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Islamophobla, Causes, Repercussions and way forward eran CSUN nae Cahg CM plamee @ Introduction compos ott istotical Background 8 Indicators to Confirm Islamophobla a) Women suppression > Borbaric 7 Extremist Terrorist > Backward Outdated and orthodox YouTube Channet Execute YesTta Se an pelyend — echaroton (re grievance against UNO by the Muslim world is genuine 2 ‘all outstanding issues such as as gashrnr,Rohingya: Uighur et belong 1ST ee fare to resolve ese ISSA breed extremist elements in these societies and, terrorist groups manipulate public. sentiments. f the Jewish state io. 1949, Palestinians have been fighting against what a ‘At least 15,000 Pal ans were Ever since the creation of UN investigator once desenbed 28, ‘sraeks ethnic cleansing. kiled and some 750,000 ont of ‘a total population of 19 walioh rere forced to take refuge farfrom their bomslands between 1947 and 1o98., More than 7,000 Palestiolens ‘and 1,100 Israchis have Gied im ine conflict between. 2000 and 207 Cee jgroel controls 85 percent ‘of hision Palestine. ‘blockade on Gata and continues IS ve nstraction of llega! setiements to those activities. THE Frais mposes a crippling on occupied lands in defiance of several UN resorutions calling FOF 3° Unted States has also used its eto power severa! vimes 10 COUNT! UN Security Council vis ve condemned sraets use of (Fee ‘against Palestinian civilians. ‘Moreover, the ‘of the greatest human resolutions that fongoing confrontation in the Hisputed Kashmic region hes become one sengsos in history, marked BY Sarich rilings, rape, incarcoration OF feaders and activists, tomture and disappearances of Kashmiris, despite several ‘yrimplemented UN resolutions Over the issue. youtube Chest: Exsewure coveing GP, Formore Exseys: 05219944071 (WhatsADP) hat as west counters Bolshevik ism." It predicts 1 fate masses in Wester world, ‘order to manipul bia is one of therm which are used in Europe “nwact vorers, According to recent SUIVEY ip USA election 2016, ited Islamophobia and used it one form oF ‘other during their abhi to gain supporters ike Donold Trump, who vvmmigration of Musiims from numerous counties and os meat badges fot being Muslim, and deport certain Muslins that could be connected to any terrors! organization. This campaign really helped raise Islamophobia to the roof as explained in the “iglamophobia”. In particular, people who claimed that they were influenced by Donald Trump ovted out at feast thiee separate incidents of related Vience. Within 0 week of Trump becoming president the had enacted an executive order that a immigrants and refugees from seven Mustim-majorly countries, stating that this would defen te ryGrens. cities noted that no attacks had eccutted on US soil Involving imrn rom the seven countries. nomed, The order was blocked By 2 federal court, but Trump aes gues, “Islam Is new Bolshev igoing to challenge Iskam. 1 ht ideological ‘tools, Istamoo! Margatet Thatcher a USSR, they are 2150 contesters use far tg snd USA equally by every party (0 ‘20% comtesters for Congress Expl campaign. Politicians campaign islet promised during his eampaign to ban i fore American Mustims t0 register ani Scanned with CamScanner agscover 0 way (0 Implornent i, whether through the Supreme Cour or vi another order. considering one’s race supreme ‘and modem as compared to other race Is not new as Germans build this Ideology during inter war periods, However, white supremacist Is more complicated and thwarted than other supremacies, They cansider that white are supreme nation and they have more advanced culture so other nations should follow them, Islam belng the religion of equally, challenges this notion and counter falsa claims of white ‘supremacy, Moreover, white has colonized maximum part of slam during 19" century and their consideration Is mainly based on packwardness of Islamic world. It is an armed doctrine which supports complete shutdown of Western world for Muslims, There are multiple politice-soclo-economic and religious caus tte of affats of the OIC. The most prominent among ther Is the ack of unity amongst t ‘Muslims. The flame world is dived on poltical ain religious fault nes. Poca has Dee eed rato two camps: there are counties belonging Yo, Waste. £2 and the others St represent the conservative camp. A continuous Tussle ip Geing witnessed between these WO ynereas 1 es behind the fallure and the Sorry persone. The ro-West camp s keen to implement Wester politcal of camp wants to adopt Islamic political system. Religious as also been an to rise above this tmpediment to the success of the 01. The Muslims have Ai : Frasion and to think in ferms of being ane Unnmah Ths Wy situation prevalling in the Muslim ‘world gives an opportunity to the enemies of fam further thelr vested interests by engeaing sles in fight against thelr own Muslin bothers. Te ‘ongolng Shla-Sunni fight in most Paris of ime that has been the Muslim world, especially the Middle East, is part of international great 99 aa ‘orchestrated by the Islamophobes, Section vf ap Since 1980s, there has been an accelerated trend of migration of the Muslims to the eatern counties who lft their native countries in search of better economic prospects. The first generation of Muslim immigrants rought with them their religious values. distinct culture and belief system. Living i0 8 iveral, progressive culture and a secular Society they grew more apprehensive about theie religious Identity. The Muslims regarded Soe onment hostile to their raion, wht forced ther take special care of upbringing of ‘their children. Their reluctance to integrate themselves into the western society and unwillingness to unguestioningly accept the western values as frustrated the westerners who are unable 10 fathom the fact as to how the Muslims despite living here for many decades have refused (0 cara part of westera civilisation. This has fed to the nalion of ‘other’ while referring to the ‘Muslims believing thal there is no! 9 cammon between the western people and the Muslims: which could bind them Into a unified whole Consequent upon the entrenchment of this feeling, the western tendency to attribule terrorism, militancy and radicalism to the Mushms has further strengthened the culture ‘of Islamophobia. While the Muslims already felt that they were being discriminated against at the hands of the Western world as far as their disputes such as Palestinian issue ete. were concerned, he aftermath of so-called war on Lolth perceived largely ‘against the Muslim world ha further accentuated a sense of Injustice and vietImhood. ‘YouTube Channel Executive Coaching Chub For more Essays 03219944071 (WhottAPP) Discrimination The exiremist organisations, which invoked , the suppression of th particulary targeted the western-educated Muslim youths wo were already suffering fea crisis. The radicalisation of this segment of the Muslim imm igsant populatior en, Th raga of Sn yan raf ste one le a ceo ol Scanned with CamScanner yatims in the west and how Incompatible they are to the western values. ‘There was atime when iris debate was restricted to righlist groups and fundamentalist Christians and the mainstream Wester narrative talked of equality of opportunity, pluralism and multiculturalism as defining features ‘of western democracy and civilization, As a result, ‘Muslims are subjected to different forms of discrimination Inciting hatred! and unrest In the ‘society. This fins baen blomed on manipulation ‘and misrepresentatlon of actual facts by media particularly in the North America, pritain and Europe, Media portrayal of Muslims In an offensive ‘and denigrating manner witnessed unsettling changes on both systems making Muslims victims of tetror: ‘and violence. ‘As Regards Impacts of Islamophobla in Western and Muslim world, they are deep rooted, has id, These Impacts are studied Salveats In relations amid dismal scanarlo of the worl ge"S Under following paragraphs Arcot media and Games lism presentation of Muslims and Arab G Prange of Persia: ent world (© Callfor duty: presents Muslims es bad boy and terrorists + Bomboo- wear turban, rides carpet and throw bombs ce; however, Western world has halted, attacked and demolished many mosque ca. The growth of such extremist tlements is owing to Islamophobia. Muslims ettered to make Mosque In Park-St whit Is closest 10 9/11 incident place in order to ‘show solidarity with Western workd, However, itis rejected by the western world and they presented the plea that it would present triumph of Islam over Christian West ga es orgs wne saged Uh RY, Ns sgme hal’ is present in “Australia, Belgium. ' ‘UK, Germany ¢! Dekker and Jolander argue that “Istam Is the ‘most anti-racist and antl prejudicial way of fife”. Politicisation of Muslim followers as terrorists has brought a very sad reality of hate and violence) it has been argued that discrimination of such groups has become a major problem on the minority in Muslim communities tiving in foreign countries diminishing the powerful universality of their culture. The development of hostile relationships has been on the rise resulting to Increased discrimination and social |solation among Muslims. Muslim youths on the other hand have experienced great social exclusion increasing chances of schoo! dropouts and [ow performances. After the dismal incident of 9/11, US religious and social const jatives bluntly classified the entire religion of Islam_as_a threat which has caused many ‘Americans (0 fear Mustims, Terrorist attacks are ink I shobia, demanding exclusion of Islam from the West. Society started viewing vvery Muslim as a terrorist and even the torch Bearer of wamen Tights, discrimination against women in the form of Hijab snatching has become routine of Wester world. Mosque is sacred place and propogat! PF Hate crimes -Hate Crimes _ > Hijab snatching in curape and USA 2 “Hlosque attacks > Assault attacks 2 Bullying on mustim students Notional Level Policies. Scanned with CamScanner pelea W , wot Ge > ‘Salestine issue > Travel ban _ ‘Attacks on Muslim Worlds: > AntiSharia ban another widespread misconception about tearsts which he also caused siratg narrative pullding is that the terrorists only carry cut attacks on nar-Muslims ‘and keep their Muslim brethren unharmed. On the contrary, the statistics studed by. Combating Terrorism Center (CTC) at the United States’ Miltary Academy suggest that moce Muslims have Tost thelr ives at the nands of different barbaric militias since 9/11, around the world, 03 compared to non-Muslims. army the terms “slanvst Terrriam™ ond “Muslin Testatst” people often misconsire® that ‘Muslims are inherently terrorists. These gross misinterpretations: intensely produce 0 domino: effect and ultimately result in the negative stereotyping of Muslims: and Islam, which itself means peace. Isnt it a great disservice to a faith that preaches tolerance and compassion toward omaniy at frge and considers kiting of te innocent people asthe srealest transgression. Last vrecade was mostly spent in ersis management ~ In the Mustan word Fer Indonesia to Saudl secon to Pakistan, thete were attacks from within an in Afghanistan ang fon, from outside wile, tn Pakistan, it spent over a decade struggling wih, confronting and hen battling terrorism ~ home- {grown it may have been but it was put down at ‘considerable cost, human and material ‘YouTube Channa: Executive Coaching Cb For more sys: C3219944071 (WhHTAARP) Recommendations pivasnsinvecdtoeret co) aeeoists are in every society, every community and every Coury: Those who claim to be Musuams may also be terrorists but such people have not ‘understood the true teachings of Islam. ‘The world needs to acknowledge hat a terrorist is ust aterenst his acts have nothing to do with the religion Did anyone blame Christianty fer the atrocities inflicted on people by Hitler? A teenst does not follow the true commandments of any faith when enghel et in such a despicable reiTelam is the world's secondrgest and fastest-growing (ah ‘encompassing one-quarter of its population. ating Islamophobia. Different scholars are making arene to bring interfaith harmony. Musimn scholar, thinkers and authors ust also come forward aectter research to make people knowledgeable enough to understand teronist along with its are Sources, Moreover, the masses should be protected fram the Inappropriate portrayal of Islam tazsuse in this misrepresentation lies the anathema to social justice and peace which hampers the progress of rebuilding and reconciliation among all eommuniies ‘Anti-Semitism has been sigmeantly overcome by applying due dlignce,Inchxdng enacting Laws oF many levels. Hitherto, cont lfecive steps taken (ram the socal ad legal perspeeive fave tremendously weakened, ot completely elrminated. Furthermore, at community level, interfaith meetings held at teguiar Mtewats ean help dispel the myth about Islam because therein lies the delivery of opprapriate ‘education and the required communication among various communities. ‘Academia has considerable role to ploy in mit In December 2016, the UN Seeunly Counc voled to condemn Israel for its policy of building aaaeesines i entory sited fora Palestinian state. instead of wielding its veto power, forthe sane ie abetaned on such 9 vote. Trump almost invedatly tweeted: "The Unted Natlons hos auch great potential but right now ts just a CLUB for people to get together, talk and have 9 good time. Excessive misuse of veto by Superpower against Islamic Issue has aggravated Scanned with CamScanner ce of Muslim world who consider international frum as antagen F need 10 work for the betterment ‘of humankind without any discrie ination of gender, sex, face ond religion. Its manifestations in present world are Enst Timor and South Sudan who were given freedom after referendum. The same can ‘be bestowed to the people of other ‘oppressed people. rorism that has affected axpresent, the world is facing a grave threat tos existence nt fort ely. patts of the world, No religion condones tha murder of Innocents. But yyed by the Western media as the perpetrators of ferr because Islam Is a religion that prof jividuals are tarnishing the name Of ‘does nol, in any case, Suppo wrong portrayal of islam in ory of conflict between Christians iscussing terrorism. Tet has no place in Is! misuse and abuse of freedom of speech and = chronic IsraekPalestine Dispute and Kas sino one dares to question their ai 1 slam, Personal act has nothing to

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