or may feel more attracted to one gender than the other.
It is also possible for someone to be both biromantic and bisexual, meaning they
experience romantic and sexual attraction to people of different genders.
3. Demiromantic
Demiromantic is a term used to describe someone who only experiences romantic
attraction to someone after developing a strong emotional bond or connection with them. This
means that demiromantic individuals may not feel immediate romantic attraction or
infatuation with strangers or people they have just met.
Unlike traditional romantic orientations, which tend to be based on the gender or sex of a
person, demiromanticism is based on emotional connection. It is considered to be a part of the
asexual and aromantic spectrums, as it involves a lack of immediate romantic attraction.
It is important to note that demiromanticism is a personal identity and can manifest in
different ways for different individuals. Some may experience romantic attraction only after
developing a deep friendship, while others may need to have a more intense emotional
connection or share a common interest or experience.
It is also worth noting that demiromanticism is not a mental illness or disorder, but simply
a way in which some individuals experience romantic attraction. Like all romantic
orientations, demiromanticism is valid and deserving of respect and understanding.
4. Homoromantic
Homoromantic is a term used to describe someone who experiences romantic attraction
towards people of the same gender or sex as their own. This means that a homoromantic
person is romantically attracted to individuals who identify as the same gender or sex as
Homoromanticism is considered to be a part of the broader category of romantic
orientations, which are different from sexual orientations. Sexual orientations refer to the
gender(s) to which a person is attracted to sexually, whereas romantic orientations refer to the
gender(s) to which a person is attracted to romantically.
It is important to note that homoromanticism is a personal identity and can manifest in
different ways for different individuals. Some may experience romantic attraction towards
people of the same gender or sex only in certain circumstances, while others may feel a more
constant and consistent attraction.
It is also worth noting that homoromanticism is not the only valid romantic orientation.
There are many different romantic orientations that people can identify with, including
heteroromantic (attraction to the opposite gender or sex), bi-romantic (attraction to two or
more genders or sexes), pan-romantic (attraction to all genders or sexes), and more. It is
important to respect and understand all individuals and their unique identities.

5. Heteroromantic
Heteroromantic is a term used to describe someone who experiences romantic attraction
towards people of a different gender or sex than their own. This means that a heteroromantic
person is romantically attracted to individuals who identify as a gender or sex that is different
from their own.
Heteroromanticism is considered to be a part of the broader category of romantic
orientations, which are different from sexual orientations. Sexual orientations refer to the
gender(s) to which a person is attracted to sexually, whereas romantic orientations refer to the
gender(s) to which a person is attracted to romantically.
It is important to note that heteroromanticism is a personal identity and can manifest in
different ways for different individuals. Some may experience romantic attraction towards
people of a different gender or sex only in certain circumstances, while others may feel a more
constant and consistent attraction.
It is also worth noting that heteroromanticism is not the only valid romantic orientation.
There are many different romantic orientations that people can identify with, including homo-
romantic (attraction to the same gender or sex), bi-romantic (attraction to two or more genders
or sexes), pan-romantic (attraction to all genders or sexes), and more. It is important to respect
and understand all individuals and their unique identities.
6. Ceteromantic
Also sometimes referred to as skolioromantic, is a romantic orientation where a person is
romantically attracted to non-binary genders.
7. Autoromantic
Autoromantic is a term used to describe individuals who experience romantic attraction
towards themselves. This is different from narcissism or self-love, as autoromanticism
involves a genuine romantic attraction towards oneself rather than just an appreciation or
People who identify as autoromantic may feel a deep emotional connection with themselves
and may engage in romantic activities such as buying themselves gifts, writing love letters to
themselves, or going on dates with themselves. Some may also experience sexual attraction
towards themselves, which is known as autosexual.
It's important to note that being autoromantic is not a mental health disorder or illness, and
it's a valid identity that can be a part of a person's sexual and romantic orientation. Like other
romantic orientations, it's a personal experience that can vary from person to person.
8. Alloromantic
Alloromantic is a term used to describe individuals who experience romantic attraction in
a way that is considered within the norm or typical range of attraction. The term "allo" means
"other" or "different," so alloromantic refers to someone who experiences romantic attraction
differently from those who do not experience it at all (aromantic) or experience it infrequently
or in a different way (gray-romantic).
Alloromantic individuals are often drawn to others based on a range of factors, such as
physical appearance, shared interests, personality traits, and emotional connections. They may
feel strong and often intense feelings of romantic attraction towards others, which can lead to
romantic relationships, dating, and intimacy.
It is important to note that alloromantic is just one of many ways that individuals can
experience romantic attraction, and it is not the only valid or "normal" way to experience it.
Some people may identify as aromantic, gray-romantic, or other identities that fall outside of
the alloromantic spectrum. Ultimately, how an individual experiences attraction is unique to
them and should be respected and validated.

2. Brief origin
In 1650s, "distinctive of either sex, of or pertaining to the fact of being male or female," from
Late Latin sexualis "relating to sex," from Latin sexus "a sex, state of being either male or
female, gender". The history of sexuality is a complex and multifaceted topic that has been
studied by historians, sociologists, and cultural theorists. While sexual practices have varied
greatly across different cultures and time periods, the concept of sexuality as a distinct aspect of
human experience is a relatively recent development. In ancient civilizations, sexuality was often
tied to religious and cultural practices. For example, in ancient Egypt, sex was seen as a way to
honor the gods and ensure fertility. In ancient Greece and Rome, sexuality was often celebrated
as a natural and pleasurable aspect of life, and homosexuality was not uncommon. During the
Middle Ages, sexuality became more closely associated with sin and shame, and sexual practices
were often regulated by religious authorities. This continued into the early modern period, when
sexual behavior was closely tied to social status and morality. The 19th and 20th centuries saw a
dramatic shift in attitudes towards sexuality, as scientific and medical advancements led to a
greater understanding of sexual anatomy and function. This led to the development of new ideas
about sexual identity and orientation, as well as the recognition of sexual dysfunction and the
development of treatments for sexual problems. Today, discussions of sexuality are often tied to
issues of gender, identity, and politics. The LGBTQ+ rights movement has led to greater
acceptance and visibility for non-heterosexual orientations and identities, while debates about
sexual education, consent, and reproductive rights continue to be important issues in
contemporary society.
3. Characteristics
Aromantic: a person who has no romantic attraction toward individuals of any gender
Biromantic: they have romantic attraction toward both men and women
Demi-romantic: they have a romantic attraction only after a close bond has been formed
Homoromantic: An individual who is romantically attracted to those of the same gender.
Heteroromantic: An individual who is romantically attracted to those of the opposite gender.
Ceteromantic: an individual who has romantic attraction to transgender or non-binary
Autoromantic: it is a term for the experience of romantic attraction to oneself.
Alloromantic: it refers to people who experience romantic attraction.
4. Recent issue involving the topic sexuality
Members of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community carry a giant
rainbow flag along a highway during the annual LGBT pride celebration in Marikina City, east
of Manila, Philippines, on 30 June 2018.
The article discusses the ongoing struggle of the LGBT+ community in the Philippines,
where the Catholic Church holds significant influence. Despite progress being made, such as the
passing of anti-discrimination laws and the rise of LGBT+ representation in media, the
community still faces challenges such as discrimination and violence.
To combat this, advocates are calling for more education and dialogue to promote
understanding and acceptance, as well as for the Catholic Church to be more inclusive and
affirming of LGBT+ individuals.
5. Group’s reaction towards the issue
The Catholic Church sees homosexual behavior between individuals of the same sex as
immoral, but we just wanted to express that all individuals have the right to live in peace and
equality. Those who identify as LGBTQ often feel inferior to those who appear more normal
than they do. In the world we live in, each of us is equally significant. This may seem
counterintuitive because male and female can already achieve equilibrium, however the LGBTQ
community has had a major effect on humanity and has excelled throughout the nation with their
exceptional and extraordinary skills and abilities. Without the third gender, the world would not
form a perfect equilibrium.
6. Comment on the article: “Explore and Indulge (2015). Julia Buencamino Suicidal
After reading Julia Buencamino’s suicidal letter, we realized that the world is unfair
because she committed suicide because of fear of judgement from people. We also felt sad and
disappointed after reading it because she died at a very young age. She was too afraid to get
criticisms from others due to her sexuality was different from her gender identity.
We all know that many people suffer from anxiety and depression, they feel
uncomfortable with other people, they overthink and have sleeping disorders but they do their
best to win against those challenges but suicide is not the answer to that problem. We must be
aware to advise those people who are suffering from mental illness and to show our we love and
respect towards them.
From the letter we read we ended up realizing that we should not look at one's appearance
to judge if they are okay or not, we must also talk to them. about certain topics to get their
opinion and to know what they feel about it.
As we noticed, every family needs to give proper attention to every member of the family
to know how they feel and what their problems are to solve it before it gets worse. It is better to
show our love and care to every member to cut the stigma and create a nontoxic place where
every member of the family can open their problems and can give their opinions. Also, in the
community, we should be more sensitive and respect others because we don't know what kind of
problem they are facing.
From Juliana Buencamino's suicidal letter, we've learned that we must go with the flow,
and face those challenges and it's okay to overtake by those problems at least we don't quit and
continue to fight until we conquered all the challenges we might face.

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