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What were the three main peoples of the Italian Peninsula after about

Etruscans, Latins and Greeks.

In which century did the Latins settle around the Tiber River?

In the 8th century BC

Who took control of the Italian Peninsula in the 6th century BC?

Who elected the king during the Monarchy?

The wealthy people: patricians

In what year did the Monarchy start?

753 BC

In which continents did Rome acquire territories in the 6 th century?

Europe, Asia and Africa

Who defeated the last Etruscan king?

Aristocratic Roman families

What’s the first period in Rome’s history?


What was the role of the senate during the Monarchy?

To advise the king

What was the role of the senate during the Republic?

To direct the magistrates and decide foreign policy

When did the Republic begin? And when did it end?

It started in 509 BC and finished in 27 BC

Who were the plebeians?

Free groups like merchants, craftsmen and peasants

Did the Roman Empire have any natural frontiers?

Yes, the Danube river, Black Sea and Rhine river

Who was the dominant power in North Africa who fought Rome in the

Punic Wars?


In which year was Julius Caesar proclaimed dictator?

44 BC

What were the consequences of the expansion of the Roman Empire?

Economic (wealth, slaves, taxes), politics (corruption) and society (social

discontent and revolts)

How was the empire organised?


When did the Roman Empire started and ended?

It started in 27 BC and it finished in AD 476

Which institutions made up the government of the Roman Empire?

The emperor, magistrates and senate.

What powers did the emperor held?

The emperor was the highest political, military and religious authority.

What’s the meaning of “pax romana”?

Means “roman peace”. A period of economic splendour with well-defended

frontiers and peace.

What is the Romanisation?

It was the cultural achievement during the period of peace in the Empire.

Conquered peoples adopted the language (latin), customs and beliefs of

the Romans. Many public works and buildings were constructed.

What happened in 212 AD?

Everyone in the Empire was Given Roman citizenship.

To whom did the Senate give the name of “Augustus” in 27 BC? What

does it mean?

To Octavio, the nephew of Julius Caesar. It means “sacred person” or


“chosen by gods”

In which century did the Roman empire suffered a crisis?

In the 3rd Century

Who fought against Rome during the crisis of the 3rd century?
Germanics tribes from the north and Persians in the east.

Why was there an economic crisis during the 3rd century?

Because trade declined due to the unsafety (inseguridad) and taxations

(impuestos) increased because emperor needed to finance wars.

What happened to the cities and urban residents during the crisis of the

3rd century?
That cities weren’t no longer safe, people had to pay high taxes so they

moved to live in the countryside

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