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To get maximum information about a candidate during a job interview, vary the types of questions you ask:


OPEN-ENDED • Start with "what," "how," "why," "When were you a member of a team?
"when," or "where" What was it like?"
• Invite long answers that
encourage the candidate to do
most of the talking

SELF-APPRAISAL • Require the candidate to give "What do you think led to your being
some thought to their selected to lead the task force?"
interpersonal skills and abilities
• Enable the candidate, rather than
you, to interpret the facts

ACCOMPLISHMENT • Provide evidence of the candidate's "What was a contribution you’ve made
demonstrated behavioral qualities to a team effort?"
• Help you learn why and how
something was accomplished
• Reveal a candidate's level of
involvement in the accomplishment

BROAD-BRUSH • Encourage the candidate to think "What can you tell me about your
about a big topic, choose an answer, experience as a project manager with
and organize their thoughts the fiber optics group?"

COMPARISON • Illuminate the candidate’s analytical "How would you compare working
and reasoning abilities with the fiber optics group to working
with the polymer group?"

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