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Uday Tyagi

Mr. Meagher


Jun 22, 2022

Don’t Confuse Revenge with Justice

Good Morning,

Justice aims to right a wrong whereas revenge simply aims to get even. As you

may know me as Reverend Hale, I was sent to Salem to find out whether the strange

events had something to do with witchcraft. I have devoted myself to my faith and work,

so I can figure out what is going on. I am determined to investigate, solve and prove the

presence of any sort of witchcraft. I am an expert in demonic arts, so I have no doubt

that I am the best fit for this job. I have good intentions and a sincere desire to help with

this problem. Since I am a knowledgeable person in the field of witchcraft, I am here to

announce what is really going on. Abigail Proctor is a fraud who must be stopped. I

think people mustn’t confuse justice with revenge because they both Oppose each

other, Revenge comes from vindictive motives which lead to unpleasant circumstances.

I believe We shouldn’t sign away people's lives for no reason without any

concrete proof of them committing that crime or just because we don’t like them. I have

signed 72 death warrants, I am a minister of God, and I dare not take a life without there

be a proof so immaculate not slight qualm of conscience may doubt it. If you live in a
society where the rule of law is weak, revenge provides a way to keep order. For

example, In Salem Everything is moved by principles of the bible, Abigail took

advantage of everyone by manipulating them, and there is actually witchcraft but in the

end, all the revenge she wanted against Elizabeth to get to proctor failed, She dug her

own grave and left the town.

I believe Accusing innocent people to get revenge on someone you don’t like is

not Justifiable and Should not be tolerated. Lying for love, “so-called” murder, and the

need for land cause horrific events to happen in the small town of Salem. Abigail ended

up accusing millions of other people before she took a hit on Elizabeth. The desire to

take revenge may be justified by the incapacity of the legal system of justice for help;

only for condonation, Revenge can never be part of the system of justice nor can it be

justified as ‘just’.

I believe Revenge is a strong emotion, which can lead people to do terrible

things. Have you ever had a desire to get retribution for a wrong action done to you?

The motive of revenge has mostly to do with expressing rage, hatred, or spite. It’s a

protest or payback, and its foremost intent is to harm. In Salem, People began to reveal

their anger with revenge on friends, enemies, and even their neighbours for things that

had been done in the past and present and started accusing each other in courts. They

basically took an advantage of the environment of the court to take revenge on each

other. On the contrary, justice is concerned with dispassionately restoring balance by

bringing about equality—or better, equity. It centers on proportion as it equates to

fairness. Not driven by emotion like shown in Salem.

In the End, My goal is to tell you that, just because you did something wrong to

me is never a reason for me to do something wrong to you. We can learn from Salem

Witch Trials that doing something for revenge or to get even just make more bad things


Miller, Arthur. The Crucible: A Play in Four Acts. New York: Penguin Books, 1976.

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