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In 2018, I had a friend named Aldo, he was my neighbor. Aldo is a friendly boy and
easily provoked by emotions, he likes Persebaya, the same as me. However, the difference
between me and Aldo is that he always supports Persebaya wherever they play, both home
and away.
"Aldo, will you see Persebaya or not on Friday in Jogja?" I asked.
"Yeah, sure. I'm a loyal Persebaya supporter." Answered Aldo proudly.
Then he went to Jogja alone by riding in someone else's truck, this method is
commonly known as "estafet". He only brought modest money to go to Jogja.
He also started looking for a truck by blocking it in the middle of the road, this method was
very risky, but if he didn't do that, it would be difficult and it would take a long time to get a
"Sir, I'm riding in your truck, can I?" asked Aldo
"This is going to Jogja, kid, is it okay?" the driver explained.
"Wow, I also want to go to Jogja, sir!" said Aldo enthusiastically.
"Okay, let's go kid!" said the driver
Then Aldo went in the back of the truck.
Arriving in Jogja, he went straight to the nearest shop to eat, because he
remembered that Surabaya's trip to Jogja took a very long time.
“I'm hungry, I have to fill up first” he raved.
Aldo then checked his pocket to pay for the meal, but it turned out that the money was not
there, the money fell during the trip.
“Oh no, where’s my money?” he was talking to himself.
“Where is your money, is it lost? OK, then help me wash the dishes instead, okay?” said the
seller kindly, not angry.
Finally, he was asked to wash by the seller.
Now he has arrived at the Mandala Krida stadium, but he had no money to pay for
the tickets. Finally, he decided to control traffic or become a Cepek policeman and busking.
He got a lot of money, and finally, he could buy tickets for Persebaya. he watched
enthusiastically in support of pride.
After the match, He left the stadium.
"Hello, are you Aldo, Mr. Makrus' son?" they said
"yy..y..yyess, what's wrong?" said Aldo nervous
"How did you get here?" they were so curious
"By the truck," Aldo answered
"Oh come on, just come with us, we're your neighbors, we'll bring a car, how about it?
Come or not?” they extended
"Okay, then I don’t need to look for a truck again," Aldo said
Finally, they returned home safely.
In short, Aldo heard the news that his acquaintance, a Persebaya fan, had died
because he was beaten by other supporters.
"Lucky, I didn't go with my friend in the truck," he said silently.
Finally, he went to Waru, Sidoarjo to mourn his friend.
From this story, we can conclude that we as humans cannot be careless and cannot be
messy, and we must also prioritize our safety so that we don't get hurt.

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