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English III First term partial

Name: Leidy Vanessa Salazar Guayacán – LECO III

Quotes to feflect.

1. Only through communication 2. First fulfill your academic

obligations and then you will
can human life hold meaning. have the right to call yourself
a leader of the left.
Paulo Freire
Salvador Allende
3. What a sad era when it is 4. “When contemplated in its
easier to smash an athom extreme, almost any power
looks dangerous.
than a prejudice. Ruth Bader Ginsburg (Us constitutionalist,
Albert Einstein. innovator in the judicial world in favor of women)

5. Making peace, I have found, is 6. Don’t find fault, find a remedy.

much harder than making war. Henry Ford
Gerry Adams (leader of the IRA guerrilla

Read and choose one quote that calls your interest.

Write down the quote and describe what it means to you. (3 points)

“What a sad era when it is easier to smash an athom than a prejudice”

It is sad that scientific advances exceed the capacity that we as a society have to see the best in
people and not assume unnecessary things.

1. Find similarity in two or more quotes and explain why? / How? (3 points)
The similary that i find between sentences 3 and 5, I believe, can be associated since
prejudices sometimes promote conflicts, assuming something negative can spread racist,sexist,
xenophobic ideas. When we use science without thinking about these prejudices we can cause
wars instead of advancing as a society.

2. Why do you think these quotations are remembered and passed down over the years
and even decades or longer? (4 points)
These phrases are still in use because several of the things that they criticize or exalt are still
valid, their ability to be adapted and reflected on is good because they can be studied
regardless of the time or context in which they are found.

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