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Related Studies

According to Dr. Bhanot (2015) Hygiene is essential in all workplace

environments.It assumes even greater significance in laboratory as both safety and
quality results are in direct relation to standards of hygiene.Laboratory safety measures
undoubtedly contribute to accident free environment but good hygiene practices
supplement it with higher productivity and health of laboratory workers.

Int J Env Health Eng (2014) conducted a study which says a project is necessary
to improve the waste management disposal and sanitary practices.It is said to be
effective because it improves the waste management disposal knowledge.

Similarly,University of St.Andrews (2018) implied that there must be a disposal

procedure to be followed in order to increase the safety and sanitation in
laboratories.Cleaning the drains by washing it with excess water increases the
sanitation where the chemicals were poured in order to get rid of them.Special waste
must be collected in a different container and having a laboratory official assist in
disposing the said waste.The waste must also be classifies in to their respective
classification and put into their right waste bins to maintain the safety and sanitation in
the workplace.

Kandel (2017) conducted a study where they concluded that schools must
have a safety code or protocol to increase the safety of students who will use the
laboratories.The universities must also make their own safety or sanitary protocols to
maintain the cleanliness and hazard free environment on the laboratories.It is also
necessary for universities to conduct a sanitary and safety workshop on laboratories
which will increase the knowledge of students on how to maintain proper sanitation and
increase their own safety.

Lab Manager (2017) said that setting and implenting strong laboratory sanitation
and safety rules is a must because it increases the sanitation and safety in
laboratories.Knowing the laboratory signs is also a must to increase the safety in
laboratories.All laboratories contain electrical equipments that is why electrical safety
rules must also be learned to increase the safety of students who uses the laboratory
and know which electrical equipment must be used.Following all the safety rules and
sanitation in laboratories is a must because it ensures the safety and sanitation of the
laboratory and prevents incidents or accidents to occur which can cost even your life or
a part of your body.That is why to ensure the safety and sanitation of the laboratories
the safety and sanitation rules must be implemented strongly.

Ausbright facilities management (2017) also said that it is crucial to clean and
sanitise the work place on a regular basis because it keeps the area clean and prevents
residues from the previous works to affect the results of your experiment.It also provides
you a safety environment away from hazardous chemicals which is dangerous to our
health.That is why doing this improves the sanitation and increases the safety of the
area or workplace.


Weaver Emma. (2016) Handwashing is a must do practice to maintain

proper and germ free hands.The risk of having diseases without washing the hands
after necessary activities were done is high.That is why proper sanitation and hand
washing is a must do sanitary practice in order to prevent illness.Doing proper hygiene
after laboratory works and sanitation of the workplace is a must do to avoid different

BMC Public Health (2015) Concluded using soaps,sanitizers, or alcohol

increases the sanitation of an individual.Thus, it improves the hygiene behavior and
practices which are factors that is associated with the sanitation practices which can be
used in laboratories to maintain proper sanitation and cleanliness.

Thus, Tammy J. (2018) Hand Washing (Hand Hygiene).Using different hand
washing techniques it increases the sanitation because it reduces the risk of exposure
to infectious diseases.It provides good sanitation and better protection which is why it is
a sanitation practice that must be done in laboratories.

Similarly, American Chemical Society Joint Board-Council Committee on

Chemical Safety (2017) With proper hygiene, sanitation can be best implemented.Also
by using the proper housekeeping we can maximize the cleanliness and sanitation
before and after usage of the laboratories because proper housekeeping is the same as
preventing any hazards infect your workplace.

Ogaro (2018) According to the results they gather there are 71.7%
Handwashing sinks,50.4% laboratory waste segregation,and 15.9% color coded waste
disposal bins.With these information they concluded that the sanitation of laboratories
are high because of these factors which enhances the sanitation in laboratories.They
also concluded that it can still be enhanced which is a good thing for sanitation in
laboratories to ensure a clean and risk free environment.

Based on the literature and studies above,we concluded that with proper
sanitation we can ensure the safety of the laboratory or workplace.By having different
methods or plans sanitary practices will be more implented.Waste disposal
management and cleaning the workplace also increases the sanitation of the
laboratory.Washing your hands after doing experiments or handling chemicals is also a
big part of sanitary practice which ensures and lower the risk of diseases.Thus,we
concluded that with the proper implementation and correct sanitary practices we can
say that we are immune to contagious diseases that might be attained by not doing the
proper sanitation and along with the proper sanitation of the workplace and by the
worker it boost the safetiness of the laboratory.

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