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Name: date:

kitchen Staff rating Schedule

Y / N
Commitment always times when you enter and exit
Y / N
.To clean the fridge or freezer Make sure the temperature
Y / N
.Ensure and adherence to the existence of the label by the day and date validity
Y / N
. Standing in the custom section by the existing segmentation schedule

Make sure there is cooking tools that used by each section, for example, (spatula, tongs, Y / N
Y / N
. Ensure the cleanliness of each section according to the segmentation schedule
.Adherence using the recipe and use Akabbaje or any other tools Y / N
.Coordination of each section with the person in charge in serving food at one time Y / N

Make sure that the person who stands on salad section wearing medical gloves and the rest Y / N
of the sections must sterilize hands every half hour

Cooperation Between sections and in particular charcoal section with the man section and Y / N
the salad
Everybody cleans his section and Insurance the needs of items before finishing his shift to
.diver the next shift prepared section Y / N

Personal hygiene of the chef and make sure to wear his Roadhouse clothes (pants, jacket,
.Sabo, hat, red Overalls) Y / N

Y / N
Good attitude with the team, both in the kitchen and lounge
Note: discount of 100SP for each of the following items

In case there were no mistakes will be paid an amount of 500ps as a bonus.

We hope the productive cooperation


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