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Botany MCQs

1. Virus was discovered by:D. Iwanowski.
2. The first virus to be crystallised was:Tobacco mosaic virus
3. Which of the following tissues widely used for culturing animal Viruses? Chorioallantoic membrane
4. The first virus to be discovered was:A Higher plant virus
5. The ineffective portion of viruses were first discovered by:Hershey and Chase
6. Viruses range in size from:2 nm to 100 nm
7. The smallest virus is the:Foot and mouth disease virus cattle.
8. The genetic material of plant viruses mostly is: RNA
9. Viroid is a:Spec of nucleic acid capable of multiplying in a host cell
10. Coliphage (¢) x 174 contains:Single stranded DNA.
11. The antiviral substance produced by many vertebrates in response to viral infection for resisting further infection is : Interferon
12. Wound tumour virus contains:Double stranded RNA
13. The viruses are known as:Free genes
14. Viruses are:Strictly parasitic
15. Howard M. Temin was awarded the Nobel prize for the discovery of:Reverse transcription in Rous Sarcoma virus
16. Coliphage ox 174 is a: Bacteriophage
17. Virus is not regarded as a cell,because:(a) It is inactive unless it finds a host to multiply
The genetic material does not replicate on its ówn
Most of the cellular activity is absent
All of the above
18. What is termed as reconstitution inviruses?The ability to recombine their constituents proteins and nucleic acids and become effective in affecting their host.
19. Viral DNA attach to.bacterial DNA is called:Provirus
20. Adenoviruses are:Naked DNA virusės
21. Mycoplasmas differ from viruses in being sensitive to: Tetracycline
22. Some viruses multiply as soon as they enter the host cell, resulting in the breakdown of the host cell. Such viruses are called:Lytic viruses
23. The viral Chromosome becomes Integrated with the host chromosomes is called prophage. Such viruses are called: Lysogenic viruses
24. The gene of viruses, responsible for abnormal growth and production of enormous amount of protein after integrating with the host cell, is called:Oncogene (gene
producing cancer)
25. The part of a virus which gives the hereditary integrity to it is known as:Nucleic acid
26. The site where proteins for the protein coat of the viruses are synthesised is the: Ribosome of host
27. The protein coat of viruses, which protects them from nucleases, is called : Capsid.
28. Bacteriophage is similar to the fungus in:Having DNA as genetic material.
29. In viruses, a perfect symmetry is found, due to the presence of protein subunits which are called:Capsomere
30. Animal viruses enter the host cell through the process of : Viropexis
31. Bacteria were first discovered by: A.V.Leeuwenhoek.
32. Bacteria bearing flagella all over the body are called: Peritrichous.
33. True nucleus is absent in:Bacteria
34. We can keep food for a longer duration in cold storage than in an ordinary cupboard because : Bacterial multiplication is reduced.
35. Streptomycin is produced by: Streptomyces griseus.
36. Streptomycin was first isolated by: S. Waksman
37. The microbiologist who disproved the theory of spontaneous generation was : Louis Pasteurb
38. A free living bacteria capable of fixing atmospheric nitrogen is: Azotobacter
39. By which one of the following is Co² Converted into carbohydrates? Rhodospirillum
40. The Comedy Star uniqueness of bacterial photosynthesis is that it can take place without: Visible Light
41. In bacteria respiratory enzyme are situated in the : Cell membrane.
42. A cell wall material present only in blue green algae and bacteria is: Muramic Acid.
43. The cell wall of gram positive bacteria is composed of: Peptidoglycans and lipids.
44. The archaebacteria can tolerate extremes of heat and PH due to:The presence of branched chain lipids in the cell-membrane
45. Which of the following is less resistant to antibiotics? Gram Positive Bacteria
46. Bacteria reproduce Asexually by means of: Fission
47. The main role of bacteria in retting of fibre is hydrolysis of: Pectic substances that bind the cells together
48. Food poisoning is caused by:Clostridium botulinum
49. The bacterium which reduces the fertility of soil is:Bacillus denitrificans.
50. Chloromycetin is obtained from: Streptomyces venezuelae
51. The sexual reproduction in bacteria was reported by: Lederberg and Tatum
52. The harmful poisonous substances produced by bacteria are called: Toxins
53. Diphtheria disease is caused by:Corynebacterium diphtheriae
54. Bacterial leaf blight' is a serious disease of: paddy
55. During conjugation in E. Coli: A part of the chromosome is usually transferred to the female bacterium in which it replaces the homologous part of DNA.
56. Genophore is the mime of: DNA of bacteria
57. There is no bacterial activity in which of the following processes? Ripening of cheese
58. True sexual reproduction does not take place in bacteria because : It causes the death of the donor cell
59. Genetic recombination in bacteria takes place by: conjunction transformation, transduction,
60. The portion of donor homologous to recipient DNA in a merozygote in a bacterium is called: Exogenite
61. Structurally the flagella of bacteria are unique in the sense that they: Are Monofibrillar
62. Crown-gall disease in plants is caused by: Agrobacterium tumefaciens

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