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Household Practices Leading to Ecological Stress

As we live in this world everyday there are many things in our homes that we do that
affects the environment. We may not be aware of its effects to our surrounding but these
practices are already doing so. We do things day by day in our lives that we haven’t noticed that
we are perhaps contributing to what we call, ecological stress.

For instance, it is a practice of some elders that every afternoon they will burn the leaves
they swept from your backyard earlier in the morning. Even its effect is minimal if you burn these
leaves, frequently doing such can give a great impact. This daily activity will contribute to the
addition of greenhouse gases that will eventually worsen climate change. One known way to
mitigate this is to do composting. Fallen leaves from trees can be a great component for a
compost. This will not only stop the wrong practice of burning but will also give you a product
that you can use for your plants.

Another one is the excessive use of household plastics. We all know that plastics can
live a life longer than humans because of its long decomposition period. Most households use a
vast number of plastics that are only thrown away after use. These plastics are one of the main
contributors of land and water pollution. Recycling will be the great way to lessen the use of
household plastics. Buying products that uses recyclable containers is a great idea.

We all know that in our daily living we need to use products for hygiene like shampoos
and soaps. We cannot stop using these things because it us a necessity but we cannot deny the
fact that these are also affecting the environment. To visualize the effect, when taking a bath,
we use these products. The water we used go to canals after we take a bath. This water will
eventually go to the bodies of water containing the chemicals from the products we have use
which can seriously affect the living creatures in the bodies of water. Limiting to minimum use of
this products can contribute to the reduction of its effects.

These are only some things we do at our homes that adds to ecological stress. Winding
down these activities can really have a good impact in the downsizing of the effects it can give
to ecological stress. Remember what we do will affect us.

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