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1/The main objectives that a business might have are: Survival – a short

term objective, probably for small business just starting out, or when a new
firm enters the market or at a time of crisis. Profit maximisation – try to
make the most profit possible – most like to be the aim of the owners and

1. The main objectives that a business might have are: Survival  S and S
blooms just start selling flowers.  Besides this company, there are many
other competitors
2. Profit maximisation – try to make the most profit possible – most like to be
the aim of the owners and shareholders.

Pro 1: Easier to for managers to communicate with workers and supervise

Explanation 1: Tall hierarchical organisational structure means narrow span
of control. This leads to bookstore managers being able to supervise
workers more carefully, and if the workers have any problem they’d like to
report back to the manager, such as books being stolen, vandalised, the
bookshelves are too fragile,... the managers are able to set out more time
to listen to the workers and deal with the situation.
Pro 2: Makes promotion easier which may motivate employees
Explanation 2: Because there are clearly set levels of management, it’ll be
easier to give employees promotions, for example: a low level bookstore
clerk can be promoted to be the bookstore manager, which then can be
promoted into director of millennial content, and so on and so forth.
Whereas in a short organisational structure, promoting an employee could
be a huge leap from mere bookstore clerk to director in charge of a whole
genre of literature.

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