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Future skills you would need in your career

One of the skills we need is creativity. Human needs to be creative in the future to be

able fully realise the benefits of all new things in the future such as new products,

ways of working and technologies. Besides, robots cannot compete with humans on

creativity. The future workplace will demand new ways of thinking. Hence, human

creativity is the key to it.

Secondly, in the future the skill we need is critical thinking skills that can suggest

innovative solutions and ideas, solve complex problems using reasoning and logic and

evaluate arguments. Critical thinking is to analyse the flow of the information from

various resources. Moreover, we need to be a strong analytical thinker that will rely on

logical reasoning rather than emotion, collect the pros and cons of a situation and be

open-minded to the best possible solution. Humans with strong analytic thinking will

be needed to navigate the human and machine division of labor.

Last but not least, we need motivational leadership skills. We need to be able to

inspire and help others to become the best versions of themselves will be necessary for

the future workforce. If you do not want your team members to lose faith, low

productivity or even jump ship in the face of adversity, motivate them continually.

Motivational leadership skills will play a big role in the future because most people

are less likely to stay on a job for too long and are more likely to leave in times of


In a nutshell, I think we need to start building up our skills, gain experience and

knowledge since young in order to be ready and prepared for the future. 

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