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Cruz, Angel Nicole B.

Contemporary World
SSC C102-101E

Performance Task: Reflection Paper

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The image depicts a group of children and a woman playing in harmony and
peace, incurious about the unforeseen chaos of society. Childhood, an episode wherein
life is still at peace. Greed, guilt, and anger are extinct, invincible somehow. A child’s
gaze is so innocent, calm, and pure. The lyrics cut deep into our current society, a
realization that slaps us hard on the back. When can we just be like the old times where
all is at ease and the world calms for a second, "You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not
the only one. I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will be one. " We all imagined
a new world, which could be impossible or possible in both cases. Attainable but difficult
to obtain, if humanity is misled.

Globalization has evolved our society into an unimaginable realm of remarkable

progress, sovereignty, and uniformity. Built over time, creating a world with boundless
potential. These were the primary aspects we noticed about globalization; however, the
lyrics depict an entirely different perspective, and it illustrates people's skepticism about
globalization. Greed, hunger, possession, execution, and war, all for a globalized
society. The lyrics depict what globalization results in when it is not managed
accordingly, which our society is currently facing. Thus, globalization requires a
comprehensive approach.
Limits are the factors that prevent someone from performing their duties due to
incapacity, neither physically nor mentally. People are built differently. The majority are
lucky enough to have complete body form with no abnormalities or complications, but
some are incompletely formed. Being different from others could raise questions,
especially if you are one. I personally am amazed by individuals who can do what they
love and still move forward despite their disabilities. The disabled guy singing on the big
stage questioned my capabilities. That disabled guy has proved himself to a huge crowd
of people that, despite his disability, he was able to showcase his talent as if there was
no limit. Is there a limit, or am I the only one who limits myself to doing greater things in
life? That guy has led me to the question.

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