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The Himalayas, incompletely formed by the collision of monumental plates, are prone to ruinous

earthquakes. Afghanistan is positioned near the southern extent of the Eurasian Plate.( 2) utmost of these
earthquakes are associated with rear, thrust, or strike- slip faulting. Large earthquakes with bulks of over
to7.5 have passed in the region with an average rush interval of 15 times. These earthquakes correspond to
reverse condemning at a depth of 170 to 280 km( 110 to 170 mi).( 3) These earthquakes, rather than being at
a plate boundary, are sourced from within the Indian Plate as it dives beneath the Hindu Kush. As the
monumental arbor of the Indian Plate descends at a near- perpendicular angle into the mantle, it stretches and
begins to" tear", ultimately leading to a arbor detachment.( 4) This action results in stress accommodation
along faults that produces earthquakes when ruptured. lower shallow focus earthquakes are also observed in
the region, particularly associated with north – south trending zones of right side strike- slip, similar as the
Chaman Fault, with an adding degree of shortening to the north, together accommodating the largely oblique
confluence between the Indian and the Eurasian Plates.( 5)

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