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Week 1

Experiment 1 (Basic programs of C Programming)

I. Implement a C program to Find Factorial of a Number.

II. Implement a C Program to Check Whether a Number is Palindrome or Not.
III. Implement a C Program to Check Whether a Number is Prime or Not.
IV. Implement a C Program to Find Largest Element in an Array.
V. Implement a C program to print alphabet triangle.
VI. Write a function, strndel, that accepts a string and two integers, start and length.
Return a new string that is equivalent to the original string, except that length
characters beginning at start have been removed.
VII. Write a function, strdel, that accepts a string and a character. The function
returns string with the first occurence of character removed.
Week 2
Experiment 2 (Pointers)

I. WAP with function to swap two numbers using call by reference.

II. WAP with function to swap two integer arrays of same size using call by reference.
III. WAP to reverse an array by swapping (without using additional memory).
IV. WAP with function to swap two strings using pointers.
V. WAP to find the number of non-Repeated elements in an Array.
VI. WAP to identify the missing numbers in a given Array within the range [1...N].
VII. WAP to find the Median of the elements after merging the two sorted Arrays
of same size.
VIII. WAP to take input of character matrix and create a function ‘givestr’ to get
string column wise and row-wise and print all string in sorted manner.
IX. WAP to reverse multidimensional array as shown:
Week 3
Experiment 3 (Dynamic Memory Allocation and File Operations)

I. WAP to store a character string in a block of memory space and then modify the same to
store a larger string.
II. Implement 2D Matrix multiplication by creating two matrix using dynamic memory
III. WAP to store an information in array of structure, dynamically, and also give a function
to display the current information. The program should give user a choice for inserting a
data or to display the current data. Implement the program for Student structures
(contains student_name, student_roll_no, total_marks).
IV. Implement the above program for Employee structures (contains employee_name,
emp_no, emp_salary).
V. Implement the above program for Faculty structures (contains faculty_name, faculty_ID,
subject_codes, class_names).
VI. WAP to Create a new file, Open an existing file, read the file to search a given word,
write into the file and close the file.
Week 4 & 5
Experiment 4 (Searching and Sorting)
Test the following programs on various cases such as already sorted, reverse sorted and
average sorted cases. Also verify whether the sorting algorithm is stable. Count the
number of swaps and number of comparisons taken place.
I. Implement Linear search and Binary search on 1D array of Integers and also return the
time complexity in all the cases i.e your worst case, average case, and best case.
II. WAP to implement Bubble sort on 1D array of Faculty structures (contains
faculty_name, faculty_ID, subject_codes, class_names) with key as faculty_ID and also
return the time complexity in all the cases i.e your worst case, average case, and best
III. Implement Insertion and Selection sort on 1D array of integers and also return the time
complexity in all the cases i.e your worst case, average case, and best case.
IV. (a) Implement Quick Sort with duplicate numbers in the given array/elements.
(b) Implement the ascending and descending order using Quick Sort.
(c) Implement Quick Sort using first/last/any random element as pivot.
V. WAP to implement Merge Sort on 1D array of Student structures (contains
student_name, student_roll_no, total_marks) with key as student_roll_no and also return
the time complexity in all the cases i.e your worst case, average case, and best case.

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