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1 Rider Rider + Man: 

news of a man, visit by a man, a new man coming into your

Rider + Clover: news about luck, news about a small gain, a gambling
young man Rider + Woman: news of a woman, visit by a woman, a new woman
coming into your life
Rider + Ship: news about a trip, a young boy will take a trip, distant news
Rider + Lily: news of an older man, message from your father, news of
Rider + House: news being received at the house, someone visiting the
home, an announcement will reinforce family harmony
Rider + Sun: good news, message announcing success or victory,
ambitious young man
Rider + Tree: health-related news, someone with a karmic/past life
connection coming into your life
Rider + Moon: swift events, new romance, message of recognition
Rider + Clouds: a message causes confusion, mixed messages,
troubling news Rider + Key: important news, a message is assured, a significant young
Rider + Snake: bad news, news related to a woman, false messages
Rider + Fish: news about finances, business-related news
Rider + Coffin: final message, condolences, a depressed young man
Rider + Anchor: satisfying message, news of achieving goals,
reassuring message
Rider + Bouquet: good news, a handsome young man, joyful
Rider + Cross: difficult news, painful message
Rider + Scythe: news about a surgery, news about an accident, a
sudden message 2 Clover

Rider + Whip: news about an argument, news about a competition, a Clover + Rider: lucky news, an opportunistic visitor
sexy young man
Clover + Ship: opportunity to travel, luck abroad, positive getaway
Rider + Birds: verbal messages, twin boys, news about an interview
Clover + House: happy family, good fortune at home
Rider + Child: news about a child, birth announcement, a young boy
Clover + Tree: health improvements, spending time in nature
Rider + Fox: news about deceit, a young man with red hair, news of a
Clover + Clouds: deceived, fleeting luck

Rider + Bear: news about your finances, message from your boss

Clover + Snake: too good to be true, an opportunity that can't be trusted,
opportunistic woman
Rider + Stars: good news, news about your reputation, someone new
coming into your life online
Clover + Coffin: luck ends, risky, losing streak

Rider + Stork: birth announcement, news of change

Clover + Bouquet: happiness, positive outcome, great joy

Rider + Dog: news of a friend, visit from a friend, a helpful young man

Clover + Scythe: taking a risk, sudden luck

Rider + Tower: news from a corporation or government, a visit from

Clover + Whip: one night stand, competition, good argument
someone from your past

Clover + Birds: lucky conversation, opportunity calls, happy partnership

Rider + Garden: public announcement, news from your network

Clover + Child: lucky child, promising new start, unexpected beginning

Rider + Mountain: news is delayed, a visit is delayed, news about
problems, coming to a halt
Clover + Fox: luck isn't what it seems
Rider + Crossroad: news about multiple opportunities, indecisive young
man, being presented with a choice Clover + Bear: unexpected money, profit

Rider + Mice: lost message, stressful news Clover + Stars: unexpected fame, success

Rider + Heart: new love interest, message of love, wedding Clover + Stork: positive change, improvement
Clover + Dog: lucky friend, positive friendship
Rider + Ring: new commitment or contract, proposal, marriage
Clover + Tower: casino, luck in dealings with a corporation or
Rider + Book: discovery, hidden/secret message, news about studies government

Rider + Letter: mail, documents, written announcement

Clover + Garden: positive experience, success with your network, Ship + Bear: successful financial investment, receiving a lot of money,
enjoying yourself socially foreign currency

Clover + Mountain: luck is blocked Ship + Stars: positive trip, space shuttle

Clover + Crossroad: lucky opportunity, multiple risks, positive decision Ship + Stork: moving, change of travel plans

Clover + Mice: gambling loss, lucks ends Ship + Dog: traveling with a friend, tour guide, friend from another
Clover + Heart: good relationship, lucky in love
Ship + Tower: foreign corporation, foreign government, traveling alone
Clover + Ring: lucky agreement or contract, positive relationship
Ship + Garden: a trip with a group of people (such as a tour group), trip
to someplace green (such as a rainforest, Hawaii, or Ireland)
Clover + Book: discovery, finding what you're looking for

Ship + Mountain: travel delays

Clover + Letter: lottery ticket, lucky news

Ship + Crossroad: multiple trips, changing travel plans

Clover + Man: positive man, lucky man, opportunist

Ship + Mice: stressful trip, expensive trip, loss or theft during a trip

Clover + Woman: positive woman, lucky woman, opportunist

Ship + Heart: honeymoon, romantic trip, foreign lover

Clover + Lily: positive experience, good mentor, luck comes slowly

Ship + Ring: long-distance relationship, international contracts and

Clover + Sun: great success, lucky break

Clover + Moon: positive recognition, lucky outcome

Ship + Book: study abroad, researching a trip

Clover + Key: very lucky, path of success, luck is coming your way

Ship + Letter: plane ticket, international mail, pen pal

Clover + Fish: business growth, financial success, successful gamble

Ship + Man: foreigner, ship captain, someone who works in the travel
Clover + Anchor: long-term luck, good opportunity
Ship + Woman: foreigner, woman connected to a cruise, someone who
Clover + Cross: risky gamble, opportunity is burdensome works in the travel industry

3 Ship Ship + Lily: long trip, peaceful trip

Ship + Rider: trip with a young man, adventure trip, distant message Ship + Sun: summer vacation, trip to somewhere warm, successful trip

Ship + Clover: positive trip, unexpected trip Ship + Moon: honeymoon, positive trip, dreaming about getting away

Ship + House: change of residence, houseboat Ship + Key: successful trip, significant trip

Ship + Tree: trip to a spiritual retreat, motion sickness Ship + Fish: fishing boat, money coming in, business trip

Ship + Clouds: uncertain trip, storm at sea Ship + Anchor: reaching your destination, long trip, safe trip, harbor

Ship + Snake: trip has problems; something about the trip can't be Ship + Cross: strained trip, religious pilgrimage, painful trip
trusted, foreign woman
4 House
Ship + Coffin: trip is canceled, unpleasant trip
House + Rider: visitor, new roommate
Ship + Bouquet: happy trip, travel upgrade
House + Clover: positive house, opportunities for a family
Ship + Scythe: sudden trip, accident, canceled trip
House + Ship: change of residence, relocation
Ship + Whip: disputed trip, exhausting trip, adventure trip (e.g., one that
involves sports or physical activity)
House + Tree: nursing home, grounded family, illness at home

Ship + Birds: travel by plane, tourists, foreign couple

House + Clouds: problems at home, uncertainty surrounding a house or
Ship + Child: short trip, travel with children
House + Snake: problems at home, plumbing problems, betrayal by
Ship + Fox: a trip needs further research, trip requires cunning someone close to you
House + Coffin: hospice, major changes at home, sale or destruction of Tree + Rider: message about health, someone new entering your life
a home with whom you have a karmic/past life connection

House + Bouquet: happy family, beautiful home Tree + Clover: health improvements, good health

House + Scythe: sale of a house, family separation Tree + Ship: spiritual journey, health-related trip

House + Whip: family arguments, abuse Tree + House: growing family, good health, and actual tree house

House + Birds: siblings, roommates, discussions about a house Tree + Clouds: health issue, mental confusion or imbalance

House + Child: daycare, new house, small house Tree + Snake: health issue, illness (cold or flu), intestinal problems

House + Fox: deception at home, theft Tree + Coffin: severe depression, significant illness, exhaustion,
declining health
House + Bear: strong family, property investments
Tree + Bouquet: health improvements, alternative medicine, allergies
House + Stars: positive house, famous home
Tree + Scythe: surgery, broken bone, injection, dental issues
House + Stork: change of residence, changes at home, redecorating
Tree + Whip: muscle pain, physical abuse, rehab
House + Dog: pets, roommates
Tree + Birds: vocal problems (including soar throat and tonsils), let your
spirit soar, therapy
House + Tower: apartment building, castle, older house, protected
house, security system
Tree + Child: pregnancy, small health issue, childhood illness
House + Garden: big house, landscaping
Tree + Fox: misdiagnosis, get a second opinion, undetected health issue
House + Mountain: house in the mountains, delayed real estate
transaction Tree + Bear: diet, overweight, food allergies, eating disorders, stomach
House + Crossroad: multiple houses, decisions involving a house or
family Tree + Stars: recovery, healing, treatments

House + Mice: home repairs, stressful family life Tree + Stork: pregnancy, birth, recovery

House + Heart: beloved home, loving family Tree + Dog: soulmate, deep and spiritual connection, lasting friendship,
sense of smell, seek medical assistance
House + Ring: real estate purchase or sale
Tree + Tower: hospital, clinic
House + Book: home office, library, study
Tree + Garden: get some fresh air, healthy, garden
House + Letter: real estate contract, message about a house
Tree + Mountain: blockage, fatigue, migraine
House + Man: family man, landlord
Tree + Crossroad: explore your options, get a second opinion, spiritual
House + Woman: housewife, landlady

Tree + Mice: anxiety, stress, ulcers, exhaustion, declining health

House + Lily: older house, peaceful house, retreat, rest home

Tree + Heart: heart problems, old love

House + Sun: summer house, successful house, vacation home

Tree + Ring: repeating health issue, past life connection, continual

House + Moon: dream home, art studio

House + Key: successful family, positive house, literally the key to the

Tree + Book: health exams, health check-up, medical studies,
researching your family tree, unknown health issue

House + Fish: home-based business, bar

Tree + Letter: prescription, test results

House + Anchor: beach-front property, lighthouse

Tree + Man: shaman, healer, a man with whom you have a past life
House + Cross: memorial, place of worship, problematic property
Tree + Woman: healer, shaman, a woman with whom you have a past
5 Tree life connection
Tree + Lily: arthritis, Alzheimer's disease, age-related illness Clouds + Ring: bad deal, cheating, issues resolve

Tree + Sun: recovery, sunburns, dehydration, spend more time in the Clouds + Book: secrets, forgery
Clouds + Letter: libel, counterfeit
Tree + Moon: emotional health, hormones
Clouds + Man: unstable man, untrustworthy, charlatan
Tree + Key: recovery, life purpose, karmic lesson
Clouds + Woman: imbalanced woman, con woman, untrustworthy
Tree + Fish: drink more water, fertility
Clouds + Lily: senile, Alzheimer's disease
Tree + Anchor: stable health, long-standing illness
Clouds + Sun: everything works out well, victory, problems resolve in
Tree + Cross: depression, pain, hard to heal your favor

6 Clouds Clouds + Moon: mood swings, confusion, hormonal imbalance

Clouds + Rider: message brings clarity, hidden message, unhappy Clouds + Key: resolution, everything works out
Clouds + Fish: black market, illegal activities, uncertain finances
Clouds + Clover: things working out in your favor, clouded luck
Clouds + Anchor: you will reach your goal despite your worries
Clouds + Ship: uncertain trip, storm at sea
Clouds + Cross: despair, hopelessness, anguish
Clouds + House: family problems, unclear housing
7 Snake
Clouds + Tree: drug abuse, alcoholism, mental imbalance
Snake + Rider: dishonest news, solution to a problem
Clouds + Snake: major problems, complications
Snake + Clover: solution to a problem, repairs
Clouds + Coffin: problems resolve, clarity
Snake + Ship: issues with a trip, problems with a car
Clouds + Bouquet: marijuana, positive resolution
Snake + House: home repairs, plumbing problems, dishonest family
Clouds + Scythe: confusion, poor decisions
Snake + Tree: illness, STDs
Clouds + Whip: abuse, harassment, threats
Snake + Clouds: dazed and confused, lost, no solution in sight
Clouds + Birds: slander, misunderstanding, miscommunication
Snake + Coffin: problems end, lies cease
Clouds + Child: unstable child, small doubts
Snake + Bouquet: problems resolve favorably, repairs
Clouds + Fox: deceit, corrupt, manipulation
Snake + Scythe: surgery, problem solved
Clouds + Bear: bad manager, poor diet, financial problems
Snake + Whip: abuse, harassment, fights, seduction
Clouds + Stars: fantasy, laziness
Snake + Birds: compromises, deceptive couple, a troublesome meeting
Clouds + Stork: uncertain change, risky action
Snake + Child: troublesome child, dishonest child
Clouds + Dog: betrayal, disloyal
Snake + Fox: lies, betrayal, deceit
Clouds + Tower: psychiatric facility, rehab center, lawsuit
Snake + Bear: overbearing person, control freak, financial problems,
Clouds + Garden: bad weather at an event or overcast event, uncertain dishonest boss
Snake + Stars: difficult project, electrical problems
Clouds + Mountain: warning, danger, delays, bad weather
Snake + Stork: difficult change, risky move
Clouds + Crossroad: indecision, confusion, procrastination
Snake + Dog: dishonest friend, assistance
Clouds + Mice: worries, doubts, confusion, fear
Snake + Tower: lawsuit, court judgment
Clouds + Heart: uncertain romance, cheating
Snake + Garden: challenging event, someone in your network can't be Coffin + Bear: financial transformation, ill boss, inheritance
Coffin + Stars: recovery, relief, improvements
Snake + Mountain: major problems, things aren't going to resolve for a
Coffin + Stork: letting go, moving on, negative change

Snake + Crossroad: multiple lies, running away, avoiding a problem

Coffin + Dog: therapist, ill friend, help from a friend

Snake + Mice: things are getting worse, major problems, destruction

Coffin + Tower: hospice, a depressed person who feels trapped, prison,
Snake + Heart: cheating, affair, troublesome love affair
Coffin + Garden: cemetery, funeral
Snake + Ring: reaching an agreement, compromise
Coffin + Mountain: stuck, isolation, no movement
Snake + Book: checkered past, investigations
Coffin + Crossroad: new directions, separations
Snake + Letter: bad news, message from a woman
Coffin + Mice: depression, fears, mental imbalance
Snake + Man: cheater, man with the “other” woman
Coffin + Heart: heartache, grief, forgiveness
Snake + Woman: liar, manipulative woman
Coffin + Ring: starting over, recovery
Snake + Lily: spiteful older man, sick older man, sexual relationship
Coffin + Book: secret is revealed, autopsy
Snake + Sun: success after difficulties, success after betrayal
Coffin + Letter: death certificate, will, resignation letter
Snake + Moon: illusions, deception
Coffin + Man: depressed man, negative man
Snake + Key: finding a solution, success after difficulties
Coffin + Woman: depressed woman, negative woman
Snake + Fish: financial problems, business fraud
Coffin + Lily: old age, dying
Snake + Anchor: lack of trust, unstable, insecure
Coffin + Sun: second chance, starting fresh, improvements after difficulty
Snake + Cross: big problems, suffering, burdened, abuse
Coffin + Moon: depression, shock
8 Coffin
Coffin + Key: success after difficulties, karma
Coffin + Rider: negative message, ill visitor
Coffin + Fish: financial issues, bad seafood, funeral business
Coffin + Clover: second chance, improvements, recovery
Coffin + Anchor: unfulfilled, longing, extended troubles
Coffin + Ship: leaving, running away, in very rare circumstances it can
mean death
Coffin + Cross: pain, suicidal, grief

Coffin + House: rebuilding, change of residence

9 Bouquet

Coffin + Tree: major illness, severe depression

Bouquet + Rider: positive encounter, someone new entering your life,
charming visitor
Coffin + Clouds: mental illness, nervous breakdown, depression

Coffin + Snake: major problems, healthcare practitioner Bouquet + Clover: good luck, joy

Coffin + Bouquet: improvements, memorial service Bouquet + Ship: vacation, good trip

Coffin + Scythe: end of troubles, a bad decision, accident

Bouquet + House: beautiful house, lovely family
Coffin + Whip: physical abuse, violence, destruction
Bouquet + Tree: healthy, spiritually balanced, flowering tree
Coffin + Birds: negative conversation, depressed couple

Bouquet + Clouds: daydreaming, head in the clouds, disturbed

Coffin + Child: destructive child, problems lead to a new start
happiness, gift isn't what it appears to be

Coffin + Fox: things aren't over (negative), job loss

Bouquet + Snake: jealousy, envy, superficial, charming woman Bouquet + Moon: happiness, satisfaction, fulfillment

Bouquet + Coffin: disappointment, happiness ends Bouquet + Key: great success, very beautiful

Bouquet + Scythe: plastic surgery, mowing the yard, haircut, good Bouquet + Fish: great finances, positive income, beauty industry

Bouquet + Anchor: long-term happiness, reaching goals

Bouquet + Whip: dancing, good sex

Bouquet + Cross: happiness is burdened, charity, philanthropy

Bouquet + Birds: happy conversations, good looking couple, charming
10 Scythe

Bouquet + Child: attractive child, positive new start

Scythe + Rider: letting go of the past to allow something new to come in,
sudden visitor
Bouquet + Fox: false happiness, bribe
Scythe + Clover: positive results, good decision

Bouquet + Bear: charming manager, good finances, positive Scythe + Ship: escape, sudden trip, car repair

Scythe + House: house decision, sale of a house

Bouquet + Stars: achievements, dreams coming true
Scythe + Tree: surgery, dental procedure

Bouquet + Stork: positive change, progress

Scythe + Clouds: unclear outcome, bad decision

Bouquet + Dog: great friend, happy friendship Scythe + Snake: poor decision, attack

Scythe + Coffin: accident, permanent separation, letting go

Bouquet + Tower: theaters, malls, amusement parks

Scythe + Bouquet: positive decision, problems end well

Bouquet + Garden: flower garden, crowds, happy event
Scythe + Whip: violence, attack, weapons

Bouquet + Mountain: hiking, happiness is blocked or delayed, national

park Scythe + Birds: arguments, cruel comments

Scythe + Child: abortion, miscarriage, C-section

Bouquet + Crossroad: scenic route, walking in nature, positive
Scythe + Fox: bad decision, problems continue, betrayal

Bouquet + Mice: short-lived happiness, happiness is stressful, damaged Scythe + Bear: gastric bypass, financial decisions
gift, bad haircut
Scythe + Stars: positive decision, going in a new direction
Bouquet + Heart: love, happy with love life
Scythe + Stork: permanent change, no going back, moving on

Bouquet + Ring: happy relationship, good contract Scythe + Dog: end of a friendship, letting someone go

Bouquet + Book: researching a gift, studying herbal medicine, books Scythe + Tower: operating room, emergency room, legal judgment
about flowers
Scythe + Garden: gardening, mowing the yard, criticism

Bouquet + Letter: good news, pretty stationary, invitation

Scythe + Mountain: incomplete, withdrawing, impasse

Bouquet + Man: charming man, handsome, gentleman Scythe + Crossroad: sudden decision, final decision – no turning back,

Bouquet + Woman: charming woman, beautiful, happy

Scythe + Mice: stressful decision, poor decision

Bouquet + Lily: harmonious, serene, peaceful Scythe + Heart: heartache, break-up

Scythe + Ring: broken agreement, separation, end of a relationship

Bouquet + Sun: celebration, great achievement
Scythe + Book: secret is revealed, discovery Whip + Crossroad: repetitive argument, can't settle down

Scythe + Letter: painful news, divorce papers Whip + Mice: physically exhausted, obsessed, stressful activity

Scythe + Man: judgmental man, surgeon, cruel man Whip + Heart: sexual passion, conflicts in love life

Scythe + Woman: judgmental woman, surgeon, cruel woman Whip + Ring: abusive relationship, addiction

Scythe + Lily: drawn-out decision, decision brings peace Whip + Book: exams, spelling bee

Scythe + Sun: positive decision, good results Whip + Letter: threats, erotic material, signed contract

Scythe + Moon: emotional decision, sudden insight Whip + Man: abusive man, sexy man, physically fit man

Scythe + Key: important decision, fate Whip + Woman: abusive woman, sexy woman, physically fit woman

Scythe + Fish: financial decision Whip + Lily: arthritis, fatigue

Scythe + Anchor: permanent decision, no turning back Whip + Sun: successful argument, victory

Scythe + Cross: injury, suffering, self-inflicted harm Whip + Moon: obsession, emotional abuse

11 Whip Whip + Key: successful argument, important action

Whip + Rider: booty call, revenge, criticism Whip + Fish: arguments about money, action brings in money

Whip + Clover: positive action, lucky argument, sports Whip + Anchor: consistent, reliable

Whip + Ship: boating event, problematic trip Whip + Cross: anguish, challenges

Whip + House: domestic violence, home gym, family strife 12 Bird

Whip + Tree: health problems, physical injury Birds + Rider: feedback, two visitors, interviews, comments

Whip + Clouds: addiction, arguments that lead nowhere Birds + Clover: lucky meeting, positive speech, fortunate encounter

Whip + Snake: danger, warning, dangerous person Birds + Ship: foreign language, airplane, distant travel

Whip + Coffin: end of arguments, physical abuse, destruction Birds + House: an actual birdhouse, roomates

Whip + Bouquet: good sex, fun physical activity Birds + Tree: spiritual discussions, nurses, literally birds in a tree

Whip + Scythe: physical abuse, accident, canceled Birds + Clouds: misunderstanding, miscommunication

Whip + Birds: verbal abuse, debate, argument Birds + Snake: gossip, slander, verbal abuse

Whip + Child: active child, athletic child Birds + Coffin: end of communication, end of a relationship

Whip + Fox: false action, dangerous argument Birds + Bouquet: happy conversations, positive encounter

Whip + Bear: personal trainer, bodybuilder, troubled income Birds + Scythe: end of discussions, separation, relationship decision

Whip + Stars: coaching, successful argument Birds + Whip: arguments, problems in a relationship

Whip + Stork: leaving a troublesome situation, fast change Birds + Child: small talk, siblings, twins

Whip + Dog: personal trainer, dog trainer, competitive friend Birds + Fox: suspicious conversations, lies

Whip + Tower: military base, legal problems Birds + Bear: financial discussions, overbearing couple

Whip + Garden: workshop, sporting event, public debate Birds + Stars: good news, electronic message (e.g., email, Facebook)

Whip + Mountain: blockages, feeling trapped, restrictions Birds + Stork: relationship change, fruitful discussions, fast change
Birds + Dog: friends, hunting dog, relatives Child + Birds: siblings, small discussions

Birds + Tower: members of government, court of law, legal discussions Child + Fox: small lie, devious child

Birds + Garden: public speakers, birds in a garden, two people in a Child + Bear: small amount of money, new financial start
garden, bird watching, reception
Child + Stars: childhood dreams, gifted child, famous child
Birds + Mountain: flight delays, silent, not speaking, announcement of
Child + Stork: pregnancy, birth

Birds + Crossroad: people go their separate ways, twins

Child + Dog: puppy, new friend, childhood friend

Birds + Mice: stressful conversations, anxious meeting

Child + Tower: school, teenager, new building

Birds + Heart: romantic couple, passionate conversation

Child + Garden: popular child, new event, new social network, child
Birds + Ring: two agreements, engagement
Child + Mountain: lonely child, new start is blocked
Birds + Book: students, teachers, double major
Child + Crossroad: twins, small decision
Birds + Letter: email, many messages, media
Child + Mice: stressful new start, worried child
Birds + Man: 2 men, man in a relationship, talkative man
Child + Heart: loving child, new love
Birds + Woman: 2 women, communicative woman
Child + Ring: adoption, new agreement, small contract
Birds + Lily: older couple, slow discussions
Child + Book: homework, schoolwork
Birds + Sun: successful interview, good encounter
Child + Letter: birth announcement, birth certificate
Birds + Moon: singing, performing
Child + Man: immature man, short man, youthful man
Birds + Key: important encounter, successful communication
Child + Woman: immature woman, short woman, youthful woman
Birds + Fish: financial discussions
Child + Lily: eldest child, grandchild, early retirement
Birds + Anchor: long-term relationship, lengthy discussions
Child + Sun: successful child, active child, successful new beginning
Birds + Cross: choir, bad news, prayers
Child + Moon: artistic child, emotional new start
13 Child
Child + Key: important child, significant new beginning
Child + Rider: birth announcement, new visitor
Child + Fish: new business, fertility, child-oriented business
Child + Clover: lucky child, small luck
Child + Anchor: responsible child, stable child
Child + Ship: short trip, small car or boat
Child + Cross: difficult childhood, abandoned child, painful new
Child + House: new house, small house, childhood home beginning

Child + Tree: minor illness, childhood illness (ex: measles, chickenpox), 14 Fox

pregnancy, fertility
Fox + Rider: false message, employment news
Child + Clouds: small storm, confused child, imbalanced child
Fox + Clover: lucky plan, avoiding a trap
Child + Snake: difficult child, immature woman
Fox + Ship: problems with a trip, suspicious move
Child + Coffin: miscarriage, infertility
Fox + House: shady family member, bad neighborhood
Child + Bouquet: beautiful child, happy child
Fox + Tree: misdiagnosis, undetected health issue
Child + Scythe: abortion, small surgery
Fox + Clouds: lies cause confusion, job uncertainty
Child + Whip: bully, competitive child, small argument
Fox + Snake: lies, danger, illegal 15 Bear

Fox + Coffin: lies are uncovered, false ending, negative outcome, job Bear + Rider: financial news, mother coming to visit
Bear + Clover: gambling win, lucky investment
Fox + Bouquet: art forgery, plastic surgery
Bear + Ship: expensive trip, money transfer
Fox + Scythe: accident, job resignation, job loss
Bear + House: real estate investment, caring family, the family matriarch
Fox + Whip: abuse, bad action
Bear + Tree: diet, exercise
Fox + Birds: shrewd couple, cunning conversation
Bear + Clouds: financial problems, poor investments
Fox + Child: false new start, cunning child
Bear + Snake: debt, financial issues
Fox + Bear: ponzi scheme, bad financial investment
Bear + Coffin: bankruptcy, bad investment
Fox + Stars: job promotion, everything turns out well after some shady
Bear + Bouquet: nice restaurant, prosperous

Fox + Stork: cunning change, beware and be aware of change

Bear + Scythe: ending an investment, closing an account, financial
Fox + Dog: false friend, manipulative person, hunting dog
Bear + Whip: weight lifting, exercise, financial arguments
Fox + Tower: doing what it takes to protect yourself, untrustworthy
government or corporation
Bear + Birds: financial discussions, stock market

Fox + Garden: charming the public, tricking your network

Bear + Child: starting over financially, overweight child, strong child,
Fox + Mountain: manipulation causes delays, lies won't end soon
Bear + Fox: financial dishonesty, manipulative boss
Fox + Crossroad: multiple jobs, bad options
Bear + Stars: positive investment, famous chef
Fox + Mice: negative fallout, theft, robbery
Bear + Stork: financial change, diet changes
Fox + Heart: changing who you are to make your partner happy,
deceptive romance
Bear + Dog: strong friendship, nutritionist, financial adviser

Fox + Ring: treacherous relationship, false agreement

Bear + Tower: bank, court of law, Treasury department

Fox + Book: cheating on an exam, detective work

Bear + Garden: restaurant, working out with a group of people, working
out in a park
Fox + Letter: forgery, fake ID, suspicious document
Bear + Mountain: financial difficulties, no income
Fox + Man: warning, cunning man, deceitful man
Bear + Crossroad: multiple sources of income, financial decision
Fox + Woman: warning, cunning woman, deceitful woman
Bear + Mice: financial loss, stressful diet, worried mother
Fox + Lily: elderly con artist, sexual problems, older employee
Bear + Heart: donations, strong love, controlling lover
Fox + Sun: manipulating a situation to your advantage, using your wits
Bear + Ring: prenuptial agreement, financial agreement, financial
Fox + Moon: emotional manipulation, recognition isn't what it appears to
Bear + Book: audits, accounting, financial analysis

Fox + Key: cunning plan brings success, lies are revealed, great strategy
Bear + Letter: financial records, bills, checks, invoices

Fox + Fish: financial fraud, shrewd with money

Bear + Man: bodybuilder, overbearing man, manager, overweight man

Fox + Anchor: using your wits to reach your goals, be on guard for the
Bear + Woman: bodybuilder, overbearing woman, manager, overweight

Fox + Cross: painful manipulations, danger

Bear + Lily: retirement plan, business partner
Bear + Sun: financial success, abundance, prosperity Stars + Letter: award, recommendation, good news

Bear + Moon: royalties, money from things you create Stars + Man: famous man, positive man

Bear + Key: financial success Stars + Woman: famous woman, positive woman

Bear + Fish: seafood restaurant Stars + Lily: peaceful night, retirement, famous older person

Bear + Anchor: financial security, long-term investments Stars + Sun: fame, great success

Bear + Cross: financial struggles, financial burden Stars + Moon: astrology, psychic, famous

16 Stars Stars + Key: awards, prizes, winner

Stars + Rider: hopeful news, answer to prayers, famous visitor Stars + Fish: great wealth, immense fortune

Stars + Clover: great luck, wonderful opportunity Stars + Anchor: long-term fame, lifetime achievement

Stars + Ship: dream voyage, happy travels Stars + Cross: burdens of fame, recognition comes with a price

Stars + House: dream home, famous family 17 Stork

Stars + Tree: recovery, holistic lifestyle Stork + Rider: going back and forth, positive move

Stars + Clouds: confusion, lack of direction Stork + Clover: lucky change, good opportunity

Stars + Snake: treachery, problems reaching goals Stork + Ship: letting go, long-distance move

Stars + Coffin: quitting, surrender Stork + House: relocation, change of residence

Stars + Bouquet: famous artwork, beauty pageant, celebrity Stork + Tree: recovery, improvements, spiritual growth

Stars + Scythe: taking action, implementing a plan Stork + Clouds: uncertain change, problematic change

Stars + Whip: famous athlete, great debate Stork + Snake: problems moving forward, difficult transition

Stars + Birds: successful interview, good conversations Stork + Coffin: negative change, cancellation

Stars + Child: famous child, great new start, gifted student Stork + Bouquet: positive change, improvements

Stars + Fox: false hope, job promotion Stork + Scythe: permanent change, no turning back

Stars + Bear: financial planning, investment planning, financial goals Stork + Whip: arguments about change, negative change

Stars + Stork: positive change, hopes and dreams Stork + Birds: negotiations, finding your voice (e.g., speaking up)

Stars + Dog: famous doctor, celebrity, great friend Stork + Child: pregnancy, birth

Stars + Tower: lofty dreams, high ambitions, head of a company or Stork + Fox: false change, false progress
Stork + Bear: change of income, financial increase
Stars + Garden: celebration, public event
Stork + Stars: positive change, moving forward
Stars + Mountain: dreams are blocked, slow progress
Stork + Dog: good friend, ambitious friend
Stars + Crossroad: positive choice, great opportunities
Stork + Tower: looking ahead, following your ambitions
Stars + Mice: hopes are dashed, worried about the future
Stork + Garden: public change, social change, becoming more popular
Stars + Heart: popular, philanthropist
Stork + Mountain: no change, setbacks
Stars + Ring: excellent deal, honor
Stork + Crossroad: big changes, separation, moving, twins
Stars + Book: bestseller, famous author
Stork + Mice: setbacks, troublesome change, disappointments Dog + Tower: isolated friend, friend involved with authorities

Stork + Heart: moving forward with a relationship, positive change Dog + Garden: network, support group, getting together with friends

Stork + Ring: promises, agreements, commitments Dog + Mountain: cold shoulder from someone you known, rejection

Stork + Book: research, further study Dog + Crossroad: separation, multiple friends

Stork + Letter: proposals, message about change Dog + Mice: stressful friendship, troubled friendship

Stork + Man: tall man, sophisticated man, elegant man Dog + Heart: friendship turns to love, lover, partner

Stork + Woman: tall woman, sophisticated woman, elegant woman Dog + Ring: loyalty, commitment

Stork + Lily: growing up, maturing, experience Dog + Book: friend with secrets, study partner

Stork + Sun: success, victory Dog + Letter: pen pal, message from someone you know

Stork + Moon: emotional contentment Dog + Man: a man you know, loyal man, friendly man

Stork + Key: significant change Dog + Woman: a woman you know, loyal woman, friendly woman

Stork + Fish: financial increase, business growth Dog + Lily: old friendship, rest and relaxation with a friend

Stork + Anchor: long-term change, long-term results Dog + Sun: great friendship, helpful friend

Stork + Cross: difficult change, unwanted change Dog + Moon: creative friend, romantic friendship

18 Dog Dog + Key: significant friendship, important friend

Dog + Rider: new friendship, friendly visitor Dog + Fish: business partner

Dog + Clover: good friendship, help from a friend Dog + Anchor: stable friendship, lifelong friendship

Dog + Ship: reliable car, friend from another country Dog + Cross: troubled friendship, priest/rabbi

Dog + House: pet, family friend, an actual dog house 19 Tower

Dog + Tree: soulmate, healthcare practitioner Tower + Rider: post office, corporate message, government message

Dog + Clouds: troubled friendship, superficial friend Tower + Clover: luck with authorities, business luck

Dog + Snake: betrayal, friendship with problems Tower + Ship: airport, lighthouse

Dog + Coffin: sick pet, end of a friendship, separation Tower + House: apartment building, housing authorities, real estate
Dog + Bouquet: great friendship, charming friend
Tower + Tree: hospital, spiritual center
Dog + Scythe: end of a friendship, rupture, someone you know has an
accident Tower + Clouds: legal problems, uncertain government

Dog + Whip: abusive friend, training partner, arguing with a friend Tower + Snake: legal problems, corruption

Dog + Birds: 2 friends, talking with a friend Tower + Coffin: cemetery, end of isolation

Dog + Child: puppy, childhood friend, trusting child Tower + Bouquet: shopping center, landmark, positive outcome with
Dog + Fox: false friend, disloyal
Tower + Scythe: legal decision, destruction
Dog + Bear: adviser, consultant, wealthy friend, overbearing friend
Tower + Whip: gym, stadium, prison
Dog + Stars: famous friend, hopeful friend, positive friendship
Tower + Birds: Parliament, Congress, legal discussions
Dog + Stork: friendship evolves, helping hand
Tower + Child: university, child welfare services, adoption agency Garden + Snake: troubles at an event, troublemakers

Tower + Fox: government/corporate corruption, government deception Garden + Coffin: rejection, canceled event, public ending

Tower + Bear: judge, bank, protecting your finances Garden + Bouquet: happiness, flower garden, popular

Tower + Stars: movie or TV studio, guarding your dreams, strong Garden + Scythe: group decision, event cancellation
Garden + Whip: sports team, public debate/argument
Tower + Stork: government change (such as after an election), legal
Garden + Birds: public event, speech, concert

Tower + Dog: helping a friend, fraternity/sorority

Garden + Child: playground, students, event with children

Tower + Garden: a union, hospital

Garden + Fox: suspicious event, false network

Tower + Mountain: government delays, loneliness

Garden + Bear: caterer, restaurant

Tower + Crossroad: legal decision, government/corporate decision

Garden + Stars: public success, great event

Tower + Mice: low self-esteem, corporate worries, government loss

Garden + Stork: change of venue, public change

Tower + Heart: lonely relationship, separating yourself from love

Garden + Dog: meeting a friend, popular friend

Tower + Ring: legal dispute, legal agreement, government/corporate

Garden + Tower: high society, public building

Garden + Mountain: public opposition, problems with your network

Tower + Book: professor, law school

Garden + Crossroad: multiple opportunities, public decision

Tower + Letter: legal notice, company memo, laws

Garden + Mice: stressful event, public worries

Tower + Man: lonely man, tall man, ambitious man

Garden + Heart: engagement party, meeting a love, passionate event

Tower + Woman: lonely woman, tall woman, ambitious woman

Garden + Ring: marriage ceremony, public agreement

Tower + Lily: senior's center, nature conservancy, executive
Garden + Book: study group, “meet the author” event
Tower + Sun: positive legal decision, head of government
Garden + Letter: newsletter, news about an event
Tower + Moon: emotional isolation, emotional protection
Garden + Man: single man, popular man, a player
Tower + Key: success with authorities, freedom
Garden + Woman: single woman, popular woman, uninhibited woman
Tower + Fish: financial center, fishing authorities
Garden + Lily: spa, meditation group
Tower + Anchor: long-term protection, harbor
Garden + Sun: success, popularity, fame
Tower + Cross: church, temple, mosque, problems with authorities
Garden + Moon: emotional event, art exhibit
20 Garden
Garden + Key: significant meeting, important network, success with the
Garden + Rider: public announcement, new acquaintance

Garden + Fish: trade show, financial event

Garden + Clover: positive network, social opportunities

Garden + Anchor: lengthy event, stability

Garden + Ship: traveling with a group, cruise ship

Garden + Cross: church congregation, public burden

Garden + House: house with a nice yard, house that is open to the
21 Mountain
Garden + Tree: spiritual group, a forest, spa
Mountain + Rider: delayed message arrives, late visitor arrives
Garden + Clouds: problems at an event, public disturbance, crowd
Mountain + Clover: things are getting better, opportunity finally shows Mountain + Fish: fishing at a lake/river, money finally arrives
Mountain + Anchor: permanent, no change
Mountain + Ship: delayed trip, things finally start to move forward
Mountain + Cross: depression, heavy burden
Mountain + House: isolated house, cabin in the mountains, distant
22 Crossroad

Mountain + Tree: immobilization, blocks cause health issues

Crossroad + Rider: positive decision

Mountain + Clouds: procrastination, uncertainty

Crossroad + Clover: lucky decision, escape

Mountain + Snake: danger, no improvement

Crossroad + Ship: multiple trips, travel by car

Mountain + Coffin: delays end

Crossroad + House: multiple houses, decision about a house

Mountain + Bouquet: mountain retreat, improvements

Crossroad + Tree: health decision, spiritual decision

Mountain + Scythe: decision is finally made, adversity

Crossroad + Clouds: lost, very confused

Mountain + Whip: punishment, problems cause arguments

Crossroad + Snake: poor decision, troublesome path

Mountain + Birds: reunion, meeting after delays

Crossroad + Coffin: negative decision, decision leads nowhere

Mountain + Child: only child, lonely child

Crossroad + Bouquet: multiple gifts, positive decision

Mountain + Fox: delays cause problems, use your wits to overcome

Crossroad + Scythe: accident on the road, final decision

Crossroad + Whip: multiple sex partners, decision causes conflict

Mountain + Bear: money finally arrives, famine

Crossroad + Birds: multiple meetings, multiple interviews

Mountain + Stars: improvements, lack of motivation

Crossroad + Child: twins, siblings, decision brings a new start

Mountain + Stork: obstacles are ending, starting over

Crossroad + Fox: bad decision, decision requires cunning

Mountain + Dog: lonely friend, abandoned

Crossroad + Bear: multiple streams of income, choice brings money

Mountain + Tower: confinement, legal issues

Crossroad + Stars: good choice, path to your dreams

Mountain + Garden: mountain retreat, event finally occurs

Crossroad + Stork: improvement, progress

Mountain + Crossroad: hiking, decision is finally made

Crossroad + Dog: multiple friends, separation

Mountain + Mice: frustration, failure

Crossroad + Tower: legal decision, decision to isolate yourself

Mountain + Heart: coronary blockage, loneliness, cold shoulder

Crossroad + Garden: multiple events, outing

Mountain + Ring: obligation, duty, an agreement is finally reached

Crossroad + Mountain: decision is delayed, no choice is made

Mountain + Book: hidden information, well-kept secret

Crossroad + Mice: fatigue, poor choice

Mountain + Letter: long awaited message

Crossroad + Heart: playing the field, uncommitted

Mountain + Man: enemy, distant man, single man

Crossroad + Ring: making a commitment, reaching an agreement

Mountain + Woman: lonely woman, distant woman, indifferent woman

Crossroad + Book: multiple books, discoveries

Mountain + Lily: mountain retreat, remote location

Crossroad + Letter: multiple messages, multiple documents

Mountain + Sun: success finally happens, problems are overcome

Crossroad + Man: uncommitted man, independent man, indecisive man

Mountain + Moon: emotional isolation, insensitive

Crossroad + Woman: diplomatic woman, indecisive woman,

Mountain + Key: significant delays, important problem
independent woman
Crossroad + Lily: positive decision, decision brings peace Mice + Book: secrets, stressful studies

Crossroad + Sun: great choice, positive outcome Mice + Letter: worrisome news

Crossroad + Moon: emotional indecision, creative choice Mice + Man: stressed man, nervous man, uneasy man

Crossroad + Key: significant decision, important opportunity Mice + Woman: stressed woman, nervous woman, uneasy woman

Crossroad + Fish: wealth expansion, financial decision Mice + Lily: worried about aging, shaking

Crossroad + Anchor: long-term decision, multiple goals Mice + Sun: uneasy success, hard to attain success

Crossroad + Cross: difficult choice, multiple burdens Mice + Moon: emotional imbalance, mood swings

23 Mice Mice + Key: stress will end well, recovery

Mice + Rider: apprehension about a visitor, anticipated message Mice + Fish: slow business, stressful business, loss of business

Mice + Clover: excitement, nervous energy Mice + Anchor: long-term stress, hard to reach goal

Mice + Ship: car repairs, problems with a trip Mice + Cross: massive anxiety, panic

Mice + House: necessary home repairs, stressed family 24 Heart

Mice + Tree: exhaustion, fatigue, stress related illness Heart + Rider: new love interest, potential new relationshp

Mice + Clouds: lost, breakdown, lack of clarity Heart + Clover: lucky in love, positive relationship

Mice + Snake: big problems, overwhelmed Heart + Ship: honeymoon, romantic getaway, foreign love interest

Mice + Coffin: relief, worries end Heart + House: loving family, dream home

Mice + Bouquet: stress will end well Heart + Tree: heart problems, soulmate

Mice + Scythe: rushed decision, stressful decision Heart + Clouds: uncertain lover, confused about love life

Mice + Whip: physical exhaustion, stressful arguments Heart + Snake: jealousy, false intentions

Mice + Birds: worrisome interview, anxious meeting Heart + Coffin: end of a relationship, end of a love

Mice + Child: stressful new start, anxious child Heart + Bouquet: happy relationship, happy in love

Mice + Fox: stressful work, betrayal Heart + Scythe: heartache, breakup, heart surgery

Mice + Bear: financial loss, worries about money, worries about weight Heart + Whip: passionate sex

Mice + Stars: stress will end soon, finding something lost Heart + Birds: couple, lovers

Mice + Stork: stressful change, difficult progress Heart + Child: young love, high school sweetheart

Mice + Dog: stressful friend, draining friend Heart + Fox: false relationship, playing games in a relationship

Mice + Tower: problems with authorities, incarceration Heart + Bear: protective lover, wealthy lover

Mice + Garden: stressful event, problems with your network, stage fright Heart + Stars: looking for true love, falling in love

Mice + Mountain: giving up, stressful blockages Heart + Stork: changes in a relationship, taking the next step

Mice + Crossroad: worrisome decision, denial Heart + Dog: soulmate, loving friendship

Mice + Heart: heartache, stressful love life Heart + Tower: lonely relationship, an old love

Mice + Ring: reoccurring stress, difficult agreement Heart + Garden: playing the field, multiple partners
Heart + Mountain: indifference, loss of love Ring + Stork: relationship changes, contract modifications

Heart + Crossroad: multiple love interests, separation Ring + Dog: partner, agreement with a friend

Heart + Mice: stressful relationship, obsession, loss of love Ring + Tower: civil union, notarized agreement, legal judgment

Heart + Ring: marriage, engagement Ring + Garden: club, group, reunion

Heart + Book: secret admirer, secret relationship Ring + Mountain: delayed contract, impasse, blocked relationship

Heart + Letter: love letter, message from a lover Ring + Crossroad: separation, divorce

Heart + Man: passionate man, caring man, lover Ring + Mice: lost ring, lost contract, end of a marriage

Heart + Woman: passionate woman, caring woman, lover Ring + Heart: marriage, civil union

Heart + Lily: mature lover, older love interest, relationship later in life Ring + Book: secret relationship, audit

Heart + Sun: happy relationship, successful relationship Ring + Letter: contract, written agreement

Heart + Moon: romance, affection, great date Ring + Man: man in a relationship, husband

Heart + Key: significant love, soulmate, opening your heart Ring + Woman: woman in a relationship, wife

Heart + Fish: dating scene, easy relationship Ring + Lily: long-term agreement, old agreement

Heart + Anchor: stable relationship, long-term relationship, tied down Ring + Sun: successful relationship, victory

Heart + Cross: heartache, unsuccessful relationship, painful separation Ring + Moon: emotional relationship, creative agreement

25 Ring Ring + Key: significant relationship, important contract

Ring + Rider: new partner, news about an agreement Ring + Fish: business agreement, financial partnership

Ring + Clover: positive opportunity, lucky agreement Ring + Anchor: long-term agreement, stable relationship

Ring + Ship: international agreement, long-distance relationship Ring + Cross: unpleasant contract, unhappy relationship

Ring + House: real estate transaction 26 Book

Ring + Tree: continual treatment, routine check-up Book + Rider: new information, unexpected visitor

Ring + Clouds: uncertain agreement, confusing contract Book + Clover: lucky discovery, unexpected find

Ring + Snake: troubled marriage, betrayal, disagreement Book + Ship: study abroad, school field trip

Ring + Coffin: end of a marriage, rescinded agreement Book + House: real estate knowledge, secretive family

Ring + Bouquet: happy relationship, positive contract Book + Tree: health exams and tests, unknown ailment

Ring + Scythe: divorce, breach of contract, voided agreement Book + Clouds: confusion, mystery

Ring + Whip: rocky relationship, dispute Book + Snake: deceptive information, cheating on an exam

Ring + Birds: negotiation, mediation Book + Coffin: secret is revealed, misinformation

Ring + Child: new contract, adoption Book + Bouquet: cosmetology school, enjoying school

Ring + Fox: suspicious agreement, false relationship Book + Scythe: secret is revealed, studies end

Ring + Bear: financial agreement, profit, sales Book + Whip: secret conflict, difficulty keeping a secret, sex education

Ring + Stars: positive agreement, promising relationship Book + Birds: private discussions, communication studies, study group
Book + Child: student, children's books, elementary education Letter + Bouquet: invitation, happy message

Book + Fox: suspicious information, detective, teacher Letter + Scythe: end of communication, undeliverable letter

Book + Bear: financial secrets, learning about finance or investments Letter + Whip: angry message, abusive message

Book + Stars: doing well on an exam, bestseller Letter + Birds: pen pals, newsletters

Book + Stork: graduation, changing field of study Letter + Child: birth announcement, school report card

Book + Dog: study partner, adviser Letter + Fox: false message, untrustworthy news, job offer

Book + Tower: college, university, law school Letter + Bear: check, cash, shares of stock

Book + Garden: workshops, classes Letter + Stars: positive news, astrology chart

Book + Mountain: studying geology, learning difficulties, gap year Letter + Stork: a message brings change, update

Book + Crossroad: multiple degrees, multiple majors Letter + Dog: pen pal, text message

Book + Mice: stressful studies, worried about grades Letter + Tower: legal document, official notice

Book + Heart: secret admirer, affair Letter + Garden: newsletter, banner, public announcement

Book + Ring: secret agreement, secret relationship Letter + Mountain: delayed message, news is blocked

Book + Letter: diploma, license, school application Letter + Crossroad: multiple documents, multiple letters

Book + Man: educated man, intelligent man, secretive man Letter + Mice: worrying news, lost letter

Book + Woman: secretive woman, discreet woman, intelligent woman Letter + Heart: love letter, romantic message

Book + Lily: expert, graduate school Letter + Ring: contract, written agreement

Book + Sun: success at school, doing well on an exam Letter + Book: report, secret message, audit

Book + Moon: art studies, psychology studies Letter + Man: communicative man, licensed, eloquent

Book + Key: a secret is revealed Letter + Woman: communicative woman, blogger, writer

Book + Fish: financial studies, marketing studies, financial secret, Letter + Lily: old news, message about a father figure
marine biology studies
Letter + Sun: award, great news
Book + Anchor: long-term studies, secret won't be revealed
Letter + Moon: romantic message, poem
Book + Cross: religious studies, difficult secret, school is overwhelming
Letter + Key: important document, positive news
27 Letter
Letter + Fish: financial documents, business documents
Letter + Rider: news of an impending visit, additional information
Letter + Anchor: positive news, saved letter
Letter + Clover: lottery ticket, contest entry
Letter + Cross: painful news, depressing news
Letter + Ship: international mail, visa, letter from afar
28-29 Woman-Man
Letter + House: mortgage, lease, real estate transaction paperwork
Man/Woman + Rider: active, fit, pleasant
Letter + Tree: prescription, test results, physician referral
Man/Woman + Clover: lucky, risk taker, gambler, carefree
Letter + Clouds: confusing news, lost message
Man/Woman + Ship: foreign, traveler, unsettled
Letter + Snake: bad news, complaint
Man/Woman + House: family oriented, stable, calm
Letter + Coffin: final notice, letter of resignation, a will
Man/Woman + Tree: religious, spiritual, health-oriented 30 Lily

Man/Woman + Clouds: confused, moody, insecure, irritable Lily + Rider: new beginning, new phase of life

Man/Woman + Snake: liar, manipulator, seductive, jealous Lily + Clover: positive time, enjoying retirement

Man/Woman + Coffin: depressed, negative, unhappy Lily + Ship: restful trip, winter trip

Man/Woman + Bouquet: charming, attractive, happy Lily + House: old house, historical house

Man/Woman + Scythe: decisive, ruthless, harsh Lily + Tree: age related illness, long recovery

Man/Woman + Whip: argumentative person, aggressive, abusive, Lily + Clouds: lost, senile

Lily + Snake: resentment, difficult elder
Man/Woman + Birds: talkative, eloquent, gossip, sociable
Lily + Coffin: rest ends, slow ending
Man/Woman + Child: young, young-looking, playful, immature
Lily + Bouquet: content, fulfilled, happy
Man/Woman + Fox: cunning, witty, sly, devious, sneaky, workaholic
Lily + Scythe: accident, peace ends
Man/Woman + Bear: manager, supervisor, overweight person,
Lily + Whip: old conflict, passive aggressive, difficult retirement

Man/Woman + Stars: optimistic, famous, dreamer, inspiring

Lily + Birds: older couple, insightful conversations

Man/Woman + Stork: distinguished, sophisticated, graceful, open

Lily + Child: older child, only child

Lily + Fox: false sense of peace, cunning older person

Man/Woman + Dog: faithful, soulmate, helpful, friendly

Lily + Bear: pension, 401k, retirement funds

Man/Woman + Tower: accomplished, ambitious, egotistical

Lily + Stars: relaxing night, lifetime achievement

Man/Woman + Garden: social, playing the field, uncommitted

Lily + Stork: slow change, peaceful change

Man/Woman + Mountain: stubborn, distant, lonely, indifferent, shy,
Lily + Dog: older friend, lifelong friend
Man/Woman + Crossroad: indecisive, unstable, commitment issues
Lily + Tower: retirement home, senior center
Man/Woman + Mice: anxious, worried, low self-esteem
Lily + Garden: retirement party, group of seniors
Man/Woman + Heart: a lover, passionate, emotionally open, giving
Lily + Mountain: long-term delays, no movement
Man/Woman + Ring: serious, committed
Lily + Crossroad: comfortable decision, decision that is a long time in
the making
Man/Woman + Book: secretive, private, unknown, educated

Lily + Mice: Alzheimer's, stressful retirement, disturbed peace

Man/Woman + Letter: good communicator, writer, eloquent

Lily + Heart: older romance, mature lover

Man/Woman + Lily: mature, older, experienced, established

Lily + Ring: committed man, late marriage, long-term marriage

Man/Woman + Sun: successful, positive, warm, high energy, big ego

Lily + Book: old book, great knowledge

Man/Woman + Moon: artistic, emotional, psychic

Lily + Letter: old documents, archives

Man/Woman + Key: important, influential, soulmate

Lily + Man: mature man, experienced, father

Man/Woman + Fish: independent, entrepreneur, businessperson

Lily + Woman: mature woman, experienced, established

Man/Woman + Anchor: reliable, loyal, stable

Lily + Sun: late success, lasting success

Man/Woman + Cross: religious, needy, drained, someone who needs
Lily + Moon: established artist, life recognition
Lily + Key: signs, synchronicity Sun + Man: successful man, confident, powerful

Lily + Fish: trust, inheritance Sun + Woman: successful woman, confident, powerful

Lily + Anchor: long lasting, slowly reaching goals Sun + Lily: success with someone older, lasting success

Lily + Cross: dependent, old burden Sun + Moon: strong attraction, great recognition

31 Sun Sun + Key: Yes!, great success

Sun + Rider: positive encounter, pleasant visitor Sun + Fish: successful business, wealth expansion

Sun + Clover: fantastic luck, great fortune Sun + Anchor: long-term success, reaching your goal

Sun + Ship: summer vacation, successful trip Sun + Cross: success isn't easy, disappointment

Sun + House: great house, successful family 32 Moon

Sun + Tree: healthy, recovery Moon + Rider: a new love, emotional message

Sun + Clouds: success is fleeting, troubled success Moon + Clover: positive recognition, emotional happiness

Sun + Snake: success brings problems, success isn't all it's cracked up Moon + Ship: honeymoon, romantic vacation
to be
Moon + House: dream house, custom home
Sun + Coffin: success doesn't last, problems ahead
Moon + Tree: female reproductive health, emotional health, hormones
Sun + Bouquet: happiness, joy
Moon + Clouds: emotional imbalance, moody
Sun + Scythe: positive decision
Moon + Snake: emotional betrayal, negative attention
Sun + Whip: competition, taking charge
Moon + Coffin: depression, grief
Sun + Birds: great interview, positive meeting, successful presentation
Moon + Bouquet: happiness, good times
Sun + Child: successful child, positive new beginning
Moon + Scythe: abortion, hysterectomy, emotional break-up
Sun + Fox: danger ahead, false success
Moon + Whip: sexual fantasy, emotional argument
Sun + Bear: good investments, financial success
Moon + Birds: word-of-mouth advertising, romantic meeting, date
Sun + Stars: someone famous, dreams come true
Moon + Child: pregnancy, a young girl
Sun + Stork: moving ahead, good progress, success brings change
Moon + Fox: emotional deceit, art forgery
Sun + Dog: positive friendship, successful friend
Moon + Bear: getting creative with finances, raise
Sun + Tower: electric company, tanning salon, successful government
Moon + Stars: intuition, dreams
Sun + Garden: great event, public
Moon + Stork: pregnancy, positive change
Sun + Mountain: success doesn't last, no success
Moon + Dog: creative friend, moody friend, popular friend
Sun + Crossroad: expanding, great opportunities
Moon + Tower: psychiatric ward, delusions, movie/TV studio
Sun + Mice: success is lost, burned out
Moon + Garden: party, awards show, good times
Sun + Heart: intense passion, hot lover
Moon + Mountain: creative blocks, loneliness
Sun + Ring: wonderful relationship, positive agreement
Moon + Crossroad: uncommitted, emotionally undecided
Sun + Book: success is kept hidden, doing well at school
Moon + Mice: insecurity, anxiety, worried about love life
Sun + Letter: award notice, great news
Moon + Heart: loving romance, passionate romance Key + Garden: spiritual group, important event

Moon + Ring: commitment, engagement Key + Mountain: delayed success, major block

Moon + Book: keep emotions secret, studying art Key + Crossroad: spiritual decision, choosing your fate

Moon + Letter: romantic message, stationary, business card Key + Mice: major worries, temporary success

Moon + Man: creative man, artistic, sensitive Key + Heart: soulmate, opening your heart

Moon + Woman: feminine, psychic, creative woman Key + Ring: significant relationship, important agreement

Moon + Lily: older lover, emotionally balanced Key + Book: big secret, important book

Moon + Sun: recognition, fame, attraction Key + Letter: important document, major news

Moon + Key: important project, emotionally important Key + Man: important man, spiritual man, soulmate

Moon + Fish: financial growth, professional psychic Key + Woman: important woman, spiritual woman, soulmate

Moon + Anchor: stable romance, long-term romance, emotional balance Key + Lily: key mentor, important rest period

Moon + Cross: scandal, emotional pain Key + Sun: destiny, success, victory

33 Key Key + Moon: prophecy, trust your intuition

Key + Rider: important visitor, great news Key + Fish: financial success, increased wealth, successful business
Key + Clover: fantastic opportunity
Key + Anchor: long-term success, reaching your goals
Key + Ship: destined trip, successful journey
Key + Cross: sacrifice, significant pain
Key + House: important house, significant family
34 Fish
Key + Tree: karma, spiritual insight
Fish + Rider: financial news, new employee
Key + Clouds: confusion, interference
Fish + Clover: good business opportunity, financial growth
Key + Snake: danger, big problems
Fish + Ship: global business, expansion
Key + Coffin: spiritual transformation, significant ending
Fish + House: financial stability, wealthy family, real estate business
Key + Bouquet: great happiness, important gift
Fish + Tree: hangover, dehydrated, established business
Key + Scythe: significant decision, spiritual decision, important cut
Fish + Clouds: uncertain business, troubled business
Key + Whip: significant argument, spiritual conflict
Fish + Snake: business with problems, embezzlement
Key + Birds: important discussion, significant meeting
Fish + Coffin: bankruptcy, business closing
Key + Child: important child, significant new beginning
Fish + Bouquet: successful business, beauty or fashion industry
Key + Fox: major betrayal, need to use all your wits
Fish + Scythe: business decision, business closure
Key + Bear: successful investment, financial success
Fish + Whip: financial argument, business connected to sports or fitness
Key + Stars: significant guidance, great success
Fish + Birds: business discussions, business partner
Key + Stork: big changes, major life event
Fish + Child: new business, asserting your independence
Key + Dog: soulmate, influential friend
Fish + Fox: financial fraud, bad opportunity
Key + Tower: protected, successful government
Fish + Bear: financial improvement, profit, increased revenue, business Anchor + Bouquet: optimistic, positive period, pleasant lifestyle
Anchor + Scythe: accident, sudden change, sudden movement
Fish + Stars: successful business, famous business, business growth
Anchor + Whip: addiction, abusive lifestyle
Fish + Stork: positive opportunity, positive change, go with the flow
Anchor + Birds: lifelong companion, length discussion
Fish + Dog: business partner, generous friend, wealthy friend
Anchor + Child: determined child, committed to a new start
Fish + Tower: highly profitable company, GNP, GDP
Anchor + Fox: powerful lies, false sense of safety
Fish + Garden: customers, store locations, moving in society
Anchor + Bear: long-term payout, trust fund, stable income, long-term
Fish + Mountain: stagnant business, no movement, lack of investment
Anchor + Stars: achieving your dreams, lifetime achievement
Fish + Crossroad: business decision, financial opportunities, multiple
Anchor + Stork: stable change, permanent change

Fish + Mice: financial loss, business loss, lack of revenue

Anchor + Dog: loyal friend, lifelong friend

Fish + Heart: doing what you love (a business you're passionate about),

Anchor + Tower: prison, deep loneliness, long-term protection
charitable donation, flood of emotions

Anchor + Garden: yacht club, social butterfly, partier

Fish + Ring: uninhibited relationship, deep connection, financial or
business agreement
Anchor + Mountain: stuck, no movement
Fish + Book: business books (accounting), financial secret
Anchor + Crossroad: lack of commitment
Fish + Letter: license, receipts, business documents
Anchor + Mice: loss of support, letting go, undependable
Fish + Man: entrepreneur, consultant, independent
Anchor + Heart: faithful, loyal
Fish + Woman: self-sufficient, entrepreneur, generous
Anchor + Ring: long-term agreement, committed, settling down
Fish + Lily: business expertise, established business
Anchor + Book: slow investigation, stubborn research
Fish + Sun: successful business, financial improvement
Anchor + Letter: will, paperweight
Fish + Moon: rush of emotions, uninhibited, creative business
Anchor + Man: reliable, determined, stubborn, stuck, in the boating
Fish + Key: financial success, successful business

Anchor + Woman: reliable, determined, stubborn, stuck, in the boating

Fish + Anchor: stable business, stable finances

Fish + Cross: non-profit corporation, overwhelmed, financial burden

Anchor + Lily: antique, vintage, ancestry

35 Anchor
Anchor + Sun: reaching your goals, happy life

Anchor + Rider: long-term visitor, trustworthy news

Anchor + Moon: emotional stability, willpower

Anchor + Clover: stable prosperity, certain luck

Anchor + Key: long-term success, significant goal, needs to stay put

Anchor + Ship: harbor, marina, movement

Anchor + Fish: established business, financial stability

Anchor + House: family home, stable family, putting down roots

Anchor + Cross: deep pain, depression

Anchor + Tree: stable health, deep or incurable illness

36 Cross

Anchor + Clouds: unstable, lack of focus

Cross + Rider: painful visit, assistance

Anchor + Snake: danger, trouble ahead

Cross + Clover: improvement, challenging opportunity

Anchor + Coffin: end of stability, lack of support

Cross + Ship: pilgrimage, sad journey
Cross + House: church, temple, mosque, suffering family, ill house

Cross + Tree: aches and pains, incurable

Cross + Clouds: guilt, spiritual confusion, loss of faith

Cross + Snake: getting worse, spiraling out of control

Cross + Coffin: suicidal, grief, anguish

Cross + Bouquet: challenging recovery, getting better

Cross + Scythe: injury, severe accident

Cross + Whip: physical abuse, sexual abuse, rape

Cross + Birds: painful discussions, confession

Cross + Child: baptism, sad child, unfortunate new start

Cross + Fox: unemployed, overwhelming betrayal, disappointment

Cross + Bear: financial hardship, disappointing finances

Cross + Stars: faith, difficult recovery

Cross + Stork: recovery, improvement, painful change

Cross + Dog: therapist, support, counselor, priest

Cross + Tower: religious headquarters (ex: cathedral, Vatican),

government with low approval rating

Cross + Garden: group therapy, support group, public sorrow

Cross + Mountain: disappointment, big challenge, isolation

Cross + Crossroad: difficult decision, painful choice

Cross + Mice: break down, suicidal, drained

Cross + Heart: heartache, stalker, bad date

Cross + Ring: unhappy relationship, painful agreement

Cross + Book: Bible, Koran, painful secret

Cross + Letter: disappointing news, painful message

Cross + Man: exhausted, religious, burdened, gloomy

Cross + Woman: worn out, religious, drained, burdened

Cross + Lily: agony, preying on the elderly, lonely elder

Cross + Sun: improvement after a challenging time, recovery, relief

Cross + Moon: emotional suffering, crying, depression

Cross + Key: painful solution, spiritual suffering

Cross + Fish: long-term suffering, deep pain, regret

Cross + Anchor: long-term suffering, lifelong ordeal

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