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Title: Goals and Main Branches of Philosophy

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1) It Discovers human problem origins and look for the solution . (Understanding from the
words of Montemayor, 1995)
2) it Searches the meaning of life, its all about thinking and reasoning. It will allow us to
know there is more to our existence more than our ordinary tasks, (Understanding from the
words of Montemayor, 1995) humans are not just here to eat sleep, work play, being human is
task that needs to fulfilled.
3) Its all about being reasonable on human experience, there's always a reaction for every
action, philosophy explains why and how things should happen. we don,t act without a reason
4) it leads to enlightenment and action, like jesus and budda, it does not only lead us to what
is true but also share the truth to others.
5) In the present it used to unify, interpret and explain more throughly the the things or
information gained by modern science for a more understandable concept of a human person
the discovery of computer makes life easier, but life is more than computers.
(Understanding from the words of Montemayor, 1995)
6) the world change so fast, we experience many things, and those will widen and shift the
definiton of human person, in this epoch we seek more about our existence, the study of
philosophy will always be vital to a humans experience with its importance for the
development of a complete social being, to be ready to take responsibility on the rapidly
changing world. (Understanding from the words of Zulueta, 2010)
7) philosophy makes humans think without interuption about the beliefs in life, knowledge
world view, it makes a individual search into the reason for what he accepts and does and into
the importance of his ideas and indeal to hope for his final conviction will change the result of
his examination. (Understanding from the words of Zulueta, 2010)
Human person experiences their own life as a problem, being able to think they realize that
life depends on what they make it, being free or realizing being able to decide makes them
resposible for their own actions, turns philosophy only to discover reality is also involves
ourselves. the quality of life depends on the own free response.


Metaphysics is a branch of philosophy that deals with deep and fundamental questions about
the nature of reality. It aims to provide a broader and deeper understanding of the concepts
and principles that describe how the world comes into being and functions.
Among the questions that Metaphysics seeks to answer are the following: What are the
different types of existence? Does God exist? What is the meaning of life? How does the
history of the world begin and end? And so on.
The goal of Metaphysics is to provide a deeper understanding of the nature of reality and the
underlying principles and concepts that govern it. This helps us to better understand the world
and the things that happen around us.
Epistemology is the theory of knowledge and deals with how knowledge is gathered and from
which sources. In research terms your view of the world and of knowledge strongly influences
your interpretation of data and therefore your philosophical standpoint should be made clear
from the beginning.
Is the term is derived from the Greek epistēmē means (“knowledge”) and logos means
Accordingly without epistemology human being would've no reason to believe to their
thougths and action, teacher have no reason to asign a schoolworks or assignments because
there would have no differencve between truth or error.
we need epistemology in order to accept the reality and live our life in succesful pursuit of
Ethics Derived from the Greek word “ethos”, which means “way of living”, ethics is a branch
of philosophy that is concerned with human conduct, more specifically the behaviour of
individuals in society.
Ethics, also called moral philosophy, the discipline concerned with what is morally good and
bad and morally right and wrong. The term is also applied to any system or theory of moral
values or principles, ethics is the rational justification for our moral judgements. It reflects on
human being and their interaction with nature and with other humans, on freedom, on
responsibility and on justice. Also guide us to tell the truth, keep our promises, or help
someone in need. There is a framework of ethics underlying our lives on a daily basis, helping
us make decisions that create positive impacts and steering us away from unjust outcomes.
Politics is a branch of philosophy that is concerned, at the most abstract level, with the
concepts and arguments involved in political opinion. Politics is ethics applied to a group of
people in society.
When the word politics is used in English-speaking countries, it usually refers to elections.
The individuals within the political system are allowed to fully function according to their
nature. If that's not the case, they will either rebel or the system will collapse.
The purpose of politics is to prevent violence and violent death, also starvation. To prevent
citizens from going for each other’s throats individually or in mobs. When it’s time to decide
who should be in what government position, what laws should be made and followed, what
belongs to whom, what to do when somebody does wrong by another, how to determine if a
wrong was done, how much goods goes to government and what the government is able to do.
Aesthetics refers to the branch of philosophy that is concerned with the nature of art and
beauty. It examines the principles and concepts underlying artistic creation, interpretation, and
appreciation. Aesthetics in philosophy attempts to answer questions such as: What is beauty?
What is art? What makes something beautiful or artistic? How do we judge the value of art?
How do we distinguish between good and bad art?
Philosophers of aesthetics also explore the relationships between art and other fields, such as
ethics, politics, and culture. For example, they may consider the role of art in social change,
the moral obligations of artists, or the ways in which art reflects or shapes cultural values.
Aesthetics in philosophy is often divided into three main areas: philosophical aesthetics,
which focuses on the philosophical aspects of art and beauty; art criticism, which evaluates
and interprets specific works of art; and art history, which examines the historical context and
evolution of art.
Aesthetics in philosophy is a complex and multifaceted field that seeks to understand the nature
of beauty, art, and their relationship to human experience and culture.

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