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The role of hyaluronic acid and versican in the skin extracellular matrix

Article  in  Biomecánica · October 2020

DOI: 10.5821/sibb.27.1.9279


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5 authors, including:

Jorge gonzalez-rico Cristina Quilez

University Carlos III de Madrid University Carlos III de Madrid


Arrate Muñoz-Barrutia Jose Luis Jorcano

University Carlos III de Madrid Centro Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas


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Biomecánica, Vol.27, 2019, pp 35-49 DOI: 10.5821/sibb.27.1.9279

The role of hyaluronic acid and versican in the skin

extracellular matrix
Premio Accésit Congreso SIBB 2019
J. González-Rico1*, C. Quílez1, V. López2, A. Muñoz-Barrutia1, J. L. Jorcano 1,2, D. Velasco1
1Department of Bioengineering and Aerospace engineering, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Leganés (Madrid), Spain
2 Regenerative Medicine Unit and Epithelial Biomedicine Division, CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain


The extracellular matrix (ECM) is a structural network that comprises the bulk of the tissues. It
acts as a supporting scaffold for the cells to develop their function and plays an active role in many
processes such as proliferation and migration. Therefore, the ECM is an interesting object of study
for regenerative medicine. In this article we make an extensive review of two key components of the
ECM: the glycosaminoglycan Hyaluronic Acid (HA) and the proteoglycan Versican (Ver). These two
molecules are present in the skin ECM and play active roles in processes such as differentiation, wound
healing, hair follicle cycle and development. In our opinion, further biological insights in these two
molecules and their interaction will be of great importance for skin tissue engineering applications.

Keywords: Extracellular matrix, Glycosaminoglycans, Proteglycans, Hyaluronan, Versican


La matriz extracelular (ECM, del inglés Extra-Cellular Matrix), es un entramado estructural

que compone el grueso de los tejidos biológicos. Actúa como un andamiaje para el desarrollo de las
células, y juega un papel activo en varios procesos biológicos tales como en la proliferación celular
y la migración. Por ello, la matriz extracelular es un interesante objeto de estudio para la medicina
regenerativa. En este artículo, realizaremos un análisis de dos componentes clave en la matriz
extracelular: el glicosaminoglicano Ácido Hialurónico (HA, por sus siglas en ingles Hyaluronic
Acid) y el proteoglicano Versicano (Ver). Estas dos moléculas están presentes en la matriz de la piel
y toman roles activos en procesos como la diferenciación celular, la reparación y la cicatrización de
las heridas y el desarrollo del ciclo del pelo. En nuestra opinión, un entendimiento mas detallado en
estas dos moléculas y las interacciones que entre ellas se producen probará ser de gran importancia
para el campo de la ingeniería de tejidos dedicada a la piel.

Palabras clave: Matriz extracelular, Glicosaminoglicanos, Proteoglicanos, Ácido Hialuronico, Versicano

Accronym list

ECM – Extracellular Matrix Col – Collagen

HA – Hyaluronic Acid HAS – Hyaluronan Synthase
Ver – Versican HYAL – Hyaluronidase
GAG – Glycosaminoglycan HABR – Hyaluronic Acid Binding Region
PG - Proteoglycan EGF – Epithelial Growth Factor
SC – Stratum Corneum CBP – Complement Binding Protein

Jorge González-Rico

Introduction chains can vary widely, both among different
GAG types and among chains of the same GAG
The extracellular matrix (ECM) is a struc- type, the range of molecular weights in GAGs
tural network made up of proteins, sacchari- is very broad, ranging from a few kiloDaltons
des and other components. The ECM acts as to over a hundred kiloDaltons. Glycosamino-
connective tissue, as well as a scaffold provi- glycans can be classified in sulfated and non-
ding support to the cells. It was thought that sulfated GAGs. Sulfated GAGs are chondroitin
the ECM was an inert, metabolically inactive sulfate, dermatan sulfate, keratan sulfate, hepa-
substance and that its unique function was to rin and heparin sulfate, while hyaluronic acid
provide structural support to the cells. Howe- or hyaluronan (HA) is the only non-sulfated
ver, this vision of the ECM as a passive com- gag10. GAGs interact with numerous growth
ponent in cellular activity has been debunked. factors, cytokines and chemokines11, cell sur-
The view of the ECM as a mere tridimensio- face receptors and ECM molecules. GAGs par-
nal (3D) scaffold was expanded with the disco- ticipate in many cell functions, such as signa-
very that growth of most human cells depends ling, proliferation, migration, differentiation,
on cellular adhesion to the ECM through a apoptosis and adhesion.
mechanism called anchorage dependence. This Proteoglycans (PGs) can be classified de-
mechanism allows cells to grow whenever they pending on their localization into four fami-
are anchored to a surface or a scaffold1. lies: intracellular, cell surface, pericellular and
The ECM is known to play an active role extracellular proteoglycans. Intracellular PGs
in various cellular processes, such as prolifera- are solely composed by Serglycin, which is the
tion, differentiation and migration2,3. It is for- only characterized PG present in secretory
med by a variety of matrix macromolecules, compartments. Cell surface proteoglycans
being the composition and structure of these are formed by two main subfamilies of PG,
dependent on the tissue. which are syndecans and glypicans. Perice-
llular membrane PGs carry mostly Heparan
Components of the extracellular matrix Sulfate chains. As their name indicates they
The main components of the ECM, re- are present in the surface of many cell types
gardless of the tissue, are fibrous proteins and that anchor themselves via cell surface recep-
proteoglycans (PGs)4. Fibrous proteins provi- tors such as integrins. They are also part of
de structural support to the ECM. They form basement membranes. This family is formed
three-dimensional structures that defines the by perlecan, agrin and collagen types XV and
mechanical properties of the tissues in the di- XVIII. Finally, extracellular PGs form the lar-
fferent organs. The most abundant fibrous pro- gest class, which is composed by two subfa-
tein in the dermal ECM is the collagen, which is milies: hyalectans and small leucine-rich pro-
in fact believed to be one of the most abundant teoglycans12. The family of the hyalectans is
proteins in the whole animal kingdom5. Other formed by the PGs aggrecan, versican (Ver),
fiber-forming proteins present in the ECM in- neurocan, and brevican, which share common
clude fibronectin, vitronectin an elastin6,7. structural features. Their N- terminal contains
Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are long, un- a HA-binding region, while the C-terminal
branched polysaccharide chains. They usually domain binds to lectins.
appear covalently bound to a protein core, for-
ming proteoglycans. Glycosaminoglycans have Extracellular matrix of the skin
a repeating disaccharide structure composed The skin is an organ composed by the fo-
mainly of  N-acetylated hexosamines (N-ace- llowing layers: epidermis, dermis and subcu-
tyl-D-galactosamine or  N-acetyl-D-glucosa- taneous fatty tissue. Each of the layers have
mine) and D-/L-hexuronic acid (D-glucuronic different cell populations and performs diffe-
acid or L-iduronic acid)8. GAGs are negati- rential functions (Figure 1). Naturally, in each
vely-charged, which allows them to retain lar- of the skin layers, the composition and struc-
ge amounts of water9. Since the length of GAG ture of the ECM is different.

Chondroitin sulfate
Dermatan sulfate
Sulfated GAGs
Keratan sulfate
Glycosaminoglycans Heparin
GAGs Heparan sulfate
Non-Sulfated GAGs Hyaluronic Acid

Intracellular PGs Serglycin

Cell surface PGs


Pericellular PGs Agrin

Proteoglycans Collagen types XV

Hyalectans Versican
Extracellular PGs Small leucine Brevican
rich PGs

Scheme 1. Representation of the skin and the components of its ECM. The dermis, the bulk of the
skin, has a rich ECM mainly composed by collagen, elastin and HA (images adapted with permission
from Servier Medical Art freeware image bank).

- Lipids
Epidermis - GAGs
- Integrins

Basal - Collagen
Membrane - Elastin
- GAGs
Dermis (mainly HA)

- Collagens
Subcutaneous - Laminin
fat tissue - Fibronectin

Figure 1. Representation of the skin and the components of its ECM. The dermis, the bulk of the
skin, has a rich ECM mainly composed by collagen, elastin and HA (images adapted with permission
from Servier Medical Art freeware image bank).

Epidermis. In the epidermis, the cells are the elastic fibers16.
highly packed. The keratinocytes and corneo- Subcutaneous fat tissue. The subcutaneous
cytes (main cell population of the epidermis), tissue is largely composed of fat cells and is
are closely linked to each other through des- often referred to as subcutaneous fat tissue or
mosomes13. Therefore, the spaces between hypodermis. It is the layer between the dermis
cells are narrow, and the scarce ECM is cons- and the fascia. The function of the subcuta-
tricted to these spaces. The outermost layer of neous fat tissue is to provide thermal insula-
the epidermis, the stratum corneum (SC) is tion, mechanical cushioning and store energy.
where the cells are most packed, and the ECM, Additionally, fat cells or adipocytes also have
which is almost non-existent, is mainly com- an endocrine function, secreting hormones
posed by lipids. Ceramides, cholesterol, and such as leptin to alter energy turnover in the
non-essential fatty acids in the stratum cor- body and to regulate appetite. Adipocytes also
neum form lamellar layers, which composes have important signaling roles in osteogenesis
its ECM14. As we move further down towards and angiogenesis, and physical functions like
the basal membrane, the ECM becomes more phagocytosis. It has been reported that human
abundant and includes proteins and GAGs fat contains multipotent stem cells20.
such as HA or integrins15. Along the keratino- The ECM of the subcutaneous fat tissue is
cyte proliferating zone, intense Versican stai- mainly composed of collagens such as Col I,
ning was observed16. II, III, IV, V and VI, as well as subunits of La-
Basal Membrane. Between the epidermis minin and Fibronectin21,22.
and the dermis, the basement membrane is
placed. This porous membrane is semipermea- Relevance of HA-Ver relationship
ble to lipids and keeps the other two layers to- As stated before, Versican is a proteoglycan
gether17. It is an acellular membrane, mainly from the aggregating chondroitin sulfate fa-
composed by type IV collagen18, to which cells mily. This family of proteoglycans have a tan-
from the lower portion of the epidermis attach. dem repeat in their G1 domains composed of
Dermis. Below the basement membrane, two hyaluronan-binding domain repeats. This
the dermis can be found. The dermis compri- indicates a certain relationship between these
ses the bulk of the skin. Its ECM is much more two molecules. In fact, Versican colocalizes
abundant and significant than the epidermis with hyaluronan in the pericellular matrix of
ECM providing to the skin its mechanical pro- cultured fibroblasts23. and in epidermal kera-
perties. The main cell population are the fibro- tinocyte tumors. The presence of both mole-
blasts. They are mesenchymal cells that play a cules and their level of expression is a marker
key role in ECM formation through the secre- for the aggressiveness of the disease24.
tion of growth factors and cytokines19. With It is interesting to study the relationship
respect to the ECM, it can be divided into between these two key ECM molecules as
fiber-forming structural molecules, nonfiber- they are a perfect target for tissue enginee-
forming structural molecules, and “matrice- ring due to their relevant role in cell develo-
llular proteins”. Fiber-forming molecules form pment. Other than the interesting properties
a three-dimensional structure that provides of these molecules described in this review,
support to the ECM and defines the mechani- as well as their interaction, it is appealing to
cal properties of the skin. The most abundant study the co-expression of these two mole-
protein in the dermal ECM is collagen. Non- cules in different ECMs. The findings would
fiber-forming molecules function to create a provide further insights in their relationship
charged, dynamic and osmotically active spa- and their mechanisms in order to apply these
ce, and are mainly PGs and GAGs. Amongst two key molecules in skin tissue engineering.
these, the most abundant is hyaluronan. Ma- For example, while HA scaffolds are currently
tricellular proteins are mainly present during being investigated and developed, Ver is yet
wound healing, and act as dynamic signalling to be used in tissue engineering. Therefore,
molecules1. Versican appears associated with understanding these two molecules and their

interactions, would facilitate the preparation requires further investigation is the mecha-
of biomimetic scaffolds with properties more nism by which HA affects hair cycle32.
similar to the ECM.
This manuscript is focused on the descrip- Structure
tion of two essential components of the ECM, HA is a GAG with a simple repea-
HA and Ver. In particular, their structures, ting disaccharide sequence: poly[(1à4)-
their synthesis, their degradation, their loca- β-D-glucopyranosyluronic acid-(1à3)-2-
tion and the functions they perform on diffe- acetamido-2-deoxy-β-D-glucopyranosyl],
rent tissues are described. Information about with no evidence of heterogeneity or bran-
their interaction will also be reviewed. ching. It is the only glycosaminoglycan that
is not covalently bound to a protein core.
Hyaluronic acid Regarding its size, in normal healthy tissue,
it has a polydisperse distribution with an ave-
Hyaluronan is an essential component of rage mass of about 6000kDa, which corres-
the ECM that acts as a space filler molecule ponds to a chain length of about 15000nm,
that maintains hydration, serves as a substra- which occupies a spherical domain of about
te for assembly of proteoglycans and cellular 600nm33, referred to as high molecular weight
locomotion, regulates cell proliferation and HA (HMW-HA). In tissue under pathological
development and has a role in tumor pro- conditions such as cancer, inflammation or
gression25-27, inflammation and wound hea- tissue remodeling, the HMW-HA is degraded
ling28,29. It is a key structural molecule of the faster, giving place to a higher concentration
ECM, and as such, extensive studies have been of low-molecular weight HA (LMW-HA).
carried out about its structure and function, LMW-HA can be further degraded to shorter
although some aspect are still uncovered30. oligomers (o-HA). The size of HA molecules
For example, it is well known that HA fragment plays a role in cell signaling34,35.
size heavily affect the mechanisms for wound HA exists in solution in a flexible, coiled
healing: high molecular weight HA promotes configuration, which allows HA to entrap
favors healing through promoting a fetal-like large amounts of water. In dilution, HA coils
cell environment, whereas HA oligosacchari- start to entangle at concentrations lower than
des favor fibrotic healing through stimulation 1mg/mL. For large size molecules (larger than
of type I collagen. However, the mechanisms 6000kDa), this entanglement starts at the con-
through which HA fragment size affect the centration at which chains would fill the so-
ECM metabolism during wound repair requi- lution and be forced to overlap domains, at
re further investigation31. Other example that 320µg/mL. This overlapping of the domains

D-glucuronic acid N-acetyl-glucosamine

Figure 2. Hyaluronic acid structure:

(1→4)-β-D-glucopyranosyluronic acid-(1→3)-2-acetamido-2-deoxy-β- D-glucopyranosyl33.

causes HA viscosity to separate from the ideal tabolic pathways occurs by the degradation of
HA concentration. If mutual macromolecular this GAG into fragments of varying size. This
crowding (domain overlapping) were absent, is achieved by hydrolysis with the hyaluroni-
the ideal behavior would be followed. In a real dases enzymes (HYAL) of which six different
polymer solution, the nonideality contribu- homologous genes have been found42-44. The
tion due to crowding causes a nearly exponen- two primary mammalian hyaluronidases,
tial increase in specific viscosity as the overlap Hyal-1 and Hyal-2, have different activities
between polymer domain increases33. and degrade HA to either oligosaccharides or
larger fragments. Several HA-degrading enzy-
Synthesis mes can be found in bacteria, fungi, and other
Apart from being the only non-sulfated organisms such as leeches45.
GAG, and the only GAG that is not found co- Degradation of HA can also occur due to
valently bound to a protein core, HA is also thermal and chemical causes. Thermal de-
the only GAG that is not synthesized in the gradation of HA has been proven to occur.
Golgi apparatus. In vertebrates, HA is produ- HA degradation at 37ºC occurs at a higher
ced on the inner face of the fibroblast plasma rate (measured as weight- average molecular
membrane and directly extruded onto the weight reduction) for lower molecular weight
ECM by a family of transmembrane proteins fragments of HA. Exposure to higher tempe-
called Hyaluronan Synthases (HAS1,2,3). The ratures also affects thermal degradation of HA.
differences between the three proteins are not At 60ºC, degradation is similar to physiologi-
clear, although it has been reported that they cal temperature, whereas at 90ºC, degradation
produce HA chains of different lengths36,37. is severely increased even in short periods of
Degradation Regarding chemical stability of HA, hydro-
HA has been demonstrated to have a high lysis of HA was measured for different pH va-
turnover rate39-41. It has a half-life of 3 to 5 lues. The degradation process is random and
minutes in the blood stream and less than a follows first-order kinetics independently of
day in the skin, being the total turnover in hu- the pH value. However, lower pH values ac-
mans of around 15 grams per day. In the skin, count for a higher degradation rate of HA. A
about 20-30% percent of the turnover occurs linear dependence of the hydrolysis rate of
by metabolic degradation in situ, while the HA on the proton concentration is expected.
rest is removed by the lymphatic system and However, a change in the slope is observed for
subsequently degraded in the lymph nodes HA around pH 3-4 around the apparent pKa
and liver. The elimination of HA through me- value of the GlcA unit of HA47.

Figure 3. Schematic structure of the transmembrane protein: the hyaluronan

synthase.38(Image modified from McCarthy et al., licensed by CC BY 4.0).

Location and distribution bound water50. Skin aging is characterized
An exhaustive analysis of the HA content by the disappearance of HA in the epidermis.
in the body of the rat was performed by Reed This means the loss of the main molecule res-
et al. in 1988. The results obtained from this ponsible for hydration in the epidermis. Thus,
analysis should be applicable to other mam- skin moisture is reduced. The mechanisms for
mals, due to the similar functions carried out the loss of HA in the epidermis with aging are
by this glycosaminoglycan in all mammals still unknown51,52.
species. More than half of the whole hyalu- Tissue repair. HA plays a role in the inflam-
ronan in the rat body was retrieved from the matory response in wound healing. HA frag-
skin. About a quarter of HA was found to be ments produced during inflammation induce
located in the bones and joints taken together. a collection of genes in macrophages, inclu-
Less than 10% was found in the muscles, while ding several members of the chemokine gene
other organs contained only minor amounts family53. Furthermore, CD44 (the HA cellular
of the GAG48. receptor) plays a key role on leukocytes as a
The distribution of HA within a tissue is not receptor for transendothelial migration at sites
homogeneous either. Using histological tech- of inflammation. In this way, discrete popula-
niques, it has been reported that, for example, tions of cells in peripheral blood are directed
in the skin, the content of HA in the dermis is to migrate at inflammatory sites, where they
much higher than that of the epidermis. Fur- recognize HA displayed on the surface of acti-
thermore, in the dermis, the papillary dermis vated endothelial cells54,55.
has a much higher HA content than the reti- Angiogenesis. The correct formation of
cular dermis49. new blood vessels is an essential process for
wound healing and repair of damaged tissues.
Roles However, excessive angiogenesis can be detri-
HA plays important roles in several proces- mental, since it may promote tumor growth
ses such as skin hydration, tissue repair, angio- and metastasis. GAGs, and notably HA, has
genesis and tumor progression. been reported to play a key role in angiogene-
Hydration. Due to its hydrophilic nature sis. Native high molecular weight HA is anti-
and its ability to entrap large amounts of wa- angiogenic, while the products of degradation
ter, HA plays a key role in skin hydration. HA of HA (3-10 disaccharides) stimulate endothe-
is more abundant in the dermis than in the lial cell proliferation, migration and tube for-
epidermis, but it plays a key role in hydration mation by activation of specific HA receptors
of the epidermis. The epidermis is separated CD44 and Receptor for HA-Mediated Motility
from the dermis by the basement membrane (RHAMM, CD168)56.
and it is not vascularized. Therefore, the hy- Tumor progression. HA plays a dual role
dration of the epidermis depends on the HA- in tumor progression. High molecular-weight

Weight (g) Total HA (mg) HA (%)

Whole rat 201 60.5 100

Skin 40.2 33.8 56
Muscles 35.7 4.69 8
Skeleton and supporting tissues 57.6 16.2 27
Intestines and stomach 15.8 0.50 1
Remaining internal organs 43.4 5.25 9

Table 1. Content of HA in the organs of the body48. More than half of the total content is found in
the skin (56%), while around a quarter (27%) in the skeleton and supporting tissues.

HA is found in normal tissues and maintains Structure
homeostasis and restrains cell proliferation. The size of Ver varies depending on its iso-
During processes such as tissue remodeling form. It is formed by 3 structural domains: N-
and wound healing, HA is fragmented into terminal domain or G1, C-terminal domain
low molecular weight polymers, which pro- or G3, and a chondroitin sulfate chain binding
mote inflammation, immune cell recruitment region between G1 and G3 (Figure 4). The G1
and angiogenesis44-47. Tumor cells hijack the domain is composed of an immunoglobular
tightly regulated HA production/fragmen- (Ig)-like motif, followed by two proteoglycan
tation. The processes associated with wound tandem repeats known as HA-binding region
repair and remodeling then participate in dri- (HABR). The G3 domain consists of two epi-
ving and maintaining malignant progression. dermal growth factor (EGF)-like repeats, a
Moreover, elevated high molecular-weight HA carbohydrate recognition Lecitin-like domain
production is related with cancer resistance25. and a complement binding protein (CBP)-like
motif 59,60. G1 and G3 domains are common
Versican to the whole aggregating chondroitin sulfate
proteoglycans. Regarding the chondroitin sul-
Versican (Ver) is a member of the aggre- fate binding region, it is formed by two subdo-
gating chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan fa- mains, α-GAG and ß-GAG. Four isoforms of
mily, which also includes aggrecan, neurocan Ver exist as a combination of the domains. V0
and brevican16,57. However, unlike aggrecan, occurs when both α-GAG and ß-GAG in the
which is almost exclusively expressed in car- chondroitin sulfate binding region are present.
tilage and brain, and neurocan and brevican, V1 and V2 occur when only the ß-GAG or the
which are proteoglycans expressed in the cen- α-GAG subdomain is present, respectively. V3
tral nervous system, Ver is expressed in the occurs when neither α-GAG nor ß-GAG sub-
ECM of a variety of tissues and organs58. domains are present61.

Figure 4. Versican and its isoforms resulting from alternative splicing. The exons that are the pro-
duct to this process of alternative splicing are those coding for the chondroitin sulfate-binding chain
(α-GAG and ß-GAG domains).

Synthesis Hair development and cycling. Hair deve-
Versican is coded by the VCAN gene in lopment is described as a cycle of three phases:
chromosome 5q13.262 in humans divided into anagen (or growing phase), catagen (or transi-
15 exons over 90-100kb63. The existence of di- tion phase) and telogen (or resting phase) 75.
fferent isoforms of Versican is due to the pro- The expression of Ver in the dermal papilla is
cess of alternative splicing, namely, of exons more abundant in the anagen phase, diminis-
7 and 8, coding for the α-GAG and ß-GAG hing in the catagen phase and being almost
subdomains, respectively. When both the en- nonexistent in the telogen phase. However, in
tire exons 7 and 8 are present and no splicing telogen follicles, Ver expression is found in the
occurs, V0 is formed. When exon 7 is spliced neck region of the hair. As hair cycle begins
out, V1 is formed. When exon 8 is spliced out, again, Ver disappears from the neck region
V1 is formed. Finally, when both exon 7 and and is again prominent in the dermal papilla.
exon 8 are spliced out, V4 is formed58. The expression of Ver in the growing phase of
the hair dermal papilla indicates that it plays a
Degradation significant role in hair cycle and hair develop-
Several proteinase families are capable of ment 76. Furthermore, the expression of Ver is
degrading Ver. For example, matrix meta- almost lost in the dermis of vellus-like follicles
lloproteinase (MMP)-1,-2,-3,-7, and -9 have affected by male pattern baldness77.
been shown to degrade Versican in vitro64-66.
Plasmin has been shown to degrade Versican Provisional matrix. Hyaluronan and Versi-
as well67. Finally, ADAMTS (a desintegrin can interact to create pericellular “coats” and
and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin “open space” that facilitate cell sorting, pro-
motifs)-1, -4,-5 and -9 have been shown to liferation, migration, and survival. They also
cleave versican68-71. contribute to the recruitment of leukocytes
during development and in the early stages
Distribution of disease. Those molecular complexes play
Versican is largely distributed along the important roles in controlling cell phenotype,
whole body being part of the ECM in several shaping tissue response to injury and maintai-
tissues. Versican performs different roles. For ning tissue homeostasis. Conversion of hya-
example, it has modulatory roles in cell adhe- luronan-/Ver-enriched provisional matrix to
sion, migration and proliferation72-74. In vitro collagen-rich matrix is a “hallmark” of tissue
experiments have demonstrated that regulates fibrosis. Targeting the hyaluronan and Versi-
the attachment of cells to various extracellular can content of provisional matrices is beco-
matrix components such as collagen I, fibro- ming an attractive strategy for intervention in
nectin and laminin. There are indications that a variety of diseases including, cardiovascular
it may also participate in the control of kerati- pathologies and cancer78.
nocyte and dermal fibroblast proliferation. A
thorough study using immunohistochemistry Proliferation and apoptosis. Versican iso-
techniques revealed the distribution of Ver- forms V1 and V2 have been shown to play
sican within different tissues of the human important roles in cell proliferation and apop-
body16. tosis, respectively. A study in which a mutant
isoform of Ver V1 possessing a 2367-base pair
Roles deletion in its ß-GAG domain abolished V1’s
As stated before, Ver has 4 isoforms each proliferative activity, proved that ß-GAG do-
with a give structure resulting from the pro- main in V1 is essential for its promoting effect
cess of alternative splicing. Each isoform in cell proliferation. Similarly, a mutant iso-
may play different roles in a given tissue pro- form of V2 with a 1953-base pair deletion in
cess. In this section, we focus on the most the α-GAG domain lacked the inhibitory ac-
relevant functions played by Versican in the tivity of V2, hence suggesting that α-GAG is
skin. essential for V2’s inhibitory activity74.

Tissue Versican distribution
Cardiovascular Ver-positive capillaries between the Ver-negative heart muscle cells. In large blood
system vessels, all three layers presented staining, while in normal muscular arteries, Ver is
restricted to the adventitia.
Lymphatic Intense Ver staining was confined to the connective tissue of the capsule and around
organs central arterioles in the spleen.

Supporting In tendon, no Ver staining was observed other than in positive foci probably origi-
tissue nated from fibrocytes and the capillary network. Ver staining is not present in the
cartilages (neither in the ECM nor in the cells) of the ribs and the trachea. While
both the ECM and the cartilage tissue in the epiglottis and in the intervertebral discs
are positive. No staining was found in association with skeletal muscle fibers. The
endomysium of the intrafusal fibers of the muscle spindle showed intense staining.

Skin and Intense Ver staining is observed along the keratinocyte proliferation zone in the
breast tissue basal cell layer of the epidermis, including the sheaths of hair follicles. In the dermis,
Ver appears associated with elastic fibers. In the breast, connective tissue shows weak
staining. No staining is found in the epithelial component of this tissue.

Gastrointestinal Ver was detected in the smooth muscle tissue of the esophagus, as well as in the sent
tract in the muscular layers of the intestine. In the liver, staining was observed in the por-
tal tracts. In the pancreas, Ver is localized in the connective tissue surrounding the
exocrine acini and in various ducts and blood vessels.

Respiratory Intense staining is shown in the subepithelial connective tissue. In the alveolar walls,
tract Ver was co-localized with the fine fibers of the elastic network.

Endocrine The connective tissue surrounding the adrenal cortex showed Ver staining. In the
organs subcapsular region and the zona glomerulosa, staining intensity was increased. In the
thyroid, weak staining was observed at the luminal surface of thyreocytes and in the
subepithelial connective tissue. In the adenohypophysis, only the network of connecti-
ve tissue and capillaries surrounding nests and cords of endocrine cells contained Ver.

Urinary In the bladder and the ureter, layers of connective tissue and smooth muscle cells stained
tract positive, covered by Ver-negative transitional epithelium. In the kidney, Ver was present
in the surrounding connective tissue, with more pronounced staining around regressi-
vely transformed glomeruli.

Female In the ovary, Ver was present in the large blood vessels of the medulla. A strong im-
genital tract munoreaction was observed in the dense plexus of elastic fibers beneath the epithelium
of the vagina. In the placenta, Ver was localized in the villous mesenchyme and around
blood vessels.
Male In the testis, Ver was restricted to the tunica propria surrounding seminiferous
genital tract tubules. In the prostate, a strong linear Ver immunoreaction was observed at the
apical surface of the columnar cells of the epithelium.

Peripheral and In the peripheral nervous system, nerves were surrounded by Ver-positive perineu-
central nervous rium. In the central nervous system, staining of white matter similarly to glial fibri-
system llary acdic protein suggests a close association of Ver expression with astrocytes.

Table 2. Distribution of the proteoglycan Ver in the human body16.

Tissue engineering background for HA and pyrogens or immunogens are an important
Versican concern with fermentative HA. Therefore, HA
from rooster comb is still currently preferred
Hyaluronan has been widely used in the for human treatment88. Furthermore, even if
field of tissue engineering, in particular, in purity of HA is not required, it is not desira-
cartilage and skin regeneration. Some studies ble to provide samples with a heterogeneous
propose to apply an injection of hyaluronan distribution of HA molecular weight. Low po-
under the skin to promote its regeneration. It lydispersity is essential as HA would infer di-
can both be used as a carrier matrix containing fferent processes depending on its molecular
(diverse components, such as human cells or weight89.
growth factors79) or as unique component,has Regarding the use of HA as a scaffold, the
been proven to stimulate collagen synthesis in main problem arises from its mechanical pro-
damaged human skin80. Other studies indica- perties. HA solutions do not form scaffolds
te that HA can be used as a drug delivery agent with long lasting mechanical integrity. To
for various routes of administration such as achieve tailored mechanical properties and
ophthalmic, nasal or parental, and more re- degradation rates, chemical modification and
cently, as a topic drug delivery agent81. Howe- crosslinking of HA is often necessary. Howe-
ver, the main use of HA in skin engineering ver, this is not an ideal solution, since HA in
is as a scaffold for wound healing and tissue the ECM does not appear as a crosslinked ma-
repair82-86., The main advantages of the use of trix, and therefore, is not an ideal environment
HA as a scaffold in tissue engineering are: 1) for cells90.
HA is involved in skin wound healing and an- Versican has not been as widely used as HA
giogenesis 87.Therefore, is a promising candi- in tissue engineering of the skin. Nevertheless,
date for skin scaffolding for tissue engineering it has been used as a marker for skin health.
and repair; 2) it is also hydrophilic, non-adhe- Some studies have been carried out on its role
sive and biodegradable, which means that HA as a factor promoting skin development91.
scaffolds degrade rapidly in aqueous solution The main interest of Versican in skin enginee-
and it is eligible for use in vivo; 3) HA contains ring is due to its role in hair follicle develo-
functional groups that can be used to produce pment and cycling, being hair production an
hydrogels by chemical crosslinking or intro- emerging field of research92.
duce functional domains to achieve tuneable
biological and mechanical properties in the Conclusions and future perspectives
scaffold; 4) furthermore, due to its ability to
retain water, HA scaffolds are able to maintain As presented throughout this review, HA
an hydrated environment, ideal for wound and Versican are two very appealing mole-
grafts85. cules to study due to the important role they
Unfortunately, there exists a number of play in several physiological processes such as
disadvantages that are yet to be overcome. differentiation and wound healing. Nowadays,
Most of them arise from the production pro- they are mainly targeted for cancer therapies,
cess. Historically, HA has been obtained from since they take part in tumor progression93,94.
many animal sources, mainly rooster comb. Tissue engineering could also make use of HA
While HA itself is non-immunogenic, other and Versican of facilitate tissue regeneration.
matrix proteins can be mixed with the HA so- They could be added to scaffolds to imitate the
lution. Consequently, many purification steps native ECM with the idea of replicating in vitro
are needed to provide a safe solution of HA. the processes that cells undergo in this natural
Recently, many companies are offering HA se- scaffold. To be able to create realistic ECMs in
creted by microorganisms such as certain stra- vitro, further studies are needed to characte-
ins of Streptococcus zooepidemicus or S. equi. rize the distribution and interaction of these
However, the risk of mutation of the bacterial two molecules. As future work, a study will be
strains and possible co-production of toxins, carried out in which, using immunohistoche-

mistry and immunofluorescence, the location, NBK544295/%0A.
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