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Chapter-1: -The Trip It Actually Started

So now let me take you through the most

interesting trip . The trip to Hill station the
journey where it all began and that
changed everything.
Soooooo when the trip started we both
were in different cars for like half of
the distance to the destination but when
we took our first break. At that time,
Sam sarcastically convinced her to come
with him in the same car and she also
wanted to come with but she started
showing some tantrums but somehow Sam
made her come in the same car then it
went all well and she was with him in the
same car.They usually use to seat at the
most backward seat in the car. Then they
talked about normal topics and shared
hilarious events of their life. They also
watched a bit of some movie.By the way
until this trip then both had entered their
teens and Sam started to decode that the
special feeling that he has might be Love.
He can’t have that much pressure all by
himself and wanted to express it but how
was the question ,he had never did anything
like this ever before .So by this time of
dawn Sam started giving her some signal
that he like her they were somewhat
indirectly, come on it's his first time
expressing something like this, have you had
the courage to tell directly to someone
for the first time, I guess not or else you
were born with the playbook of love.
Coming back to the story by the time they
reached their hotel it was pitch dark
outside and they were on a road where
there was no availability of internet so
they both and other people in the car
decided to play antakashri, matter of fact
antakashri is in which you have to sing
songs and where the song the ends the
opponent team has to start a song from
the ending word so while playing this she
accidentally hold his hand for the first
and like he was like on 7th could then that
was the the most happiness he weirdly felt
anytime in his life till that time.So the game
went on until we reached our hotel.
They checked in their rooms and after all
the formalities they went for dinner
during which on Sam’s table there were
only 4 people , yes Naira was there too
and both of their mothers.Their mothers
actually got completed with their dinner
and left so now on their table on two of
them were there and between them there
was weird silence which Sam eventually
broke some hilarious jokes and then
everybody wanted to a photoshoot for
that everybody changed and got dressed
up. Sam was waiting in the hallway of the
hotel when he just saw Naira coming out
her room wearing a black dress with wet
open hair,until this time Naira had left back
her boy cut hairstyle had had pretty long
hair. When she was walking towards him
she just picture her as Hermione granger
from Harry potter and the goblet of
fire,then his mind talked to him no actually
it was his heart which just missed a beat
he was convinced him that she is looking
more beautiful than Hermione granger
walking down the stairs in goblet of fire
and he was like its done that’s the girl that
he wants before it's too late.Then they
went outside the hallway to the entrance
of the hotel where there was a water
fountain with a viewing desk with the view
of the valley and far fetched mountains.As
Sam has a skilled hand in capturing the
moments, he started with his routine
works which he had to do on every trip
that’s clicking picture of
everybody.Everybody was clicking picture
except Naira and which got Sam thinking
that is their any chance that she doesn’t
like clicking picture, he took it as a
challenge and said,”One will regret not been
captured by my lens”,Naira knew that was
for her and gave a smirk to him, in return
Sam with his eyes told her to come in the
frame after a back and forth of
sarcastic comment and gestures Naira
finally was convinced to get captured and
while Sam was clicking her photo there
was just one song playing in his mind which
was Ed sheeran’s perfect and specifically
a line “When I saw in that dress looking so
beautiful I don’t deserve it darling you look
perfect tonight”and she was like Its been
eternity click it fast, Sam came back to
his conscious and clicked the most
beautiful photo of his life. He wasn’t able
to explain that moment in words but was
overwhelmed. After the Photo session was
over as always all the mothers were got
into a room and started their talks and on
the other hand also all the kids in another
and then as any teen gathering without
Guardian had a unsaid rule to play Truth
and dare so they started playing truth or
dare and at that time one the kids turned
the bottle and it landed on Naira and she
choose truth and accordingly as the first
question of the game she was asked “DO
you have a crush or Boyfriend?” she
answered that she had a boyfriend named
Manav. At this very moment all the hopes
of Sam crashed and shattered as a piece
of glass, he left the room and went to
restroom and there he got all his emotions
back in place and after sometime came
back to the group and everyone was like
they are bored of this truth and dare.So
after a brief thinking Sam and everyone
including Naira agreed and they started
with game the person who turn was there
went out of the room and being the
countdown and Sam turned out the lights
and ran behind the curtains and he saw
right beside him there was the girl he liked
and he was breathless for a sec. At this
time the music in his mind stopped in his
mind and was replaced by the thought the
girl besides has boyfriend and I like her he
was kinda betweens many thoughts but he
thought any how i want to ask her and
wanted to express his feeling anyhow he
definitely didn’t had the courage to tell
her face to face so he came up with a
question to Naira. He asked her “I want to
finish a project and say something to
someone but I fear to do so”.After this
question Naira turned her face to Sam and
they both had an intense level of eye
contact and when that broke she replied
“Never in life worry, say what you want to
say don’t be afraid.” Sam after this
answer got caught by the person whose
turn was there in the darkroom and he
was kinda happy and went out of the
room for his turn and also was much
recovered with the truth boom that came
on him during the truth and Dare. He had
convinced himself that Naira also liked him
after the reply and eye contact. After
that darkroom went on for sometime and
then we all went back to our own
rooms.Sam led down on the couch and
thought that she knew he was going to tell
her that he like her or maybe she didn’t
know who knows and with all these gooey
romantic thoughts he went to sleep.
Next morning when he woke up and saw
the person who woke him up was Naira
and dragged him out of couch and told him
to get ready fast.He had the fastest bath
of his life that day and got ready.Then all
of them headed to a clubhouse of the
hotel where there indoor sports like a pool
table , table tennis etc… .Don’t know how he
had an idea that he wanted to propose to
this girl and he came up with a bizarre Idea
of doing it. He took the ball setter triangle
which is used to setup the balls of pool
table and kept it on the nearby wooden
side table and in that triangle Sam kept
three pool balls numbering “ 1 4 3” which is
slang or short form of “ I like you” then
he asked Niara come there told her that
he has kept something for her on the side
table there have a look , So she went
there and saw the message and after that
she starts acting strange and land beneath
Sam’s legs scattered and his fear mind
kicked in and the first fear was that what
if she will tell her mom or his or any other
elder then he will be screwed so he
started maintaining distance from her for
like an hour or so. Itinerary they went for
a boat ride at some nearby lake and when
they were standing in the line she was
behind him and behind her there was Sam’s
mom. At that time again as always he didn’t
had courage to ask directly to her what’s
wrong so He tried to open his whatsapp
and opened her profile and started texting
her at this very moment she shouted “why
are you disturbing your girlfriend, don’t u
think she would be busy with someone
enjoying” at this very moment she indirectly
said her as his girlfriend but he was so
dumb and scared at that time and also his
mother was just behind her so he replied “
I don’t have a girlfriend what are u
saying??”Then after the boat ride all the
mothers went shopping and all the kids
went to the parking lot towards the car
again. At this time he tried to text her even
though she was right beside him walking
but as it was so when he opened her
profile, she again shouted “why are you
disturbing your girlfriend she might be with
her special friend” again so dumb of Him
shouted that “I don’t have a girlfriend” she
tried again but this time she asked a long
ending question “the one you are texting
isn’t your Girlfriend..…..” .This time He got it
that she said yes and Sam was speechless
for 2 minutes then he recovered and
there was no limit to my happiness at that
time. After this in 2 hours or so they left
to come back home and it was like a 4 to
5 hour drive and during their way back
the eye contacts between them were on
the toppest bar of intensity and that was
so magical like the stars waiting on the
doorsteps to write their history . Fun
fact and it could be weird too, to avoid
suspicion they used to fake fights on
small topics and they both being sarcastic
and in love literally called each other
haters like but with different actual
meanings addressing hater for the lover.
When it was Sam’s time to leave he felt
like his heart was getting scattered into a
million pieces but then at night after leave
they both chatted till late until she reached
home that day. This was just after the
first wave of covid so all our classes
were online, you might have heard that
people shared earphones and heard music
together but they were the special ones ,
they used to share the earphones in the
car and attend classes. For real they
attended each other's zoom classes. Sam
would leave his classes to attend her hindi
class and give her the answer to questions
asked during her class aren't they cute or
something. Afterwards the chatting with
each other went well for a week or two,
and also when she went to her dance class
she used to call Sam. But one day
something unexpected happened and Sam
didn't know if she got offended by one of
their conversations and then there was a
long line of blocking each other and
unblocking and again blocking. Then after
they had a long time not speaking to each
other and acting weirdly when they met
face to face and this thing went on like
for a year and half. In between that Naira
had a boyfriend whom she met through
Instagram. But once that guy came all the
way to Naira’s house and due to this her
family got to know about this scene ,she
also caught chatting with him and then she
was to get her Instagram disabled and she
was put on a watch like house arrest.
After like this duration of a year she
once went to Sam’s and they had a long
awkward hour of not at all looking at each
other just busy with our cellphone and
when she was about to leave Sam
sarcastically said not looking at her
directly but with a crossed eye “ see the
universe hears everything,now we are
haters in real way and blocked our
pathways Right?”Naira left without saying
anything but then after sometime she
unblocked Sam.
And the pathways to each are again
opened now let’s see. What happens next?

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