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In partial fulfilment for the requirement of the award of the degree


“Bachler of Technology (Computer Science Engineering)”


Lovely Professional University

Phagwara, Punjab.

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Certification of the Project

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1. Project Objective 4
2. All about Basics of energy 5-11

3. How car work? 12-14

4. Non-Renewable Source of Energy 15-24
➢ Fossil fuel
➢ Coal
➢ Petroleum
➢ Natural Gas
➢ Nuclear energy
5. Renewable Source of Energy 25-32
➢ Solar energy
➢ Wind energy
➢ Hydroelectric energy
➢ Geothermal energy
➢ Biofuel energy
6. Environment Consequence (Fossil fuel) 33-47
➢ Global warming
➢ Ozone depletion
➢ Acid rain
7. How fracking work and effect on 48-51
8. Nuclear Power, Nuclear fission 52-56
How nuclear power plant work?
Nuclear waste
Pros and cons of nuclear power
9. How energy work in everyday life? 57-58
10. Conclusion 59
11. References 60

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Project Objectives
This Project contain everything we should know about energy, the
environment, and at least a number of things in everyday life. It starts by
energy itself and where it comes from.

❖ Basics of energy
➢ Where it come from?
➢ Over consumption of Petroleum: Who has it? & Who uses it?
➢ How much energy do we use?
➢ World consumption of Energy
❖ How does a car work?
➢ What goes inside it?
❖ Source of Energy:
➢ Nonrenewable
o Fossil Fuel (Coal, Oil, Gas)
o Nuclear (Fission, Fusion)
➢ Renewable
o Solar Energy
o Wind Energy
o Hydroelectric Energy
o Geothermal Energy
o Biofuel Energy
❖ Environmental Consequences (Fossil Fuels)
➢ Global warming (Cause, Effect on environment, Solution)
➢ Ozone depletion (Cause, Effect on environment, Solution)
➢ Acid rain (Cause, Effect on environment, Solution)
❖ How fracking work and their effect on environment
❖ Nuclear Power, Nuclear fission
➢ How does nuclear power plant work?
➢ Nuclear waste
➢ Nuclear power and climate waste
➢ Pros and cons of nuclear power
❖ How Energy Work in our everyday life

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❖ Energy Basics

Energy is defined as the capacity to do work.

Scientific definition of work is equivalent to the product of force times the

distance through which the force acts.

❖ In other words, Energy is the rearrangement of chemical or nuclear bonds

into a more stable state.

❖ In the metric system, work has the units of newton-meter (N∙M), where

the newton is the metric unit of force and the meter is the metric unit of


❖ The metric unit of energy, the joule, is defined as 1 J = 1 N∙M.

❖ In the British system, work is given in, and energy is given in British

thermal units (BTU).

Units of Energy
❖ The Joule – the metric unit of energy. 1 metric unit of force (the newton)

acting through 1 metric unit of distance (the meter) = 1 Joule of energy.

❖ The British Thermal Unit – 1 Btu = the amount of heat energy required to

raise the temperature of 1 pound of water by 1 degree Fahrenheit. (The

burning of a match is approximately equal to 1 Btu of energy release, or

about 1055 joules). The Calorie – the amount of energy required to raise

the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree Celsius. (252 calories = 1


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❖ Where Does It Come from?
All of our energy comes from the sun, which is our nearest star. The sun sends

out huge amounts of energy through its rays every day. We call this energy solar

energy or radiant energy. Without the sun, life on earth would not exist, since

our planet would be totally frozen.

Just as humans store energy in their bodies, the earth stores the sun’s energy


The sun’s energy is stored in coal, natural gas, water and wind. Coal, oil, and

natural gas are known as fossil fuels. Fossil fuels were formed over millions of

years ago when the remains and fossils of prehistoric plants and animals sank to

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the bottom of swamps and oceans. These animal and plant remain were slowly

covered and crushed by layers of rock, mud, sand, and water. The pressure of all

those layers caused the plants and animals to break down and change into coal,

oil and natural gas. We use the energy in these fossil fuels to make electricity.

We use electricity in many different ways. We light and heat our homes, schools

and businesses using electricity, and to run computers, refrigerators, washing

machines, and air conditioners. Our cars and planes run on gasoline, which

comes from oil. As of the year 2013, most of the energy we use comes from

fossil fuels. However, fossil fuels are known as non-renewable sources of energy.

They cannot be used over and over again. This means that one day they will run


Luckily, there are some renewable energy sources we can use, that we can keep

using. Unlike non-renewable fossil fuels, they will not run out. Three forms of

renewable fuels are; solar (coming from the sun) energy, water energy and wind

energy. Solar energy can be caught through solar cells and solar panels. People

put solar panels on the top of houses to help capture the sun’s energy and

transform it into heat and electricity. Water is also used to produce electricity.

Dams capture the energy of falling water and turn it into electricity. Wind is a

third form of renewable energy. Wind turbines can capture the energy of the

moving air and turn it into electricity. All these renewable energy sources are

essential for us because they will not run out, so we need to get better and

better at using them.

And also, the biggest source of energy humans uses, worldwide, is petroleum.

That’s true in the U.S. as well, and has been since 1950. Petroleum is primarily

used for transportation: They turn it into gasoline and diesel that fuels cars,

trucks, boats, and other equipment.

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❖ Why Petroleum?

➢ Oil delivers more than 15 times the energy of an equal mass of dynamite,

700 times that of a bullet, and 100 times energy of laptop batteries

➢ One gallon of oil does as much work as 20 workers work 10 hours a day

for an entire year

➢ It is the main ingredient for a variety of consumers products, including

pharmaceutical, cosmetics, clothing, pesticides, lubricant, solvents, and ….

➢ It is CHEAP!!!!

❖ Petroleum Balance Sheet (2007)

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How much energy do we use?
Worldwide, humans used about 575 quadrillion Btu of energy in 2015,

according to estimates from the U.S. Energy Information Agency. With a global

population of 7.3 billion, that works out to 78 million Btu per person, per year.

Americans are heavy energy users, accounting for roughly one-sixth of world

energy consumption. That’s 303 million Btu a year per American. Using match

analogy, you’d need to light nearly 10 matches a second to keep up with the

energy appetite of the average American human.

And how has the amount of energy we use changed over time?

Americans today use roughly three times the amount of energy our great-

grandparents used 100 years ago. And back then, they used more wood than oil.

Inside Energy matched up, energy use data from the EIA with population data

from the U.S. Census Bureau to get a picture of how per person energy use has

changed over time, going back to 1790:

Energy use skyrocketed in the 20th century, but has been declining in recent


The U.S. ranked eleventh, worldwide, in terms of energy use per

person, according to 2013 data from the World Bank. Per person, the average

American uses three times as much energy as someone in China. But Americans

only use a third of the energy, per person, as Icelanders. (Why does Iceland use

so much energy? Short answer: Their main energy sources, hydroelectric and

geothermal power, can’t easily be stored. So, they must use it or lose it. Iceland

has a huge aluminium industry, which is energy intensive. So essentially, they

export their abundant energy supply in the form of aluminium.)

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2015 World consumption (some countries use 2013 data)

Country Energy
China 119.7 Quads

United states 97.3

Russia 29.8

India 25.3

Japan 18.7

Brazil 12.8

Canada 14.4

Germany 13.5

South Korea 11.4

Saudi Arabia 9.8

Iran 10.2

France 10.3

Total World: 575 Quads

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Oil 35.9 Q

Natural Gas 28.4 Q

Coal 14.2 Q

Nuclear 8.4 Q

Hydroelectric 2.4 Q

Ethanol/BioD 2.3 Q

Wind 2.1 Q 2016 US Energy Use by Source:

Waste/Wood 2.0 Q

Solar 0.6 Q

Garbage 0.5 Q

Geothermal 0.2 Q

2017 US Electricity Production:

Gas 33 %

Coal 30 %

Nuclear 20.0 %

Wind 6.8 %

Hydro 6.2 %

Solar 1.4 %

Wood/Waste 1.0 %

Oil 0.7%

Garbage 0.5 %

Geothermal 0.4 %

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How Does a Car Work and What Goes in It?

A heat engine is the device that takes the motion of the molecules and turns it

into something useful. Useful work, useful ability to make something

move. Could be an automobile, could be a generator. We want somehow to be

able to make things go.

Cars are automobiles that can transport people. It is the main means of

travelling for hundreds of millions of people all over the world. Cars have

changed the way we live probably more than any other invention in history. At

first only a few people had cars but after a while more and more people bought

them because they improved the way people lived. Farmers with cars were able

to bring their products to places that were farther away.

The appearance of cities and towns also changed. More and more workers

drove to their jobs and people started to move to suburbs outside the town


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Automobiles give people many jobs. Millions of people around the world work in

factories where cars are produced. Millions more work at gas stations,

restaurants or motels that travellers stop at.

However, cars also cause problems. Millions of people die in car accidents every

year. Automobiles pollute the air that we breathe and parking space in cities

is scarce because everyone wants to use their cars to get to city centres.

How cars work

Cars are very complicated machines and all systems in them work together. The

power of a car, control and steer it and make it comfortable for people to drive


The engine
The heart of every car is its engine. It produces the power that turns the wheels

and electricity for lights and other systems.

Most automobiles are powered by an internal combustion engine. Fuel,

usually gasoline or petrol, is burned with air to create gases that expand. A spark

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plug creates a spark that ignites the gas and makes it burn. This energy moves

through cylinders in which pistons slide up and down. They

are attached to rods that move a crankshaft. Normal car engines have four to six

cylinders but there are also models with eight and sixteen cylinders. The

turning movement is passed through the drivetrain to the drive wheels.

Fuel system
The fuel system pumps petrol from the tank to the engine. Older cars used to

have carburettors that mix fuel with air and send the gas to the engine. Some

cars have a special fuel injection system that sprays petrol into the engine.

Modern cars have turbo chargers that suck in extra air and therefore create

more power.

Some car features are given below:


Steering system

Brake system

Suspension system

Exhaust system

Cooling system

Lubrication system



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Non-Renewable Source of energy: -
Fossil Fuel
A fossil fuel is a fuel formed by natural geological processes. The principal

source of fossil fuels is the anaerobic decomposition of buried dead organisms,

containing organic molecules originating in ancient photosynthesis. The

transitions from these source organic materials to the resulting fossil fuels

typically requires a geological process of millions of years, and sometimes more

than 650 million years. During this process the materials transform into several

high-carbon minerals, including petroleum, coal, and fossil or natural

gas. Humans extract these transformed materials

through mining and drilling and frequently use them for energy

through combustion.

(i) Coal (ii) Petroleum

Fossil fuels can be transformed into other chemicals or derivatives by the

refining and chemicals industries. Commonly-used refined fossil fuels includes

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kerosene, gasoline, and propane , and common chemicals include

most plastics and agricultural chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides. As of

2018, the world's main primary energy sources consisted of petroleum (34%),

coal (27%), and natural gas (24%), amounting to an 85% share for fossil fuels

in primary energy consumption in the world. Non-fossil sources included nuclear

(4.4 %), hydroelectric (6.8%), and other renewable energy sources (4.0%),

including geothermal, solar, tidal, wind, wood, and waste). The share of

renewable sources (including traditional biomass) in the world's total final

energy consumption was 18% in 2018.

Importance of fossil fuels:

Fossil fuels are of great importance because they can be burned

(oxidized to carbon dioxide and water), producing significant amounts

of energy per unit mass. The use of coal as a fuel predates recorded history.

Coal was used to run furnaces for the smelting of metal ore. While semi-solid

hydrocarbons from seeps were also burned in ancient times, they were mostly

used for waterproofing and embalming.

Commercial exploitation of petroleum began in the 19th century, largely to

replace oils from animal sources (notably whale oil) for use in oil lamps.

Natural gas, once flared-off as an unneeded by-product of petroleum

production, is now considered a very valuable resource. Natural gas deposits are

also the main source of helium.

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Heavy crude oil, which is much more viscous than conventional crude oil, and oil

sands, where bitumen is found mixed with sand and clay, began to become

more important as sources of fossil fuel in the early 2000s. Oil shale and similar

materials are sedimentary rocks containing kerogen, a complex mixture of high-

molecular weight organic compounds, which yield synthetic crude oil when

heated (pyrolyzed). With additional processing, they can be employed instead of

other established fossil fuels. More recently, there has been disinvestment from

exploitation of such resources due to their high carbon cost relative to more

easily-processed reserves.

Prior to the latter half of the 18th century, windmills and watermills provided the

energy needed for work such as milling flour, sawing wood or pumping water,

while burning wood or peat provided domestic heat. The wide-scale use of fossil

fuels, coal at first and petroleum later, in steam engines enabled the Industrial

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Revolution. At the same time, gas lights using natural gas or coal gas were

coming into wide use. The invention of the internal combustion engine and its

use in automobiles and trucks greatly increased the demand

for gasoline and diesel oil, both made from fossil fuels. Other forms of

transportation, railways and aircraft, also require fossil fuels. The other major

use for fossil fuels is in generating electricity and as feedstock for

the petrochemical industry. Tar, a leftover of petroleum extraction, is used in

the construction of roads.

Environmental effects

The burning of fossil fuels has a number of negative externalities – harmful

environmental impacts where the effects extend beyond the people using the

fuel. The actual effects depend on the fuel in question. All fossil fuels release CO

2 when they burn, thus accelerating climate change. Burning coal, and to a lesser

extent oil and its derivatives, contribute to atmospheric particulate

matter, smog and acid rain.

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The Global Carbon Project shows how additions to CO

2 since 1880 have been caused by different sources ramping up one after


Climate change is largely driven by the release of greenhouse gasses like CO

2, with the burning of fossil fuels being the main source of these emissions.

While climate change may have positive effects in some parts of the world, in

other parts it is already negatively impacting ecosystems. This includes

contributing to the extinction of species (see also extinction risk from global

warming) and reducing people's ability to produce food, thus adding to the

problem of hunger. Continued rises in global temperatures will lead to further

adverse effects on both ecosystems and people, with the World Health

Organization having stated climate change is the greatest threat to human

health in the 21st century.

Combustion of fossil fuels generates sulfuric and nitric acids, which fall to Earth

as acid rain, impacting both natural areas and the built environment.

Monuments and sculptures made from marble and limestone are particularly

vulnerable, as the acids dissolve calcium carbonate.

Fossil fuels also contain radioactive materials, mainly uranium and thorium,

which are released into the atmosphere. In 2000, about 12,000 tonnes of

thorium and 5,000 tonnes of uranium were released worldwide from burning

coal. It is estimated that during 1982, US coal burning released 155 times as

much radioactivity into the atmosphere as the Three Mile Island accident.

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Global surface temperature reconstruction over the last 2000 years using proxy

data from tree rings, corals, and ice cores in blue. Directly observational data is

in red, with all data showing a 5-year moving average.

Burning coal also generates large amounts of bottom ash and fly ash. These

materials are used in a wide variety of applications, utilizing, for example, about

40% of the United States production.

In addition to the effects that result from burning, the harvesting, processing,

and distribution of fossil fuels also have environmental effects. Coal

mining methods, particularly mountaintop removal and strip mining, have

negative environmental impacts, and offshore oil drilling poses a hazard to

aquatic organisms. Fossil fuel wells can contribute to methane release

via fugitive gas emissions. Oil refineries also have negative environmental

impacts, including air and water pollution. Transportation of coal requires the

use of diesel-powered locomotives, while crude oil is typically transported by

tanker ships, requiring the combustion of additional fossil fuels.

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A variety of mitigating efforts have arisen to counter the negative effects of fossil

fuels. This includes a movement to use alternative energy sources, such

as renewable energy. Environmental regulation uses a variety of approaches to

limit these emissions; for example, rules against releasing waste products like fly

ash into the atmosphere. Other efforts include economic incentives, such as

increased taxes for fossil fuels, and subsidies for alternative energy technologies

like solar panels

Effect of government subsidy

A major effect of state subsidy for petrochemical production has been increased

extraction, including increased investment into new wells. Estimated at an oil

price of $50 per barrel, tax preferences and other US government subsidies have

rendered profitable close to half of the investment in new oil production. This US

government subsidy is estimated to drive an increase in American oil production

of 17 billion barrels over the next few decades. This increase in oil use is

equivalent to 6 billion tons of carbon dioxide, and comprises as much as 20% of

US oil production through 2050, assuming an overall carbon budget that limits

average global warming to 2 °C

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Non-Renewable Energy

Non-renewable energy is a source of energy that will eventually run out.

Most sources of non-renewable energy are fossil fuels, such as coal, gas, and oil.

These natural resources are a major source of power for a vast number of

industries – however, there are numerous downsides to non-renewable energy,

including their negative environmental impact and the fact they are in limited


Types of Non-Renewable Energy


Coal comes from the remains of plants that died hundreds of millions of years

ago. It has the highest level of carbon of all fossil fuels.

Oil (Petroleum)
Oil – also known as petroleum – can be extracted and refined in order to make
products such as gasoline, diesel, and jet fuel.

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Natural Gas

Natural gas was formed from the remains of tiny sea plants and animals that

died millions of years ago. It is mainly composed of methane.

Nuclear Energy

Nuclear energy is released when atoms’ nuclei are fused together (fusion) or

split apart (fission). Nuclear power plants produce electricity through nuclear


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Advantages of non-renewable energy

• The non-renewable source of energy is affordable. For instance, diesel

and oil.

• It is easily accessible and more compatible.

• The non-renewable source of energy is easy to store.

Disadvantages of non-renewable energy

• Non-renewable energy cannot be replaced once their energy source is

used up.

• The by-products of non-renewable energy cause environmental damages.

It also increases greenhouse gases.

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Renewable Energy

Renewable energy, often referred to as clean energy, comes from natural

sources or processes that are constantly replenished. For example, sunlight or

wind keep shining and blowing, even if their availability depends on time and


Types of Renewable Energy Sources

❖ Solar Energy

Humans have been harnessing solar energy for thousands of years—to grow

crops, stay warm, and dry foods. According to the National Renewable Energy

Laboratory, “more energy from the sun falls on the earth in one hour than is

used by everyone in the world in one year.” Today, we use the sun’s rays in many

ways—to heat homes and businesses, to warm water, or power devices.

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Solar, or photovoltaic (PV), cells are made from silicon or other materials that

transform sunlight directly into electricity. Distributed solar systems generate

electricity locally for homes and businesses, either through rooftop panels or

community projects that power entire neighbourhoods. Solar farms can

generate power for thousands of homes, using mirrors to concentrate sunlight

across acres of solar cells. Floating solar farms—or “photovoltaics”—can be an

effective use of wastewater facilities and bodies of water that aren’t ecologically


Solar energy systems don’t produce air pollutants or greenhouse gases, and as

long as they are responsibly sited, most solar panels have few environmental

impacts beyond the manufacturing process.


o It is a perennial, natural source and free.

o It is available in plenty.

o It is non-polluting.

o It does not emit any greenhouse gases.

o It doesn’t result in the destruction of forests and eco-systems that

occurs with most fossil fuel operations.


o Dependent on change in seasons / weather – hence they may not

be used always.

o Requires high initial investments for productive use

o Solar systems don’t work at night directly but the battery bank,

which stores energy during day-time can be used during night.

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o Solar electricity storage technology has not reached its potential


o Solar panels are bulky. This is particularly true of the higher

efficiency, traditional silicon crystalline wafer solar modules.

❖ Wind Energy
We’ve come a long way from old-fashioned wind mills. Today, turbines as tall as

skyscrapers—with turbines nearly as wide in diameter—stand at attention

around the world. Wind energy turns a turbine’s blades, which feeds an electric

generator and produces electricity.

Wind, which accounts for a little more than 6 percent of U.S. generation, has

become the cheapest energy source in many parts of the country. Top wind

power states include California, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Iowa, though

turbines can be placed anywhere with high wind speeds—such as hilltops and

open plains—or even offshore in open water.

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• It is environment friendly.

• Its freely and abundantly available.


• High investment requirement.

• Wind speed is not uniform all the time which affects power generated

❖ Hydropower Energy
Hydropower is the largest renewable energy source for electricity in the United

States, though wind energy is soon expected to take over the lead. Hydropower

relies on water—typically fast-moving water in a large river or rapidly descending

water from a high point—and converts the force of that water into electricity by

spinning a generator’s turbine blades.

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Nationally and internationally, large hydroelectric plants—or mega-dams—are

often considered to be non-renewable energy. Mega-dams divert and reduce

natural flows, restricting access for animal and human populations that rely on

rivers. Small hydroelectric plants (an installed capacity below about 40

megawatts), carefully managed, do not tend to cause as much environmental

damage, as they divert only a fraction of flow.

Pros of hydropower Cons of hydropower

Renewable energy source Some adverse environmental impact

Pairs well with other renewables Expensive up-front

Can meet peak electricity demand Lack of available reservoirs

❖ Geothermal Energy

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If you’ve ever relaxed in a hot spring, you’ve used geothermal energy. The earth’s

core is about as hot as the sun’s surface, due to the slow decay of radioactive

particles in rocks at the centre of the planet. Drilling deep wells brings very hot

underground water to the surface as a hydrothermal resource, which is then

pumped through a turbine to create electricity. Geothermal plants typically have

low emissions if they pump the steam and water they use back into the

reservoir. There are ways to create geothermal plants where there are not

underground reservoirs, but there are concerns that they may increase the risk

of an earthquake in areas already considered geological hot spots.

Pros of Geothermal Cons of Geothermal

Inexhaustible Supply could change

No environment impact Cannot be transported

Low cost High start-up cost

❖ Biofuel

Biofuel, any fuel that is derived from biomass—that is, plant or algae material or

animal waste. Since such feedstock material can be replenished readily, biofuel

is considered to be a source of renewable energy, unlike fossil fuels such

as petroleum, coal, and natural gas. Biofuel is commonly advocated as a cost-

effective and environmentally benign alternative to petroleum and other fossil

fuels, particularly within the context of rising petroleum prices and increased

concern over the contributions made by fossil fuels to global warming.

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First-generation biofuels

First-generation biofuels are fuels made from food crops grown on arable land.

The crop's sugar, starch, or oil content is converted into biodiesel or ethanol,

using transesterification, or yeast fermentation.

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Second-generation biofuels

Second-generation biofuels are fuels made from lignocellulosic or woody

biomass, or agricultural residues/waste. The feedstock used to make the fuels

either grow on arable land but are by-products of the main crop, or they are

grown on marginal land. Second-generation feedstocks include straw, bagasse,

perennial grasses, jatropha, waste vegetable oil, municipal solid waste and so


Third-generation biofuels

Algae can be produced in ponds or tanks on land, and out at sea. Algal fuels

have high yields, can be grown with minimal impact on fresh water resources,

can be produced using saline water and wastewater, have a high ignition

point,[16] and are biodegradable and relatively harmless to the environment if

spilled. Production requires large amounts of energy and fertilizer, the produced

fuel degrades faster than other biofuels, and it does not flow well in cold

temperatures. By 2017, due to economic considerations, most efforts to produce

fuel from algae have been abandoned or changed to other applications.

Fourth-generation biofuels

This class of biofuels includes electro fuels and solar fuels. Electro fuels are

made by storing electrical energy in the chemical bonds of liquids and gases. The

primary targets are butanol, biodiesel, and hydrogen, but include other alcohols

and carbon-containing gases such as methane and butane. A solar fuel is a

synthetic chemical fuel produced from solar energy. Light is converted

to chemical energy, typically by reducing protons to hydrogen, or carbon

dioxide to organic compounds.

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❖ Environmental Consequences (Fossil Fuels)
➢ Global warming
➢ Ozone depletion
➢ Acid rain

Global Warming

Global warming is a phenomenon of climate change characterized by a general

increase in average temperatures of the Earth, which modifies the weather balances

and ecosystems for a long time. It is directly linked to the increase of greenhouse

gases in our atmosphere, worsening the greenhouse effect.

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Causes Global Warming?

The greenhouse gases responsible for global warming are produced by many

human activities:

• Carbon dioxide is naturally produced when animals breathe. Levels of this

gas in the atmosphere can also increase when volcanos erupt, when fossil

fuels are burned and when vegetation and trees are removed from the


• Chlorofluorocarbons are synthetic compounds that are produced when

humans engage in certain industrial practices. Also referred to as CFCs,

these chemicals are restricted because of their destructive effect on the

ozone layer.

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• Methane is produced in large quantities by animals during the digestive

process. Cattle raised for beef in large herds are responsible for releasing

significant amounts of methane into the atmosphere. As waste

decomposes in landfills and is used as fertilizer in agricultural

applications, it can also produce methane that contributes to the process

of global warming.

• Nitrous oxide is usually released during the application and use of organic

and commercial fertilizers. It can also be produced and released during

the use of fossil fuels and when biomass is burned.

What Is the Greenhouse Effect?

Essentially, the world's atmosphere can be seen as a large and complex

greenhouse. The gravity of the earth is responsible for keeping air and clouds

close to the surface of the planet. The sun's rays filter through the atmosphere.

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Light and heat from the sun are absorbed by the surface of the Earth and is then

released and reflected upward as infrared heat. Greenhouse gases prevent this

heat from leaving the atmosphere by trapping it and returning it once more to

the surface of the earth.

When large amounts of greenhouse gases are present in the atmosphere of the

Earth, not enough heat can escape. This causes a gradual but inevitable increase

in the temperatures experienced in various areas of the world. Greenhouse

gases play a large role in trapping heat close to the Earth's surface.

Effects – Global warming

1.) On biodiversity

2.) On oceans

3.) On humans

4.) On the weather

5.) Climate change

6.) Sea level change

7.) Water balance

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Prevention – Global warming

1.) By Renewable energies

2.) Energy and water efficiency

3.) Sustainable transportation

4.) Sustainable infrastructure

5.) Sustainable agriculture and forest management

6.) Responsible consumption and recycling

7.) Reduction in thermal power generating stations

8.) We should not waste paper

9.) Planting Trees

10) Sharing our cars

Solutions to Stop Global Warming

Now there are solutions that we can stop global warming. However, we human

and governments need to move forward to implement the global warming

solutions. To reduce global warming, we can do to reduce the contribution of

greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. Therefore, the solutions that we can

reduce global warming are reducing gasoline, electricity and our activities that

cause global warming.

To reduce gasoline mean we have a choice to choose a hybrid car that reduce

using gasoline. Besides, petrol price is increasing. If a person everyday drives to

work they need to pump petrol after 3 days and causes carbon dioxide. Another

way to reduce gasoline is take public transport or carpool to work. It can help

reduce carbon dioxide and save cost.

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Another way to reduce global warming is recycling. Recycle can reduce garbage

by reusing plastic bags, bottles, papers or glass. For instance, when we buy

foods, we can use our own containers instead of plastic bags. Another example

is after finish drinking the water from the bottle; we can reuse it or use our own

bottle. If all this is being reuse, human can reduce deforestation and help save

environment. Besides, turn off electricity if unused. It can save thousands of

carbon dioxide and buy product that have energy saving because it saves cost

and save environment.

Finally, human should stop open burning such as burning dry leaf’s or burning

garbage. It will release carbon dioxide and toxic if burning garbage with plastic.

Besides, government should reduce deforestation because the earth

temperatures are increasing. Trees will help to improve the temperature on


"Acid rain" is a broad term referring to a mixture of wet and dry deposition

(deposited material) from the atmosphere containing higher than normal

amounts of nitric and sulfuric acids. The precursors, or chemical forerunners, of

acid rain formation result from both natural sources, such as volcanoes and

decaying vegetation, and man-made sources, primarily emissions of sulphur

dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) resulting from fossil fuel combustion.

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Acid rain occurs when these gases react in the atmosphere with water, oxygen,

and other chemicals to form various acidic compounds. The result is a mild

solution of sulfuric acid and nitric acid. When sulphur dioxide and nitrogen

oxides are released from power plants and other sources, prevailing winds blow

these compounds across state and national borders, sometimes over hundreds

of miles.

Acid Rain pathway

Effect of Acid Rain

Acid rain causes acidification of lakes and streams and contributes to the

damage of trees at high elevations (for example, red spruce trees above 2,000

feet) and many sensitive forest soils. In addition, acid rain accelerates the decay

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of building materials and paints, including irreplaceable buildings, statues, and

sculptures that are part of our nation's cultural heritage. Prior to falling to the

earth, sulphur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxide (NO) gases and their particulate

matter derivatives—sulphates and nitrates—contribute to visibility degradation

and harm public health.

Monuments and buildings get discoloured due to acid rain.

For example:

Acid Rain has caused white marble of Taj Mahal to turn Yellow.

Human health effects

Acid rain does not directly affect human health. The acid in the rainwater is too

dilute to have direct adverse effects. The particulates responsible for acid rain

(Sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides) do have an adverse effect. Increased

amounts of fine particulate matter in the air contribute to heart and lung

problems, including asthma and bronchitis.

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Causes Of Acid Rain


➢ Volcanic emissions.

➢ Biological processes.

➢ Lightning.

➢ Factories (industrialization)

➢ Motor vehicles, automobile exhaust.

➢ Coal based power plants.

➢ Domestic fires.

➢ Smelters

Preventive Measures

There are several ways to reduce acid rain—more properly called acid

deposition—ranging from societal changes to individual action. It is critical that

acid deposition be reduced, not only in India, but also throughout the world to

preserve the integrity of natural habitats, as well as to reduce damage to man-

made structures.

• Clean up smokestacks and exhaust pipes from time to time.

• Use alternate sources of energy.

• Limestone or lime (a naturally occurring basic compound) can be added to

acidic lakes to “cancel out” the acidity.

• Buy vehicles with low NO emissions, and properly maintain your vehicle.


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Ozone – It is an allotrope of oxygen, having 3 atoms of oxygen. Ozone is found

in two layers of the atmosphere i.e.,

1) Troposphere (bad ozone because it acts as pollutants& irritants)

2) Stratosphere (good ozone)

Now, ozone in the stratosphere: -

❖ The ozone layer is the phenomena of the Earth’s stratosphere. The ozone

layer in the stratosphere protects the earth from the harmful UV rays of

the sun.

❖ It contains high concentration of O3 (chemical formula of ozone) in

comparison to other atmospheric layers.

❖ The ozone layer is very important for the existence of life on earth. Its

configuration and chemical properties are such that it easily absorbs UV


❖ Charles Fabry and Henri Buisson in 1913 discovered the ozone layer.

❖ Spectrophotometer (the Dobson meter) used to measure stratospheric

ozone from the ground. It was developed by the GMB Dobson.

The ozone layer absorbs 97-99% of Sun’s medium frequency UV light (from about 200nm to
315nm wavelength). 16th September is known as the International Day for the preservation of
the Ozone Layer.

Functioning of Ozone


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Depletion of Ozone Layer

The molecules of ozone are unstable. So, when the Sun’s rays hit ozone, it splits

into a molecule of O2 and individual oxygen atom. This process is called as

decomposition of ozone layer. But again, through natural process it reacts to

form ozone (O3). This continuing process is called Ozone Oxygen Cycle.

O3 O2+O (O3 in presence of sunlight breaks into O2 and O)

O2 + O O3 (decomposed O3 again reacts to form O3 through natural process)

This photochemical mechanism was discovered by the British Physicist Sydney

Chapman in 1930. Hence, this mechanism is also called as Chapman


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Causes of Ozone Depletion

The ozone layer depletion is a major concern and is associated with a number of

factors. The main causes responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer are

listed below:


Chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs are the main cause of ozone layer depletion. These

are released by solvents, spray aerosols, refrigerators, air-conditioners, etc.

The molecules of chlorofluorocarbons in the stratosphere are broken down by

the ultraviolet radiations and release chlorine atoms. These atoms react with

ozone and destroy it.

Unregulated Rocket Launches

Researchers say that the unregulated launching of rockets result in much more

depletion of ozone layer than the CFCs do. If not controlled, this might result in a

huge loss of the ozone layer by the year 2050.

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Nitrogenous Compounds

The nitrogenous compounds such as NO2, NO, N2O are highly responsible for

the depletion of the ozone layer.

Effect of Ozone Depletion

On the basis of energy ultraviolet rays are divided into three categories:

✓ UV-A: minimal biological effects (low in energy)

✓ UV-B: higher form and the most damaging one, leads to ozone layer


✓ UV-C: absorbed by the oxygen in the atmosphere and never reaches us


1.) Effect on skin – cancer, skin diseases

2.) Effect on eyes – cornea damage

3.) Effect on the immune system.

4.) Effect on crops and plants life.

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5.) Environmental damages – excessive of UV-B inhibits the growth process of

almost all green plants:

❖ Role of green plants are:

❖ Food shortage in near future

❖ Producer (first in the terrestrial food chain)

❖ Soil erosion

❖ Exhale oxygen and inhale carbon dioxide

Solutions to Ozone Layer Depletion

The depletion of the ozone layer is a serious issue and various programmes

have been launched by the government of various countries to prevent it.

However, steps should be taken at the individual level as well to prevent the

depletion of the ozone layer.

Following are some points that would help in preventing this problem at a global


Avoid Using ODS

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Reduce the use of ozone depleting substances. E.g., avoid the use of CFCs in

refrigerators and air conditioners, replacing the halon-based fire extinguishers,


Minimise the Use of Vehicles

The vehicles emit a large amount of greenhouse gases that lead to global

warming as well as ozone depletion. Therefore, the use of vehicles should be

minimised as much as possible.

Use Eco-friendly Cleaning Products

Most of the cleaning products have chlorine and bromine releasing chemicals

that find a way into the atmosphere and affect the ozone layer. These should be

substituted with natural products to protect the environment.

Use of Nitrous Oxide should be Prohibited

The government should take actions and prohibit the use of harmful nitrous

oxide that is adversely affecting the ozone layer. People should be made aware

of the harmful effects of nitrous oxide and the products emitting the gas so that

its use is minimised at the individual level as well.

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How does Fracking Work

Using hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling to extract oil or gas from shale

rock involves a number of steps. Let's walk through a basic fracking operation

for natural gas in, say, the Marcellus Shale in Pennsylvania:

1) First, a "wellbore," or hole, needs to be drilled all the way down to the layer of

gas-rich shale. This shale layer can sit more than 5,000 feet underground and

drilling can take as long as a month. The well is lined with a steel casing to

prevent the contamination of nearby groundwater.

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2) Once the drill reaches down to the shale layer, it slowly turns and begins

drilling horizontally, for a mile or more along the rock.

3) A "perforating gun" loaded with explosive charges is lowered to the bottom of

the well and punctures tiny holes in the horizontal section of the casing that's

deep down in the shale layer.

4) Now comes the actual fracking, or "completion" stage: A mixture of water,

sand, and chemicals is pumped into the well at extremely high pressures and

goes through the tiny holes in the casing. The fluids crack open the shale rock.

The sand holds those cracks open. And the chemicals help the natural gas seep


5) The "flowback" stage: The water and chemicals flow back out of the well and

are taken for disposal or treatment.

6) Finally, natural gas begins flowing from the shale and up out of the well,

where it's eventually shipped to consumers via pipeline. A typical well can

produce gas for 20 to 40 years, pumping out thousands of cubic feet of gas each


Effects of Fracking on the Environment

As fracking operations have spread out across environment, so they've triggered

protests over air and water pollution. Here's an overview of some of the key


Groundwater contamination: One big concern is whether the chemicals used

in fracking or the natural gas itself could contaminate people's drinking water.

(There's the worry, for instance, that natural gas leaks could make people's tap

water flammable.)

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Wastewater pollution: A separate issue is what happens with all that

water after it has been used to crack open shale and is pumped back up to the

surface. The oil and gas industry produces billions of gallons of this murky

wastewater each year, which typically contains chemicals that were added for

the fracking process.

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Wastewater pollution: A separate issue is what happens with all that

water after it has been used to crack open shale and is pumped back up to the

surface. The oil and gas industry produces billions of gallons of this murky

wastewater each year, which typically contains chemicals that were added for

the fracking process.

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Nuclear Power

Nuclear power is a clean and efficient way of boiling water to make steam, which

turns turbines to produce electricity.

Nuclear power plants use low-enriched uranium fuel to produce electricity

through a process called fission—the splitting of uranium atoms in a nuclear

reactor. Uranium fuel consists of small, hard ceramic pellets that are packaged

into long, vertical tubes. Bundles of this fuel are inserted into the reactor.

A single uranium pellet, slightly larger than a pencil eraser, contains the same

energy as a ton of coal, 3 barrels of oil, or 17,000 cubic feet of natural gas. Each

uranium fuel pellet provides up to five years of heat for power generation. And

because uranium is one of the world’s most abundant metals, it can provide fuel

for the world’s commercial nuclear plants for generations to come.

Nuclear electricity production

Nuclear power offers many benefits for the environment as well. Power plants

don’t burn any materials so they produce no combustion by-products.

Additionally, because they don’t produce greenhouse gases, nuclear plants help

protect air quality and mitigate climate change.

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When it comes to efficiency and reliability, no other electricity source can match

nuclear. Nuclear power plants can continuously generate large-scale, around-

the-clock electricity for many months at a time, without interruption.

Nuclear energy supplies about 10 percent of the world's electricity and

approximately 20 percent of the energy in the United States. A total of 30

countries worldwide are operating 440 nuclear reactors for electricity


World electricity production by source 2018

What is nuclear fission?

Nuclear fission is a reaction where the nucleus of an atom splits into two or

more smaller nuclei, while releasing energy.

For instance, when hit by a neutron, the nucleus of an atom of uranium-235

splits into a barium nucleus and a krypton nucleus and two or three neutrons.

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These extra neutrons will hit other surrounding uranium-235 atoms, which will

also split and generate additional neutrons in a multiplying effect, thus

generating a chain reaction in a fraction of a second.

Each time the reaction occurs, there is a release of energy in the form of heat

and radiation. The heat can be converted into electricity in a nuclear power

plant, similarly to how heat from fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil is used to

generate electricity.

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How does a nuclear power plant work?

Inside nuclear power plants, nuclear reactors and their equipment contain and

control the chain reactions, most commonly fuelled by uranium-235, to produce

heat through fission. The heat warms the reactor’s cooling agent, typically water,

to produce steam. The steam is then channelled to spin turbines, activating an

electric generator to create low-carbon electricity.

Nuclear waste

The operation of nuclear power plants produces waste with varying levels of

radioactivity. These are managed differently depending on their level of

radioactivity and purpose.

The next generation of nuclear power plants, also called innovative advanced

reactors, will generate much less nuclear waste than today’s reactors. It is

expected that they could be under construction by 2030.

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Nuclear power and climate change

Nuclear power is a low-carbon source of energy, because unlike coal, oil or gas

power plants, nuclear power plants practically do not produce CO2 during their

operation. Nuclear reactors generate close to one-third of the world’s carbon

free electricity and are crucial in meeting climate change goals.

Pros and cons of Nuclear Power


❖ Nuclear power generation does emit relatively low amounts of

carbon dioxide (CO2). The contribution of nuclear power plants to

global warming is therefore relatively little.

❖ It is possible to generate a high amount of electrical energy in one

single plant.


❖ The problem of safe disposal of radioactive waste exists

❖ There exist high risks and the consequences of damage is great

when accidents happen

❖ The raw material Uranium is a scarce resource. Its supply is

estimated to last only for the next 30 to 60 years, depending on the

actual demand.

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How Energy Work in our everyday life

The industrial revolution transformed humanity’s need for energy to become

insatiable. We cannot imagine a time where it wasn’t a part of our lives. From

preparing food to doing work to even just relaxing at home watching TV, we use

energy. Here are a few more examples of how we use energy in our daily lives.

We Use it for:

• Cooking

It is almost impossible to imagine a diet consisting purely of raw food. We don’t

need to start a fire every time we cook at home; we have heat energy for that,

either from electrical power or gas power.

• Heating

Can you imagine winter without heat at home? Another great achievement that

humans achieved is being able to produce energy in massive amounts. Our

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homes don’t need to have a fireplace for heat anymore. Humans were able to

exist and thrive in freezing environments because of the availability of energy.

• Technology

We only have to thank energy for pushing humanity into the modern era.

Information is readily available at our fingertips because of the high-tech

gadgets we have. Global communication has been on an upward trajectory. We

were able to reach our moons and other planets.

• Transportation

Without the availability of energy, humans would have still been stuck using

horses for transportation. Now we have all sorts of means to move. There

wouldn’t be any cars, buses, trains, planes without humans harnessing the

needed energy to run these things.

• Light

Before light bulbs were ordinary, people usually slept early because come night,

unless you have a lot of candles, it is hard to have any work done. Now, we’ve

pushed our productivity further because we’ve been able to conquer night time.

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➢ Conserving energy is better than finding a new reserve as it lessens

impacts on the environment while extending access to fossil fuels.

➢ Energy is in short supply in India, and is expensive, especially for industry.

➢ The only sustainable way of guaranteeing a reliable long-term supply of

energy is to ensure sufficiently rapid development of renewable energy


➢ Fossil fuels have helped us build our complex industrialized societies but

now fossil fuel production will begin to decline.

➢ We can encourage conservation and develop alternative energy sources

or wait until fossil fuels are depleted.

➢ Renewable energy sources are becoming feasible and economical

✓ Easier to envision giving up on our reliance on fossil fuels

✓ Win-win future for humanity and the environment

➢ We should use Renewable source of energy because renewable energy is

generated from natural resources. Renewable energy sources are

sunlight, wind, geothermal, heat, water and various forms of biomass.

These renewable sources can’t be exhausted and they are constantly

renewed. They do not harm the environment. Using renewable energy, we

can save your money and protect the environment.

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