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Name: Kevontae Arthurton

Subject: Caribbean issues and Perspectives

School: CFBC
Teacher: Julia Hall

1. Using the powerpoint presentation, :

A. Explain  ," Crime is a social construct" and  straw purchases
Crime is a social construct because the society are the ones whom decides
what are socially accepted as social norms and what would not be
accepted as norms and what actions should be punishable by law in the
Straw purchases: This is one someone is prohibited to purchase
something so the acquire a purchasing agent that has access to purchasing
whatever illegal substance or fire arm for the individual then ship it to the
person at a fee.

B. List six risk factors for youth violence.

Six risk factors of youth violence are
Poverty, inequality, youth unemployment, availability of guns, child
abuse and police abuse.

C. State the ways guns get into the hands of criminals and ways
Caribbean countries can reduce the number of illegal guns in the
Three ways guns get into the hands of criminals are by drug dealers sell
guns and narcotics to criminals, through the process of straw purchase
agents and lastly through the corruption of the police force selling fire
arms to the criminals, ways that Caribbean counties can reduce the
number of illegal guns in the Caribbean are improved gun interdiction in
various ports, better gun registries, making and tracing or the guns and
lastly changes in drug trade and gun culture.

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