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Developers: 10 Pointers

There are tips or techniques to get a better personal future in development, just as there are
in many other careers. Here are some recommendations that I believe are vital to progress
as a developer:
1.- Specialize: When I say it's a good idea to specialize in anything, I don't mean you have to
learn only one subject throughout your career; in fact, that's a horrible notion. Companies
look for and pay more for people who are experts in a specific field, so having a thorough
understanding of a specific technology is preferable to someone who understands a little bit
about everything.
2.- Practice: This is crucial; it's great to read books, take online courses, and so on, but the
most important thing is to practice. It's like if you accomplished a practical task and never
submitted it in to your teacher if you simply read books.
3.- Personal Project: This point is similar to the previous one, but I'd like to separate it
because it's very essential to me. A personal project allows us to put our skills to use in a
more entertaining and intriguing way. If you want to, you can make a clone of an app you
like, such as a social network, a blog, or something else.
4.- Learn from outstanding people:You can read blogs; if you're interested in JavaScript, I
recommend looking at Ponyfoo by Nicolás Bevacqua, Eric Elliott, or other experts in the
field. Another area to learn and read fast information is Twitter. Github is a great site to study
and learn because you can read a lot of code and improve as a developer there.
5.- Perform an analysis before to writing code:We often make the mistake of creating code
too quickly as developers; it is a good idea to examine the problem before writing any lines
of code. Writing code on a piece of paper is a fantastic idea since it forces you to think more.
6.- Refactor your code: Refactoring your code is highly recommended: it is a strategy for
reorganizing source code by modifying its internal structure without affecting its external
behavior. Because as developers, we spend 80% of our time reading code and 20% of our
time developing it, and good code saves us a lot of time.Another consideration is that we
frequently collaborate with others, and it is always a good idea to develop readable code.
7.- Meet new people: Meeting new people is a good idea because it allows us to form
connections and make relationships that can help us in future initiatives or jobs. It's also a
good idea to learn from other developers by talking with them, attending meetings, giving a
presentation at a conference, and doing other things.
8.- Share what you've learned.:You learn a lot when you share your information, and it's a
terrific notion because you're helping other people as well as yourself. You can start your
own blog, make an instructive YouTube channel, enroll in an Udemy course, or utilize
Medium to spread your message.
9.- Try to live a normal life:It is not required to spend 24 hours in front of your computer;
instead, clear your mind by going for a walk, watching a movie, playing an instrument, or
doing something else that will improve your mind. There is a lot of information out there;
don't try to learn it all because you'll need 3534 lives to do so; instead, use the Internet and
other people to help you.
10.- Have fun: Programming isn't for everyone; after all, who can program? Yes, but can
anyone work as a professional developer? No. You must have a strong desire to learn and
study; as I stated in my previous essay, the tech world is constantly evolving, so if you
despise learning, you are doomed. So you must appreciate what you are doing; don't study
code solely for the sake of making money, as this is incomprehensible.

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