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May 1, 1989

Z 8 and Z 12 Orbifold Models




*National Laboratory for High Energy Physics(KEK)

Olw-machi, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305, Japan

Department of Physics, Kanazawa University

Kanazawa 920, Japan

** Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Ishikawa 921, Japan


Z 8 and Z 12 models with shift embeddings are studied. The classification of

gauge groups IS g1ven. We also give explicit forms of generalized GSO projection

* On leave of absence from Kanazawa University

The vn,rious approaches have been pursued to study classical vacua of four di-
mensional string theory. Typical ones are Calabi- Ya.u manifold compactification, PI
or b ld compac t'fi 11 f
1 teat!. on, ' . . stnng,
ernnon1c . 1' 1 b . cons t rue t.Jon 1' 1 an<.I
. Ia..t tlce
Gepner's superconformal field theoretical approach. 1' 1 All of these have interest-
ing features and advantages of their own. For orbifold compactification scheme,
stringy effects are easily calculable and topological or geometrical arguments make
possible to grasp physical pictures intuitively. Yukawa.-Couplings and K-M mixing
angle might be understood from the geometrical viewpoints.

Here we take the E 8 x E 8 heterotic string theory 1' 1 as the starting point and
construct Z N orbifold models The Z N orbifold is obtained by dividing 6-
dimensional torus by a discrete rotation Z N. To preserve N = 1 supersymmetry, the
order N of ZN should be equal to 3,4,6,7,8 or 12.

The Z3 orbifold models have been classified into four types of models whose
gauge groups have much larger dimensions than the standard SU(3) x SU(2) x U(l)
gauge group 1211 ' 1 The several techniques are used to obtain more phenomenologi-
cally interesting models[' 11 ' 1 The Z 4 , Z 6 and Z 7 models with shift embeddings have
been classified systematically. 1'' 1 1 1
" There exist a variety of models with smaller
gauge groups than those of Z 3 models. The complete lists of gauge groups from
the Z N models with shift embeddings and automorphism embed dings have been
also given in ref.[l4). The investigations for matter contents have not been done in
Z 8 and Z 12 models. The generalized GSO projection picking up physical states are
nontrivial on non-prime order orbifolds. It is required to obtain degeneracy factors
concerning with fixed points by direct calculations.

In this paper, we study the Zs and Z12 orbifold models with shift embcddings
in detail. The explicit forms of projection operator are given and prescriptions for
model search are sketched. Making use of them, we can learn matter contents for
the models with certain gauge groups which we desire to investigate. As can be seen
from Z 1 and Z6 cases, non-prime order orbifolds, in general, have some complexities.
(These might be key points to solve phenomenological problems.) Zero intercepts of
each twisted sectors are not always the same. Some of (un)twisted sectors include
non-chiral pairs, e.g., ( 27+27 ). The generalized GSO projection acts nontrivially.

- 1-
Afterwards we explain these points with examples.

At first, we review ZN orbifold constructions. The E 8 x E 8 heterotic string

consists of 26-dimensional bosonic strings for left movers and 10-dimensional su-
perstrings for right movers. We use the bosonized string coordinates <f>t(t = 1 ~ 4),
which are on 50(8) weight lattice r 50 ( 8 ), for the fermionic part of NSR formu-
lation. Internal coordinates XJ (J = 1 ~ 16) concerned with gauge symmetry
are compactifiec\ on E 8 x E 8 root lattice r e, xE,. When extra 6-dimensional co-
ordinates Xi and XJt(i = 3 ~ 8) are compactified into ZN orbifold to construct
4-dimensional string theory, the lattices f 50(8) and f E, xE, are madded simultane-
ously by some discrete groups. As the results, gauge group can be broken down and
matter multiplets appear while N=1 supersymmetry is preserved. We suppose the
moddings on r 50 ( 8 ) and r E,xE, are realized as the shifts vt and VJ, respectively.
The four types of independent orbifolds with N =1 space-time supersymmetry exist
in Z8 and Z12 orbifold constructions and they are given in Table 1. Exponents ry
and 6-dimensionallattices are found in the second and third column, respectively.
The consistency condition from algebraic requirement is as follows,

4 8 16
NI>t = N'L:VI = N L vi'= o mod 2. (1)
t=l I=l l'=9

There exists two types of closed strings on Z N orbifold, i.e., untwisted strings and
twisted strings. The mass formulae for them are

8 4
~(m~)) = ~ L(~R) 8k,o + ~ L(Pt + kvt) 2 + N};)- ~ + q,
2 2 (2)
j=3 t=l

8 16

~(m~k)) 2
= ~ L(Pt) 2
8k,o + ~ L(PJ + kVJ) 2 + Nlk)- 1 + q, (3)
}=3 J=l

( k = 0 refer to the untwisted strings and k = 1 ~ N - 1 refer to the k-twisted

strings) where pt and pJ belong to 8v or 88 weight lattice and E 8 x E 8 root
lattice, respectively, while N};) and Nik) represent number operators of the k-
twisted sector. Zero intercepts Ck for k-twisted sectors are

(c1,cz,c3,c4)= 6\(17,20,17,16) for Z 8 -l,

= 6\(19, 12, 19, 16) for Z8 - 11,

(CJ,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6) = 1 4 (39,36,27,48,39,36) for Z12 - ] ,

= 1!4 (41,20,45,32,41,36) for Z 12 -JJ.

Constraints should be imposed from the modular invariance for one-loop vac-
uum amplitude. One of them is so-called mass level matching condition under
which the shifts are restricted as
4 16
N2)vt)2 = NL(VJ)z mod 2. (4)
t=1 ]=1

The other is physical state condition on orbifolds. Physical states for the k-twisted
strmgs are se1ecte d b y t h e gener a1·1zed GSO . t·wn operator: 1' 11 "
, proJec


Pk = ~ 2::= x(k,t)L!.i, (5)


L!.k = Gk exp 2·n [-
( L(V 1 ) 2 - L( vt) 2)
2 (6)
1 1
+ L(PJ + kV )V - L(Pt + h/)vt],

x(o, e) = 1, (7)
x(k,£) forx(k)#O
X k,l)
X(k, £) = , 4sin 2 (lV,~) f # O,k for x(k) = 0 (R)
f}; 4 sin 2 ( k V;11') f=O,k for x(k)=O.

Here Gk is an operator realizing the ZN rotational transformation of Xi and

x~,. x(k, £) denotes the number of points left simultaneously fixed by gk and
et. x( k) =det( 1 - Ok) denotes the number of points fixed by gk A subscript i (j)
runs over only elements twisted (untwisted) by gk (B = diag(exp(21fi1])).)

The generalized GSO projection is nontrivial for twisted sectors in even order
orbifolds. (In the case of Z3 and Z7 orbifolds, it gives the degeneracy equal to the
number of fixed points to physical twisted states.) So let us take, as an example,
the Z 12 -I model obtained by dividing R6 by the lattice F4 x SU(3) and its Coxeter
elements and get Pk (k # 0) by explicit calculations. In this case, degeneracy
factors x(k,R) are given by the direct products ofxp.(k,R) for rF. and XSU(3)(k,R)
for r SU(3)· Since XSU(3)(k, J') is known (remember z3 orbifold), we shall consider
only XF, (k, R). The Coxeter element of F4 is


where s; is the operator of Weyl reflection with respect to the simple root e;
( = x- \:; 1 ~lei)- The order of Cp, is 12. The fixed points e~~ for C'},
transformation are obtained by solving the following equations,

enF, e(n)
= e(n)
+ m·e·
' ''
ffii E Z. (10)

The lists of x(k, R) of Z 1 2-I orbifold is given in Table 2. (All the lists of x(k,R)
will appear. 1131 ) Pk is determined by means of Eq.(5) with the information from

Let us give the recipes to obtain the physical massless states through an explicit
example in Z 12 -I orbiford.

1. We introduce vt respecting algebraic reqirement (1). Actually the first three

components of vt can be taken equal to exponents '7" and the last component equal
to zero so as to preserve worldsheet supersymmetry. For Z 12 - I orbifold, we take
vt = 1/12(1, 4, -5, 0).

2. We find shifts VJ which satisfy Eqs.{l) and (4). There are 62 and 269
kinds of independent shifts VI (VI') satisfying Eq.( 1) for Zs and Z 1 2 orbifolds,
respectively. The lists of them are omitted not to occupy too much space. From
modular invariance, only the combinations (VI, Vll) constrained by Eq.(4) are
picked up. The numbers of independent shifts are given in the fourth and fifth

columns in Table 1. The former denotes the number in the case where only the
difference of gauge group is considered and the latter includes the case of the model
with same gauge group but different matter contents. As an example, we shall
construct a model with shift V 1 = 1/12(4, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, -1)(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0).

3. We search for the Es x Es and 50(8) lattice point.' (p 1 , P 1 ) which satisfy

massless conditions of Eq.(2} and (3}, and impose the generalized GSO projection
on them. In the untwisted sector, Es xEs roots and SO(S) weights satisfy massless
condition since mass formulae equal those of the Es x Es heterotic string theory.
The states which satisfy (2: P 1 V 1 -l:p 1v') E Z are physical states because

6.o = exp21ri[LP V.J- LP

1 1
a) Gauge supermultiplets are the states constrained by 2: p.JvJ E Z and

l:p'v 1 E Z. Lattice points P 1 satisfying 2: P.JVJ E Z arc roots of unbroken

gauge subgroups in Es x Es. All the gauge groups in Zs and Z12 orbifold models,
which are derived from one of the Es 's, are listed in Table 3. For our example,
unbroken gauge group is SU(5) x U(1) 4 ( which is denoted by SU5 x U{ in the
second column of Table 3 ) and Es. Here simple roots for SU( 5) are taken as

(0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)

(0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0)

(0, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0)

(0, 0, 0, 0, 1, -1, 0, 0)

and U ( 1) charge basis are

u1 = (1,o,o,o,o,o,o,o)
u2 = (o,o,o,o,o,o, 1,0)
[!3 = (0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 1)
u4 = v's(o, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, o, o).

b) Untwisted matter multiplets are the states constrained by (2: P 1 V 1 -

l:p 1v 1 ) E Z and l:p'v' 1- Z. All the untwisted matter contents have been ob~
ta.ined, but here we give only the models with gauge group SU(5) x U(l) 4 in Table

- 5 ~
4. (All the results will appearP'i ) The values of 'L,ptvt f. Z in Z 12 -I orbiford are
1/12, 4/12, 7/12 for matters and 5/12, 8/12, 11/12 for antimatters. Here assign-
ments for matter (antimatter) are determined by the sign of the fourth element of
Pt E 88 . Representations for P 1 satisfying the above conditions are found to be

2(10) + 2(5) + 5(5) + 4(1)

under SU(5) gauge group in our model as seen from Table 4.

c) Twisted matter multiplets are the states satisfying massless condition and
projected on by Pk· In the k=1 twisted sector, the generalized GSO projection
operator is as follows,


It selects physical states with appropriate degeneracy factors. Repesentations of

them are found to be

3(10) + 3(5) + 3(5) + 23(1)

under SU(5) gauge group. Likewise the selections are carried out for the rest of
twisted sectors. All twisted matter contents survived are

14(10) + 4(10) + 35(5) + 44(5) + 229(1)

under SU(5) gauge group.

There can be twelve generations in the above model if we naively count fam-
ily number by the difference between number of TO (5) and that of 10 (5). From
our U(1) assignments, if U4 is identified with U(1) base in Flipped SU(5) x U(1)
model, our example is thought to be Flipped like SU(5) model with at least three

quark-lepton families plus extra matter multiplets. Gauge symmetry of U1 is found
to be anomalous. The Fayet-Iliopoulos terms associated with this anomalous gauge
symmetry inevitably lead to supersymmetry breaking. The recovery of supersym-
metry can be achieved by giving vacuum expectation values (VEV) to some scalar
fields so as to vanish D- and F -terms. The presence of non vanishing VEV also could
bring the reduction of matter fields and the breaking of gauge symmetry. There
exist 71 and 67 kinds of models including gauge group SU(S) x U(1) 4 for Z 12 -I and
Z12-II orbifolds, respectively. More detailed analysis will be reported clsewhereP'l

We have discussed Zs and Z12 orbifold models with shift embeddings. The
classification of gauge groups and the explicit forms of xr(k, C) are given. As
an example, SU(5) x U(1) x E8 model in Z 12 -I orbifold is constructed. Matter
contents with other shifts VJ can be practically obtained in the same way.

The classification of N = I supersymmetric and modular invariant Z N orb-

ifold models whose orbifolds are constructed by dividing Lie lattice by its Cox-
eter elements have been completed when combined with the previous results. No
SU(3) x SU(2) x U(l)n model with three generations appear, but these models
can be obtained through Wilson line mechanism.


The authers would like to thank the members of particle physics group of
Kanazawa University for valuable discussions. They also acknowledge Prof. E.
Yamada for reading the manuscript. The present work was supported in part by
the Grand-in-Aid for Scientific Research from the Ministy of Education, Science
and Culture No.63629511.

- 7 .
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8. D. G. Markushevich, M. A. Olshanetsky and A. M. Perelomov, Commun.

Math. Phys. 111 (1987) 247.

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10. Y. Katsuki, Y. Kawamura, T. Kobayashi and N. Ohtsubo, Phys. Lett. 212B

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Preprint DPKU-8901 (1989).

Point Exponent 6-dim. No. of No. of
(~-roup T/ Lattice Gauge Groups lndep. Models

Zs-1 (1,2,-3)/8 80s x SOs 119 246

80s x 809
Zs-11 (1,3,-4)/8 804 x 80s 120 248

Z1z-l (1,4,-5)/12 su3 x F4 581 3026

SU3 x SOs
Z1z-ll (1,5,-6)/12 804 X F4 603 3013

Table 1. 6-dim. Lattice in Z 8 and Z 12 Orbifolds

k\1'. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

3 4 1 1 4 1 1 4 1 1 4 1 1

4 27 3 3 3 27 3 3 3 27 3 3 3
5 3 3 3 3 3 v 3 3 3 3 3 3
6 16 1 1 4 1 1 16 1 1 4 1 1

Table 2. Degeneracy factor x(k,£) in Z 12 -I orbifold

Here we use Z12-l orbifold obtained by dividing R 6 by the lattice F4 x SU(3) and its Coxeter


No. Gauge Group Zs Z12 No. Gauge Group Zs Z12

0 Es 25 su, x su, x su2 1

* *
1 E1 x su2 1 1 26 su, X su, X u1 4

2 E7 X [!1 3 5 27 su, x su? x U1 2 3

3 Es X SU3 1 28 SUs X SU2 X U'f 5 18

4 E, x su2 x U1 3 4 29 su, X Uf 1 16

5 Es xU{ 2 7 30 SUs X SU, X U1 2 3

6 so16 1 1 31 SUs X SU3 X SU2 X [!1 2 2

7 so .. X u1 3 5 32 su, X su, XU{ 3 12

8 so12 x su2 x U1 3 5 33 su, x su; xu; 1 13

9 so12 xu[ 3 10 34 SUs X SU2 X Uf 19

10 so10 x su, 1 1 35 SUs x ut 3

11 so10 x su, x U1 2 3 36 su; x su2 x U1 1 2

12 S01o x SUJ x U1 1 2 37 su; xu; 1 8

13 so10 x su2 x u; 4 17 38 SU, X SU, X SU:j x U1 1 1

14 so10 xu( 1 9 39 SU4 X SU3 X SU2 X Uf' 7

15 so, X su, X u1 1 2 40 SU, X SU, X Uf 13

16 so, X su, X Ui' 1 5 41 su, X SUi X Ui' 5

17 so, x su; xu[ 1 4 42 su, x su; xu[ 9

18 SO, X SU2 XU( 5 43 su, x su2 x U1' 1

19 so, x ut 1 44 SUfi x SU2 x U1 1

20 su. 1 45 su;t xu; 1

21 su, x su2 1 1 46 SUJ x SUJ x Uf' 3

22 su, X u1 4 6 47 su; x su2 xu( 4

23 su1 x su2 xu, 2 3 48 SU, x SUi x U'f 1

24 su1 xu; 5 19 49 SU, x SUj x Uf 1

TOTAL 62 269

Table 3. Gauge Groups in Z 8 and Z 12 Orbifold Models

The numbers in the last two columns represent those of independent shifts V . Unbroken

gauge group (Es) are denoted by*·

- 10-
Shift Gauge Group Untwisted Matters

12V 1 I: P 1 V 1 = 0/12 1/12 2/12 3/12 4/12 5/12 6/12

(43333il2-1) SU5 xU[ (10) + (5) (10) + (5) (10) + (5) (10) + 2(5) 2(5) + (5) (10) + (10)
+(5) + (1) +(5) + 2(1) +3(1) +(1) +2(1) +2(1) '
(5433332-1) SU5 xU[ (10) + (5) (10) + (5) 2(5) + 2(5) (10) + 2(5) (iO) + (5) (10) + (10)
+3(1) +(5) + (1) +(1) +3(1) +4(1)
(5433333-2 su, x ut 2(5) + (5) (10) + (5) (10) + (5) (TO)+ 2(5) (10) + (5) (10) +(TO)
+2(1) +(5)+2(1) +3(1) +(l) +(5) + (1) +2(1)
- -----

Table 4. Gauge groups and untwisted matters in Z 12 orbifold models

We show only the models including gauge group SU(5) x U(1) 4 .

- 11-

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