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My name is Hannah Nicole B. Bercasio.

My family is composed of me and my

younger sister, our mother and father.
We have a dog and two cats.

Something I love about school is learning

a lot of great new things, the sharing of
ideas, and being able to express myself in whichever
way I’m able to.

A book I love is Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates. I love

how realistic and mundane it is, and how in the end you realize that the
characters you are invested in are just a small part of the world, and
they’re not the only ones with conflict, everything else goes on with or
without them.

A place I love to be is an art museum. I've only been into one but I enjoyed it! One thing I love to
eat is anything with garlic. I love garlic chicken wings and garlic shrimp pizza and garlic bread.
Some things I love to do are reading, drawing, listening to music, and sometimes doing crochet.

Something I want to learn about you is what is your favorite hobby? And what is something that
you're most proud of?

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