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9/21/22, 8:05 AM [Solved] "Mission Niryatak Bano" campaign to promote aspiri

Mission Niryatak Bano -

It was launched on July 28th, 2021.

The Rajasthan government’s industries department and the Rajasthan State Industrial
Development and Investment Corporation (RIICO) have launched the ‘Mission Niryatak
Bano’ campaign to promote aspiring exporters in the state.
The campaign is aimed at registering and handholding the local traders willing to expand
their business to foreign countries, in six steps.
This shall cover assistance from training, securing necessary documentation, registration in
Rajasthan Export Promotion Council and even support in exports and trade operations.
Many of these products hold quality and demand in international markets.
By handholding the local businessmen the mission shall help increase the total exports from
Rajasthan and increase job opportunities in the state.
Along with traditional handicrafts and products, many new industries producing quality products
are coming up in the state the supporting policies of the Rajasthan Government. was launched on July,aspiring… 1/1

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