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Further Practice

Unit 8

You would really like to go on holiday with some friends this year, instead of with
your family as usual. List and order the facts and points you would use to persuade
your parents to let you go, and anticipate their objections. Write a dialogue of about
350 words between you and a parent, in which you succeed in persuading them.

You: "Hi Mom and Dad, I have something to say! I really want to go on holiday with
my friends instead of coming with you this year."

Mom: "Why? We always go on holiday together as a family."

You: "I know, but I'm a teenager now and I want to have different experiences. Also,
I'll be able to create new memories with them, and it will be a great bonding
experience overall. I promise I'll be safe and stay in contact with you throughout the

Dad: "But who will you be going with exactly? We need to know that you'll be safe."

You: "I'll be going with my friends from school who I've known for a long time.
They're all responsible and have parents who will also be keeping an eye on us.
We'll be staying in a safe, reputable hotel."

Mom: "But what about the cost? It's expensive to go on holiday with friends."

You: "I know, but we've been saving up for it for a while now and have a budget for
everything. We'll be staying in a budget-friendly hotel and doing mostly free

Dad: "I see what you’re trying to say, Since you are growing up, you want to have
new experiences. But we need to make sure you're safe and that you'll stay in
contact with us throughout the trip."

You: "Of course, I will! And I promise to keep in touch and be safe. I'll make sure to
send updates and photos to you both.”
Mom: "Okay, we'll think about it and let you know. But please understand that we
have to make sure you're safe and that it's not going to be a financial burden on the
You: "I understand, and I appreciate your concern. Thank you for considering it."

Mom: "Then okay, we've thought about it and we've decided that you can go on
holiday with your friends. But we want you to stay safe and be in contact with us
throughout the trip."

You: "Thank you so much, Mom and Dad. I promise I'll be safe and stay in touch."

Dad: "Just make sure to have fun and make great memories with your friend's Son."

You: "I will, Dad. Thank you again."

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