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1. Discuss the social issue presented in the text.

2. Discuss the reasons behind the emergence of the social problem explained in the text.

3. Discuss the meaning of a borderless world that the author would like to convey.

- The author's interpretation of a borderless world is that we currently live in an open world in
which other nations' cultures, beliefs, and traditions are clearly influencing our own. However,
the text's depiction of a borderless world appears to be a test of our nationalism. It becomes a
tool that will optimize your passion for the nation, regardless of the influence or change you
acquire when you meet new people and travel to new places.

Borderless world give us a lot of opportunity in terms of works that offers bigger wages

4. Explain this sentence from the text – “A borderless world doesn’t preclude the idea of a home.”
- Our life may be sort of a trial and error scenario, but we are not scared to take those risks as we
know that our home is always got our back even if we fail. Despite the fact that we were in a
foreign nation, we felt secure every time we thought about our motherland. It was like it patted
on your shoulder and said, "I am here and will always be here for you to start again and be
better for the next fight." We may be dispersed throughout the globe, with various time zones,
physical boundaries, and even imaginary ones, but the concept of home will never be taken
away from us or lost in our hearts. Despite the various influences and changes that have taken
place in our lives, we keep returning home with gratitude and pride.

5. Explain “Leaving sometimes isn’t a matter of choice. It’s coming back that is.”

- We may not always have the choice of becoming an OFW or migrating to another country,
because being an OFW provides us with a better or more promising situation than the life
we are presently living in our third-world country. Despite the fact that other countries offer
higher salaries, allowing us to provide a better life for our own families, we choose to return
to our homeland, and this is a decision we have always made that is beyond unthinkable
because our love for our country lives in our hearts no matter where we are, showing our
compassion or nationalism as we always choose to return home, where we feel secure, our
zone of comfort, and the place where we can truly just be ourselves. . It is always the choice
of returning home or becoming a balikbayan that is important.

A place where we can truly just be ourselves.

Better or more promising situation

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