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he 'gods' of the new millennium may not be aliens from another planet, but multi-
billion-dollar biotechnology companies that own plant, animal and human genes.
The gods will create new life through genetic manipulation, cloning and tissue
culturing. Their disease-resistant creations, developed in sterile laboratories, will
be the alien life-forms of the 21st century.
What happens if elite groups have control of our genetic destiny? What happens if
human clones are produced; if humans are genetically adapted for deep-space travel; if
education, employment and insurance are determined by our genes; if human genes
Despite promised become the intellectual property portfolios of transnational corporations?
The new world of human biotechnology currently being ushered in by genomic corpo-
benefits, the latest rations, technocratic government agencies and the pioneers of medical science makes
developments in the Aldous Huxley's Brave New World look like a freedom-loving paradise. Human biotech-
nology is currently undergoing a revolution. Many of the techniques Huxley envisaged
human for the distant future are already available or are being forecast by reputable scientists.
Human genes have become industrial commodities to be bought, sold and patented.
biotechnology Transnational genomic corporations, known as the "Life Sciences" industries, are swal-
lowing up biotechnology companies, and a few enormous genomic corporations are con-
industry have grave solidating the ownership of life.
The government-sponsored Human Genome Project, haunted by the shadow of Nazi
ethical implications eugenics and likened in size and importance to the Manhattan and Apollo projects, has
for our genetic given biotechnology a shot in the arm.
Operating in a virtual regulation and policy vacuum, where compliance to 'standards'
privacy and and 'ethics' is voluntary, the rampant and uncontrolled progress of the human biotech
industry has the capacity to impact seriously upon our collective destiny.
integrity. Genetic engineering and other disciplines such as embryo transfer, molecular biology
and tissue culture are part of modern human biotechnology.
Biotechnology involves the development of 'products' by exploiting biological process-
es or substances for human purposes. It involves using organisms to provide us with
food, medicine, clothes and other products. Traditional biotechnology was based on
activities such as the farming of animals and plants and the use of micro-organisms in the
manufacture of beer, wine, bread, yoghurt and cheese.
However, since the mid-1970s, when a small group of individuals began to realise that
computers and gene sequencing were a natural marriage, advances in biotechnology have
given the discipline a more menacing edge. What started as pioneering research to devel-
op 'cures' for genetic diseases, cancer and AIDS has turned into a lucrative, profit-moti-
vated industry.
To its advocates, modern biotechnology is ideologically neutral. Properly supported,
by Susan Bryce ©1997 biotechnology can bring immense benefits to humanity, for it is infinitely adaptable to
counter all sorts of unforeseen threats. If we cast it down through hostility or faint-heart-
edness, we will be losers.
c/- Post Office
Critics see biotechnology as the expansion, misapplication and institutionalisation of a
Mapleton, Qld 4560
particular scientific creed, with the potential for the devaluation and exploitative manipu-
lation of life. Jeremy Rifkin, quoted in The Human Body Shop: The Engineering and
Telephone: +61 (0)7 5445 7345
Marketing of Life, describes human biotechnology as "the devil at the door, cleverly dis-
guised as an engineer and an entrepreneur".

JUNE - JULY 1997 NEXUS • 31

LICENSING LIFE: THE BIOTECH BILLIONS are bound up in a web of alliances and interests. Research and
On 14 March 1995, the United States Patent and Trademark development is concentrated in the hands of a few companies.
Office issued the first patent on a human cell line to the US One example is the "superclub" set up by the France-based multi-
National Institutes of Health (NIH). The unmodified cell line was national drugs company Rhône-Poulenc Rorer, and operated by
drawn from an indigenous person from Papua New Guinea. its subsidiary, RPR Gencell of Collegeville, Pennsylvania, USA.
Human life is now officially a commodity whose ownership can The "superclub" is touted as an admirable venture because it
be legally enforced by patents awarded to genomic corporations will accelerate the development of gene therapies for cancer, car-
on human genes and their by-products. diovascular disease, obesity, etc., through the use of shared data
Since this new and outrageous era in intellectual property was and technology. It will also accelerate the profits raked in by
launched, the 'life industries' have raced to identify and commer- RPR Gencell. One of the conditions of joining the "superclub" is
cialise human genes and other human biological materials. that researchers should withhold publication of their findings for a
The Rural Advancement Foundation International (RAFI) year until RPR Gencell files for patents to protect discoveries or
describes the frenzied endeavours to profit from human biological inventions. This gives RPR Gencell a great deal of control over
materials as a modern-day gold rush, a gene rush: researchers' findings.
...silent and reckless with incalculable stakes for The 14 "superclub" members include:
humankind...the commodity they seek to exploit is not gold • CNRS (France's National Centre for Scientific Research)
but biological information. The raw material they need is • Généthon, Paris
human DNA: the blueprint of human life. • Gustave Roussy Institute, Paris
Each human cell contains up to 100,000 genes. A single patent- • Transgène, Paris
ed cell line can be worth US$1.5 billion dollars per year to a com- • Applied Immune Sciences, Santa Clara, California
pany involved in the life sciences industries. Research conducted • Darwin Molecular, Seattle, Washington
by RAFI reveals that more than 1,000 DNA patents on sequences • Genetix Pharmaceuticals, New York
have already been issued to over 300 companies and government • Introgen Therapeutics, Houston, Texas
institutions. • Lawrence Berkeley Human Genome Center, Berkeley,
Just one small portion of the human biotechnology industry can California
yield lucrative profits. The US consulting firm Frost and Sullivan • Virogenetics, Troy, New York
estimates that the worldwide market for cell lines and tissue cul- Another example is the company Human Genome Sciences
tures brought in US$427.6 million in (HGS) of Rockville, Maryland, which
corporate revenues in 1996. Frost owns the details of DNA sequences
and Sullivan predict that the market that could identify 35,000 human
will grow at an average annual rate Human life is now officially a genes—more than a third of the total
of 13.5 per cent over the next seven thought to exist.
years, to be worth US$914.1 million commodity whose ownership can In October 1994, HGS announced
by 2002. be legally enforced by patents that any researcher who wanted to use
Biotech companies are rushing to the information held by HGS could do
isolate a plethora of disease-carrying awarded to genomic corporations so for free, on the basis that if the
genes, including the genes that cause on human genes and their researcher came up with something
colon cancer, lung cancer, prostate that could be commercialised, such as
cancer, cystic fibrosis, heart disease by-products. a test or treatment for a disease, HGS
and asthma. Once patented, these would have the right to negotiate a
genes are worth billions of dollars in marketing contract. HGS sees this
licensing fees and spinoffs from the seemingly modest demand as a way to
manufacture of other pharmaceuticals and gene technology. pay back its investors, such as the pharmaceuticals company
Some patents already awarded include: SmithKline Beecham which has poured US$100 million into HGS
• The hepatitis C virus sequence, patented by the US biotech and its non-profit arm, The Institute for Genomic Research
company, Chiron Corporation. (TIGR).
• The gene for breast cancer susceptibility, patented by Myriad In biotechnology, as in many other fields, government agencies
Genetics. are forming alliances with corporations. In 1995, the US Patent
• A European patent on the use of stored stem cells from umbil- and Trademark Office issued a patent to the US National
ical cord blood, granted to the US company Biocyte Corporation. Institutes of Health, covering the principle of removing cells from
Such cells are widely thought to hold considerable therapeutic a patient, altering their genetic makeup and returning them to the
promise for bone marrow transplantation and gene therapy. body. Almost all gene therapy trials that have been approved so
• The gene for H2-relaxin, a protein produced within the ovaries far rely on this technique. The NIH has given GTI, of
which relaxes connective tissue to allow a woman's pelvic girdle Gaithersburg, Maryland, exclusive rights to develop the technique
to widen during pregnancy and while giving birth. commercially. Rival companies wanting to do research must now
Once a company has a patent (say, on a gene-sequencing right), pay a licensing fee to GTI.
it must be paid a royalty or licence fee by others using that Alleged industrial espionage is rife as biotech companies pro-
sequence. Chiron claims that it invests more than five times its ceed with litigation against each other. One legal battle involves
income from hepatitis C licensing in its research program—a total mice that have been 'developed' to secrete human antibodies
of US$344 million in 1995. Thus, the income received from the which may help treat AIDS and cancer. The 'humanised' mice,
hepatitis C virus sequence licensing fees would be valued at worth millions, were the subject of a bitter dispute between the
US$68.8 million for that year alone. two US companies Cell Genesys and GenPharm. Cell Genesys
Companies involved in human, plant and animal biotechnology withdrew its legal action upon learning that the US Patent and

32 • NEXUS JUNE - JULY 1997

Trade Mark Office had awarded GenPharm a third patent on the become a statistic in the international human tissue trade—in
mouse 'technology'. Cell Genesys will now use its own patents to some cases even if the tissue donor simply gave blood for a
battle GenPharm. blood bank. Donors' cells may be frozen and/or immortal -
ized and shipped across town, across the world, or both.
AGRICULTURAL BIOTECHNOLOGY: THE SAME STORY Genetic profile information from analysis of cells...may be
Not only is ownership of human biological materials being con- created and placed in a database available to thousands.
solidated by "life sciences" companies; but the products of agri- RAFI's enquiries revealed one Internet directory of tissue cul-
culture have met with the same fate. ture-related enterprises that lists 38 companies in the US which
The "life sciences" company Monsanto, with 28,000 employ- specialise in selling cells, cell products and tools for cell cultur-
ees, has a net worth of US$9 billion and pours US$200 million ing. Some have Internet home pages where customers can peruse
per year into research. Monsanto's Robert Fraley said of their on-line catalogues of "normal" and/or "mutant" human tissue for
agricultural biotechnology interests: sale. Human biological samples are being exchanged and used in
...what you're seeing is not just a consolidation of seed com - ways that donors would not be aware of, nor would be likely to
panies, it's really a consolidation of the entire food chain. endorse.
Through its shareholdings, acquisitions and licensing agree-
ments, Monsanto has a controlling interest in the worldwide pro- THE HUMAN GENOME PROJECT
duction of canola oil, soya, cotton and maize, to name a few. The aim of the Human Genome Project is to determine the
Last year, the two giant pharmaceutical/chemical companies exact genetic structure of our species—the sequence of all of our
Ciba-Geigy and Sandoz amalgamated in what was the largest cor- DNA. The idea for the project has been in the pipeline since the
porate merger in history—even larger than the Time-Life merger. US military began studying the genetic effects of radiation on sur-
The resultant new company, Novartis (whose Latin name means vivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
"new skills" or "new arts"), spans the health care, nutrition and In the mid-1970s, technological developments enabled
agribusiness industries. Its estimated global net worth is 58 bil- researchers to use high-speed computers to sequence or map
lion Swiss francs—more than the value of most nations. Novartis' genes. Previous methods of gene-mapping relied on laborious
global research expenditure for 1996 hand-made drawings of gene maps.
was US$3.1 billion, while worldwide In the late 1980s, biologists realised
sales revenue for 1996 was US$27 that with new technologies they could
billion. ... indigenous peoples are sequence the entire human genome.
For obvious reasons, this 'realisation'
currently being exploited by was supported by the US government,
GENETIC MATERIAL governments and genomic military, educational institutions and
Third world populations and biotech companies. The US govern-
indigenous peoples are currently corporations seeking to ment moved quickly to merge fund-
being exploited by governments and commercialise genes and other ing for various biotech projects.
genomic corporations seeking to The Human Genome Project was
commercialise genes and other bio- biological materials. officially launched in 1991, funded
logical materials. primarily by the Department of
When the US government patented Energy and the National Institutes of
the cell line of a Papua New Guinean Health in the USA as well as the
indigenous person, there was no documentation of his informed European Commission.
consent or any approval from the Papua New Guinea government. Using high-speed computers and working with zenith nanotech-
Documentation obtained by RAFI under Freedom of nology (i.e., single molecules), the human genome is now being
Information legislation revealed that the patented cells from the entered onto the GenBank database at Los Alamos (weapons)
Hagahai indigenous person from Papua New Guinea had potential Laboratories in New Mexico, USA—site of the Manhattan Project
in the diagnosis and treatment of leukaemia and related retroviral and more recently linked to the alleged Roswell 'alien autopsy'
diseases. These genes are now the exclusive property of the US scenario.
government. Various acts of biopiracy have been the subject of Researchers from the far corners of the globe are able to con-
investigation by RAFI, which concludes: tribute information to GenBank via the Internet. Laboratories are
Pieces of indigenous and remote rural peoples' very bodies offered 'incentives' to submit genomic information. Another
are now, without any doubt, the potential 'intellectual motivation to submit information to GenBank is the growing
property' of corporations and governments... number of journals that will not publish genomic articles without
Cells, DNA and other human biological materials are being proof that the authors have submitted their data electronically to
shuttled into the intellectual property portfolios and cash boxes of GenBank at Los Alamos.
the life industries. GenBank is operated by the US Department of Energy-owned
RAFI has also raised concerns about the collection, handling national laboratory but funded by the National Institutes of
and exchange of human tissue samples taking place ad hoc across Health, the Department of Defense, the National Science
international borders. Perhaps what is most controversial about Foundation and the Department of Energy. There is also a
the patenting of genes and the use of human biological products Human Genome Center at Lawrence Berkeley and at Lawrence
for profit is that it is all largely taking place in an unregulated Livermore national laboratories.
market. According to RAFI: Once the first complete human DNA sequence is obtained, we
An unfortunate reality currently confronts the enormous will have what has been described as the 'biological grail'—a
number of people who, for clinical and research purposes, complete record of the human genome. This will be of great use
give blood or other samples of tissue. They may unwittingly to the life sciences industries because it will provide a database of

JUNE - JULY 1997 NEXUS • 33

information from which companies can obtain the DNA sequence, from HTLV-1 blood samples.
and hence protein sequence, of all the proteins in humans, includ- As documented by RAFI, several key US research institutes—
ing those which are the potential targets of new drugs. The including the National Cancer Institute and the Centers for
Human Genome Project will also be of substantial assistance in Disease Control—and the US Navy have global research pro-
medical genetics, including the diagnosis of inherited predisposi- grams tasked with collecting blood samples for HTLV-1 research.
tion to disease. Some readers of NEXUS will be familiar with the AIDS-HTLV
The first complete human genome sequence is expected to be a link, reported in 1988 (see the NEXUS supplement, AIDS: The
'composite person' with both an X and Y sex chromosome. This Real Story). HTLV-1 can be used to manufacture large quantities
would formally make the 'composite person' a male, but 'he' of the AIDS-related virus, HTLV-3.
would comprise autosomes taken from men and women of several
nations: the United States, European countries and Japan. He NAZI EUGENICS AND ECONOMIC RATIONALISM
would be a multinational, multiracial mélange, a kind of "Adam A plethora of ethicists and historians have raised concerns
II", his essence encoded for the 21st century and beyond. about connections between experimental processes involving
human biotechnology and the Nazi 'legacy'.
THE HUMAN GENOME AS A WEAPON OF WAR Nazi genetic experiments were not an historical aberration that
The Human Genome Project is a vital part of the US post-Cold can be dismissed. The forces that inspired them did not die with
War military strategy. Psychological, biological and defensive them. The Nazis drew inspiration from many sources, not least of
technology for conflict short of war is of growing importance. To which was the eugenics movement in the USA.
this end, the human genome was recently declared a potential Indeed, fear of a eugenics revival is a key anxiety surrounding
weapon of war. the Human Genome Project in the United States and Europe.
Eighty member-countries of the Biological and Toxic Weapons Eugenics involves any attempt to improve the biological char-
Convention added "molecular biology" and "any application acter of a 'race'. Under Adolf Hitler, German scientists—among
resulting from genomic studies" to the list of technologies, such as the most respected in the world before the Nazi era—took part in
genetic engineering, that could possibly be employed as weapons. an ignominious attempt to create an Aryan blue-eyed, blond-
Scientists are concerned that haired master race through genetic
aggressors might develop a disease manipulation and experimentation.
or poison to which only an enemy is In a paper titled "Nazi Biomedical
genetically susceptible. "...once the human genome has Policies", published in the book,
The member countries failed to
agree to a deadline for monitoring been mapped, it has the potential When Medicine Went Mad, Robert N.
Proctor gives this stern reminder:
breaches of the convention because to become a standard, or norm, The Nazis sought to transform
of opposition from a group of problems of racial, sexual or
nations including Russia and India. for all people—against which we social deviance into medical
In October 1989, at the Human will then be measured for our problems; Germany's social and
Genome I Conference held in San political problems would be
Diego, USA, James B. Watson, the normality or abnormality." solved by diagnosis, disinfection
Human Genome Project's first direc- and surgery. Murder was prac -
tor (and co-discoverer of DNA's tised in the name of quarantine;
structure in 1953) told the audience: apartheid in the name of public
We have to be aware of the really terrible past of eugenics, health...
where incomplete knowledge was used in a very cavalier and Could modern 'eugenics' programs be prompted by the engine
rather awful way, both here in the United States and in of economic rationalism now driving the economies of most
Germany. We have to reassure people that their own DNA is nations? Policies are characterised as eugenic if their intent is to
private and that no one else can get it... further a social or public purpose, such as reducing costs or spar-
In light of the above reports about gene patenting, it would ing future generations unnecessary suffering.
seem that Watson's words of caution fell on deaf ears. Could genetic inheritance become a new basis for discrimina-
tion? This was a topic of discussion at the Human Genome
HUMAN GENOME DIVERSITY PROJECT Organization's Second International Genome Summit, held in
The Human Genome Project should not be confused with the Canberra, Australia, in October 1996. It was an informal meeting
Human Genome Diversity Project (HGDP), which is a separate of about 50 people. Australian GeneEthics Network Coordinator
but related project concerned with collecting cells from over 700 Bob Phelps was the lonely voice of the people in a wilderness of
indigenous clans and tribes worldwide. heavyweight experts including scientists and lawyers.
The unscrupulous methods for collecting cells and the traffick- The GeneEthics Network is involved in lobbying against genet-
ing and trade in indigenous people's biological materials is well ic engineering of plants, animals and humans and raising public
documented by the Rural Advancement Foundation International. awareness of biotechnology. Most recently the network has been
The US Navy has also been undertaking its own private involved with a campaign against Monsanto's "Roundup Ready"
research activities involving the collection of cells and tissues genetically engineered soybean.
from remote tribes and clans in Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, At the Australian Genome Summit, one participant, Dr David
Peru and Colombia. Of particular interest are blood samples con- Cox of the Stanford School of Medicine, California, USA, stated:
taining the retrovirus HTLV-1. Genetic discrimination to exclude people from employment,
The previously mentioned Hagahai cell line, patented by the US insurance and access to health care is a potential adverse
National Institutes of Health, contains the human leukaemia retro- consequence of the data generated by the Project. Protection
virus HTLV-1. Thymus lymphocytes (T-cells) can be separated against such discrimination should prevail over conflicting

34 • NEXUS JUNE - JULY 1997

societal values; such protection must be mandated... Other more exotic schemes include 'adapting' humans for deep-
Despite moves in the US and Europe to tighten controls on space travel. This may sound like a giddy science fiction sce-
genetic discrimination, to date no such protection exists in nario, but, already, one Australian company is developing pine
Australia. and eucalypt species that do not require open pollination. It was
Bob Phelps of the GeneEthics Network told this writer that: shown in studies carried out in the "Biosphere" project that the
...once the human genome has been mapped, it has the poten - pollinators had difficulty surviving. Is the biotech industry ready-
tial to become a standard, or norm, for all people—against ing to create artificial environments outside the Earth's biosphere
which we will then be measured for our normality or abnor - in deep space?
mality. It is going to lead potentially to some great discrimi - Could we 'adapt' the human species to explore the deep oceans,
nations and other adverse social consequences... or 'produce' soldiers resistant to agents of biological war? Such
This has great significance for us all. The coercive forces of proposals are currently under consideration.
economic rationalism that equate progress with cost efficiency In publicity over the recent cloning of "Dolly" the sheep, it
could dictate that it would be cost-effective to reduce the number seems to have been forgotten that human embryos have already
of genetically disabled people. People with disabilities or illness- been cloned. In 1993, researchers Stillman and Hall, of George
es could become doomed by their genes. Public policy could Washington University, USA, cloned 48 human embryos, none of
pressure or even compel people not to bring genetically damaged which grew for more than six days.
children into the world for the sake of the gene pool and in the Dolly, the cloned sheep, born at the Roslin Institute in Scotland
interests of keeping down public health costs. in July 1996, was 'unveiled' in February 1997 after patent applica-
New genetics techniques that might extend our lives could justi- tions were filed and research papers prepared for publication. The
fy experiments on the terminally ill on the basis that they are non-profit Roslin Institute is part-funded by PPL Therapeutics, a
'doomed anyway' and so have 'nothing to lose'. Equally, projects biotech company formed in 1987 to commercialise the Roslin
that generate large incomes for researchers and potentially huge Institute's research.
profits for private corporations could be oversold. According to RAFI, PPL Therapeutics has several human pro-
George Annas, lawyer and Professor of Public Health at Boston tein products in development and holds a US patent on a method
University, says there are powerful to produce therapeutic proteins in the
forces at work in our society that milk of transgenic sheep. PPL has
could combine to affect dramatically research agreements with at least four
the rights and welfare of the less than major pharmaceutical corporations
genetically perfect, creating a culture including Novo-Nordisk, American
in which people are valued and
devalued based on their genetic
Other more exotic schemes Home Products, Bayer and
Boehringer Ingleheim.
endowment. Embryos could be include 'adapting' humans for Scientists believe that cloned ani-
screened and nurtured based on mals with genetically engineered
genetic quality.
deep- space travel. traits will become highly efficient,
Writing about the Human Genome living drug-factories for 'use' in the
Project, Annas says that our fetish manufacture of therapeutic proteins.
for efficiency, our quest for immor- The market for therapeutic proteins is
tality, our belief in commercialism currently about US$7.6 billion per
and its handmaiden hype will contin- annum and is expected to grow to
ue the slide down the slippery slope. The question now is: how US$18.5 billion by 2000.
far and how fast? Cloned animals could be exploited as 'spare parts' factories for
humans. Transgenic pig clones, for example, could be genetically
THE BIO-ELITES' VISION FOR THE FUTURE engineered to be a source of replacement organs for humans.
The brave new future that Aldous Huxley depicted is already In the twilight years of the 20th century, human biotechnology
upon us, with many techniques he envisaged already available or joins the ranks of environmental decay, nuclear conflict, surveil-
at least being taken seriously by reputable scientists. lance technology, monopoly ownership and government-spon-
The 1995 "foresighting program" conducted by the Australian sored corporatism as one of the most dangerous threats to our
Science and Technology Council (ASTEC) provides an insight physical, intellectual and spiritual freedom.
into the future. Under the heading, "Scenario for 2010: Impact of The slide down the slippery slope has already begun, but public
Research into the Human Genome and Environmental Impact on opinion can dictate how fast and how far we go. If we do not act
Health", ASTEC suggests that our future may be determined by a now, our future will be determined by the bio-elites.
genetic profile—which would determine that individuals should
eat certain designer foods and have certain designer therapies References: Books
• Annas, George J., "The Human Genome Project in Perspective: Confronting our Past to
throughout life to prevent the onset of genetic disease. Protect our Future" in When Medicine Went Mad: Bioethics and the Holocaust (Arthur L.
If people were not willing to be engineered in such a way, they Caplan, ed.), Humana Press, Totowa, New Jersey, USA, 1992.
could be refused insurance, employment and education. This • ASTEC (Australian Science and Technology Council), "Developing Long-Term
way, genetic destiny would be manipulated by designer foods and Strategies for Science and Technology in Australia", findings of the study, Matching
Science and Technology to Future Needs 2010, Australian Government Publishing
designer therapies. Service, Australia, 1996.
The advocates of the recently developed concept of "auto-evo- • ASTEC, Gene Technology Issues for Australia, Occ. Paper No. 27, AGPS, August 1993.
lution" theorise that elite groups of humans should use existing • Bains, William, Biotechnology from A-Z, Oxford University Press, UK, 1993.
• Cook-Deegan, Robert, The Gene Wars: Science, Politics and the Human Genome,
gene technologies to start directing the evolution of their off- W. W. Norton &Company, New York, 1994.
spring. Auto-evolutionists envisage that in six generations, or 350
Continued on page 83
years, humans would be unrecognisable.

JUNE - JULY 1997 NEXUS • 35

— The BioElites: Engineering our Future —
• "Gene superclub signs up top players", New Scientist, 19 no. 2, 1992, pp. 12-13.
Continued from page 35 November 1994, p. 4; "Squabbling all the way to the References: Information Sources
genebank", New Scientist, 26 November 1994, pp. 14-15. • Australian GeneEthics Network, c/- Australian
• Kevles, Daniel J. and Hood, Leroy (eds), The Code of • "Mapping the human body: Ethical and legal implica- Conservation Foundation, 340 Gore St, Fitzroy, Vic. 3065,
Codes: Scientific and Social Issues in the Human Genome tions of the Human Genome Project", Alternative Law Australia; ph (03) 9416 2222; fax (03) 9436 0767;
Project, Harvard University Press, UK, USA, 1992. Journal, vol. 8, no. 5, October 1993, pp. 240-241. e-mail:
• Kimbrell, Andrew, The Engineering and Marketing of • "The political economy of genes", Journal of Australian • Friends of the Earth, Victoria, ph (03) 9419 8700.
Life, HarperSanFrancisco, USA, 1993. Political Economy, no. 36, December 1995, pp. 104-113. • Genetic Resources Action International, Jonquers 16-6-D,
• Lyon, Jeff and Gorner, Peter, Altered Fates: Gene • "Current research project on the legal and ethical aspects E-08003 Barcelona, Spain.
Therapy and the Retooling of Human Life, W. W. Norton of genetic research in Australia", Journal of Law and • Rural Advancement Foundation International: Australia,
&Company, Inc., New York, 1995. Medicine, vol. 3, no. 1, August 1995, pp. 30-35. ph (079) 39 4792, e-mail: rafiaus@peg., web site:
• Packard, Vance, The People Shapers: Is Science Shaping • "Rumour, bloody rumour: Vampire Project—the Human; International
Man?, Future Publications, 1978. Genome Diversity Project", Time Australia, vol. 9, no. 6, 7 office, ph (613) 567 6880, e-mail:; USA,
• Proctor, Robert N., "Nazi Biomedical Policies" in When February 1994, p. 49. ph (919) 542 1396, e-mail:
Medicine Went Mad: Bioethics and the Holocaust (Arthur • "Fast track for false promises: genetic engineering", • Union of Concerned Scientists, UCS Agriculture and
Caplan, ed.), Humana Press, New Jersey, USA, 1992. Habitat Australia, vol. 22, no. 1, February 1994, pp. 38-43. Biotechnology Program, 1616 P. St, NW, Washington, DC
• Reiss, Michael J. and Straughan, Roger, Improving • "New dilemmas for law and medicine", Reform the Law: 20036, USA.
Nature? The Science and Ethics of Genetic Engineering, Essays on the Renewal of the Australian Legal System,
Cambridge University Press, UK, 1996. 1983, pp. 217-242. References: Web Sites
• Science and Engineering Council, Gene Technology, • "Genetic engineering: miracle or menace?" Chain • Human Genome Organization (HUGO):
Office of the Chief Scientist, Department of the Prime Reaction, no. 62, October 1990, pp. 24-29.
Minister and Cabinet, Australia, 1993. • "Human Genome Diversity Project", Search, vol. 25, no. • Human Genome Summit 1996, Canberra, Australia:
• Shiva, Vandana and Moser, Ingunn, Biopolitics: A 3, April 1994, pp. 85-90.
Feminist and Ecological Reader on Biotechnology, Zed • "Human DNA: cracking the code—implications of the • Monsanto:
Books, London, 1995. Human Genome Project", 21C: Previews of a Changing
• Sitchin, Zecharia, Genesis Revisited, Avon Books, New World, Summer 1990/91, pp. 39-44. • National Institutes of Health, USA:
York, 1990. • "The Human Genome Project: for better or for worse?", http://www.ncib.n/
• Walmsley, Jane and Margolis, Jonathan, Hot House Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 152, no. 9, May 1990, • Novartis:
People: Can We Create Super Human Beings?, Pan pp. 484-486. • UNESCO International Bioethics Committee:
Books, London, 1987. • "Clone Hype", The Bulletin, 9 Nov. 1993, pp. 72-78.
• Weir, Robert F., Lawrence, Susan C., Fales, Evan, Genes • "To build or be built: is that the new question?", Search,
and Human Self-Knowledge: Historical and Philosophical vol. 25, no. 4, May 1994, pp. 123-126. About the Author:
Reflections on Modern Genetics, University of Iowa Press, • "The Challenge of Genetic Engineering", IPAReview, Susan Bryce is a freelance investigative jour-
Iowa City, USA, 1994. vol. 45, no. 2, 1992, pp. 20-23. nalist whose interests include environmental
• "Existence without life: disability and genetics",
References: Journal Articles Australian Disability Review, no. 1, 1995, pp. 3-16. health, technology and global politics. Based
• RAFI Communiqué, May/June 1995, March/April 1996, • "Some ethical issues associated with genetic engineering in southeast Queensland, Australia, she is
January/February 1997, March/April 1997. for people with disabilities", Australian Disability Review, available for public speaking engagements.

JUNE - JULY 1997 NEXUS • 83

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