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Loving collaborator reflection paragraph

By: Omar Paulino

I've set a good example of a loving collaborator for my classmates ever since I
arrived at Doulos. I never reject someone when they ask for help, and even less expect
anything in return. For example, the majority of the times I've offered help, no teacher
has ever seen me, which means that I've never expected a celebration or anything else.
Another way I have shown the behavior of a loving collaborator is by listening and
respecting each other's ideas. An example of that happened recently in Bible class,
when we were learning about how God is triune. Mister Sawyer and I had different
beliefs on that, but after that class, we kept talking about it in a very respectful way.
One tenet I recognize is a weakness for me is: Delegating work according to
individual strengths and weaknesses in group settings. Usually when we work in
groups, I don't know a lot about each other's skills or abilities, so we just sit there
doing nothing, waiting for someone to take the initiative. Another tenet I need to
improve on is: Make compromises to achieve a common task. This is because the
majority of the time my classmates have an idea, I have a completely different one,
and we argue about it and I want to fix this. Another strength I have in this skill is
taking risks to increase group learning, because I'm never afraid to ask questions when
the whole class needs them. I also dare to look for new, interesting topics in class we
could talk about (with the teacher's permission). One tenet I've been showing multiple
times is: Seek to lead and influence my community through service. I love to serve
and help people, especially kids, so this is why I entered a summer camp last year,
where I had the opportunity to serve as a leader for the kids in the community. Also,
I've been chosen several times as an example of service and how I work for others and
not for myself. The last tenet I need to improve is: Understanding the effects of
previous events on others and adjust their own approach to the situation. I need to
understand the situations that a person can get into because of his actions. Also
improve on understanding more a person when they are passing through a hard time
and adapting the conversation into their situation. In conclusion, there are four tenets
in this skill that completely defines me, but three that I need to strengthen. I hope that
in 5 to 10 years, this skill will look improved and with all the tenets mastered.

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