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College of Sword Dancing

The road traveled to escape from the depths is treacherous,

but by following the light, you can emerge into the freedom
above. With Eilistraee's light shining down on you, you can
dance circles around your foes.
Restriction - Drow Only
Sword Dancers are worshipers of Eilistraee, and are blessed
with her favor. By leaving the depths of the underdark for the
wide world above, you've taken the first steps in her grace.
Eilistraee only blesses drow who follow her teachings.
Sword Dance
At 3rd level, you can move with greater grace while wielding a
blade. You gain proficiency in all swords, and can use your
Dexterity instead of Strength for attack and damage rolls you
make with them. You can use any sword as a spellcasting
focus for your bard spells.
While you are wielding a sword, your movement speed is
increased by 10 feet, and you can take the dash or disengage
action as a bonus action.
At 3rd level, Eilistraee grants you her blessing. You learn the
spell Eilistraee's moonfire, and can cast it once per long rest
without expending a spell slot.
Additionally, you learn a handful of spells that are
commonly used by Sword Dancers. You learn the booming
blade and green flame blade cantrips, as well as magic
missile. When you cast magic missile, you can make one
weapon attack with a sword as a bonus action.
Dancing Sword Medley
At 6th level, by singing to your goddess, your blade will dance.
As a bonus action, you can begin singing, then toss a sword
into the air. Until your song ends, your sword dances with
you. It uses your Charisma modifier for attack and damage
rolls, and is considered a sword you are wielding.
For the duration, when you use your action to attack or cast
a spell granted by Moon-Touched, you can command the
sword to fly up to 30 feet and attack a creature within 5 feet
                                                       Art by Don DeSilva of it. At 14th level in this class, you can have the sword attack
Eilistraee's Moonfire Your song lasts 1 minute or until you choose to end it as a
2nd-level Enchantment free action. When your song ends, the sword tries to return to
your hand. If you have no hand free, the sword moves as close
Casting Time: 1 action to you as it can and then falls to the ground at your feet.
Range: Self
Components: V (a short medley). Spellsong
Duration: 8 hours Starting at 14th level, your song and dance can manipulate
Eilistraee shines her moonlight down on you. For the the weave. As an action, you can expend any number of
duration, your hair glows moonlight, shedding bright light in Bardic Inspiration to cast a spell with a casting time of          
a 20-foot-radius around you, and dim light for an additional 1 action or 1 bonus action whose level is equal to the number
20 feet. This light reveals shapechangers, lycanthropes, and of dice you spent. This spell can be any spell on the Bard or
other creatures affected by moonlight for what they really are. Cleric spell list, and does not need to be a spell you know. If
While this spell is active, you are not affected by sunlight the spell requires a material component that has a cost, you
sensitivity. must provide the material component.
If the bright light from this spell comes into contact with
darkness created by the darkness spell, both spells
immediately end.

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