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Ever since his early childhood Lorweth was pushed around by his

Aelrún, being fixed on solving the mystery of the Blight had naturally
turned to the powers of divination magic. The problem was, he could
never become very good at it. Despite his industrious studies and all
the effort put into practicing magic, Aelrún never got past 3rd level
With his knowledge vast but his skills limited, he projected his life
goal onto his new born son. When Lorweth came to this world,
Aelrún could sense there is magical talent in the boy and so the
training began. Aelrún was kind father, but also a very demanding
one. His son was required to spend time in the library no end. There
was daily exercise in practicing magic. Every mission his father was
sent on by the guild, Lorweth had to attend, so he could acquire new
Lorweth’s fate would seem to be decided. But not if Lorweth was to
have any say in it. Despite his apparent magical talent his affinity was
more with nature rather than arcana. In that, he took after his
mother. He would sabotage his father’s upbringing on every
occasion. Time spent with books? Study nature. Trip to an exotic
land? Run off and discover new plants and animals. And so it went,
and as neither the study of the arcane nor the study of the natural
was very efficient, neither was very successful.
Things didn’t change much even after Lorweth’s sister Kasia was
born. Unlike his brother she loved her father with her whole heart
and she was grateful for every opportunity to spend time with him.
Those were scarce. Kasia’s misfortune was that of being second born.
The favourite one was already there, and she was left with little but
envy. The siblings never developed strong relationship of any kind.
Until one day, that was.
It was not long before Lorweth was to be admitted to the divination
college to begin his proper academic studies when something finally
snapped in him. During one of his father’s botched attempts at
scrying the rebound spell hit Lorweth in a very peculiar way and he
had a vision. It was Athel Fellin, hacked away, consumed by the
insatiable human greed and the grove left of it struck by wildfire.
True or not, this vision had Lorweth decided. He had to do his utmost
to prevent this. The very next day saw Lorweth packed and leaving
his home at dawn for Athel Fellin.
He took druidic vows and thus another chapter in his life began.

When Aelrún learned of what had happened he was broken. He

could not understand why his beloved son left him, where did he go
wrong? He gave him everything - spoilt him almost. Lorweth’s
rebellious behaviour was always taken on the account of him being
young rascal with short attention span. Never had Aelrún imagined
how misguided his upbringing was.
Kasia on the other hand was furious. The ungrateful bastard!
Everything she ever wanted he had gotten and he just threw it all
Despite her feelings, she would benefit from Lorweth’s actions as her
father would eventually turn his attention to her as a new hope for
his research.

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