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September 2019 | Volume 77 | Number 1

What New Teachers Need Pages 36-41

Issue Table of Contents | Read Article Abstract

Respect from Day One

Robert Jackson

The most important thing I learned as a new teacher

was how to respond to disruptive students with
respect and compassion.

I began my teaching career more than 20 years ago in an BUY THIS ISSUE
Indianapolis public high school. As I stood at the door on
the first day of school, students piled into the classroom, Share |
talking to one another. I said "Good Morning" three times
before gaining their attention. As everyone found a seat, they turned their
attention my way, looking skeptically at this eager stranger who stood before
them. I told myself, I could be in for a long semester. I was teaching in a
predominantly black high school in the inner city, and many of these kids were
dealing with tough circumstances. I wasn't welcomed with open arms. I had to
earn their trust.

As the students stared at me, I knew this was my moment to set the tone for the
year. I was nervous but pretended to be confident. I decided to be straight up with
them: "I am Robert Jackson, and this is my first year teaching. I don't know half of
what I'm doing."

The room erupted with laughter. The ice was broken.

I continued. "I will make some mistakes, but I'll take full responsibility for them. I
would never ask you to do anything that I wouldn't do myself."

Silence fell over the room. I went on to explain my definition of respect and what I
expected of them—and the respect I would give in return. I told them, "Even
though I'm new at this and don't know it all, I care about each one of you."

Every student in the room was hanging on my words. I realized that some of those
kids may have never heard this from an adult, or not often enough to make a
difference in their life. I felt like I was well on my way to becoming the educator
they needed. By being authentic and showing I cared, I'd mastered the number
one job of any educator—securing students' attention. My words had taken away
some of their anxiety, and some of mine as well.

Bumps, Bruises, and Respect

In the days to come, however, I was met with disruptions that seemingly came out
of nowhere. Some days students walked in with their brick walls up, not wanting to
communicate or to be communicated to. Longstanding feuds festered in the
classroom, right under my nose. Often, when an eruption finally came, I found
myself being reactive instead of proactive.

My ego and emotional well-being took a lot of bumps and bruises that first year.
But along the way I learned techniques that helped me relate to my students and
show them respect and compassion, techniques that made a difference in being
able to handle "problem" behaviors.

Once, a student who wasn't supposed to be in my class came in with his friend,
who was one of my students. He thought I wouldn't notice him. I asked him for his
name; he refused to give it to me. When I asked him to leave my classroom and to
go to his class, he refused. I threatened to call security. He jumped up, cursed at
me and pretended like he was going to hit me on his way out (after dropping the
"F- you" bomb a few times).

My first thought was to react angrily—but I caught myself and thought about the
message I wanted my other students to learn as they looked on. So I kept my
emotions under control and told the young man to have a good day as he left the

To my surprise, the young man, whom I'll call Terrance, came back later that day
and apologized. He acknowledged he had no reason to speak to me like he did.
Terrance wanted me to know he had been having a bad day and he was sorry. He
said that he had expected me to yell back at him like other teachers; my restrained
response was the reason he came back to apologize. I let Terrance know that his
behavior had hurt me, but I kept my composure as I told him this. Terrance then
said he wished he knew how to keep his composure.

This was an unexpected learning opportunity for me. To show respect as an

educator, it's essential to control your tone. Remember that a student's aggressive
retort to you is often the result of someone else's mistreatment of them, so we
should always try to respond with empathy and restraint. It's tough to use
restraint when someone is personally attacking you in your classroom, but it's
ideal to remain calm no matter the situation. This sets the example of respect.
When I let Terrance know I respected him for coming back to apologize, it meant a
lot to him. He was on his way to improving both as a student and as a person
because he was learning how to master his emotions.

Strategies for Respectful Interactions

By the end of that year, through what I can only call trial and error, I had gained a
number of strategies to improve interactions in my classrooms. As I continued in
teaching, I got better and added new ones. I continued to be honest, which served
me well with students, but I also set up conditions for classroom management that
allowed for compassionate interactions while still allowing me to maintain control
of a (predominantly male) classroom. Allow me to share some of the approaches I
found for respectful classroom management. I'm confident they will work for any
new teacher.

Establish Rules Early—and Stick to Them

Establishing your rules up front makes it easier to respond effectively to your
students' behavior problems. Since I taught Industrial Technology, which at that
time female students didn't gravitate to, I had mostly male students. I wanted all of
them to know what to expect so there wouldn't be any confusion.

It's important to let your students assist you in establishing classroom rules and
penalties. This allows students to take some ownership of classroom management
and takes some pressure off you because the rules become no longer "my rules,"
but "our rules." Have each student sign off on the agreed-upon rules and post a
list of them where all can see it.
Whenever someone chooses to be late for class, curse, or whatever, you can
simply enforce the rule and the punishment that may come with it according to
the signed agreement. It's like a contract. No threats needed; students understand
that when they break rules, there are consequences. You can also proactively
remind students about a particular rule if you sense it's about to be broken. If they
get an attitude, remind them that they helped choose that regulation, so it's their
responsibility to adhere to it.

Keep these rules short and to the point. The rules I laid out my first year of
teaching included no cursing, no hats, no tardiness, no fighting. My students
helped to create these rules.

Stand by Your Plan

Hold students, and yourself, accountable to the rules you've set up as part of your
classroom management strategy—unwaveringly. Your students will respect you
for it. If one of your classroom rules is "no sagging" (meaning wearing pants below
your waist where underwear or shorts can be seen), there should be no sagging in
your classroom, end of discussion. If your rule is "no talking during a test or you
will receive a zero," give talkers at test time a zero. Be firm and consistent.

Communicate Wisely
Establishing the rules is just the beginning. Equally important is determining the
communication culture in your classroom. As a new educator, you must choose
your words wisely from day one. The words that we speak to our children and
students have power! You can build a student up or tear them down with your
words. Your words will set the tone for the day, the school year, and your teaching

Students need to hear something positive about themselves every day. You never
know what baggage a student is walking in with, and a positive word goes a long
way. Try saying things like this:

▪ You matter.
▪ You are somebody.
▪ I believe in you.
▪ You have the potential to be great!
▪ I enjoy having you in class.
Every day someone will need to hear such words. You may not know who that
someone is, so repetition is necessary. New teachers might also prepare for these
interactions by speaking affirming words to themselves before school starts.

Admitting when you're wrong is part of respectful communication. This can be

difficult when the student is also acting wrongly. When I started teaching, I had
students call me names, talk back, and even try to get physical with me, and my
response was wrong at times. I was raised by a single mother whom we showed
respect to no matter what. I wasn't used to being disrespected by young people—
but lashing out will only make things worse. Once I yelled at a student to sit down.
He retorted, "You asked me to stop yelling, but you're yelling at me." I was
embarrassed by my actions. I immediately told the student he was correct and
apologized to him.

Understand Your Students—and What They Face

Respecting the learners in your class involves having a true understanding of their
lives and the stories surrounding them. A student acting out isn't a sign that you
are a bad teacher or administrator. It's a sign that the student is experiencing
trauma in their lives—domestic violence, neglect, parental incarceration, or
something similar. Understanding your students and their challenges will help you
stereotype less and control your own biases. Kids are dealing with tough
circumstances, so your response is important to your success or failure as an

Media influence is extremely relevant to how people view youth of color. When
you turn on the news, the first or second story often involves a black or Latino
male in a negative light, whether it's a story of homicide, robbery, or whatever. We
mustn't buy into this narrative or treat students like criminals based on what we
see in the media.

All students deserve to be treated fairly, no matter their race and ethnicity. But
one reality teachers need to be aware of is that black and Latino males are
suspended and expelled at four times the rate of any other race. One study
showed that teachers were more likely to judge a given behavior as hostile if the
student doing it was African American (Jacobs, 2018).

The school-to-prison pipeline is real: One in three black males born after the year
2000 can be expected to spend time in prison, and one in six Latino males are
likely to spend time behind bars (Knafo, 2013). These numbers are staggering. In
schools across the country, these young men are dehumanized, treated as less
than, and kicked out of school for minor offenses. It's important for teachers to
understand the effects of this context on students' morale and engagement—and
try not to contribute to it.

It's also likely you'll have students who are facing trauma or even living in fear on a
daily basis. Trauma is defined as a deeply distressing or disturbing experience. The
prevalence of trauma is one reason you will have students who act out. Children
who have been subjected repeatedly to trauma suffer from social, psychological,
cognitive and biological issues, including difficulty regulating their emotions and
paying attention (Dorado & Zakrzewski, 2013).

So how does a new teacher get to know who students are and what they're facing?
When you feel you've established some trust, privately ask a student questions
like, "Tell me about yourself" or "Is there anything you're struggling with now?" Be
sensitive to how much the student wants to share—or doesn't. When you know a
student better, you might ask, "What's holding you back from being the person
you want to be?" Sometimes it helps to be honest about your own past struggles in
appropriate ways. Students will open up to you based on your openness to them.

To educate any student's mind, you must capture his or her heart. You can do this
by always being fair and consistent, making yourself available to talk when
students need to, being empathetic, and listening. Be that one caring adult they

Controlling Your Emotions and Staying Positive

Even when you use all these strategies, students will still be disruptive—or worse—
at times. When that happens, your response will be very important. How you feel
will determine your decisions and what comes out of your mouth, so gaining
authority over your emotions is key.

How can you control your emotions in the heat of disrespectful behavior? For one,
don't take students' behavior personally. Don't show anger, although you'll feel it;
anger indicates that you've taken it personally. My rule for handling my emotions
with disruptive students is to count to 15 silently before responding. Another way I
tamed my emotions was to keep my voice balanced, even when a student was
loud and disruptive.

Here's something I believe and wish someone had told me when I started
teaching: An emotion is not a response, it's a choice. It's your choice to stay in
emotions like anger or bitterness. Instead, you could choose to feel happiness,
peace, and fulfillment in the work that you do to save lives every day.

Stop saying, "I can't help how I feel." Consider what you might be doing that affects
your emotions. What have you been thinking? What have you been feeding your
brain and believing?

To respond respectfully and compassionately to students, an educator has to

know who she or he is. When I first started teaching, I didn't know who I was
completely. I had never met my biological father, and I came to school with my
own baggage. My emotions were sometimes out of control, just like the students I
was supposed to be leading. I didn't understand that I could choose to be happy
and energetic rather than abrasive. Doing daily meditation and facing the pain in
my own life grounded me, and I was better able to control my emotions. This
allowed me to see my students and their needs more clearly.

Strive to be a positive force in your classroom and in the school. Talk to students
when you see them in the halls, and if you see your student doing something
admirable, praise him for it. Winning a student over doesn't eliminate behavior
issues, but it sure helps minimize them.

What They'll Remember

Remember that you may not even realize the impact you make on a student until
many years later. Earlier this year, I attended a Lakers game. I was taking my seat
when out of nowhere I heard, "Mr. Jackson. Coach Jackson!" I knew this had to be
one of my former students because no one else calls out to me in that way. I
looked up and there was Rod, a young man who'd been one of my first students—
one of my troubled students. He began talking to me about how well he was doing
with his job and how he was married with kids. Rod thanked me for my guidance
and support. He told me my words had impacted his life in a positive way.

Students may not always remember what you taught them, but they will always
remember how you made them feel.

Author's note: All student names are pseudonyms.


Dorado, J., & Zakrzewski, V. (2013, Oct. 23). How to help a traumatized child
in the classroom. Greater Good Magazine.

Jacobs, T. (2018, July 16). For Black students, stereotyping starts early. Pacific

Knafo, S. (2013, Oct. 4). 1 in 3 Black males will go to prison in their lifetime,
report warns. Huffington Post.

Robert Jackson is a national speaker, educator, and education consultant. He is the

author of six books, most recently Becoming the Educator They Need: Strategies,
Mindsets, and Beliefs for Supporting Male Black and Latino Students (ASCD, 2019).
Follow him on Twitter.

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