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Biology Assessment G12T1 Maddison Kelly

Role of Development Genes in Evolution

Embryology provides different insights into the beginning of human life and the changes that
occur during prenatal development. It is very useful to help understand the causes of variations
in humans and it offers an understanding of normal development and malformation.

Genetic mutations are changes to your DNA sequences that happen during cell division when
your cells make copies of themselves.

Q. How does Genetic change occur

Genetic variations can arise from gene variants (also called mutations) or from a normal process
in which genetic material is rearranged as a cell is getting ready to divide (known as genetic
recombination). Genetic variations that alter gene activity or protein function can introduce
different traits in an organism. If a trait is advantageous and helps the individual survive and
reproduce, the genetic variation is more likely to be passed to the next generation(known as
natural selection). Over time, as generations of individuals with the trait continue to reproduce,
the advantageous trait becomes increasingly common in a population, making the population
different from an ancestral one.
Biology Assessment G12T1 Maddison Kelly

Q. What causes a mutation?

Genetic mutations are random changes in the DNA sequence that can be caused by
environmental factors or inherited at birth. Those acquired during your life by factors such as UV
light, X rays, cigarette smoke and copying mistakes during cell division are called somatic
mutations. These cannot be passed onto offspring as they occur after conception and in cells
other than the sperm or egg. Mutations can be caused by many things such as high-energy
sources such as radiation, chemicals in the environment. They can also appear spontaneously
during the replication of DNA. When letters in our DNA code are changed, it alters the
instructions in that genetic code, for better or worse. Genetic mutations mostly have no effect at
all. However, small changes can adversely impact health. For example, just one letter deleted or
changed can result in a damaged protein, extra protein, or no protein at all, all of which have
serious consequences. Genetic mutations which are inherited at birth are known as germline
mutations, as example is sickle cell anemia. Germline refers to mutations that occur in the
sperm and egg. This Genetic information is the source of all DNA for every cell in the body.

In both plants and Animals genetic change can be induced by genetic engineering in the
following ways: Artificial insemination and Artificial pollination.
Artificial insemination involves the assisted placement of a sperm into a female reproductive
tract in Animals. It be used for medical or agricultural purposes (e.g. cattle breeding)
Artificial pollination is the assisted transfer of pollen from the male part of a flower to the female
part of the flower's implants. It is used to selectively breed plants with desirable traits such as a
higher crop yield.
Biology Assessment G12T1 Maddison Kelly

Q. How do genetic technologies induce genetic change?

Gene technology not only gives us the potential to select the exact characteristics we want in an
organism, but it also enables us to cross species barriers. For example, we can take an
insecticide-producing gene from a bacterium and insert it into a plant. This plant will then
produce that insecticide itself, making the plant resistant to some pest insects. This new-found
ability to cross species barriers is what makes gene technology such a powerful tool. Instead of
adding new genetic material, genome editing introduces gene-editing tools that can change the
existing DNA in the cell. Genome editing technologies allow genetic material to be added,
removed, or altered at precise locations in the genome. In both plants and animals, genetic
change can be induced by genetic engineering. By stably integrating specific new genetic
material into the cells of target plant or animal species by using vectors. By microinjection, a
technique in which DNA can be directly injected in cells.

Q. How does genetic change affect evolution?

An organism's DNA affects how it looks, how it behaves, and its physiology. So a change in an
organism's DNA can cause rapid changes in all aspects of its life. Mutations are essential to
evolution. Without mutation, evolution could not occur.
Biology Assessment G12T1 Maddison Kelly

Q. What is cascade genetic testing?

Cascade genetic testing is the process of extending genetic testing to individuals at risk within a
family for inheriting a pathogenic variant previously identified in a biologic relative.This process
is repeated as more pathogenic variant carriers are identified within the family. Cascade genetic
testing is sometimes referred to as cascade screening, cascade genetic testing being the
preferred term.

In conclusion, understanding genetic factors and genetic disorders is important in learning more
about promoting health and preventing diseases. Some genetic changes have been associated
with an increased risk of having a child with a birth defect or development disability or
developing diseases such as cancer or heart disease. This will be a massive leap in human
evolution, ridding us of disease and making the human race even stronger, similarly like the
genetic mutations we have made in the food industry. The modifications that have been made
will in turn make us stronger and less susceptible to diseases.

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