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Journal of Alloys and Compounds 747 (2018) 595e602

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Enhanced strain rate sensitivity of Zr-based bulk metallic glasses

subjected to high pressure torsion
E.V. Boltynjuk a, *, D.V. Gunderov b, c, E.V. Ubyivovk d, M.A. Monclús e, L.W. Yang e,
J.M. Molina-Aldareguia e, A.I. Tyurin f, A.R. Kilmametov g, A.A. Churakova b, c,
A.Yu. Churyumov h, R.Z. Valiev a, b
Saint Petersburg State University, 28 Universitetskiy pr., Saint Petersburg 198504, Russia
Ufa State Aviation Technical University, 12 K. Marx str., Ufa 450008, Russia
Institute of Molecule and Crystal physics RAS. Prospekt Oktyabrya 151, Ufa 450075, Russia
ITMO University, 49 Kronverksky pr., Saint Petersburg 197101, Russia
IMDEA Materials Institute, Calle Eric Kandel 2, 28906 Getafe, Madrid, Spain
Research Institute for Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials, Derzhavin State University, Tambov 392000, Russia
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute of Nanotechnology, Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1, 76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen, Germany
National University of Science and Technology “MISiS”, Moscow 119049, Russia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The Zr62Cu22Al10Fe5Dy1 bulk metallic glass (BMG) was subjected to high pressure torsion (HPT) at room
Received 21 October 2016 temperature. The state after HPT processing demonstrates presence of large number of heterogeneities in
Received in revised form amorphous structure e shear bands. Nanoindentation was used to study the effect of HPT processing on
28 February 2018
deformation behavior and strain rate sensitivity (m). It was found that HPT significantly affects me-
Accepted 2 March 2018
chanical behavior of BMG during nanoindentation. Decrease in hardness and Young's modulus was
Available online 3 March 2018
observed after HPT. At the same time HPT processing led to an increase in m from 0.014 for the as-cast
material to 0.036. The lack of serration flow and shear bands around imprints was observed in addition to
Metallic glasses
above mentioned changes. A much less localized deformation mode under nanoindentation along with
High pressure torsion an increase in values of strain rate sensitivity of HPT-processed state in comparison with the initial state
Transmission electron microscopy imply homogeneous deformation behavior after processing. The observed drastic changes in deforma-
Nanoindentation tion behavior and structure can be explained as the formation of a highly-heterogeneous amorphous
Strain rate sensitivity structure resembling nanoglasses in result of HPT processing.
Shear transformation zones © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction deformation [8,9]. In a similar way, high pressure torsion (HPT) is of

great interest due to the severe plastic deformation [10,11] induced
Bulk metallic glasses (BMG) have attracte great interest due to into the processed material. In crystalline materials, HPT typically
their excellent mechanical properties, such as high strength, large leads to grain refinement and formation of a nanocrystalline
elastic elongation limit [1,2]. However, possible applications of structure. In amorphous alloys, heavy shear deformation by HPT
glasses are considerably limited by their brittleness at room tem- generates the formation of a high density of localized SBs, which
perature [3e5]. The influence of various plastic deformation pro- modify the local atomic structure of metallic glasses [12e16],
cesses on the properties of BMGs has been investigated [6e9] in enhance the properties and may lead to increased ductility [16].
order to modify their ductility. Particularly, it has been demon- Thus, investigation of mechanical properties of amorphous alloys
strated that accumulative roll bonding (ARB) can lead to increased after HPT processing is of interest from both scientific and tech-
ductility of BMGs due to the formation of high density of shear nological points of view. However, HPT-processed samples of
bands that prevent the propagation of new bands forming during amorphous alloys have small geometrical dimensions, therefore
study of their mechanical properties (values of Young's modulus
and strain rate sensitivity) by means of tensile or compression tests
is quite complicated task.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (E.V. Boltynjuk). In recent years nanoindentation has become a widely used
0925-8388/© 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
596 E.V. Boltynjuk et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 747 (2018) 595e602

method to investigate mechanical properties of wide range of following principle. As was mentioned above, the m-value can be
amorphous alloys [17e19]. Nanoindentation in most studies was determined during several uniaxial tensile or compression exper-
used to determine the Young's modulus and hardness and to iments under different strain rates or by using strain rate jump tests
investigate the serrated flow of load-displacement curves of during a single macroscopic test. Generally, in these tests flow
amorphous alloys [20e22]. In several works nanoindentation was stress s and applied strain rate Ɛ_ are linked by the relationship:
also used to study the strain rate sensitivity of amorphous alloys
[23,24]. Strain rate sensitivity (m) provides important information s ¼ Bεm (1)
about the rate limiting processes during plastic flow, such as the
activation volume and energy [23,24]. For crystalline materials, a where B is the temperature-dependent material constant, and m is
low value of m (0.01) indicates the dislocation glide as the con- the strain rate sensitivity parameter. From equation (1), it can be
trolling deformation mechanism. Increased contribution of grain seen that the parameter m can be obtained from the slope of the
boundary sliding and diffusion processes is usually observed at _
plot ln (s) e ln (Ɛ):
higher values of m, leading to superplasticity effects for m values of
0.4 [25]. As a result, the tendency for strain localization is larger
dðln sÞ
for low m values, while high m values are typically associated with m¼ (2)
dðln ε_ Þ
more homogeneous and uniform deformation of the material by
diffusional creep. One can assume the same dependency for It is well known that due to the self-similarity of the pyramidal
amorphous materials, namely that high values of m will contribute indenter and in the absence of indentation size effects, hardness H
to more homogeneous deformation [24], while low values of m will is proportional to flow stress [29] and that the indentation strain
increase the tendency for strain localization processes in amor- rate ε_ ind can be defined as:
phous alloy, dominated by the formation of SBs.
However, to our knowledge, no research on the effect of HPT on
the strain rate sensitivity of BMG's is currently available in litera- ε_ ind ¼ (3)
ture. Thus, investigation of the mechanical properties of amor- h
phous alloys processed by HPT by means of nanoindentation is of where h and h_ are the penetration and rate of penetration of the
interest from both scientific and technological points of view. indenter, respectively. Therefore, it is possible to establish an
Studies have shown that the strain rate sensitivity of amorphous analogy between uniaxial testing and indentation to determine
alloys depends strongly on their structural parameters (free vol- strain rate sensitivity m from:
ume, topological order) [24]. It should be noted that it is extremely
difficult to record changes in these structural parameters of
amorphous alloys by methods of structural investigations, while m¼ (4)
nanoindentation enables recording rather easily changes in Young's dðln_εind Þ
modulus, hardness and strain rate sensitivity, and on the basis of
by performing indentations at varying ε_ ind , as has been shown in
these data one can make conclusions about the direction of changes
previous studies [25].
in the amorphous structure under some treatment. It is evident
Considering that in pyramidal indentation the indentation load
that structural changes during HPT processing should affect strain
P is:
rate sensitivity of the material. The main aim of this work is to study
the effect of HPT processing at various temperatures on mechanical
behavior of the Zr62Cu22Al10Fe5Dy1 BMG by means of P ¼ Ch2 (5)
where C is the constant. In order to maintain the constant inden-
2. Experimental tation strain rate with penetration, the loading rate should vary
according to:
2.1. Strain rate sensitivity measurements
P_ h_
To measure strain rate sensitivity by nanoindentation, three ¼ 2 ¼ 2_εind (6)
P h
methods have been widely used: (i) the constant loading rate
method (CRL) proposed by Mayo and Nix [26], in which a steady Therefore, in this study, CSR nanoindentation [27] tests were
loading rate is used until the tip displacement rate becomes nearly conducted with proportional loading rates of 0.005, 0.02 and 0.1
constant; (ii) the constant strain rate method (CSR), proposed by s1, corresponding to indentation strain rates of 0.0025, 0.01 and
Lucas and Oliver [27], which uses an exponential load-time func- 0.05 s1, respectively. In the absence of a continuous measurement
tion to induce a constant strain rate; and (iii) strain rate jump tests of contact stiffness, which would allow determining the contact
[28,29], in which the loading rate is suddenly changed during an area and the hardness continuously during each indentation test,
indentation experiment to compute the change of hardness with strain rate sensitivity was obtained from the change in apparent
strain rate. This method is capable of deriving the strain rate hardness Hap with indentation strain rate at the end of the loading
sensitivity from a single indentation experiment, while the first segment, using the form:
two methods require multiple indents at varying loading/inden-
tation strain rates to derive the change of hardness with different P
Hap ¼ (7)
strain rates. In the present study, the constant strain rate method AðhÞ
was used due to the following reasons: unlike CRL, the CSR tech-
nique maintains the constant strain rate during the entire experi- where the apparent contact area A(h) was obtained from the known
ment; unlike strain rate jump tests, the CSR method measures diamond area function of the indenter, i.e., the apparent hardness
hardness from not-deformed structure, as different strain rates are neglects any elastic contribution to the penetration depth. Previous
applied on fresh locations on the sample surface. studies have already shown the validity of this approach to deter-
Strain rate sensitivity measurements were carried out using the mine the strain rate sensitivity [28].
E.V. Boltynjuk et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 747 (2018) 595e602 597

2.2. Materials and methods bands may cause increase of free volume in amorphous matrix after
HPT processing. Annealing at 500  C induces crystallization of the
The BMG with a nominal composition of Zr62Cu22Al10Fe5Dy1 BMG, as shown in the XRD-patterns in Fig. 1.
was used in this study. Cylindrical rods of 5 mm in diameter and DSC study confirmed the amorphous nature of as-cast and HPT-
50 mm in length were fabricated by the copper mold casting of processed states. Temperature of glass transition and crystallization
pure elements. The cast rod was cut into discs with a thickness of onset are 395 and 474.5  C for as-cast state (Table 1). HPT leads to a
2 mm for HPT processing. The sample was placed upon the HPT slightly decrease in temperatures of glass transition and crystalli-
anvils with 10 mm in diameter and compressed to a disc with a zation onset by a few degrees (Fig. 2).
diameter 10 mm. During the HPT process, the discs were deformed Density measurements were made in the as-cast and HPT-
at a rotation speed of 1 rpm under an applied pressure of 6 GPa for 5 processed samples of the Zr62Cu22Al10Fe5Dy1 BMG according to
revolutions at room temperature (RT). Using such an HPT tech- the unique procedure [30]. The most widely used method for the
nique, solid samples with a thickness of 0.2e0.3 mm and a diam- density measurements of metallic samples, including BMGs, is the
eter of 10 mm were produced. Three different structural states of method of hydrostatic weighing [34]. However, density measure-
this Zr-based BMG were investigated: as-cast, HPT-processed at ment of HPT-processed samples by hydrostatic weighing is
room temperature and as-cast annealed at 500  C for 10 min. extremely complicated and not accurate due to the small sizes,
Amorphous or crystalline structure was revealed by X-ray complex shape and small thickness of the samples after HPT. In this
diffraction (XRD) under Cu radiation employing a Bruker Phaser D2. connection, the existing literature lacks data about the direct
Calorimetric measurements (DSC) were performed using a Netzsch measurements of the effect of HPT on the density of amorphous
DSC 204 F1 Phoenix calorimeter with a typical heating rate of 20  C/ alloys. The possibility of measuring the density of samples of
min. Density measurements were made according to the procedure amorphous alloys subjected to HPT emerged when a new unique
described in Ref. [30]. The structure of the samples was investigated method was developed [30] that enabled measuring the density of
by Zeiss Libra 200FE transmission electron microscope (TEM) at an samples with very small sizes and a complex shape. The density
accelerating voltage of 200 kV. Samples for TEM study were pre- variation demonstrates that the initial Zr62Cu22Al10Fe5Dy1 BMG has
pared in cross-section, i.e. in direction perpendicular to the spec- the density r equal to 6.98 g/cm3 (Table 1), which correlates with a
imen plane by Focused Ion Beam (FIB) using a Zeiss Auriga cross rather good accuracy with the measurement data for bulk samples
beam. Detailed lamella sample preparation described in Ref. [31]. of the Zr62Cu22Al10Fe5Dy1 BMG obtained by hydrostatic weighing
Prior to nanoindentation experiments, all specimens were me- [34]. HPT processing leads to a decrease in the density values by
chanically polished with a series of diamond suspensions followed 2.15% as compared to the initial state. Such decrease in the density
by 0.05 mm colloidal silica. The indentation tests were performed values of the sample indicates the formation of many regions with
using a Micro Materials Nanotest platform 3 with a standard Ber- increased free volume, shear bands, as a result of HPT. The decrease
kovich diamond indenter tip with load and displacement resolu- in the density values can also be attributed to the emergence of
tions of 0.1 mN and 0.1 nm, respectively. The machine compliance pores and cracks in the HPT-processed sample, but studies by op-
and indenter geometry calibrations were performed using a refer- tical metallography and scanning electron microscopy SEM with
ence fused silica sample. Experiments were conducted at RT in different magnifications of the HPT-processed samples reveal the
load-control mode with a peak load of 200 mN for three propor- absence of any pores and cracks in the HPT-processed state of the
tional loading rates 0.005, 0.02 and 0.1 s1, corresponding to 0.0025 Zr62Cu22Al10Fe5Dy1 BMG.
s1, 0.01 s1 and 0.05 s1 equivalent strain rates, respectively. TEM images of the initial and HPT-processed state are shown in
Nanoindentation measurements were performed at distances of Fig. 3. General view of lamella sample for as-cast state is shown in
half the disc radius from the center of the disc surface. The Fig. 3a. Homogeneous amorphous structure with few tiny crystals
indentation tests include three segments: a constant strain rate with a size of 40e100 nm is observed. However, the volume frac-
loading up to maximum load, holding at the maximum load for 5 s, tion of these crystals is very low, and undetectable by the XRD
and complete unloading in 5 s. At least ten indentation tests were
conducted for each strain rate. Scanning probe microscope (SPM)
images of indents were obtained by Hysitron Triboindenter TI950.

3. Results

X-ray diffraction analysis was carried out to study the structure

of the HPT-processed sample as well as the initial Zr-based BMG rod
and the specimen after annealing (Fig. 1). According to the XRD-
patterns, the structure of as-cast BMG rods is amorphous. HPT-
processed state retained its amorphous structure. XRD demon-
strates shift of first peak position to lower 2q: from 37.11 in initial
state to 36.85 for state processed by HPT. Shift of first peak position
to lower 2q means increase in value of first coordination sphere
radius (R1). Radius of first coordination sphere could be determined
from Ehrenfest equation 2R1sinq ¼ 1.23l, where l e is the wave-
length of radiation [32]. Values of radii of first coordination spheres
for as-cast and HPT-processed states are summarized in Table 1.
Increase in value of first coordination sphere means increase in free
volume content [33]. HPT processing leads to increase in value of
full width at half maximum (FWHM) by 50% in comparison with
the initial state (Table 1). Increase in FWHM [6] due to the defor- Fig. 1. X-ray diffraction patterns of: as-cast Zr62Cu22Al10Fe5Dy1 BMG, as-cast
mation was attributed to increase in free volume content. Such Zr62Cu22Al10Fe5Dy1 BMG subjected to HPT at room temperature and as-cast
increase of average interatomic distances or formation of shear Zr62Cu22Al10Fe5Dy1 annealed at temperature of 500  C for 10 m.
598 E.V. Boltynjuk et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 747 (2018) 595e602

Table 1
Structural parameters of as-cast and HPT-processed Zr62Cu22Al10Fe5Dy1 BMG: temperatures of structural transformations occurring during heating; values of FWHM for the
first amorphous halo, radius of the coordination sphere (R1); values of density (r).

Material Glass transition,  C Crystallization onset,  C FWHM, degree R1, Å r, g/cm3

as-cast BMG 395 474 4.00 2.98 6.98
HPT at room temperature 390 467 6.20 3.00 6.83

and c, respectively. Many shear bands are observed around imprint

in the as-cast BMG (Fig. 5b). No shear bands are observed after HPT
processing (Fig. 5c). So, HPT processing reduces or completely
eliminates strain localizations in large shear bands (which are
observed in form of serrations in load-penetration curve or arcs
around the imprint), that leads to a more homogeneous deforma-
tion under nanoindentation [16]. It should be noted that the
nanoglasses with cluster-type structure did not exhibit serration
flow on the load-penetration curves and shear bands around im-
prints, however, visible serrations and shear bands were observed
for the corresponding homogeneous amorphous specimen [36].
The BMG after annealing at 500  C did not exhibit serration flow.
The latter is expected at annealing at 500  C led to crystallization as
shown by the XRD above. Deformation mechanism was changed
from shear banding to dislocation flow due to the crystallization
and serration flow disappears.
Values of strain rate sensitivity, Young's modulus are summa-
rized in Table 2. The strain rate sensitivity of the as-cast BMG was
0.014. HPT processing led to an increase in m values by a factor of
2.57 with respect to the as-cast state. m decrease significantly to
Fig. 2. DSC curves of as-cast and HPT-processed Zr62Cu22Al10Fe5Dy1 BMG. 0.001 after annealing at 500  C. It should be noted that there is an
inverse relationship between the values of Young's modulus and
the values of strain rate sensitivity (Table 2).
measurements, thus as-cast state can be considered as predomi-
nantly amorphous. High resolution TEM (HR TEM) image of as-cast
state revealed homogeneous amorphous structure, which is 4. Discussion
confirmed by selected area electron diffraction (SAED) on inset
(Fig. 3b). In contrast to the as-cast state, state after HPT processing The results of the present study are compared with a summary
demonstrates presence of large number of heterogeneities in of literature data on the SRS of different BMGs in Table 3. While
amorphous structure e shear bands (Fig. 3c). SAED from state negative strain rate sensitivities have been often reported for many
processed by HPT revealed the amorphous halo, as well as a few BMGs tested by compression, positive values of strain rate sensi-
faint crystalline reflections from nanocrystals. Nanocrystals with tivity are reported in the case of nanoindentation experiments. The
sizes of few nanometers form directly in the shear bands as a result difference in SRS obtained by compression and nanoindentation
of HPT-induced nanocrystallization. can be mainly attributed to the different stress states imposed by
Typical indentation load-penetration (P-h) curves obtained the different methods [37,38]. As a matter of fact, during nano-
from nanoindentation on three different samples at equivalent indentation, the constraint introduced by the surrounding unde-
strain rates of 0.0025 s1, 0.01 s1 and 0.05 s1 are shown in Fig. 4. formed volume induces a large stress triaxiality, more similar to
HPT leads to a decrease in the values of elastic modulus and compression under high hydrostatic stresses rather than uniaxial
hardness. Annealing at temperatures of 500  C leads to an increase compression [37,38]. Additionally, the small size of the deformed
of both parameters. A similar behavior was observed for the all volume during nanoindentation suppresses crack formation. This
indentation rates (Fig. 4b and c). The state after annealing at a typically leads to a more homogeneous deformation of BMGs in
temperature of 500  C demonstrates the highest value of elastic nanoindentation than macroscopic compression tests [39], result-
modulus (111 GPa). ing in positive values of strain rate sensitivity [24]. The results
There were visible serrations on the load-penetration curve for obtained in the current study with positive values of strain rate
the as-cast BMG, indented at the lowest indentation strain rate sensitivity agree well with those obtained for similar BMGs by
(Fig. 5a). Higher indentation strain rates, however, led to the sup- nanoindentation studies [24]. Therefore, the current results sup-
pression of serrations (Fig. 4b and c), and the load-penetration port the conclusion that HPT processing leads to an increase in SRS.
curves became smoother. It should be noted that the presence of The decrease in the elastic modulus observed after HPT pro-
visible serrations on the load-penetration curves for the amor- cessing can be attributed to softening due to the introduction of a
phous alloys indented at the lowest indentation strain rate and the large amount of free volume during HPT processing [16]. Density
suppression of serrations at higher indentation strain rates have measurements and shift of amorphous halo to lower 2q confirm
been observed in many works, in particular, in Refs. [22,35,36]. this. It has been found that BMG after HPT does not exhibit serrated
Serrated flow is a signature of the formation of shear bands in BMGs flow even at the lowest indentation strain rate. It is known that
[35]. Interestingly, the BMG after HPT did not exhibit serration flow each serration on the load-penetration curve is a signature of the
at any indentation strain rate (Figs. 4 and 5a). SPM images of in- formation of a “large noticeable” shear band that accommodates
dents in the as-cast and HPT-processed states after nano- deformation. The lack of serrations on the load-penetration curve
indentation at equivalent strain rate 0.05 s1 are shown in Fig. 5b for BMG subjected to HPT can be explained by the following factor.
E.V. Boltynjuk et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 747 (2018) 595e602 599

Fig. 3. (a) STEM-BF image of the as-cast Zr62Cu22Al10Fe5Dy1 BMG; (b) HRTEM image of Zr62Cu22Al10Fe5Dy1 BMG with SAED on inset. (c) STEM-BF image of as-cast
Zr62Cu22Al10Fe5Dy1 BMG subjected to HPT at room temperature. (d) HRTEM image of Zr62Cu22Al10Fe5Dy1 BMG subjected to HPT at room temperature with SAED on inset.

Fig. 4. Typical load-penetration curves for the as-cast BMG, as-cast BMG subjected to HPT room temperature and as-cast BMG annealed at 500  C tested at equivalent strain rates (a)
0.0025 s1, (b) 0.01 s1 and (c) 0.05 s1.
600 E.V. Boltynjuk et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 747 (2018) 595e602

Fig. 5. (a) Enlarged region of the load-penetration curves for the as-cast BMG and BMG subjected to HPT at 20  C tested at equivalent strain rate 0.05 s1. Serrations are observed in
the as-cast state and not observed in HPT-processed. SPM images of indents in the as-cast (b) and HPT-processed (c) states after nanoindentation at equivalent strain rate 0.05 s1.

Table 2
Values of reduced Young's modulus, hardness and m of the Zr-based BMG for three different states measured at a strain rate of 0.0025 s1.

Material Reduced Young's modulus, GPa Hardness, GPa m

as-cast BMG 90 5.18 0.014

HPT at room temperature 85 4.60 0.036
BMG annealed at 500  C for 10 min 111 6.81 0.001

HPT leads to the formation of a high density of shear bands in being activated simultaneously at cluster boundaries [34]. More-
accordance with the TEM data (Fig. 2b). Shear bands formed during over, this nanoglass exhibit unique ductility under both compres-
HPT are heterogeneities in the amorphous structure [8,16]. These sive and tensile loading.
shear bands, on the one hand, prevent the propagation of “large” An increase in the value of strain rate sensitivity leads to
“noticeable” shear bands during subsequent nanoindentation, and decrease in the volume of shear transformation zone (STZ) and
on the other hand, play the role of the sources for the formation of therefore to decrease in size of shear bands. STZ volumes were
multiple “fine” shear bands. Multiple propagations of these “fine” found to be 4.22 and 1.79 nm3 for as-cast and HPT-processed states,
shear bands are not registered on the load-penetration curve, respectively (according to the equations described in Ref. [24]). It is
therefore the load-penetration curve for the HPT-processed sample proposed a correlation between volumes of STZ and ductility of
looks so smooth even at the lowest indentation strain rate. It should BMG, i.e. larger volumes of STZ correspond to more ductile BMG.
be noted that the nanoglasses with cluster-type structure did not However, such correlation was established only for homogeneous
exhibit serration flow on the load-penetration curves, however, BMG [24]. Our results demonstrate decrease in STZ volume after
visible serrations were observed for the corresponding homoge- HPT processing along with formation of heterogeneities (shear
neous amorphous specimen [34]. The absence of visible serrations bands) in amorphous structure (Fig. 3d) and more homogeneous
on the load-penetration curves was explained by the uniform deformation during nanoindentation (Fig. 5). Thus, for heteroge-
nanoglass deformation by the formation of numerous shear bands neous amorphous structures there may be an opposite correlation
E.V. Boltynjuk et al. / Journal of Alloys and Compounds 747 (2018) 595e602 601

Table 3
Strain rate sensitivity of various BMGs.

Material Test condition m

Zr52.5Ti5Cu17.9Ni14.6Al10 (Vitreloy 105) and its Rate jump tests in compression with ε_ between 0.0001 ± 0.0005
composites reinforced with 6%graphite [40] 3.3  103 and 3.7  104 s1
Vitreloy 105 [41] Compression at various T (196 e 77  C) and ε_ Positive between 196 and 73  C, 0.002
3.33  105 e 0.2 s1 above 73  C
Vitreloy 105 [42] Compression with ε_ 2.34  103 e 1.87  101 s1 0.0026
Pd40Ni40P20 [43] Compression with ε_ 3.3  105 e 2x103 s1 Negative
Pd-20 at.%Si [44] Compression with ε_ 104 e 102 s1 Fracture strength decreases with ε_ , yield
strength remains nearly invariant
Zr57Ti5Cu20Ni8Al10 [45] Compression with ε_ 104 e 103 s1 Failure stress increases with ε_
Zr/Hf-based BMGs [46] Dynamic compression Fracture strength decreases with increasing ε_
Zr38Ti17Cu10.5Co12Be22.5 [47] Quasistatic and dynamic compression with ε_ 105 Fracture strength decreases with increasing ε_

e103 s1
Zr65Cu20Fe5Al10 [48] Compression with ε_ 5  106 e 5x103 s1 Does not exhibit strain rate sensitivity
Zr65Cu20Fe5Al10 [48] Compression with ε_ 5  103 e 5x102 s1 0.0026
Pd40Ni40P20 [24] Rate-jump nanoindentation with r_ 13.2e264 mn/s 0.0067
Pt57.5Cu14.7Ni5.3P22.5 [24] 0.0089
Cu60Hf25Ti15 [24] 0.011
Zr55Cu25Ni10Al10 [24] 0.013
Ni53Nb20Ti10Zr8Co6Cu3 [24] 0.012
Zr44Cu44Al6Ag6 [24] 0.021
Zr62Cu22Al10Fe5Dy1 (present study) Constant strain rate nanoindentation with ε_ 0.014
Zr62Cu22Al10Fe5Dy1 subjected to HPT at 2.5  103, 102 and 5  102 s1 0.036
room temperature (present study)
Zr62Cu22Al10Fe5Dy1 annealed at 500  C 0.001
for 10 m (present study)

between STZ volumes and ductility, as was previously observed for research grant (XRD study, TEM study and FIB sample
ductile heterogeneous amorphous structures, formed by pre- preparation, DSC study). Research has also been supported by the
liminary plastic deformation [6e9]. Increased values of strain rate RFBR grant No.17-08-00974 (HPT processing). Authors at IMDEA
sensitivity (decreased STZ volume) for the HPT-processed state acknowledge funding from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and
correspond to lower activation barrier and more active formation of Competitiveness through project MAT2012-31889 and the Madrid
shear bands under loading due to a more heterogeneous structure regional government through project S2013/MIT-2775, DIMMAT, to
in comparison with the initial state. Also, as was mentioned above, conduct this work (nanoindentation). LWY acknowledges the China
shear bands formed due to the HPT processing could play role of Research Council for his PhD scholarship (nanoindentation). The
heterogeneities. It should be noted that HPT deformation of an work was partially supported in the framework of the Competi-
amorphous TiNiCu alloy leads to the formation of a heterogeneous tiveness Increase Program of NUST «MISiS» (K2-2014-013, K2-
cluster-type amorphous structure with a modified free volume 2017-089) (alloys preparation). A.K. would like to thank the DFG/
[31,49,50]. Crystallization annealing at 500  C results in an even SPP 1594 program for funding the project under HA1344/30-1
higher elastic modulus increase, but a significant reduction of strain (density measurements). The scientific investigations were per-
rate sensitivity down to 0.001, typical for crystalline metals. formed at the Research Centre for X-ray Diffraction Studies, Inter-
disciplinary Resource Centre for Nanotechnology, Centre of
5. Conclusions Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry of the Research Park of St.
Petersburg State University.
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sensitivity of bulk metallic glasses was studied for the first time in References
present paper. According to the XRD and TEM data, the structure of
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