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From the ideas of motivation, there are some pinpoints in drawing the concepts of motivation.

They are:

a) Motivation is something different and it cannot be seen, but there is a psychological

construct; behavior or effort, attitudes, interest and values or desire.
b) Motivation can be seen as the successful aspect when learning a target language deals
with speak the language (speaking skill).

Today’s complexity of language learning has stressed the need of motivation and so has generated
new ways of motivating the learners. This necessitates knowing of motivation before applying any
sort of strategy to motivate the student. The best way is to begin with the integrative and
instrumental motivation. Motivation, integrative or instrumental, plays a significant role in the
retaining and learning of language but instrumental motivation is given preference over the
former one by Kachru (2005). It is only in recent times that researchers have explored and
discussed other dimensions and classifications of motivation in the context of learning second/
foreign languages (Moskovsky & Alrabai, 2009). Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation are, for example,
important themes in the recent debate on motivation.

La complejidad actual del aprendizaje de idiomas ha hecho hincapié en la necesidad de motivación

y ha generado nuevas formas de motivar a los alumnos. Esto requiere conocer la motivación antes
de aplicar cualquier tipo de estrategia para motivar al alumno. La mejor manera es comenzar con
la motivación integradora e instrumental. La motivación, integradora o instrumental, juega un
papel importante en la retención y el aprendizaje del idioma, pero Kachru (2005) da preferencia a
la motivación instrumental sobre la primera. Es solo en tiempos recientes que los investigadores
han explorado y discutido otras dimensiones y clasificaciones de la motivación en el contexto del
aprendizaje de una segunda lengua/lenguas extranjeras (Moskovsky & Alrabai, 2009). La
motivación intrínseca y extrínseca son, por ejemplo, temas importantes en el reciente debate
sobre la motivación.

Today’s complexity of language learning has stressed the need of motivation and so has generated
new ways of motivating the learners. Choosri and Intharaksa (2011) stress that motivation is the
critical factor that may explain why learners disregard or achieve learning English. This
necessitates knowing of motivation before applying any sort of strategy to motivate the student.
The combination of all those efforts and desires become supportive in achieving the goals of
learning. This prompts the learners to make conscious efforts for their goals and to keep it
sustained for a long time. Motivation, integrative or instrumental, plays a significant role in the
retaining and learning of language.

Gardner and Lambert (1972) (Quoted in Choosri & Intharaksa 2011) proclaim that a combination
of all those efforts and desires become supportive in achieving the goals of learning. This prompts
the learners to make conscious efforts for their goals and to keep it sustained for a long time.
Dörnyei (1998) as cited in Gilakjani, Leong and Sabouri (2012) points out:
“In taxonomy, motivation is comprised of three levels: the language level, the learner level and the
learning situation level. The motivation processes at the language level can be described
comprehensively by using the traditional concepts of integrative and instrumental motivation; at
the learner level motivation involves the influence of various individual traits of language learners,
such as, the need for achievement and self-confidence. “The learning situation level is also
influenced by a number of intrinsic and extrinsic motives” (p. 10).

Choosri e Intharaksa (2011) enfatizan que la motivación es el factor crítico que puede explicar por
qué los estudiantes ignoran o logran aprender inglés. Gardner y Lambert (1972) (Citado en Choosri
& Intharaksa 2011) proclaman que una combinación de todos esos esfuerzos y deseos se convierte
en un apoyo para lograr las metas de aprendizaje. Esto impulsa a los alumnos a hacer esfuerzos
conscientes para alcanzar sus objetivos y mantenerlos sostenidos durante mucho tiempo.

The theory implies that motivation is one of the determining factors in developing a second
language. In particular, motivation seems to be very important in the development of speaking
skills. One who has strong motivation might take a part in speaking. It can be inferred that one
might speak well in English as a result of motivation which pushes to speak.

For example, one who has strong speaking motivation will practice and train himself to speak
fluently and accurately in order to be better speaker. On the contrary, one who has low motivation
in speaking will rarely practice and train himself to speak fluently and accurately. So, it might
influence his speaking ability stay the same or even get worse.

Therefore, this research was conducted at the second grade of SMAN 1 Kotabumi that is intended
to answer the following questions:

Si se pretende establecer si hay algún efecto significativo de la motivación en el aprendizaje del

inglés en la capacidad de hablar del estudiante y qué aspectos de hablar son los más logrados por
el nivel de motivación de los estudiantes la teoría indica que

el presente proyecto busca comparar dos salones de diferentes instituciones la aplicación

de estrategias motivacionales y por lo tanto el nivel de motivación de los estudiantes y su
influencia en su rendimiento en la materia de inglés. Partiendo de la realidad colombiana
y con base en las estrategias motivacionales expuestas inicialmente para la justificación y
posterior desarrollo de éste proyecto se toma como referencia a los autores Dorney and
Otto (in Thanasoulas 2002: 2) as cited in Ihsan (2016) y considerando los objetivos de este
estudio se consideran apropiadas:
I. Creating the Basic Motivational Condition: a. Appropriate teacher behavior and good
teacher-student’s rapport; b. A pleasant and supportive classroom atmosphere. A
cohesive learner group characterized by appropriate group norm. II. Generating Students’
Motivation: a. Increase the learner “goal-oriented” b. Making the curriculum relevant for
the learners. c. Creating realistic learner’s beliefs.
III.. Maintaining and Protecting Motivation 1. Teacher can foster the belief that
competence is a changeable aspect of development. 2. Favorable self-concept in second
language competence can be promoted by providing regular experiences of success.
b. Creating learner autonomy There are four types of practice fostering the development
autonomy: 1. Resource-Based Approaches, which is emphasized on independent
interaction with learning material. 2. Technology-Based Approaches, which is emphasized
on independent interaction with educational technology. 3. Learner-Based
Approaches/Classroom-Based Approaches,
IV. Encouraging Positive Self-Evaluation 1. Promoting attributions to effort rather than to
ability. 2. Providing motivational feedback. 3. Increasing learners’ satisfaction and the
question of rewards and grades.

In Pakistan, a number of studies have been conducted for exploring motivation of students for
learning English at school level (e.g. Hashwani, 2008; Idrees, 2012; Khalid, 2016) and at higher
level (e.g. Khan et al., 2012; Pathan, Shahriar & Mari, 2010). However a limited number of studies
have been carried out to see the impact of motivation on students‟ learning of English language.
The present study is therefore an attempt to explore students‟ motivation level and its influence
on their achievement in English subject at secondary level. Factors that de-motivate students have
also been investigated.

According to Lepper and Hodell (1989), there are our major sources of intrinsic motivation:
challenge, curiosity, control and fantasy. Apart from them, interpersonal factors including
competition, cooperation and recognition, motivate people and lead to higher academic
achievement (Moskovsky & Alrabai, 2009).

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