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Addendum  Number 1 for Module 1

Name: Camille Rose B. Ramos


ACTIVITY ONE -  Why is Ethics considered to be“the only necessary knowledge”?

Ethics is considered as "the only necessary knowledge" since it addresses moral integrity, which
is seen as the true measurement of a man's greatness according to the people. . Being taught how
to act with integrity toward others is one of the highest concepts that can be applied to humans. It
is an intellectual recognition of how we should act. It outlines the rationale for why we should
act in accordance with those ideals on an intellectual level.

ACTIVITY TWO -  Are Ethics and religion one and the same?   Decide with reasons.

Religions and ethics are not the same. Ethics are rules and principles designed to distinguish
between right and wrong. It's a set of rules that tends to improve your behavior in line with them.
Ethics is more of a code of behavior that instructs you on how to act in a way that will be viewed
as fair, courteous, and consistent by the majority of people in your community.Religions, on the
other hand, are beliefs, doctrines, and practices that try to unify the populace's ways of
interacting, living, and regularly follow ways of lifeEthics and religion often go hand in hand,
but this is not always the case. Ethics and religion are essentially different in style, but both
strive for accuracy and perfection.
ACTIVITY THREE -  How are moral norms different from civil laws (e.g. criminal law)?

Simply said, moral norms are the guidelines for conducting our lives that we inherit from our
parents, our friends, our community, and occasionally our religious traditions. On the other hand,
moral norms determine the general public's response to a particular conduct or behavior but do
not constitute law in and of themselves.Civil law is a specific legal code that enforces criminal or
civil liability for specific actions or behaviors. Therefore, these laws are specific measures
adopted by a government to serve as the framework for the nation's criminal justice and civil
court systems. For instance, if I make a reservation to watch a movie with a friend, it may be
unethical to cancel the reservation, but it is not illegalThis is one of the example of moral norms.
The establishment expects the law to oblige me to pay if I agree to pay for the meal I consume at
a restaurant but leave without doing so. This is an example of civil law. Naturally, there are
many instances where moral standards and civil laws overlap; the majority of actions that are
prohibited by criminal law also violate moral standards
ACTIVITY FOUR -  What is the aim of Ethics?
We could say that people shape society and society shapes people, so we could say that
our actions have an impact on other people as well. The goal of ethics in our society is very
necessary because it has a significant impact on today and the future. First, I will focus on
"ethics," which are moral principles that govern a person's behavior or the conducting of an
activity. We must educate ourselves on moral principles since they direct our choices, define
who we are, and influence our destiny. In our society, ethics play a crucial role because it is
fundamental values and standards that ensure that everything runs properly. Every organization
and institution around us, whether it be political, medical, legal, religious, or social, involves
ethics. Without ethics, even the concept of innocents would not exist in society. Without any
application of ethics, our society would be one of dishonesty and ambiguity. Ethics are what
gives us peace in knowing that we live in a country where we have the freedom to choose. The
ethics in our country are something we can still rely on, even though our society is not perfect.
Ethics influence people's decisions and ultimately determine their lives and who they become in
later years. Our environment shapes our sense of right and wrong, which in turn shapes our
personalities, beliefs, and moral standards.
ACTIVITY FIVE -  Why are rules important to a social being?  What would happen if
there are no rules in our society?

There are rules in a society or community. People who live under a

government are required to abide by rules. Rules are essential for
ensuring that families and citizens can live happy, secure lives. The
community will be more harmonious, civil behavior will be maintained,
and rules will help everyone stay organized. There are other reasons why
rules are necessary, even within these categories. People often find it
simpler to cooperate when everyone treats one another in a similar
manner, which is why social rules are created. Because it is more clearer
what someone intends when they say or do something if they follow the
norms, it facilitates communication. Our society would be in chaos if there were no
regulations. As was previously established, rules are directives that people are expected to abide
by because they represent moral ideals. People will act in accordance with their will if there are
no norms to obey because there are no laws prohibiting them from doing so. The society will be
in complete disarray. We will be ruled by violence since there are no legal means to hold those
who commit injustices accountable.

ACTIVITY SIX -  Based on your own experience, what rules do you find restricting?  
List down five rules that restrict your freedom?  Why?

 Prioritizing people with higher social class

I just feel sad knowing that there are a lot of people who doesn’t receive the same
benefits as people with high social class just because they’re lower than them when in
fact, they are the ones who needs help the most.

 Anti-terror bill

I am really against this as it allows police and law enforcement to carry out warrantless
arrests. Also, with this rule, even standing up and fighting to what we think is right
through a rally can be considered as a terrorism when it is in fact an activism. I just don’t
think it is right to uphold human rights. I also think that instead of getting rid of violence,
this rule can trigger a lot of people which can result to more violence.

 Talking back to adults when their point of view is wrong.

Talking back to adult is provocative move to do. We have the sayings that adults are
always right but for me, if an adult is accusing an individual without facts, it is the time
where we should be allowed to speak for ourselves, in a calm tone.

 To take multiple practical exams in order to have a driver’s license.

Taking numerous practical exams in a driving school to have a driver’s license is very off
beam to me because it doesn’t make any sense at all. Taking four practical assessment
that shares only one purpose is just a waste of time and at the end of the day, LTO will
not acknowledge it. For the last time, we have to take the last practical test in them just
only for formality. Its such a waste of lots of money and getting a driver’s license isn’t
for everyone now.

 In a school setting, having monthly haircut for boys.

Being yourself means living life how you want to live it, regardless of other people's
opinions. In this case that having a monthly haircut for us has a really big impact for us
because having our own hairstyles can really boost our self confidence as a man. We
should just be minding our own business because at the end of the day, our body, our rule

ACTIVITY SEVEN -  Are all voluntary actions moral?  Why?

Not all voluntary actions are moral beacuse you never know if that voluntary
deed of a person is safe or can bring harm to the ones he is voluntarying.

ACTIVITY EIGHT – What is the complete definition of Ethics?  Why is it necessary for
you to study this subject in college?
  Ethics examines the rational justification for our moral judgments; it studies
what is morally right or wrong, just or unjust.  ethics reflects on human beings
and their interaction with nature and with other humans, on freedom, on
responsibility and on justice. It can be said that in general, ethics is concerned
with human independence when it focuses on the relationship that exists
between humans and the world.I think it’s important for us college student to
study ethics because Ethics makes us more successful. You may think that ethics can
hold you back in all kinds of ways, but the truth is the opposite. Ethical people embody traits that
unethical people have to work at to fake — they’re honest, trustworthy, loyal, and caring. As a
result, ethical people are perfectly suited not only for interpersonal relationships generally, but
also more specifically for the kinds of interactions that make for thriving business. Unethical
people generally don’t do so well at these things. Ethics allows you to cultivate inner peace
also. Lives that are lived ethically tend to be calmer, more focused, and more productive than
those that are lived unethically. Most people can’t turn off their sympathy for other human
beings. Hurting people leaves scars on both the giver and the receiver. As a result, unethical
people have stormier internal lives because they have to work to suppress their consciences
and sympathies to deal with the ways they treat others. When they fail to properly suppress their
sympathies, the guilt and shame that comes with harming or disrespecting one’s fellow human
beings takes deep root within them.

ACTIVITY NINE -  Why is it that only human beings can be ethical?

Only humans can be ethical because only humans can act morally. Only humans have the ability
to understand moral values, rules, and principles, which is why humans are referred to as "The
Moral Creature." Human morality and ethics are defined by humans because they are the only
ones with the mental ability to formulate and communicate ideas. Human beings only have the
freedom to choose and move.

ACTIVITY TEN -  Was there ever a time that you compromised your moral
convictions?  How did you feel about it?
Definitely I had, whenever I see poor people asking for money or food I honestly wanted to give
even in just small amount however, I always ended up doubting of giving or not because I am
too shy to hand something to someone. After that Iended up staring at them going away and
feeling thrown. It just feels so heavy compromise our moral convictions when we already know
what we should have done and yet we haven’t
ACTIVITY 11 -  Do you feel free in making moral decisions?  Explain.  What is the
importance of freedom in deciding morally?

Yes, I feel free in making moral decisions. It is apparent that we do make simple free choices
that are not controlled by others, it's the idea of choice, and we are enabled to make choices. ...
So to a certain extent for a soft determinist they would believe that we are free to make moral
choices if it was caused by an internal act.Freedom of making moral choices enables the
development of morality. If people were not allowed to seek a better standard then immorality
would go unnoticed. A person can be held morally responsible for an action only if they had the
freedom to choose and to act otherwise. Thus, many philosophers consider freedom to be a
necessary condition for moral responsibility
ACTIVITY 12 – Give four examples of MORES in your society and explain the moral
significance of each.  Fill up the table below with the informations needed.



Respect for other people’s property Respect for other people's things implies to
know and to feel that we should not use
what is not ours, and if in a specific moment
we need what does not belong to us, we
cannot take it if we do not count on the
approval of its owner.
Gossiping Gossiping is a norm that has moral element to
it, which makes it more serious than just a
folkway (which is another type of norm that’s
simply a cultural custom). A gossip is
someone who shares information that they
shouldn’t be sharing. We’re taught not to
gossip because it hurts people’s feelings. It
could also make you pretty embarrassed if
you’re caught gossiping about someone.
Beliefs About Marriage Marriage is something that’s common
across most cultures, although beliefs
about what is right or wrong in a
marriage may differ. Most people
would probably say you should
remain faithful to your husband and
wife, treat them with respect, and
share everything you have with them.
Others might also say that you should
get married before you have children.
Lying Our parents also teach us not to lie to
one another … or to them! If you are
known to lie a lot, people around you
might not respect what you have to
say. So, telling the truth is also
something that you should probably
do so that you are trusted and
respected in your community. You
could think about times where there
are grey areas, however.

ACTIVITY 13 – Recall five instances in your young life as a rookie college hopeful
when you made decisions primarily invoking reason and experience.   List these
instances below and answer the questions that follow.


1.  When do you usually make decisions using your rationality (reason)?

I always use my rationality when making decisions specially in the hard situation.Rational
decisions seek to optimize or maximize utility. The chosen solution will be in agreement with the
preferences and beliefs of the decision maker. The rational choice will satisfy conditions of
logical consistency and deductive completeness. Decision making will be objective, unbiased
and based on facts.

2. When do you usually decide invoking your experience?

Making decisions are hard especially if we don't have enough knowledge. Some
says that "experience is the best teacher" and that is indeed right. Me, I usually
make decisions invoking my experience when things are serious. If there is a big
problem, and I already experienced that, I take time to reminisce my past
experience and learn from it. That way, it was easier for me to make my
decisions. I make decisions that invokes or that is based on my experiences
most of the time. But sometimes, I take my experiences for granted because of
my emotions - angry, scared, tired, etc. But when I'm all-good, I always invoke
my experiences in my decision-making

3. What do you use more often in making decisions,  reason or experience?  Why?

I usually use reasoning in making decision. Reason is important in decision-

making. There are two main reasons for this. First of all, reason is what tells us
which evidence we should or should not pay attention to when making a
decision. Secondly, it's the basis on which we justify our decisions. It is
important in decision making because it allows us to objectively assess the
merits of different options and make informed decisions. When we are able to
rationalize our choices, we’re more likely to act on them with confidence and
consistency. Rather than behaving impulsively or based on emotion, we can
stay composed and confident when faced with difficult decisions

4. Were there instances when you thought you could have used reason better in
making a decision rather than your own experiences and vice versa?  What are
those instances?

There are instances that I used reasoning better in making a decision rather than my own
experiences in life. One time,my cousins will go to Baguio to visit my grandparents and
they want me to come with them but I’m hesitant to go because I used to vomit and be
neaseous while on the road.But I think about the reason why need to go there. It’s more
important for me to visit my grandmother because we didn’t see each other a year ago.

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