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Ethics is Morality

Ethics is a moral quality, that is, a custom applied by people that over time has been
improving in fields applied by freedom, but also worsening in the development of people
with a moral field.
In today's society the people is mostly depressed and without knowledge of which path to
follow in their lives, since they do not have ethical and moral values in their day to day.
Technology has affected this, as it is in:
• Lack of social development.
• Loss of own values.
• Loss of people values.
"We are free in a world of determinations"
It is one of the phrases applied by Savater that caught my attention the most, since we have
regulations implemented in society, but they direct freedom, that is, in our country we are
free, but by law we cannot cross a red light or mistreat another person with or without
justification for doing so.
Although, on the other hand, these rules or laws that accompany us on a day to day basis
are what, from my perspective, give us ethics in our freedom.
Currently we confuse freedom with debauchery, an 18 year old girl with a 50 year old man
is well seen, what's more, it's an acclaimed joke for young women to comply with, which is
what we call today "Sugar Daddy", but for On the other hand, we have considered that it is
not right to take care of our parents after a certain age and they should be transferred to a
nursing home.
Every day our values are worth less and we love each other less, we have less morals and
less morals are less ethical.
This is what we want for ourselves?

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