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Cruz, Angel Nicole

Life and Works of Rizal

HIS C301-101E

Final Quiz 2: WW6

“Nationalism: Fading through time”

Liberation of minds that led to the disunion of thoughts,

bought discourse and disarray to our compatriots.
Pride and bickering have shifted the nation into a global controversy.
The question, “What happened to their democracy?”

Notable men exchange lives for a chance for freedom,

revolt, and unchain their hands from the maltreatment of fascism.
Willing to defend independence,
uncovered, only guarded with confidence.

The act of heroism slowly faded through the progression of time,

nationalism is on a cliff, vulnerable over time.
A leap of humanity, sense of adoration to dear nation,
an immediate urgency to participation.

Westernization that led to integration and adaptation,

forming an alliance to the foreign stimulation.
Still chained and imprisoned to the colonizer’s hands, without doubt,
locals become foreigners of their own nation.

A dispute on nationalism abrupt and inescapable to an extricate state,

coalition and interrelation should transpire.
Generate a nation whom it’s people will do anything for its land;
cultivate the deed of nationalism to integrate to the future firsthand.

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