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Nuclear Energy is used for many peaceful purposes like

in healthcare, food preservation, research,
industries,agriculture etc. Which is also even useful for
poor people also. This helps in making goods qualitiy
medicines, in electricity generation and also helpful in
our home also. Nuclear energy is a symbol of modern
changes which occur in our society not only in our
society in many other societies also, as result it changed
the whole over the country and the thinkings of people.
While the main advantage of nuclear energy is it is very
low cost energy that’s why poor people can also use it.
Nuclear energy provides nearly 20% of our electricity in
United states so that it’s a huge profit for us also. The
main purpose of nuclear energyis for generating power
by nuclear fission. The evidence over six decades shows
that nuclear power is a safe means of generting
electricity. Mainly nuclear energy is used in united
states, france,china, russia etc. Nuclear energy orginates
frpm splitting of uranium atoms- a process calld
fission.this generated heat to produce stream,which is
used by a turbine generator to generate electricity.
It produces no harmful greenhouse gas ,and
requiresless area to produce the same amount og
electricity as other sources. It is found that united states
uses this more in the world. Nuclear power plants are
expensive to build at first but after that it is very cheap
to run. Nuclear energy is the cleanest energy which will
not produce any pollution to our environment. It is the
only carbon free energy. It releases less radiation into
the environment than the other major energy.

BY- Anjali.A.M
SCHOOL- K.V Pattom, shift-2

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