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Macduff, a loyal Thane in King Duncan’s service.

He was born in
1028 delivered via caesarean. He is said to be Tall, Slender and
Strong as he was the one who defeated Macbeth.A man of very few
words but the way he speaks always contains respect for others. Did
not have any disability at all. Always described with the words,
Brave, Moral and Loyal.

He is the Thane of Fife, a Scottish nobleman. Macduff shows himself

to be possessed of great energy. He had hobbies like horseback riding.
His Wife, Lady Macduff and children are all murdered by Macbeth’s
hired people when he flew to England to support Malcolm, King
Duncan’s Son.

Macduff’s loyalty to his country was taken to another level, as he

made his goal to kill the dishonorable and destructive King Macbeth,
and put Malcolm to the throne. He also acts to combat tyranny and
all that is evil, making him a truly righteous character.

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