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“MIRROR, MIRROR ON THE WALL” Make a short video presentation by asking your family members, friends, Classmates, and even strangers to say something about their imp can be positive or negative. Bithe Self As a Product of Modern Society Among Other Constructions Sociologists are concerned with questions about the person in the community. For example, They ask questions, like: “How does society influence you?” “How do you affect society?” More importantly, “Who are you as a person in the community?” Sociology posits that socially formed norms, beliefs, and values come to exist within the person toa degree where these become natural and normal (Elwell, 2003), thus, developing the person's self-identity. . Modernization has significantly changed society, and this has affected how an individual builds and develops his or her self-identity. Pre-modern society was centered on survival. People behaved according to social rules and traditions while the family and the immediate environment provided supervision on how to get through life ‘Scanned with CamScanner mongrier tte itnet kt dean een bots may ws ry omnes 200 Modernization, however, has improved people's livin conditions. § person on Aine et mde ete eee family. have decreased in importance In modern societies, individualism ig 0 land developing one’s self entity is central (Giddens, 1991), ‘mina, ees ng ine GD, eH esr ngs ait ae Rode 1 Indastralnm, the social relations implied in the exten powerand machinerginall processes of production," Sf Bera 2 Capitalism, a production system involvin : i both competitive and hecqnmodifcatin (puting «price tag of bor poner Product mar ‘3. Institutions of surveillance, the massive inc institutions, especially in government; and Dynamism, the most evident characteristic chara rease of power and reach bp Social groups and social network soca SOB George Simmel expressed that people reat soil networks by nin Foups. A social groups described as having two or more people ne another, sharing similar characteristic, and whose menben ently one, oe ‘of the group.-An example of a social group is your family, your barkais, your ‘smates. Meanwhile, social network refers to the ties or connections that link you to. Your social group (Khan Academy, WEB). The connection you have with your fii ‘Your blood relation; the connection you have with your barkads is your friendship; and the connection you have with your classmate isthe common interest to lear, A social group is either organic or rational. An organic group is naturally occuring ‘and tis highly influenced by your family. This is usually forme adiional societies because there is little diversity in these commutes ee a a Teen a tpt a al network runs deep, thus, giving the however is that organic groups imply called it organic motivatios rootedness. This means the foundation ofthe soc person a sense of belongingness. The downside, ‘Scanned with CamScanner Jess freedom: to your commu Hrettonal groups occur in moder toclties, Modeyn soietie ae ma diffesene people coming from different places, The family in modern so eae Steen rghen ining rational ol gongs, Rational pop re foe 4 nin ted el intreste moreover, people join there groupe ont of teow re rate guna called this ratfonal motivation, Rational groups imply greater freed a sine treadom of moveinent. Relationships based on self interest am as and greater social conformity. Ye ; You are expected toact anv rity standards (Allan, 2012). Ml bchavesccondig especi Wied as organic relationships. Interests change and when they do, group members ship between rational social networks is tenuous, and the person yn, 2012). embed change. The relation: fee no meaningful connection with ehe others (All [iMead and the Social Self ~

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