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Microprogrammed Control Unit
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Last Updated: Jan 13, 2023 MEDIUM interviews
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Table of Contents
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1. Introduction
Introduction competitive coder

2. Types of the Control Unit In this blog, we will discuss Control Unit, Hardwired Control Unit, and MicroprogrammedAlready setup? Next
Control Unit.
3. Hardwired Control Unit

3.1. Characteristics of
Hardwired Control Unit

3.2. Designing of Hardwired

Control Unit

3.3. Advantages of
H d i d C t l U it

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Instruction Cycle


The main components of the CPU include the Control unit and the arithmetic logic unit. Now,
Design of Basic we will be discussing only about the control unit. 
The main function of the control unit is to inform ALU, input/output device and computer’s
memory about how to respond or answer the given set of instructions. The Control unit itself
does not involve any processing tasks. It only controls and directs the task. It acts as the
Register In Computer supervisor of the computer controlling all activities of the computer, including fetching
instructions from the main memory and then executing them.

Types of the Control Unit

Control Units are classi ed into two major categories:

Hardwired Control
Microprogrammed Control

Discussing about each one, along with their functions.

Hardwired Control Unit

As the name suggests, these control units are designed using hardware components such
as sequential logic circuits or some nite state machines, for example, logic gates, ip- ops,
decoders, resistors and other digital circuits to generate a speci c sequence of control

Here inputs are status signals, i.e., any instructions’ particular status and clock input, and
the output we get is control signals. Instruction registers are used to keep track of current
instruction and the next instruction.

Control memory is absent in this control unit. This control unit uses RISC (Reduced
Instruction Set Computer) microprocessors.

Factors Considered for the design of the hardwired control unit.

Amount of hardware - Minimise the number of hardware used.

Speed of operation - If a single IC can replace a group of IC, replace it. The amount of
hardware and speed of operation are inversely proportional to each other.

Characteristics of Hardwired Control Unit

The characteristics of Hardwired Control Unit are following:

Combinational circuits are the foundation of hardwired control units.

The inputs and transformations are set into control signals in this type of system.
These units are known to be quicker and to have a more intricate structure.

Designing of Hardwired Control Unit

State-table method - This classical sequential design method minimises hardware and
constructs a state transition table. Every generation of states has a set of control
signals. This method faces the issue of desynchronisation.
Delay Element Method - Control signals follow a proper sequence. There is a speci c
time delay between two groups of control signals. D ip ops are controlled by a
standard clock signal to ensure synchronisation.
Sequence Counter Method - It uses counter for timing purposes.
PLA method - It uses a programmable logic array to generate control signals.

Advantages of Hardwired Control Unit

Extremely fast 
Instruction set size is small as hardwired control unit relies on hardware more.
The rapid mode of operation can be produced by optimising it.

Disadvantages of Hardwired Control Unit

Modi cation becomes tougher as each time we have to play with complex circuits.
Dif cult to handle complex instructions.
Design is complicated, and decoding is complex.

Microprogrammed Control Unit

As the name suggests, these control units are designed with the help of a micro-program.
This micro-program is a collections of micro-instructions stored in the control memory. This
control unit uses CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer) microprocessors.

Example of micro-instruction:


In the above instruction, we are fetching the operand.

The control signal for the above example:

MARᵢₙ, R3ₒᵤₜ

A micro-instruction consist of one or more micro-operations to be executed and the address

of the next micro-instruction.

If the control memory grows horizontally, due to an increase in control signals, it is referred
to as horizontal microprogramming. If the control memory grows vertically, due to an
increase in control signals, and the bits are decoded then it is referred to as vertical
microprogramming. If we are using two-level control memory providing both the advantage
of horizontal and vertical microprogramming, then it is referred to as nanoprogramming.
Memory access time in nono programming is increased as two levels are to be traversed.

Micro programmed control unit with a single level control store passes instruction from the
main memory to the instruction register, then microinstruction address generation unit sends
the data to the address register, from where it is decoded and sent to the control store. Then
the data is stored in the operations part of the micro-instruction register and after decoding
in understandable form, it is received in the form of the control signal.

In a microprogrammed control unit with a two-level control store, the mechanism remains
the same with a microprogrammed control unit with a single level control store except that
this structure includes nano-instruction memory. This is the optimised version of the control
unit with a single-level store. Here the redundant data is discarded. In this way, unnecessary
storing of the same operation parts of microinstructions is avoided.

Characteristics of Microprogrammed Control Unit

The characteristics of Microprogrammed Control Unit are following:

Micro programmes of procedures are used to implement these control units.

The control unit used in the micro programme is a CPU nested inside of another CPU.
These circuits are straightforward yet relatively sluggish.

Advantages of Micro-programmed Control Unit 

Micro-program can be updated easily.
Better in terms of scalability than hardwired. 
Easier to handle complex instructions.
Design is systematic, and decoding is pretty much straightforward.

Disadvantages of the Micro-programmed Control Unit

Hardware cost is more because of control memory and its access circuitry.
Slower than a hardwired control unit.
Instruction set size is comparatively large as this relies on microprogramming.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a hardwired control unit?

A nite state machine-based method known as a "hardwired control" is one of producing
control signals (FSM). Hardwired control units are designed using hardware components like
sequential logic circuits or some nite state machines like logic gates, ip- ops, and other
digital circuits generating a speci c sequence of control signals.

What is a Microprogrammed control unit?

Microprogrammed control units have binary control values that are stored in memory as
words. Microprogrammed control units are designed with the help of a micro-program. This
micro-program is a collection of micro-instructions stored in the control memory.
Microprogramming is the term used to describe generating code for control memory.

Why is hardwired control faster?

Only the necessary control signals are generated by hardware in the hardwired control unit.
The control signals in this Control Unit are produced by the microinstructions. This is why a
hardwired control unit is faster than a micro-programmed control unit, as the signals here
are produced via combinational circuits.

What is the difference between wired and hardwired?

If a wire is physically attached, it is said to be hardwired, which means a physical
connection for communication exists on module. The control signals needed by the
processor are induced by the hardwired control unit, whereas the control signals are
induced by the microprogrammed control unit through microinstructions.

This article taught us about Control Unit. We discussed different types of Control units, their
pros and cons.

We hope you could easily take away all critical and conceptual techniques by walking over
the given examples. 

Now, we strongly recommend you to understand the other related concepts in Computer
Organization and Architecture and enhance your learning. You can get a wide range of
topics similar to this on guided paths.

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